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笑破铁幕 Top Secret!中英字幕预览
1 00:00:19 [东德]
2 00:01:23 [东德最高司令部]
3 00:01:33 我们已经加强了安全措施Security has been tightened throughout the country.
4 00:01:37 所有边境全面戒备All borders have been placed on full alert.
5 00:01:39 出境签证也已经停止了一个星期Exit visas have been suspended for the entire week.
6 00:01:43 此外 我们也要保护我们的密探在西方的安全In addition
7 00:01:48 我们的行动迄今未被发现that our actions to date have gone completely undetected.
8 00:01:53 所有军人休假都已取消All military leaves have been cancelled
9 00:01:54 [英国间谍从特快上逃走]All military leaves have been cancelled
10 00:01:56 我们已经加强了对弗莱玛德博士的警戒and we have doubled the guard around Dr. Flammond.
11 00:01:59 对北极星水雷的部署一切准备就绪Finally
12 00:02:02 [找到他 杀了他]Finally
13 00:02:03 对北极星水雷的部署一切准备就绪for deployment of the Polaris Mine.
14 00:02:06 - 一切谨遵你的命令 斯崔克将军 - 做得好 冯·霍斯特- As you ordered
15 00:02:11 星期天 北约潜艇舰队将在这里演习By Sunday
16 00:02:15 十分容易受到攻击on their manoeuvres
17 00:02:20 卡博少校 声东击西计划进展如何?Major Crumpler
18 00:02:24 文化节日程已作了安排 将军先生The schedule for the cultural festival is now complete
19 00:02:29 您应该高兴 在您的邀请下You should be pleased to note
20 00:02:33 苏联已同意派著名男高音弗拉基米尔·勒尼喀参与表演the Soviets have agreed to send their celebrated tenor
21 00:02:37 做得好 少校先生。那么一切都在计划中?Well done
22 00:02:43 不完全是 亲爱的将军Well
23 00:02:47 令人遗憾的是美国人伦纳德·伯恩斯坦不能来The American
24 00:02:51 但是他们将派另一个艺人参加这次活动But
25 00:02:54 事实上 我们刚收到他的一张新唱片In fact
26 00:02:59 他的名字是...尼克·瑞斯His name is...Nick Rivers.
27 00:03:03 我敢肯定他完全行I'm sure he will be quite adequate.
28 00:03:06 只要世界关注我们的文化节As long as the world's attention is fixed on our cultural festival
29 00:03:09 没有人会知道将发生什么no one will know what is about to happen.
30 00:03:13 德国将再次按我们的规则形成整体!Once again
31 00:03:19 星期天之后 任何人都阻止不了我们After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
32 00:03:44 片名:笑破铁幕After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
33 00:04:05 主演:方·基默After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
34 00:05:17 [尼克·瑞斯在冲浪双向飞碟赛事位居首位]After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
35 00:05:21 [摇滚乐坛最杰出的歌手]After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
36 00:05:55 [尼克·瑞斯今晚下塌麦迪逊广场花园中心]After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
37 00:06:02 [瑞斯参加东德文化节演出]After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
38 00:06:12 导演:吉姆·亚伯拉罕斯 大卫·扎克 杰瑞·扎克After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
39 00:06:16 (德语/英语教学)After Sunday there will be no one to stop us.
40 00:06:17 一支笔A pen.
41 00:06:20 一张桌子A table.
42 00:06:25 一张桌子A table.
43 00:06:30 笔在桌子上The pen is on the table.
44 00:06:43 我的皮短裤里有酸泡菜There is sauerkraut in my lederhosen.
45 00:06:49 进来Come in.
46 00:06:51 (德语)Come in.
47 00:06:58 他说什么?What did he say?
48 00:07:01 我想我们到了东德关卡I think we're at the East German checkpoint.
49 00:07:04 最好把护照准备好Better have our passports ready.
50 00:07:06 这是这个国家第一次允许摇滚乐表演This is the first time rock music has been allowed in this country.
51 00:07:10 你不只是一个演员 你还是代表美国的大使You're not just a performer. You're an ambassador representing America.
52 00:07:15 最重要的是我们要遵守他们的游戏规则And above all
53 00:07:17 马丁 我一直在练习。听听怎样?Martin
54 00:07:24 - 是什么意思? - 你女儿18岁?- What does that mean? - Is your daughter 18?
55 00:07:32 请出示你们的证件Your papers
56 00:07:41 尼克·瑞斯先生Mr Nick Rivers.
57 00:07:43 我们一直在等待美国著名歌手的到来We have been awaiting the arrival of the famous American singer.
58 00:07:59 - 他们带他去哪里? - 不会带他去任何地方- Where are they taking him? - They are not taking him anywhere.
59 00:08:09 别让你的美国好奇心引来麻烦Do not let your American curiosity lead you into trouble.
60 00:08:13 你之所以是这里的客人 只是因为你符合我们的需要You are a guest here
61 00:08:18 在逗留期间 别多管闭事才是明智之举I suggest that during your stay
62 00:08:27 日安Good day.
63 00:08:36 你究竟对他说了什么?What the hell did you say to him?
64 00:08:38 我只是告诉他要把他的名字列在蒙哥马利·沃德(美国著名百货公司)的邮购目录上I just told him I'd put his name on the Montgomery Ward mailing list.
65 00:08:45 我很抱歉 他只是有点累了I'm sorry. He's just a little tired from the trip.
66 00:08:48 通常他不会说...Normally he wouldn't say...
67 00:08:52 注意你的言行 瑞斯先生Your attitude is being noted
68 00:09:04 如果那是一个大使的想法 我们就有麻烦了If that was your idea of being an ambassador
69 00:09:55 我想要髯狗和维也纳炸牛排I want a schnauzer with my Wiener schnitzel.
70 00:10:48 世界各地的来宾们from all over the world as our guests
71 00:10:51 为表达我们的谢意we wish to express our appreciation
72 00:10:54 我们将把我们城市的钥匙送给你们by offering to you these keys to our city
73 00:10:56 由我们东德女子奥运代表队赠与你们which will be presented by our East German Women's Olympic Team.
74 00:11:23 今晚 我们在音乐厅举行盛会Tonight
75 00:11:29 届时卓越的贝尔杰罗内女士和她的芭蕾舞团where the distinguished Madam Bergerone and her ballet company
76 00:11:33 将演出"胡桃夹子"组曲will perform "The Nutcracker Suite".
77 00:11:37 纪念品、小饰品、整人玩具Souvenirs. Novelties. Party tricks.
78 00:11:43 纪念品、小饰品、整人玩具Souvenirs. Novelties. Party tricks.
79 00:11:54 你认识优秀的白人篮球运动员吗?Do you know any good white basketball players?
80 00:11:57 我不认识什么优秀的白人篮球运动员 我的朋友There are no good white basketball players
81 00:12:01 我在柏林特快上遇到了麻烦There was trouble on the Berlin Express.
82 00:12:04 他们知道我在那列火车上They knew I was on that train.
83 00:12:07 我们怀疑抵抗组织内部有叛徒We suspect there is a traitor somewhere in the Resistance.
84 00:12:12 尽管危险重重 但我们必须进行下去We must proceed nonetheless. There is too much at stake.
85 00:12:16 闻闻这花 一定会在聚会上逗乐观众的Here
86 00:12:25 不错吧。德国人正在策划什么事情It's very good. The German's are planning something.
87 00:12:29 时间不多了Time is running out.
88 00:12:31 你查到弗莱玛德博士在哪里了吗?Have you found out where Dr. Flammond is being kept?
89 00:12:35 瞧 这是我们最受欢迎的Here
90 00:12:43 非常好That's very good.
91 00:12:45 我们不知道弗莱玛德博士被关在哪里We do not know where they are keeping Dr. Flammond.
92 00:12:49 只知道他们在强迫他制造一种新武器Only that they are forcing him to build a new weapon.
93 00:12:52 我的指示是什么?What are my instructions?
94 00:12:55 试试 这会使你在社交场所倍受欢迎Here
95 00:13:04 你今晚去看芭蕾舞表演 这是门票Go tonight to the ballet. Use this ticket.
96 00:13:09 你将见到抵抗组织的领导人 此人以"火炬"著称You will meet the leader of the Resistance
97 00:13:13 见面前 在霍华德·约翰逊家等待Until then
98 00:13:15 就在约尔街和戈培尔·普莱逊街相交处on the corner of Der Fuhrer Strasse and Goebbels Platzen.
99 00:13:18 祝你好运 愿上帝与你同在Good luck
100 00:13:21 等等 你的热狗道具掉了Wait. You dropped your phoney dog pooh.
101 00:13:25 什么热狗道具?What phoney dog pooh?
102 00:13:27 纪念品、小饰品、整人玩具Souvenirs. Novelties. Party tricks.
103 00:13:34 现在仪式结束And now we conclude our ceremony
104 00:13:37 我们高歌民主德国国歌with the singing of our East German National Anthem.
105 00:13:42 致敬 东德HAIL
106 00:13:45 葡萄树和葡萄的国土LAND OF VINE AND GRAPE
107 00:13:49 令你悲伤的国土LAND WHERE YOU'LL REGRET
108 00:13:54 你曾要逃离AND TRY TO ESCAPE
111 00:14:02 即使你逃过电网THE GUARDS WILL KILL YOU
113 00:14:15 司机 为什么停在这里?这并不是霍华德·约翰逊家Driver
114 00:15:09 晚上好 一张两人餐桌 名字是瑞斯Good evening. A table for two
115 00:15:13 啊 瑞斯先生Ah
116 00:15:15 找到了 但去餐厅要求穿西服 系领带I have it right here
117 00:15:22 我们非常乐意向你提供We will be very happy to provide you with one.
118 00:15:25 那太好了That'll be fine.
119 00:15:27 朱尔根Jurgen.
120 00:15:31 这边请 先生This way
121 00:15:36 斯崔克将军 勒尼喀同志General Streck
122 00:15:39 - 我为你们准备好了餐桌 - 非常好 海因茨- I have your table ready for you. - Very good
123 00:15:44 勒尼喀同志在盛会上地位很高As you know
124 00:15:48 我们希望给予他一切礼遇We wish to afford him every courtesy.
125 00:15:50 毫无疑问 亲爱的将军But of course
126 00:15:52 或许可以说服勒尼喀同志今晚为我们演唱Perhaps Comrade Biletnikov could be persuaded to sing for us this evening.
127 00:15:58 我一定尽心服务I will take care of it.
128 00:16:08 谢谢Thank you.
129 00:16:13 尼克 抱歉 我不能与你一道晚餐了Nick
130 00:16:16 我喉咙痛 想早点睡觉I'm coming down with a sore throat. So
131 00:16:20 别忘了 8:30去剧院Don't forget to be at the theatre at 8:30.
132 00:16:25 - 这根本没有用 - 马丁 别担心- This doesn't help at all. - Don't worry
133 00:16:27 为什么不睡会儿?有什么事吗?Why don't you get some sleep? Is there anything you need?
134 00:16:30 没有 我只是想确定你拿到了新乐谱No. I just wanted to make sure you got those new arrangements.
135 00:16:34 拿到了I got them right here.
136 00:16:36 对了 按照他们的提议 我为你点了84年的"白浪"By the way
137 00:16:42 - 很好吧 - 谢谢你- It's very good. - Thanks.
138 00:17:14 在弗吉尼亚健身赛上 你看好谁?Who do you favour in the Virginia Slims Tournament?
139 00:17:17 在女子网球中 我一贯反对异性In women's tennis
140 00:17:21 有塞德里克的消息吗?Have you heard from Cedric?
141 00:17:24 他就在这里 在你的房间等着见你He was just here. Wait in your hotel room. He will meet you there.
142 00:17:27 这封信在星期二前必须送到纽约This letter has to be in New York by Tuesday.
143 00:17:31 快走 快点Now
144 00:18:08 对不起 小姐 今晚只接待文化节的来宾I'm sorry
145 00:18:18 你的"白浪" 先生Your Ripple Blanc
146 00:18:45 朱尔根 送这位小姐出去Jurgen
147 00:18:51 对不起 这位女士和我是一起的Excuse me
148 00:18:55 瑞斯先生 请原谅 小姐Mr Rivers
149 00:18:59 亲爱的 你先请。你来的刚好After you
150 00:19:03 你看上去比以前更可爱了I don't think I've ever seen you looking so lovely.
151 00:19:11 - 谢谢 你太好了 - 那是我的荣幸- Thank you
152 00:19:15 我正好缺一个舞伴I was looking for someone to dance with.
153 00:19:18 - 你是美国人 - 没错- You're an American. - That's right.
154 00:19:21 - 我叔叔就是在美国出生的 - 真的吗?- My uncle was born in America. - Really?
155 00:19:25 他是幸运者中的一个But he was one of the lucky ones.
156 00:19:28 在吉米·卡特总统任职期 他乘气球逃走的He managed to escape in a balloon during the Jimmy Carter presidency.
157 00:19:33 - 他一定有许多故事 - 是的- I bet he's got a lot of great stories. - Yes!
158 00:19:36 他一直跟我说那些高级住房和豪华汽车He would tell me about the large houses and expensive cars.
159 00:19:40 美国年轻人怎么浪费时间看电视 听摇滚乐How young people waste time watching television and listening to rock and roll.
160 00:19:45 - 看电视怎么了? - 并非所有电视- What's wrong with television? - Not all television.
161 00:19:48 “MASH” “玛丽·泰勒·摩尔秀”就没问题"M*A*S*H" was OK and the "Mary Tyler Moore Show".
162 00:19:51 似乎美国的年轻人理应享受自由It just seems like young people of America take freedom for granted.
163 00:19:55 我认为你这么说很不公平Wait. I don't think you're being fair.
164 00:19:57 我的历史课在费城花了整整一周My history class once spent an entire week in Philadelphia.
165 00:20:01 你也许能谈论你想要的自由Maybe so. You can talk about freedom all you want
166 00:20:05 但仍然不知道该怎样去争取but still don't know what it's like to have to fight for it.
167 00:20:31 或许我所说的没有道理Perhaps my lecture was unwarranted.
168 00:20:33 我很感激你的帮助I am grateful for what you did back there.
169 00:20:36 你真的喜欢美国。我们有独立钟You'd really like America. We've got the Liberty Bell
170 00:20:39 两岸都有迪斯尼乐园Disneyland on both coasts. It's happening.
171 00:20:42 抱歉 我真的不懂德语I'm sorry. I really don't know any German.
172 00:20:46 没关系 我会一点德语。他正坐在那里That's all right. I know a little German. He's sitting over there.
173 00:20:55 有什么推荐?What do you recommend?
174 00:20:57 猪肚子I recommend the pork bellies
175 00:20:59 腌汁泡的小块猪内脏marinated in diced pig entrails
176 00:21:02 还有烤肘子or the roast swine knuckles
177 00:21:05 火烧水煮肉丸poached with flaming hog balls.
178 00:21:11 都不错Anything's fine.
179 00:21:17 - 谢谢你... - 希拉里- Thank you... - Hillary.
180 00:21:20 是一个不平常的名字That's an unusual name.
181 00:21:23 是德语名字 意思是胸怀叛逆It's German. It means
182 00:21:32 很高兴见到你 我是尼克Pleased to meet you. My name's Nick.
183 00:21:35 尼克是什么意思?Nick
184 00:21:38 没社么意思 我爸爸刮脸时想到的Nothing. My dad thought of it while he was shaving.
185 00:21:46 警察在找你麻烦?Are you in some kind of trouble with the police?
186 00:21:50 有些事情最好暂且不提Some things are better left unsaid.
187 00:21:53 哦 哪方面?Like what?
188 00:21:55 有时你用纸巾擦完鼻子又将纸巾塞进你的钱包Sometimes when you blow your nose into a tissue and put it in your purse.
189 00:22:02 然后你伸手去拿口红 手却摸到纸巾 到处...Then you reach for your lipstick
190 00:22:08 你说得对 有些事情最好暂且不提You're right. Some things are better left unsaid.
191 00:22:15 非常感谢Thank you very much.
192 00:22:18 女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen.
193 00:22:20 今晚我们有幸请到一位歌手We are fortunate to have with us tonight
194 00:22:26 他的天才之处只有他对国家的热爱才能超越whose great talent is exceeded only by his devotion to his country.
195 00:22:30 他极具歌唱天赋He truly has the gift of song.
196 00:22:33 金嗓子 受神灵启示的天才...A golden voice. Inspired talent and...
197 00:22:36 有什么问题吗?Is there something wrong?
198 00:22:39 我担心可能会这样I was afraid this might happen.
199 00:22:41 最高司令部的斯崔克将军是他狂热的崇拜者General Streck of the High Command is a most fervent admirer
200 00:22:46 还拥有他的成套作品and owns a complete set of his works.
201 00:22:50 他是一个很害羞又文雅的人He is a very shy and gentle man
202 00:22:53 但我们能相信他会为我们唱歌but perhaps we could persuade him to sing for us.
203 00:22:57 要问问他吗?Shall we ask him?
204 00:23:04 最好如他们的愿 我答应了我的经纪人I better do what they want. I promised my manager.
205 00:23:22 谢谢你 先生Thank you
206 00:23:26 注意第二同声的变化Watch the change in the second chorus.
207 00:23:29 噢 我的上帝Oh
208 00:25:46 你要的肉丸 先生Your hog balls
209 00:26:06 塞德里克Cedric!
210 00:26:20 - 他们对你做了什么? - 是一个陷阱- What have they done to you? - It was a trap!
211 00:26:23 他们一定知道我呆在霍华德·约翰逊家They must have known I was staying at the Howard Johnson's.
212 00:26:27 - 是谁呢? - 别管了- But who did this? - Never mind about that.
213 00:26:30 我们必须营救你父亲 否则就迟了We've got to rescue your father before it's too late.
214 00:26:33 但是我们要怎么做?But what are we going to do?
215 00:26:36 我...I was...
216 00:26:39 今晚要去看芭蕾舞表演...supposed to go to the ballet tonight
217 00:26:42 见一个叫"火炬"的人to meet a man called "The Torch".
218 00:26:45 谢谢Thank you.
219 00:26:46 他是抵抗组织的领导人 他会帮助我们找到你父亲He's the leader of the Resistance. He'll help us find your father.
220 00:26:50 - 我要去 - 不 你不能去 太危险- I'll go. - No
221 00:26:54 我必须去!他在受折磨I must! He'll be tortured.
222 00:26:57 好吧 但是看芭蕾舞时要小心All right
223 00:27:00 票呢?Where is the ticket?
224 00:27:03 在车把手上In the glove compartment.
225 00:27:05 能从里面拿到吗?Can you reach it from the inside?
226 00:27:10 用另一只手呢?How about the other hand?
227 00:27:17 不 那不行 让我试试No
228 00:27:24 拿到了Here it is.
229 00:29:22 走吧 我们得离开Come on
230 00:29:25 - 我们不应该等警察吗? - 他就是警察- Shouldn't we wait for the police? - That was the police!
231 00:29:36 来这里In here.
232 00:29:46 我们可以从这里出去We can get out this way.
233 00:29:48 - 等等 你先得解释 - 我不能确定- Wait. First you can explain. - I'm not sure I can.
234 00:29:58 我只知道我使你处境非常危险I only know I have put you in great danger.
235 00:30:01 相信我 你必须跟我走Trust me. You must come with me.
236 00:30:03 我不知道你有什么麻烦 但是别担心我I don't know what trouble you're in
237 00:30:07 我是政府的贵宾 我可以解释一切I'm a guest of the government. I can explain everything.
238 00:30:10 但是你错了 他们会把你...But you're mistaken. They'll put you in...
239 00:30:14 你还是走吧 他们奈何不了我Go while you still can. They can't do anything to me.
240 00:30:42 马丁 真高兴见到你。我已经在这里待了20分钟了Martin
241 00:30:51 尼克 我尽了一切Nick
242 00:30:55 大使馆 德国政府 领事馆The Embassy
243 00:30:58 我甚至和联合国大使谈过 都没用I even talked to the UN Ambassador. It's no use.
244 00:31:02 我就是无法使我的妻子达到性高潮I just can't bring my wife to orgasm.
245 00:31:07 那太羞耻了 马丁That's a shame
246 00:31:10 你试过这个吗?Have you tried one of these?
247 00:31:14 [性福靠右手]Have you tried one of these?
248 00:31:17 谢谢 我会试试Thanks. I'll give it a whirl.
249 00:31:21 我很担心这个地方。我不认为他们会遵守审讯条例I'm getting worried about this place. I don't think they've even heard of a trial.
250 00:31:27 你昨晚离开咖啡馆后 我遇见了一个女孩All I know is
251 00:31:30 过后她独自一人在看芭蕾舞Later at the ballet she was alone.
252 00:31:33 然后我看见那个人用枪指着她Then I see this guy with a gun at her head.
253 00:31:36 如果我没有进去 他可能要杀死她He's looking like he's gonna kill her and might have if I hadn't stepped in.
254 00:31:40 你可以叫人来澄清呀There's got to be someone you can call
255 00:31:45 你在周五晚上有个演唱会 估计他们必须让你出去I figure they've got to let you out for your concert
256 00:31:49 他们要通过卫星向85个国家实况转播They're beaming it live by satellite to 85 countries.
257 00:31:52 尽管放松 这没什么好担心的Just relax and remember
258 00:32:42 阿门Amen.
259 00:32:52 我们希望给你留下深刻印象 瑞斯先生We wish to impress upon you
260 00:32:55 对付那些不合作的人 我们很有办法that we have methods of dealing with those who will not cooperate.
261 00:32:59 最后一次问你 为什么攻击克鲁格警官?For the last time
262 00:33:03 我不知道他是谁 我只看见他用枪指着一个女孩I didn't know who it was. I just saw him pull a gun on a girl.
263 00:33:07 瑞斯先生 我提醒你谋杀罪的处罚是枪决Might I remind you
264 00:33:13 但愿克鲁格警官没事Let us hope for your sake that Sergeant Kruger survives.
265 00:33:21 医院打来的 亲爱的将军It is the hospital
266 00:33:24 克鲁格警官的情况怎样?What is the condition of Sergeant Kruger?
267 00:33:28 我明白 他的情况是否有变化I see. Let me know if there is any change in his condition.
268 00:33:35 他死了He is dead.
269 00:33:41 你让我别无选择 我来介绍两名同事You leave me no alternative
270 00:33:47 布鲁诺几乎失明 一切靠触觉行动Bruno is almost blind. He has to operate wholly by touch.
271 00:33:52 克劳斯是白痴 只知道看"纽约邮报"Klaus is a moron
272 00:33:56 我相信他们决不会使一个人失去意识I believe they never let a man lose consciousness
273 00:34:00 即使他们长时间折磨一个人however long they may work on him.
274 00:34:02 别吓唬我You don't scare me.
275 00:34:04 我的经纪人正去美国领事馆My manager is on his way to the American Consulate.
276 00:34:07 瑞斯先生 别那么肯定Do not be so sure
277 00:34:10 显然 你的朋友没意识到Evidently
278 00:34:12 在东德 我们使用的是220伏的电源that here in East Germany we use 220 volt current.
279 00:34:16 在他的房间 他被这带电的玩意缠住He was found in his hotel room impaled on a large electrical device.
280 00:34:21 我们的外科医生用尽了一切办法Our surgeons did what they could
281 00:34:23 花了两个小时才使他的傻笑消失but it took them two hours just to get the smile off his face.
282 00:34:30 也许美国人选择了重新考虑Perhaps the American has chosen to reconsider.
283 00:34:44 确保不留下任何痕迹Make sure they leave no marks.
284 00:35:12 知道期末化学考试在哪里举行吗?Do you know which room the final chemistry exam is in?
285 00:35:15 所有的考试都结束了 你没有去教室?All the exams are over. Haven't you been to class?
286 00:35:19 - 没有 - 这是期末- No. - But it's the end of the semester.
287 00:35:22 不 我还没学习。噢 不 我回到学校了No
288 00:35:28 真不敢相信我回到了学校I can't believe I'm back in school.
289 00:35:34 感谢上帝Thank God.
290 00:35:41 怎么?Well?
291 00:35:42 他们仍在折磨他 可他没有屈服They're still working on him. He won't break.
292 00:35:46 他们尝试过了一切手段They've tried everything.
293 00:35:48 要我表现雷若伊·尼曼绘画艺术吗?Do you want me to bring out the LeRoy Neiman paintings?
294 00:35:51 我们不能违反日内瓦公约No. We cannot risk violating the Geneva Convention.
295 00:35:55 明天一定会让他屈服的We'll break him tomorrow.
296 00:37:17 你是谁?来这里干什么?Who are you? What are you doing here?
297 00:37:19 我叫尼克·瑞斯 你是谁?My name is Nick Rivers. Who are you?
298 00:37:23 我是保罗·弗莱玛德博士 和你一样是囚犯I am Dr. Paul Flammond. I am a prisoner here
299 00:37:29 一年前 我接近于完善A year ago
300 00:37:33 首个磁性脱盐处理器the first magnetic desalinisation process.
301 00:37:36 它一天就能淡化超过500万加仑的海水So revolutionary
302 00:37:40 它一天就能淡化超过500万加仑的海水from over 500 million gallons of sea water a day.
303 00:37:44 你是否明白这对地球上挨饿的民族意味着什么?Do you realise what that could mean to the starving nations of the earth?
304 00:37:50 他们永远将有足够食用的盐They'd have enough salt to last forever.
305 00:37:54 然而一个晚上 秘密警察闯进我家But then one night
306 00:37:57 洗劫了我的实验室 把我和家人分离They tore me from my family
307 00:38:01 带我到这个地牢and brought me to this dungeon.
308 00:38:03 真可恶That sucks!
309 00:38:05 在我的人生中 我第一次For the first time in my life
310 00:38:08 - 以作为一位科学家为感到羞耻 - 什么意思?- I am ashamed of being a scientist. - What do you mean?
311 00:38:12 他们逼我制造一种可怕的武器They are forcing me to create a horrible weapon.
312 00:38:17 - 你不能拒绝吗? - 我希望我能- Can't you refuse? - I wish I could.
313 00:38:20 但他们扣留了我的女儿But they are holding my daughter.
314 00:38:23 除非我在星期天前完成北极星水雷 否则他们会杀了她They'll kill her unless I complete the Polaris Mine by Sunday.
315 00:38:28 星期天?那天是诵经节Sunday? That's Simchas Torah.
316 00:38:31 那天北约潜艇舰队将会And the day the entire NATO submarine fleet
317 00:38:34 通过直布罗陀海峡passes through the Straits of Gibraltar.
318 00:38:37 这就是北极星水雷?Is this the Polaris mine?
319 00:38:39 是的 星期天我将装上一个核弹头Yes. By Sunday I will be able to arm it with a nuclear warhead.
320 00:38:44 - 如何工作? - 这是一种磁性水雷- How does it work? - It is a magnetic mine
321 00:38:47 磁力很强大 能将把数英里之外的潜艇吸过来so powerful it will attract itself to submarines miles away.
322 00:38:52 - 怎么可能? - 噢 不- How about that? - Oh
323 00:39:03 快走吧 如果他们发现你见过这个 你的生命就没有价值了Go quickly. If they find out you've seen this
324 00:39:07 甚至还不如棉球厂的一车死耗子有价值than a truck load of dead rats in a tampon factory.
325 00:39:20 立刻Right away.
326 00:39:21 - 冯·霍斯特! - 是 亲爱的将军- Von Horst! - Ja
327 00:39:24 政府希望避免发生国际纠纷The government wishes to avoid an international incident.
328 00:39:27 瑞斯先生今晚必须出演他的演唱会Mr Rivers must perform his concert tonight.
329 00:39:30 但是他马上就要被处决了He is to be executed this very minute.
330 00:39:33 - 叫他们立即停止行刑 - 是 亲爱的将军- It'll have to wait. Call them at once. - Ja
331 00:44:14 这些自行车Those bikes!
332 00:44:30 没有任何借口!再搜寻道路That is no excuse! Search the road again!
333 00:44:43 他们在东区They're in the Eastern sector.
334 00:44:45 我要封闭整个地区I want the whole area sealed off!
335 00:45:05 这附近有一家旧书店There's a used book store somewhere around here.
336 00:45:08 老板是抵抗组织成员The owner is a member of the Resistance.
337 00:45:10 - 如果能够找到他... - 抵抗组织?且慢- If we can find him... - Resistance? Wait a minute.
338 00:45:14 你不觉得该说说这究竟是怎么一回事吗?Don't you think it's about time you told what this is all about?
339 00:45:19 很抱歉 我确实应该解释清楚I'm sorry
340 00:45:22 一年前 我在蓝宝大学教黑人历史Only a year ago I was teaching a course in black history
341 00:45:27 一年前 我在蓝宝大学教黑人历史at the University of Blaupunkt.
342 00:45:30 一天晚上 我回家发现我父亲被秘密警察逮捕One night
343 00:45:36 从那以后我一直在找他I've been trying to find him ever since.
344 00:45:40 等等 你是说弗莱玛德博士Wait a minute. That's Dr. Flammond.
345 00:45:43 我昨天在弗根多监狱见过他I saw him yesterday in Flurgendorf Prison.
346 00:45:46 弗根多监狱?他好吗?Flurgendorf Prison? Is he all right?
347 00:45:48 - 他看起来很好 - 感谢上帝 他没事- He looks fine. - Thank God
348 00:45:51 我们必须把这个情况告诉抵抗组织We must get this information to the Resistance.
349 00:45:54 - 也许他们可以帮助我们 - 走吧- Maybe they can help us. - Let's go.
350 00:46:38 就是这里 一家瑞典书店There it is. It's a Swedish book store.
351 00:47:02 我能为你做些什么?May I help you?
352 00:47:05 我父亲是保罗·弗莱玛德博士My father is Dr. Paul Flammond
353 00:47:07 抱歉 我不认识弗莱玛德博士I'm sorry. I don't know a Dr. Flammond.
354 00:47:12 他告诉我 你有一本冯·贝圣的瑞典语诗歌集He told me you may have a book of Swedish poems by Von Brieson.
355 00:47:18 那么你是希拉里·弗莱玛德So you are Hillary Flammond!
356 00:47:25 我能为你做什么?What can I do for you?
357 00:47:30 我们必须和"火炬"谈谈We must speak with "The Torch".
358 00:47:32 这非常难That will be very difficult.
359 00:47:42 但我会设法安排But I will try to arrange it.
360 00:47:46 今晚我们能留下吗?Can we leave tonight?
361 00:47:52 夜晚出行太危险了It is too dangerous to travel at night.
362 00:47:58 你们可以呆到明早 然后去佩提托农场You will be taken in the morning to a potato farm.
363 00:48:01 我们在哪里过夜?Where can we stay tonight?
364 00:48:03 上面有一间阁楼There is a loft upstairs.
365 00:48:05 可以用消防杆上去You can use that fire pole.
366 00:48:21 不要觉得这很糟糕 许多人都有第一次That's OK. Don't feel bad. It happens to lots of men the first time.
367 00:48:28 请放松 我为你倒一杯饮料Just relax. I'll pour you a drink.
368 00:48:30 我们可以再试试几个小时We can always try again in a couple of hours
369 00:48:33 她躺在他身边爱抚着他的胸膛说she said
370 00:48:37 你相信他们出版的无聊作品吗?Can you believe they print this trash?
371 00:48:40 别理它了 能说说你的童年吗?Don't worry about it. You were going to tell me something about your childhood.
372 00:48:46 我还是小女孩时When I was a young girl
373 00:48:49 叔叔带我去热带航行my uncle took me on a tropical cruise.
374 00:48:52 但是我们遇到了可怕的风暴But there was a terrible storm
375 00:48:54 船沉了and the boat sank.
376 00:48:56 我设法游泳到一个荒岛上I managed to swim to a deserted island
377 00:48:59 还有一个叫奈杰尔的小伙子with a young boy
378 00:49:01 我们一起学习生存Together we had to learn to survive.
379 00:49:07 所幸海洋提供了恩惠Fortunately the ocean provided its bounty
380 00:49:09 奈杰尔每天去捕捞which Nigel would catch every day.
381 00:49:12 我就在陆地搜寻水果、蔬菜Later
382 00:49:16 我找遍了全岛的树木和灌木丛from the endless varieties of trees and bushes all over the island.
383 00:49:20 我们砍棕榈叶 用干海草来绑竹子We busied ourselves chopping palm fronds and lacing them to bamboo
384 00:49:24 我们搭建了一个房子with dried seaweed and snot.
385 00:49:27 这不仅为我们提供了安全避雨的场所This not only provided us with a safe haven from the rain.
386 00:49:30 还可以躲避无情的圣塔安那风暴but sheltered us from the relentless Santa Ana winds
387 00:49:33 风暴定期肆虐那座岛which would periodically ravage the island.
388 00:49:36 几年过去了 我们长大了The years passed and as we grew up
389 00:49:39 我们开始注意到我们之间奇异的新感觉we began to notice strange new feelings awakening in us.
390 00:49:44 但这里不可能有人来解释一下There was no one around to explain this.
391 00:49:46 我们必须自己学习We had to learn by ourselves.
392 00:50:19 有一天他去捕鱼Then one day he went fishing.
393 00:50:22 那是我最后一次见到奈杰尔That was the last I ever saw of Nigel.
394 00:50:25 我独自在岛上度过了数月I spent months by myself on that island
395 00:50:28 直到被路过的船只营救until I was finally rescued by a passing ship.
396 00:50:32 我永远不会忘记那份沉重的感觉I'll never forget my feeling of relief.
397 00:50:35 你是不会想象那种感受的You can't imagine what it's like
398 00:50:37 那么小的年纪就与家人分开了to be separated from your family
399 00:50:39 那么小的年纪就与家人分开了at such a young age.
400 00:50:41 我认为我能想象I think I can.
401 00:50:47 我6岁时 妈妈带我来到市区When I was about six years old
402 00:50:52 我们去一个很大很旧的百货商店买东西 但是我迷路了We went to one of those big old department stores
403 00:50:56 他们试图呼叫她They tried to page her
404 00:50:59 但扩音系统出了故障but the PA system was on the fritz.
405 00:51:03 我再也没有见到妈妈I never saw my momma again.
406 00:51:06 化妆品部的一些人Some people from the cosmetics department
407 00:51:09 给了我一碗汤和一些面包fed me a bowl of soup and some bread.
408 00:51:11 这样的日子持续了几周Days stretched into weeks.
409 00:51:14 在每半年度林肯生日贱卖期One February they got jammed up
410 00:51:16 其中2月份 他们遇到了麻烦during the semi-annual Lincoln's birthday sale.
411 00:51:19 他们要我去妇幼部帮忙They asked me to help out in Pre-Teen Maternity.
412 00:51:24 一天 我无意中听到职员的谈话Then one day I overheard a conversation in personnel
413 00:51:26 说他们需要新的电台广告about them needing a new jingle for their radio ad.
414 00:51:30 于是我拿起吉他 写下一首曲子So I picked up my guitar and I wrote down a tune
415 00:51:33 那首曲子一直在我脑海里酝酿that had been mulling and creeping and crawling around in my head.
416 00:51:38 就像这样It went something like this.
417 00:52:54 噢 尼克Oh
418 00:53:41 到了All right
419 00:53:43 我得走了I must leave you here.
420 00:53:47 马上就走 快点Go now
421 00:53:52 - 它没事吧? - 前些日子着凉了- Is he all right? - He caught a cold the other day.
422 00:53:55 只是有点沙哑He's just a little hoarse.
423 00:53:57 吆嘿 马里奥Giddy-up
424 00:54:12 - 干嘛? - 这是佩提托农场吗?- Yes? - Is this the potato farm?
425 00:54:15 是啊 我是艾伯特·佩提托 你是谁?Yes
426 00:54:19 斯文·乔根森介绍我们来的We were sent by Sven Jorgensen.
427 00:54:26 进来吧Come this way.
428 00:54:54 - 你们想干什么? - 我们想见"火炬"- What do you want? - We wanna see "The Torch".
429 00:54:59 任何人都不允许见"火炬"No one is allowed to see "The Torch".
430 00:55:02 但是我们有重要消息 关于我父亲保罗·弗莱玛德博士But we have important information about my father
431 00:55:08 我们会弄清楚的We shall see.
432 00:55:23 - 奈杰尔 - 希拉里- Nigel! - Hillary!
433 00:55:33 真的是你 亲爱的 希拉里It is you. My darling
434 00:55:37 只有你知道我多么渴望这一天的到来If only you knew how I've yearned for this day to come.
435 00:55:40 不眠之夜 寂寞时分 希望、祈祷再一次Sleepless nights
436 00:55:45 凝视你迷人的棕色眼睛I would gaze into your ravishing brown eyes.
437 00:55:48 我应该感谢谁把你重新带给我呢?Who is this I should thank for bringing you back to me?
438 00:55:52 这是尼克 尼克·瑞斯 是一位朋友This is Nick. Nick Rivers
439 00:55:55 瑞斯先生 请原谅 我们不那么好客Forgive us
440 00:56:00 最近我们有理由相信抵抗组织里有叛徒Recently we've had reason to believe there is a traitor in the Resistance.
441 00:56:05 杜·奎斯 把大家介绍给美国人Du Quois
442 00:56:09 好的Very well.
443 00:56:12 这是谢瓦利埃 蒙太奇 德坦特This is Chevalier
444 00:56:18 克拉特·嘎德 德加·约Avant Garde
445 00:56:24 先生 我们以前没见过吗?Have we not met before
446 00:56:27 我不这么认为I don't think so.
447 00:56:34 那边...Over there...
448 00:56:35 科萨特 苏弗 艾卡特Croissant
449 00:56:41 契克利·摩斯and Chocolate Mousse.
450 00:56:49 瑞斯先生 你带来了什么消息?Now
451 00:56:53 我在弗根多监狱见到了弗莱玛德博士I've seen Dr. Flammond in Flurgendorf prison.
452 00:56:56 他告诉我星期天将完成北极星水雷He told me the Polaris mine will be ready on Sunday.
453 00:57:01 神圣的上帝Sacrebleu.
454 00:57:03 我们今晚必须行动We'll have to move out tonight.
455 00:57:06 我马上回来 亲爱的I'll be back in a moment
456 00:57:08 为行动准备好装备Prepare the gear for the jump.
457 00:57:10 见鬼Cordon bleu. Zut!
458 00:57:12 - 我想解释 - 什么解释?- I want to explain. - What's to explain?
459 00:57:15 我在餐厅遇见一个女孩 但我不是第一个爱她的人I'm not the first guy who fell in love with a girl he met in a restaurant
460 00:57:19 她是被绑架的科学家的女儿who turned out to be the daughter of a kidnapped scientist
461 00:57:22 她童年的恋人把她丢在荒岛上to lose her to her childhood lover she'd last seen on a deserted island
462 00:57:26 15年以后 他成了法国地下组织的领导人who
463 00:57:29 这一切就像一部蹩脚的电影It all sounds like some bad movie.
464 00:57:39 忘了所发生的事吧 这样对大家都好Forget it. It'll be better for everyone if we just forget what's happened.
465 00:57:45 我们今晚安排你越过边界We've arranged for your safe transportation across the border tonight.
466 00:57:49 为表谢意 这是我们可以做的It's the least we can do to show our gratitude.
467 00:57:53 亲爱的 我让你看看我建的放射性遮蔽所Come
468 00:58:21 尼克 别这么难受Do not take it so hard
469 00:58:23 生活总有些小苦难Life is filled with its little miseries.
470 00:58:27 每个人在自己的生活中都得学会面对逆境Each of us
471 00:58:31 每个人在自己的生活中都得学会面对逆境in a mature and adult fashion.
472 00:58:45 - 是否介意我喝一口? - 请便- Mind if I have a swig of this? - Go right ahead.
473 00:58:48 - 这究竟是什么? - 汽油- What the hell is this stuff ? - Gasoline.
474 00:58:56 别担心 亲爱的 你的朋友会没事的Don't worry
475 00:59:00 他似乎是个好小伙子He seems a good chap
476 00:59:03 你回到我身边真是太好了How wonderful you've returned to me
477 00:59:06 我多么需要你在身边 为事业而斗争...when I desperately need you by my side
478 00:59:09 - 我们的事业 - 奈杰尔 我为你感到骄傲- Our cause. - Oh
479 00:59:13 可是我很糊涂 这些年来 我还以为你死了But I'm so confused. All these years I thought you were dead.
480 00:59:18 确实And by all rights I should be.
481 00:59:21 我在海上漂浮了很多天 几乎不省人事I floated at sea for days
482 00:59:23 所幸被路过的货船救起Then as luck would have it
483 00:59:27 我要他们也去救你I tried to get them to save you too.
484 00:59:30 可那是一艘外国船 他们不懂英语It was a foreign ship and they didn't understand English.
485 00:59:32 我不断地尖声喊叫 这似乎刺激了他们I yelled and screamed
486 00:59:38 他们用难以形容的方式对待我They took advantage of me in ways I cannot describe.
487 00:59:41 奈杰尔 那一定很可怕Oh
488 00:59:53 勒廷!Latrine!
489 00:59:58 - 发现什么了 勒廷? - 其他人呢?- What did you find out
490 01:00:02 我们没有机会We never had a chance.
491 01:00:04 这是屠杀It was a slaughter.
492 01:00:06 我们必须中止下午的足球赛We must put a stop to these afternoon football games.
493 01:00:09 - 他们由哪个方向来? - 上面的公路- Which direction did they come from? - Up the road.
494 01:00:14 - 隐蔽 - 他们会杀了我们- Take cover! - They're gonna kill us all.
495 01:00:31 拿着Take this.
496 01:01:39 手榴弹Grenade.
497 01:01:52 时间不多了 飞机不会等我们We're running out of time. The plane will not wait for us.
498 01:01:55 我们必须逃跑We'll have to make a break for it.
499 01:01:58 在机场附近的咖啡馆会合Rendezvous at the cafe near the landing field.
500 01:02:00 等等Wait!
501 01:02:19 干得好Nice shooting.
502 01:02:21 伙计My man!
503 01:02:47 现在向大家交代清楚Good. Now everybody's accounted for.
504 01:02:50 飞机凌晨1点钟起飞Here's the plan. We'll be taking off at 1:00 am.
505 01:02:53 美国人呢?What about the American?
506 01:02:55 有辆卡车午夜会到这里来A truck will be here at exactly midnight.
507 01:02:58 他乘卡车越过边境He'll jump on the back and be driven on to the border.
508 01:03:01 但是等等 尼克是唯一了解监狱的人Wait. Nick is the only one who knows the inside of that prison.
509 01:03:09 瑞斯先生似乎不可缺少Well
510 01:03:13 你怎样看?how do you say
511 01:03:16 不可缺少Indispensable.
512 01:03:19 这就是我的看法That's what I thought.
513 01:03:22 抱歉 伙计们 我在弗根多监狱呆够了Sorry
514 01:03:26 我还是直接坐卡车离开吧I got a truck to meet.
515 01:03:31 尼克 不管你有何条件 你必须帮我们Nick
516 01:03:35 似乎只要我熟悉监狱的情况 我就不会孤单Seems as long as I know my way around that prison
517 01:03:39 我知道你对我的感觉I know how you feel about me.
518 01:03:42 但为了更重要的事 请把感情放到一边But put your feelings aside for something more important.
519 01:03:45 为了你和奈杰尔的伟大事业?Like what a great cause you and Nigel are fighting for?
520 01:03:49 - 这也是你的事业 - 我的事业是音乐- But this was your cause too. - My only cause is my music.
521 01:03:52 这正是我的意思That's exactly what I mean.
522 01:03:54 难道你没看到那些孩子非常在意你的演唱会吗?你必须帮助我们Didn't you see the eyes of those kids at your concert? You must help us.
523 01:03:59 不是为我 是为自由If not for me
524 01:04:04 勒廷Latrine.
525 01:04:07 - 我们中的叛徒 - 做得好 勒廷- A traitor in our midst. - Well done
526 01:04:11 我看你已经把它搞定了I see you have dealt with him appropriately.
527 01:04:14 不是鸟 你这个傻瓜Not the bird
528 01:04:16 这是去德国司令部的信鸽This is a carrier pigeon on its way to German headquarters.
529 01:04:20 瞧 有信Look
530 01:04:23 星期天上午8点抵抗组织计划解救弗莱玛德Resistance planning to free Flammond
531 01:04:29 这表明叛徒就在这张桌子旁That means the traitor is someone at this very table.
532 01:04:40 打扰一下 你不就是美国摇滚明星尼克·瑞斯吗?Excuse me
533 01:04:46 不 我不是No
534 01:04:48 你一定是 你可以为我们唱一首歌吗?But you must be. Won't you sing us one song?
535 01:04:52 很抱歉 你们一定弄错人了I'm sorry. You must have me confused with somebody else.
536 01:04:55 我是梅尔·托美I'm Mel Torme.
537 01:05:03 这很明显That was close.
538 01:05:05 - 太明显了 - 什么意思?- Perhaps a bit too close. - What do you mean?
539 01:05:09 我们没有此人声称自己是谁的证据We have no proof that this man is who he claims to be.
540 01:05:13 我们正请求他带我们去德国戒备最森严的监狱Yet we're asking him to lead us into Germany's most heavily guarded prison.
541 01:05:17 - 荒谬 - 别急 亲爱的- That's absurd! - Just a moment
542 01:05:21 他的到来有点蹊跷He came to us with no credentials.
543 01:05:23 德国人从不知道我们总部的位置 直到他来了以后The Germans never knew the location of our headquarters
544 01:05:28 我门内部就发现了叛徒And we've been infiltrated by a traitor.
545 01:05:30 奈杰尔 什么意思?Nigel
546 01:05:34 我们怎样知道他不是梅尔·托美?How do we know he's not Mel Torme?
547 01:05:51 你看 他要唱歌了Look
548 01:07:57 这不是梅尔·托美This is not Mel Torme.
549 01:08:28 尼克Oh
550 01:08:32 怎么?Yes?
551 01:08:34 不知道下去后会发生什么事We don't know what's going to happen down there.
552 01:08:38 这可能是我最后一次见你 我想说点事This may be the last time I'll see you. There's something I wanted to say.
553 01:08:42 - 什么也别说 - 但是我想说- You don't have to say anything. - But I want to.
554 01:08:45 你要知道我们昨晚在一起时You must know that when we were together last night
555 01:08:48 我不知道奈杰尔还活着I had no idea that Nigel was still alive.
556 01:08:50 现在你知道了?And now that you know?
557 01:08:54 尼克 他的工作对他来说很重要Oh
558 01:08:58 我必须和他在一起 他恳求我不要离开I must stay with him. He pleaded with me not to leave.
559 01:09:03 我只希望你意识到他一切是为了我I just hope you realise that's all he means to me.
560 01:09:08 我不知道该如何是好Oh
561 01:09:15 我只希望我不那么爱你I only wish I didn't love you so much.
562 01:10:05 我发现了牛群I've spotted the herd.
563 01:10:08 这是整个计划的关键They're the key to the whole plan.
564 01:10:10 现在 我们在这里Now
565 01:10:15 每天早上7:15Every morning at 7:15
566 01:10:17 狱警带牛群通过这里去监狱挤奶the prison guards bring the cows from here
567 01:10:21 杜·奎斯和我在这里混入牛群towards the prison for their morning milking.
568 01:10:23 偷偷通过电网大门Du Quois and I will merge with the herd here.
569 01:10:27 然后我们摆脱牛群And sneak in through the gate in the electrified fence.
570 01:10:33 进入电源控制室Then we'll break away from the other cows
571 01:10:35 7:25我们切断电源and enter the generator building here.
572 01:10:38 其余人通过这里 然后攀墙进入At exactly 7:25 we cut the power.
573 01:10:42 然后尼克带你们去弗莱玛德的小屋The rest of you come through here
574 01:10:47 然后尼克带你们去弗莱玛德的小屋and Nick can lead you to Flammond's cell.
575 01:10:49 同时 希拉里通过铁路偷这辆卡车Meanwhile
576 01:10:53 在这里接应我们 然后我们驱车去机场and pick us up back here. Then we drive to the landing field
577 01:10:56 飞机在那里等我们。走吧where the plane will be waiting for us. Let's go.
578 01:11:12 不 你是头 我是尾No
579 01:11:15 - 可计划是... - 你别管- But the plan was... - Forget it.
580 01:11:17 是我下命令 给我后半部I give the orders. Shut up and give me the back half.
581 01:11:21 好吧 可恶All right
582 01:11:34 - 他们来了 - 行动- Here they come. - OK
583 01:11:44 走 快点All right
584 01:11:56 我们只有五分钟去电源间拉开关We only have five minutes to get to the circuit box and throw the switch.
585 01:12:00 必须赶快 看见门了吗?We've got to hurry. Can you see the gate?
586 01:12:03 - 就在前面 - 警卫呢?- Yes
587 01:12:07 只看到一个I can only see one.
588 01:12:10 好姑娘 向前走There girl
589 01:12:20 留在警卫后边Stay behind the guards.
590 01:12:22 到了偏僻处就摆脱牛群Once we're round the corner we'll break away from the herd.
591 01:12:26 现在摆脱OK
592 01:12:30 我想我们成功了I think we did it.
593 01:12:36 - 看到电源间吗? - 就在供给仓库后面- Can you see the generator? - It's behind the feed bin.
594 01:12:40 走吧 必须赶快All right
595 01:12:44 我的上帝Mon Dieu!
596 01:12:51 奈杰尔 还好吗?Nigel
597 01:12:54 没事Oh
598 01:12:56 走Let's go.
599 01:12:58 急什么?你怎么总是这么急呀?What's the hurry? Why are you always in such a bloody rush?
600 01:13:03 我想休息...一下I just wanted to take a...rest.
601 01:13:25 - 警卫已经过去了 - 他们要多久切断电源?- The guards have passed. - How long till they cut the power?
602 01:13:29 3分多钟了Three more minutes.
603 01:13:31 我们可以切断铁丝网了Then we can cut the wire.
604 01:13:58 在这里There it is.
605 01:14:50 有趣Lovely.
606 01:15:07 你好吧 我来了You're all right now. I'm here.
607 01:15:10 很好It's all right.
608 01:15:18 嘿Hey.
609 01:15:39 这里 来Here
610 01:15:47 法国万岁Vive la France!
611 01:16:04 - 奈杰尔 你要做什么? - 你决对想不到- Nigel
612 01:16:07 你为什么要回电源间?Why do you want to go back to the meter shed?
613 01:16:09 - 我们把电源合上去 - 但是那会弄响警报- We're turning the power back on. - But that will set off the alarms.
614 01:16:13 - 其他人会被困住 我拒绝 - 是吗?- The others will be trapped. I refuse! - Oh?
615 01:16:18 这枪说你不会 快走This gun says you won't. Now
616 01:16:21 这么说你是叛徒So
617 01:16:42 没那么严重 你不比其他人更傻Don't take it too badly. You're no more a fool than the others.
618 01:16:46 现在去那里...Now
619 01:16:54 弗莱玛德博士Dr. Flammond ?
620 01:16:56 尼克?Nick ?
621 01:16:58 - 出来吧 我们救你出去 - 但是我的女儿- Come on
622 01:17:01 别担心 希拉里和我们在一起Don't worry. Hillary's with us.
623 01:17:03 感谢上帝 可是多么讽刺Thank God
624 01:17:06 只需要几天我就可能完成我的隧道了Another day and I would have completed my tunnel.
625 01:17:17 多么伟大的工程Nice work.
626 01:17:43 奈杰尔Nigel.
627 01:17:44 非常聪明 亲爱的Very clever
628 01:17:46 你已经发现了这些You've put the pieces together very nicely
629 01:17:49 很可惜 你和其他人都知道得太迟了but unfortunately it's too late for you and the others.
630 01:17:53 - 你怎么可以呢? - 这并不困难- But how could you? - It wasn't difficult.
631 01:17:57 我的确可以回到那倒霉的岛救你出来I could have returned to rescue you from that wretched island
632 01:18:00 但这将意味着我会离开新结识的同志but it would have meant leaving my new found comrades.
633 01:18:03 同志?Comrades?
634 01:18:06 那是一艘俄罗斯船Yes
635 01:18:09 他们使我领悟到你们这些... 帝国主义猪They taught me all about you... Imperialist swine.
636 01:18:13 我接触到伟大的思想家 卡尔·马克思 列宁I was exposed to the works of great thinkers. Karl Marx
637 01:18:17 L·罗恩·哈伯德 弗雷迪·莱克L Ron Hubbard
638 01:18:19 现在上卡车 我们去旅行Now get in the truck. We're going for a ride.
639 01:18:48 有点不对劲 卡车呢?Something's wrong. Where's the truck?
640 01:18:50 - 希拉里呢? - 我饿了- Where's Hillary? - I'm hungry.
641 01:19:00 怎么了?What happened?
642 01:19:03 奈杰尔要我回电源间Nigel made me go back to the meter shed.
643 01:19:07 他命令我弄响警报He ordered me to set off the alarm.
644 01:19:11 他要我们现在做什么?And what does he want us to do now?
645 01:19:14 没什么 傻瓜 奈杰尔是叛徒Nothing
646 01:19:45 勒廷Latrine!
647 01:19:49 奈杰尔挟持希拉里 开车从那走了Nigel took Hillary in the truck. That way.
648 01:19:54 没有我女儿 我不能离开这个国家I cannot leave the country without my daughter.
649 01:19:57 我去追他们 我会在机场与你们见面I'm going after them. I'll meet you at the landing field.
650 01:20:00 尼克 不管你是否回得来Nick
651 01:20:03 飞机将在18:00带着弗莱玛德博士起飞that plane must take off with Dr. Flammond at 18:00.
652 01:20:06 现在离出发至少还有45分钟But we recommend you be there at least 45 minutes before departure
653 01:20:10 请尽快赶到especially at this time of year.
654 01:20:12 - 祝你好运 尼克 - 走吧- Good luck
655 01:20:15 祝你好运Good luck.
656 01:20:26 你得相信德国人的确制造了很棒的汽车You've go to hand it to the Germans
657 01:22:58 再见Goodbye.
658 01:23:31 没有时间了 我们现在必须起飞There's no more time. We've got to take off now.
659 01:23:34 我女儿不在 我不会离开I will not leave without my daughter.
660 01:23:37 老伙计 几分钟之后将是黎明Listen
661 01:23:40 那时我们就很难躲过他们的高射炮了and we'll be sitting ducks to their anti-aircraft guns.
662 01:23:43 他们来了There they are!
663 01:23:50 父亲 感谢上帝 你安全了Oh
664 01:23:53 我怕我再也见不到你了How I feared I would never see you again.
665 01:23:56 我真为你感到骄傲 亲爱的I am so proud of you
666 01:23:59 没时间啰嗦了 快上飞机There'll be time to talk on the plane. You'd better hurry.
667 01:24:03 - 我不能上飞机 - 希拉里- But I can't go on that plane. - But Hillary!
668 01:24:06 这里需要我 只要还有一个人处在铁拳下受尽压迫I'm needed here. For as long as a single man is forced to cower
669 01:24:11 只要还有一个孩子在夜里大声呼喊under the iron fist of oppression
670 01:24:13 只要还有一个孩子在夜里大声呼喊as long as a child cries out in the night
671 01:24:15 或者一个演员可以被选为总统 我们就必须继续斗争or an actor can be elected president
672 01:24:20 不 希拉里No
673 01:24:21 在德国对你来说太危险It is too dangerous for you in Germany
674 01:24:24 不错 跟尼克一起去 别担心我们Yes
675 01:24:28 我们会听到他的"美国之音"We will hear his music on the "Voice of America".
676 01:24:30 我们会在人们的心里听到 到处听到We will hear it in the hearts of people
677 01:24:35 只要我们去做 我们的斗争就不是孤立的And as long as we do
678 01:24:39 他们说的没错 希拉里 我们去美国...They're right
679 01:24:43 - 谁知道会怎样呢 - 一切会好的- Who knows what will be then. - Everything will be fine.
680 01:24:46 事物在改变 人在改变 发型在改变...Things change
681 01:24:52 我想要你和我在一起I want you to be with me.
682 01:24:54 利率波动 谁会知道?Interest rates fluctuate. Who knows?
683 01:24:58 你不想和我一起吗?如果不 就说Don't you want to come with me? If you don't
684 01:25:03 想 比什么都想Want! Want more than anything!
685 01:25:08 带着我 让我和你在一起Take me. Take me with you!
686 01:25:24 再见 契克利·摩斯 我不会忘记你Goodbye
687 01:25:29 再见 杜·奎斯 自己保重Goodbye
688 01:25:34 再见 德加·约 我会永远记得你Goodbye
689 01:25:38 我也会想念你的 稻草人And I'll miss you
690 01:25:49 剧终And I'll miss you