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猩球崛起:新世界 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes(2024)中文字幕预览
1 00:00:24 人类统治地球长达数千年
2 00:00:27 却因狂妄自大而衰败
3 00:00:30 人类制造出一种新病毒 导致猩猩智力高度进化
4 00:00:33 改变了人类的命运
5 00:00:36 病毒也导致了人类智力和语言能力退化
6 00:00:39 在猩猩试图与人类共存之际
7 00:00:41 一只猩猩挺身而出
8 00:00:44 为同伴牺牲了一切
9 00:00:49 他叫凯撒
10 00:02:16 猩球崛起:新世界
11 00:02:39 (许多世代之后)
12 00:04:20 龟毛
13 00:04:42 月亮长老说 静下心来Elder Luna says make your heart still.
14 00:04:46 对 静下心来 蛋就会呼唤你The right egg will sing to you.
15 00:04:49 月亮长老年纪大了Elder Luna is elder.
16 00:05:13 三个Three.
17 00:05:16 只有三个Only three.
18 00:05:18 全部带走We take them all.
19 00:05:20 不 绝对不行No. Never.
20 00:05:22 一定要留一个Leave one always.
21 00:05:26 这是规定That is the law.
22 00:05:30 明天就是团结日Bonding day is tomorrow.
23 00:05:34 这些是你的These are yours.
24 00:05:37 你年纪比较大You are older.
25 00:05:38 才大一个日落而已 所以比较大By length of a sunset. Is older.
26 00:05:44 苏娜Soona.
27 00:05:47 你对哪一个有感觉?Which one sings to you?
28 00:05:54 这个This one.
29 00:06:00 丝滑Silk.
30 00:06:13 我们一起把它们养大We will raise them together.
31 00:06:16 就像我们小时候那样Like we were raised.
32 00:06:20 都一样It will be the same.
33 00:06:24 对吧?Yes?
34 00:06:37 快走Go
35 00:06:41 诺亚 诺亚 等等Noa! Noa
36 00:06:54 哇哦Whoa!
37 00:06:57 太远了It's too far.
38 00:06:59 找别的路Find another way.
39 00:07:04 诺亚?Noa?
40 00:07:06 不要啦No!
41 00:07:11 赞啦!Yeah!
42 00:08:01 诺亚Noa!
43 00:08:05 阿纳亚!苏娜!Anaya! Soona!
44 00:08:07 诺亚Noa!
45 00:08:12 诺亚 完了Noa! No!
46 00:08:38 你想过你的鸟会长什么样子吗?Do you wonder what your bird will look like?
47 00:08:40 只要不像你就好 阿纳亚Long as it does not look like you
48 00:08:56 害怕Long as it does not look like you
49 00:09:03 毯子不见了Long as it does not look like you
50 00:09:09 那是什么 诺亚?What is it
51 00:09:12 树上有东西Something in trees.
52 00:09:30 他跑掉了It's getting away.
53 00:09:44 外面来的It's getting away.
54 00:09:47 诺亚怕了Noa scared.
55 00:09:51 阿纳亚才不怕Not Anaya.
56 00:10:16 不是猩猩Not ape.
57 00:10:23 也许是Maybe...
58 00:10:25 哑口?Echo?
59 00:10:28 哑口不会从山谷进来Echo do not come in from Valley.
60 00:10:33 喔Oh.
61 00:10:53 你怕了吗?Were you scared?
62 00:10:55 没有阿纳亚那么怕Not as scared as Anaya!
63 00:11:25 他们回来了They're back! They're back!
64 00:11:26 苏娜Soona!
65 00:11:27 拿到蛋了吗?Did you get your eggs?
66 00:11:28 你们爬了多远?危险吗?How far did you climb? Was it dangerous?
67 00:11:31 非常危险Very dangerous.
68 00:11:33 阿纳亚哭得跟小婴儿一样Anaya wailed like a newborn.
69 00:11:45 你们拿了几个蛋?How many eggs did you honor?
70 00:11:47 给我们看看 爬得顺利吗?Show us the egg. Did you climb well?
71 00:11:48 蛋给我们看看 让我们看看Show us the egg. Show us your egg.
72 00:11:50 蛋 蛋 蛋Egg. Egg. Egg.
73 00:11:51 阿纳亚 给我们看看 拜托Show us
74 00:12:17 谁要?我Who want? Me
75 00:12:22 快点 给我Come on. Come on. Give
76 00:12:26 儿子Son.
77 00:12:36 给我看看Show me.
78 00:12:37 大家都得等到仪式All must wait for bonding.
79 00:12:39 连尊师也不例外Even Honored Teacher.
80 00:12:42 我是你母亲I am your mother.
81 00:12:53 我知道你善爬I knew you would climb well.
82 00:12:58 他在等着He waits.
83 00:13:09 坏了?Broken?
84 00:13:12 晚一点再弄Time for that later.
85 00:13:18 你父亲会想看的Your father will want to see.
86 00:13:26 他会很骄傲的Your father will want to see.
87 00:13:47 诺亚 诺亚Noa. Noa.
88 00:13:49 诺亚 没想到你能回来Noa
89 00:14:24 太扎实了Too firm.
90 00:14:26 是 科罗Yes. Yes
91 00:14:44 父亲 驯鹰大师Yes. Yes
92 00:14:57 诺亚Noa.
93 00:15:01 儿子Son.
94 00:15:07 太阳鹰不喜欢筹备明天的仪式Sun Eagle does not like work for tomorrow's ceremony.
95 00:15:15 你攀爬顺利吗?You climb well?
96 00:15:17 爬到顶巢上方Above Top Nest.
97 00:15:19 你们全部?Huh. All of you?
98 00:15:21 不是No.
99 00:15:23 只有我Only me.
100 00:15:30 什么味道?What that smell?
101 00:15:43 你没去世外山谷吧?You did not go to the Valley Beyond?
102 00:15:46 绝对没有Never.
103 00:15:48 那是禁忌Is forbidden.
104 00:15:51 你的毯子上却有哑口的血Yet blood of Echo on your blanket.
105 00:15:55 我们没去世外山谷We did not go to Valley Beyond.
106 00:16:02 我接受I accept.
107 00:16:05 你很老实 诺亚You are true
108 00:16:09 有很多要学Much to learn.
109 00:16:12 很多要教导Much to teach.
110 00:16:15 在明天的团结仪式后After tomorrow's bonding.
111 00:16:18 现在 长老们必须知道Now
112 00:16:22 哑口只会惹麻烦Echoes only bring trouble.
113 00:16:29 欧达会把讨厌的东西赶走Oda will chase the pests away.
114 00:16:40 我能征询你的意见吗?May I seek your counsel?
115 00:16:45 这块毯子上有哑口的血迹This blanket had the blood of an Echo on it.
116 00:16:50 哑口Echo.
117 00:16:51 我要为此道歉And I apologize for that.
118 00:16:53 这对我们是个坏兆头This is a bad sign for all of us.
119 00:16:56 那气味That smell.
120 00:16:57 我的建议是And my suggestion would be...
121 00:17:05 你爬上顶巢?You climbed Top Nest?
122 00:17:12 很难爬Hard climb.
123 00:17:20 对Ah
124 00:17:21 可能很危险Could be dangerous.
125 00:17:23 危险Danger.
126 00:17:29 阿纳亚Anaya!
127 00:17:35 有见到你父亲吗?You see your father?
128 00:17:44 我搞不懂太阳鹰I do not understand Eagle Sun.
129 00:17:47 我懂 他讨厌诺亚I do. He hate Noa.
130 00:17:55 诺亚Noa.
131 00:17:57 你的毯子呢?Noa.
132 00:17:59 在长老那边With Elders.
133 00:18:03 他们派欧达去吓跑哑口They send Oda to scare Echo away.
134 00:18:06 对 长老Yes
135 00:18:08 母亲小时候When mother was small...
136 00:18:12 旱季使溪水干涸dry season shrank creek.
137 00:18:15 哑口到处觅食Echo range for food.
138 00:18:17 她看到一个小的和一个大的She saw a small and a big.
139 00:18:22 我们雨量充沛We have good rain.
140 00:18:26 这是她说的Her words.
141 00:18:32 好好骑 欧达Ride true
142 00:21:08 惨了No.
143 00:21:15 日出就要举行团结仪式Our bonding is at sunrise.
144 00:21:19 驯鹰大师会破例的Master of Birds will make exception.
145 00:21:21 他们不会让他等到下一季They will not make him wait for next season.
146 00:21:25 他会的Yes
147 00:21:28 他是你父亲He is your father.
148 00:21:30 我是他儿子And I am his son.
149 00:21:35 那我陪你一起等Then I will wait with you.
150 00:21:40 阿纳亚也会等Anaya wait too.
151 00:21:44 你们不能You cannot.
152 00:21:52 我必须再去找一个I must find another.
153 00:23:43 诺亚Noa.
154 00:23:45 欧达Oda!
155 00:23:47 还有There are...
156 00:23:50 更多more.
157 00:24:36 发生什么事了?What happened here?
158 00:24:38 我们的侦察兵Our scouts.
159 00:24:40 被他杀了Killed by him.
160 00:24:50 人类Human.
161 00:24:53 是她It is her.
162 00:24:54 闪电 回到马上Lightning
163 00:24:56 散开Spread out!
164 00:24:57 找出他的族人Find his clan.
165 00:24:59 往各方向搜寻Search in all directions!
166 00:25:09 那个猩猩的马The ape's horse!
167 00:25:11 闪电 过来Lightning
168 00:25:21 他们跑不远的They cannot be far.
169 00:25:24 跟着这匹马 找到他的族人Follow the horse! Find his clan!
170 00:25:29 找到人类Find human!
171 00:25:31 出发Ride!
172 00:25:36 快Go
173 00:26:40 把他们围起来Round them up!
174 00:26:42 不要 拜托No! No! Please!
175 00:26:47 你 囚犯You
176 00:26:51 把它烧了Burn it down.
177 00:26:57 苏娜!阿纳亚!Soona! Anaya!
178 00:26:59 诺亚 救命啊Noa
179 00:27:11 诺亚Noa!
180 00:27:13 诺亚Noa!
181 00:27:14 诺亚Noa!
182 00:27:16 诺亚Noa!
183 00:27:19 诺亚Noa!
184 00:27:21 阿纳亚!妈!Anaya! Mother!
185 00:27:25 苏娜呢?Where Soona?
186 00:27:26 他们带走她了They took her.
187 00:27:28 他们打破了我的蛋They broke my egg.
188 00:27:31 妈Mother.
189 00:27:32 去救你爸Help your father!
190 00:27:34 不No! No!
191 00:27:37 诺亚Noa!
192 00:27:40 不!No!
193 00:27:43 诺亚 快跑Run
194 00:27:46 去救你爸Help your father!
195 00:27:48 诺亚 快跑Go
196 00:27:52 不!No!
197 00:27:57 他是他们的长老He their Elder.
198 00:28:06 不No!
199 00:28:15 为了凯撒!For Caesar!
200 00:28:18 为了凯撒!For Caesar!
201 00:28:22 带他们去见普西马斯Take them to Proximus!
202 00:28:26 去找那个人类Find the human!
203 00:28:28 凯撒!凯撒!Caesar! Caesar!
204 00:28:31 凯撒!凯撒!Caesar! Caesar!
205 00:28:45 爸 儿子Father. Son.
206 00:28:47 对不起 是我的错I'm sorry. It's my fault.
207 00:28:49 诺亚 释放所有的老鹰Noa
208 00:28:51 快去Go.
209 00:29:28 低头屈服Bend your head.
210 00:31:14 诺亚Noa.
211 00:31:21 为了凯撒For Caesar.
212 00:34:21 父亲Father...
213 00:34:26 我会找到他们I will find them.
214 00:34:29 我会带他们回家I will bring them home.
215 00:36:27 母亲Mother.
216 00:37:39 太阳Sun.
217 00:37:48 过来 太阳Come
218 00:39:57 你好年轻How young you are.
219 00:40:01 没戴面具Without your mask.
220 00:40:04 没有这个Without this.
221 00:40:08 大声点Speak up.
222 00:40:11 大声点Speak up.
223 00:40:15 不是我的Not mine.
224 00:40:17 没有面具No mask.
225 00:40:20 我不是I am not...
226 00:40:22 他们them.
227 00:40:26 解释清楚Explain yourself.
228 00:40:29 他们杀了我父亲They killed my father.
229 00:40:32 掠夺了我的村庄Stole my village.
230 00:40:36 我跟踪他们的足迹I follow their tracks.
231 00:40:50 这就是我的村庄He was my village.
232 00:40:56 被他们掠夺了They killed him.
233 00:41:00 是面具党The Masks.
234 00:41:14 我是拉卡I am Raka.
235 00:41:18 我是诺亚I am Noa.
236 00:41:32 猩猩从天而降Apes falling from the sky. Hmm.
237 00:41:40 他们抵达时 他在外面He was outside when they arrived.
238 00:41:45 你见过我的族人吗?Did you see my clan?
239 00:41:48 没有No.
240 00:41:50 我躲了起来I hid.
241 00:41:52 侥幸存活I survived.
242 00:41:55 保护我们的作品I protected our work.
243 00:42:08 它们是保存思想的古老方法They are an ancient way to store ideas.
244 00:42:18 这些符号有意义The symbols have meaning.
245 00:42:25 在凯撒的时代Apes understood this meaning...
246 00:42:28 猩猩都懂这些意义in the time of Caesar.
247 00:42:33 因为面具党 在我村庄时The Masks
248 00:42:38 说过那个名字said that name...
249 00:42:42 "凯撒""Caesar."
250 00:42:44 无耻Shameful.
251 00:42:47 面具党盗用他的名字The Masks take his name.
252 00:42:51 扭曲他的原话Twist his words.
253 00:42:53 他是谁?Who is he?
254 00:42:55 他不在了Not "is."
255 00:42:58 死了"Was."
256 00:43:02 你的族人不了解真正的凯撒Your clan does not know the true Caesar.
257 00:43:07 很多人忘了他是谁Too many have forgotten who he was.
258 00:43:13 我知道我村庄的长老I know Elders of my village.
259 00:43:16 他们制订了规则They made the law.
260 00:43:18 那是金科 玉律That is everything.
261 00:43:21 那才不是金科玉律That is not everything.
262 00:43:24 早在你们长老之前Long before your Elders...
263 00:43:27 是凯撒教我们 身为猩猩的意义it was Caesar who taught us what it means to be ape.
264 00:43:31 他是我们的领袖 我们的立法者He was our leader
265 00:43:36 猩猩团结才能强大Apes together strong.
266 00:43:39 猩猩不会伤害猩猩Ape shall not kill ape.
267 00:43:41 我们 凯撒派We
268 00:43:44 遵照他的指示follow his words.
269 00:43:46 时至今日To this day...
270 00:43:49 我依然服从I follow.
271 00:43:52 如今 我是I am now...
272 00:43:55 最后一个the last.
273 00:43:58 目标仍须努力The work continues.
274 00:44:03 这是什么地方?What is this place?
275 00:44:07 我们相信猩猩建造了这里We believe apes built this...
276 00:44:10 当作人类的避难所as a refuge for humans.
277 00:44:13 现在连一个都难得见到Now it is rare to see even one.
278 00:44:15 但在凯撒的时代 多得不得了But in Caesar's time
279 00:44:22 你能想像吗?Can you imagine?
280 00:44:24 或许人类在这里受到照顾 投喂Perhaps here
281 00:44:29 甚至接受教导maybe even taught.
282 00:44:40 怎么了?What is it?
283 00:44:42 哑口Echo.
284 00:44:48 人类Human.
285 00:44:52 你见过吗?You have seen one?
286 00:44:54 见过一个One.
287 00:44:57 他们是食腐动物They are scavengers.
288 00:44:59 跟野猪一样Like boars.
289 00:45:01 只是数量较少Only lesser.
290 00:45:03 人类头脑迟钝Humans are slowwitted
291 00:45:08 不过有一段时期there was a time...
292 00:45:11 人类和猩猩一起生活when humans and apes lived side by side.
293 00:45:19 对 难以理解 我知道Yes
294 00:45:25 但他们对凯撒很重要they were important to Caesar. Hmm.
295 00:45:28 所以对我也很重要So they are important to me.
296 00:45:37 我得去找我的马了I have to get to my horse.
297 00:45:40 当然Of course.
298 00:45:42 跟我来Follow me.
299 00:45:47 你不知道凯撒You do not know Caesar.
300 00:45:51 你不知道书籍You do not know books.
301 00:45:57 你应该留在这里You should stay here.
302 00:45:59 我能教你很多东西There is much I could teach you.
303 00:46:10 走开Go away!
304 00:46:11 不 回来No! Come back! Pest!
305 00:46:13 等等 回来Wait! Come back!
306 00:46:16 没有危险There is no danger.
307 00:46:20 就是那个That is the one.
308 00:46:23 毁我村子的东西Stole from my village.
309 00:46:26 她一直在跟踪你?She follows you from your village?
310 00:46:33 或许凯撒希望我出门旅行Perhaps Caesar bids me travel.
311 00:46:42 在这里等着 目标仍须努力Wait here. The work continues.
312 00:46:45 我没空等I have no time for...
313 00:46:47 我不会拖累你 我也有养马I will not slow you down. I
314 00:46:57 不能慢一点吗?Can we not slow down?
315 00:47:00 不能No.
316 00:47:04 我确定她会跟来I am sure she follows.
317 00:47:06 我不知道为什么I do not know why.
318 00:47:12 好美的鸟A beautiful bird!
319 00:47:18 太阳鹰Eagle Sun.
320 00:47:21 我父亲的鹰My father's bird.
321 00:47:23 它一直跟着我 缠着我He follows to taunt me.
322 00:47:26 这只鸟也跟着你?This bird follows you too?
323 00:47:32 我们族人会养老鹰We raise eagles
324 00:47:35 对它们唱歌Sing to them...
325 00:47:37 所以它们认识我们so they know us.
326 00:47:39 有感情A bond.
327 00:47:42 唱一下那首歌Sing the song.
328 00:47:45 拜托Please.
329 00:47:49 不要No.
330 00:47:52 我父亲是驯鹰大师My father was Master of Birds.
331 00:47:54 他会对老鹰唱歌He sang to eagles.
332 00:47:58 但我不是他But I am not him.
333 00:48:02 真可惜Shame.
334 00:48:04 我喜欢听歌I would have enjoyed a song.
335 00:48:30 奇怪的武器Strange weapons.
336 00:48:32 坏了Broken.
337 00:49:06 拉卡Raka.
338 00:49:11 诺亚Noa.
339 00:49:19 她因为饿了才跟来She follows because she is hungry.
340 00:49:31 不No
341 00:49:34 这个This is...
342 00:49:38 很重要important.
343 00:49:41 他们会冷They get cold.
344 00:49:46 发发慈悲吧Show mercy.
345 00:50:10 她比大多数人类聪明She is smarter than most.
346 00:50:18 我们就叫她诺娃We will name her Nova.
347 00:50:23 我们把他们都叫诺娃We name them all Nova.
348 00:50:27 我不知道原因 凯撒时代传下来的I do not know why. It is from Caesar's time.
349 00:50:31 凯撒为为什么这么关心哑口?Why did Caesar care so much for Echoes?
350 00:50:36 传说 他是他们养大的Legend says he was reared by them...
351 00:50:42 尽管听来不太可能impossible as that may seem.
352 00:50:47 凯撒的传说很重要Caesar legend is important.
353 00:50:51 他是第一位长老He was first Elder.
354 00:50:55 他的领导秉持正派He led with decency...
355 00:50:59 道德morality...
356 00:51:02 力量strength...
357 00:51:06 怜悯compassion.
358 00:51:13 凯撒又不必跟这个诺娃Caesar never had to share camp...
359 00:51:16 共享营地with this Nova.
360 00:51:31 气味很强The smell is potent.
361 00:54:27 会吞噬光的隧道?A tunnel that eats light?
362 00:54:33 她看到了我所看到的She saw what I saw.
363 00:54:36 在她的眼睛里It was in her eyes.
364 00:54:38 她She...
365 00:54:40 有反应reacted.
366 00:54:43 什么反应?How?
367 00:54:47 跟猩猩一样As ape would.
368 00:54:57 哑口要来了 得加快路程If Echo comes
369 00:55:00 我的年轻伙伴 怜悯起我们的旅伴了?Is my young companion showing compassion for our fellow traveler?
370 00:55:05 她动作太慢了She is slow.
371 00:55:23 马Horse.
372 00:55:34 当然 还有长臂猿Then
373 00:55:39 手臂很长Very
374 00:55:41 好可惜 人类只能用脚走路Is most unfortunate that the human can only use its feet for walking.
375 00:55:48 想像你从树上掉下来Imagine if you were falling from a tree.
376 00:55:50 只有两肢能救自己的命You only have two appendages to save your life.
377 00:55:53 但如果能同时用双手But if you were able to use both of your hands...
378 00:55:57 和双脚and both of your feet...
379 00:55:59 那就是四倍的安全that's four times the safety.
380 00:56:01 我想 如果我碰到一种特别And I imagine that
381 00:56:08 那是什么?What is that?
382 00:56:37 有斑马Horses with stripes.
383 00:56:42 好引人注目Quite striking.
384 00:57:32 我们还担心它们已经灭绝了We feared the herds ceased to exist.
385 00:58:00 你不说再见吗?Will you not say goodbye?
386 00:58:05 我必须找到我的族人I must find my clan.
387 00:58:09 诺娃留在同类身边The Nova stays with her kind.
388 00:58:13 你帮他们进步You raise them up.
389 00:58:16 遵照凯萨的话Follow Caesar's word.
390 00:58:30 记住To remember...
391 00:58:33 他是谁who he was.
392 00:58:39 这很重要It is important.
393 00:59:11 他们跟你一样They are like you.
394 00:59:14 你想加入他们吗?Would you like to join them?
395 00:59:34 他有他的旅程He has his journey.
396 00:59:38 我们有我们的旅程We have ours.
397 00:59:40 过来Come.
398 01:00:30 诺娃Nova!
399 01:00:31 诺娃Nova!
400 01:00:59 抓住他们Take them!
401 01:01:07 追上他们Ride them down!
402 01:01:08 抓住那个Catch that one!
403 01:01:52 这个?This one? Hyah!
404 01:02:01 在那里There!
405 01:02:24 散开Spread out.
406 01:02:26 闪电Lightning.
407 01:02:39 这边This way.
408 01:02:41 去找她Find her!
409 01:02:51 我知道她在这里I know she here!
410 01:02:57 拉卡Raka!
411 01:03:00 诺娃Nova!
412 01:03:03 出来Come out!
413 01:03:05 我嗅到你了I smell you!
414 01:03:09 拉卡Raka!
415 01:03:17 诺亚Noa!
416 01:03:42 冲啊Hyah!
417 01:04:08 诺亚Noa!
418 01:04:18 拉卡Raka!
419 01:04:21 凯撒会原谅的Caesar will forgive.
420 01:04:24 我们继续前进吧Shall we continue?
421 01:04:45 这样应该能多争取一点时间This should give us time.
422 01:05:27 我错过了什么?What did I miss?
423 01:05:29 她开口了She spoke.
424 01:05:34 她叫了我的名字She called my name.
425 01:05:36 你听错了You misheard.
426 01:05:39 你说这个诺娃比其他的聪明You said this Nova was smarter than most.
427 01:05:43 在合理范围内Within reason.
428 01:05:46 当然有一点聪明 但Some intelligence
429 01:05:48 我有名字I have a name.
430 01:05:52 梅伊Mae.
431 01:05:57 我知道他们要带你们的族人去哪I know where they're taking your clan.
432 01:06:09 那是个人类的村庄It's a human settlement.
433 01:06:12 我要去那里It's where I'm headed to.
434 01:06:14 寻找更多跟我一样的人Looking for more like me.
435 01:06:16 还有更多There are more...
436 01:06:19 跟你一样的人?like you?
437 01:06:22 以前有很多There used to be more.
438 01:06:25 你隐瞒事实?You hid the truth?
439 01:06:28 我母亲教我保持沉默My mother taught me silence...
440 01:06:32 为了自身的安全for my safety.
441 01:06:34 你跟着我们很安全You were safe with us.
442 01:06:38 却还是不老实And still not true.
443 01:06:42 你母亲目前在哪?Where is your mother now?
444 01:06:47 我一个人I am alone.
445 01:06:54 我们都是As are we all.
446 01:06:57 可是 现在But now...
447 01:07:00 我们有彼此we have each other.
448 01:07:16 我们来生火吧Let us have a fire.
449 01:07:19 有很多事要讨论We have much to discuss.
450 01:10:48 回去Go back.
451 01:10:50 回去Go back!
452 01:10:58 诺亚Noa!
453 01:11:02 梅伊Mae!
454 01:11:09 梅伊Mae!
455 01:11:10 不!No!
456 01:11:26 梅伊Mae!
457 01:11:32 抓好Hold on!
458 01:11:33 梅伊Mae!
459 01:11:50 不 拉卡No! Raka!
460 01:11:52 拉卡Raka!
461 01:12:07 团结Together...
462 01:12:10 力量大strong.
463 01:14:08 让开!人类!Stand back! Human!
464 01:14:33 不行No! No! No!
465 01:14:49 欢迎回家 小鸟儿Welcome home
466 01:15:02 过去Go!
467 01:15:56 诺亚Noa?
468 01:15:58 诺亚Noa!
469 01:16:01 我好想你 苏娜I missed you. Soona. Soona.
470 01:16:07 不No.
471 01:16:11 你明明死了You were dead.
472 01:16:14 我看到你掉下去I... I saw you fall.
473 01:16:17 你没受伤吧?You are not hurt?
474 01:16:21 没有No.
475 01:16:22 没有No.
476 01:16:29 我妈呢?Mother?
477 01:16:31 阿纳亚呢?Anaya?
478 01:17:16 库尔特·冯内古特美国作家 黑色幽默文学的代表人物之一
479 01:17:23 冯内古特Vonnegut.
480 01:17:25 那是好书That's a good one.
481 01:17:28 虚构的部分不多Not a lot of fiction there.
482 01:17:30 他最有兴趣的是历史He's mostly interested in history.
483 01:17:35 尤其是罗马史Roman history
484 01:17:43 我叫崔瓦森The name's Trevathan.
485 01:17:48 哪Where
486 01:17:50 你从哪来的?Where are you from?
487 01:17:54 你先说You first.
488 01:17:57 其实不太重要 对吧?Well
489 01:18:01 我离开了I left.
490 01:18:04 跟你一样Same as you.
491 01:18:06 差点到了海岸Made it almost to the coast
492 01:18:09 结果却跌倒 摔碎脚踝and then I fell and shattered my ankles.
493 01:18:12 那时普西马斯发现我That's where Proximus found me.
494 01:18:15 现在你读罗马史给他听And now you read him Roman history.
495 01:18:23 你是谁?So
496 01:18:26 我是没在帮猩猩的人类I'm the human not helping the apes.
497 01:18:46 诺亚Noa.
498 01:18:49 分享 一定要分享Share. Must share.
499 01:18:51 很好Good.
500 01:18:56 诺亚?Noa?
501 01:18:58 诺亚 你没死Noa! You're alive!
502 01:19:17 父亲Father...
503 01:19:19 他he's...
504 01:19:20 我知道I know.
505 01:19:40 我们该过去了We must go.
506 01:19:43 来Come.
507 01:19:54 凯撒Caesar!
508 01:20:03 凯撒Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!
509 01:20:54 多么美好的一天What a wonderful day!
510 01:20:56 多么美好的一天What a wonderful day!
511 01:20:59 我们感谢凯撒的金玉良言吗?Are we thankful for the words of Caesar?
512 01:21:03 我们感谢We are thankful.
513 01:21:05 我们低头服从吗?Do we bend our heads?
514 01:21:07 我们低头We bend!
515 01:21:10 说出他的名言Say his words!
516 01:21:12 猩猩团结力量大Apes together strong!
517 01:21:14 说出他的名言Say his words!
518 01:21:16 猩猩团结力量大Apes together strong!
519 01:21:18 多么美好的一天What a wonderful day!
520 01:21:31 感觉真棒That felt good.
521 01:21:33 想到这句话When I think on those words...
522 01:21:36 我就觉得很爽I feel good.
523 01:21:41 凯撒是第一位长老Caesar was first Elder.
524 01:21:44 现在我是凯撒Now I am Caesar.
525 01:21:52 他才不是凯撒He is not Caesar.
526 01:21:54 小心 儿子 现在我们听他的He is not Caesar.
527 01:22:02 当我想到里面留给我们的宝藏Now
528 01:22:08 哦Oh...
529 01:22:10 我就觉得很爽I feel very good.
530 01:22:15 它或许很难打开It may be difficult to open.
531 01:22:19 但并非不可能But not impossible...
532 01:22:20 因为我们会通力合作because we work together.
533 01:22:24 团结一心All as one.
534 01:22:27 顺从凯撒的心愿As Caesar wanted.
535 01:22:29 遵照凯撒的要求As Caesar required.
536 01:22:32 猩猩团结力量大Apes together strong!
537 01:22:35 拉!Pull!
538 01:22:47 拉!Pull!
539 01:22:50 拉!再拉!Pull! More!
540 01:22:58 注意看Watch this.
541 01:23:13 拉!拉!Pull! Pull!
542 01:23:14 拉!Pull!
543 01:23:21 对!Yes!
544 01:23:23 对!Yes!
545 01:23:30 再来!More!
546 01:23:43 够了!Enough!
547 01:23:50 或许明天力量更强大Maybe stronger tomorrow.
548 01:24:14 别担心Don't worry.
549 01:24:15 里面的人不是死了就是跑了Whoever's in there is either dead or gone.
550 01:24:19 那道门我们连撞了好几个月We've been bangin' on that door for months.
551 01:24:25 你不知道我们在哪里吗?Do you not know where we are?
552 01:24:28 当情况恶化 政府转入地下When things got bad and the government went underground
553 01:24:31 有一半的人去了那里this is where half of it went.
554 01:24:33 凭它们的科技和武器With all their technology
555 01:24:39 你不懂吗?Don't you understand?
556 01:24:41 那只猩猩不能获得里面的That ape cannot have what is inside the...
557 01:24:44 别再留恋过去You gotta stop thinking about the way things were
558 01:24:47 开始思考现状and start thinking about the way they are.
559 01:24:50 这里的生活很棒This is a good life
560 01:24:51 你有机会成为其中一分子and you have a chance to be a part of it.
561 01:24:54 打造一个猩猩的世界吗?What
562 01:24:57 这已经是它们的世界了It is already their world.
563 01:25:08 后面那个房间有热水和干净的衣服There's hot water and fresh clothes in that room back there.
564 01:25:12 梳洗一下就会舒服一点You'll feel better when you get yourself cleaned up.
565 01:25:17 最好想想 怎么在这里做出贡献You better figure out how to be useful around here.
566 01:25:26 荣誉长老Honored Elder...
567 01:25:28 不得不低头had to bend.
568 01:25:31 我们别无选择We had no choice.
569 01:25:35 你必须接受You must accept.
570 01:25:40 这是定律It is law.
571 01:25:44 长老们没把这世界的一切The Elders did not tell us everything
572 01:25:49 告诉我们about this world.
573 01:25:52 他们没说 是因为他们不知道They did not tell us because they did not know.
574 01:25:57 他们不想知道They did not want to know.
575 01:26:06 你好特别You are different.
576 01:26:12 过来Come.
577 01:26:28 所以才叫古罗马长袍派对And that's why they call it a toga party.
578 01:26:34 你真是个搞笑的人类 崔瓦森You are a funny little human
579 01:26:43 过来Hey
580 01:26:45 过来 坐Come
581 01:26:48 麻烦Please.
582 01:26:51 去Go.
583 01:26:53 走吧Go.
584 01:27:05 美好的一天 对吧?Wonderful day
585 01:27:11 你们俩远道而来You two have come a long way.
586 01:27:16 猩猩和人类An ape and a human
587 01:27:18 一起旅行traveling together is...
588 01:27:21 好惊险的旅程quite an adventure.
589 01:27:26 你是诺亚吧?You are Noa
590 01:27:28 欢迎你 诺亚Welcome
591 01:27:45 下去Go.
592 01:27:54 梅伊Mae...
593 01:27:55 你熟悉进化的you are familiar with the concept of...
594 01:27:59 概念吗?evolution?
595 01:28:01 那是人类贴的标签That is the human label
596 01:28:04 我渴望的进步 需要时间The advancement that I crave requires time.
597 01:28:09 我所缺少的大量时间Vast amounts of time that I do not have.
598 01:28:14 可惜 我毕竟是终将一死的猩猩Unfortunately
599 01:28:19 所以 我需要取得宝库里的知识So this is why I need to get the knowledge inside that vault.
600 01:28:25 我相信它能实现I believe it will deliver
601 01:28:26 即刻进化instant evolution.
602 01:28:30 诺亚Hmm. Noa.
603 01:28:33 你不懂You don't understand.
604 01:28:36 在他们的盛世In their time
605 01:28:38 人类能做许多伟大的事humans were capable of many great things
606 01:28:44 他们能铲平高山They could level mountains.
607 01:28:48 能跨洋对话They could speak across oceans.
608 01:28:50 他们还能飞行 诺亚They could fly
609 01:28:53 像老鹰一样翱翔Like eagles fly.
610 01:28:55 但现在 我们会学习But now
611 01:28:59 猩猩会学习 我会学习Apes will learn. I will learn
612 01:29:02 向宝库里的东西学习from what is inside that vault.
613 01:29:06 不可能It's impossible.
614 01:29:09 没人进得去No one's getting in there.
615 01:29:16 梅伊Mae
616 01:29:20 我的手下碰到你的同伴My apes encountered your companions.
617 01:29:27 我想这张地图是你的I believe this map belonged to you.
618 01:29:31 诺亚You see
619 01:29:33 在她和你 以及那个before she was traveling with you
620 01:29:36 红毛猩猩 同行之前and that old orangutan
621 01:29:40 梅伊是跟其他人类在一起的Mae was with other humans.
622 01:29:46 可惜But sadly
623 01:29:50 我的手下不了解他们的价值my apes did not realize their value
624 01:29:53 所以 只带了尸体回来so I was brought only bodies.
625 01:29:58 我不能像这样跟他们说话I could not speak to them like I can speak to you.
626 01:30:04 我知道I know...
627 01:30:06 你来这里是想进入我的宝库you are coming here to get inside my vault.
628 01:30:10 它不是你的It is not yours!
629 01:30:11 是吗Oh.
630 01:30:13 现在是了 对吧?It is now
631 01:30:17 我一定会进去And I will get inside.
632 01:30:20 不管要牺牲多少猩猩No matter how many apes it costs me.
633 01:30:25 诺亚Noa.
634 01:30:26 我I...
635 01:30:28 我听说你非常聪明?I have heard that you are a very clever ape
636 01:30:34 非常聪明Very clever.
637 01:30:36 他修好你坏掉的一根棒子He repaired one of your broken staffs
638 01:30:42 我要重用聪明的猩猩I have much use for clever apes.
639 01:30:46 麻烦跟我说Now
640 01:30:51 梅伊有告诉你 如何进入我的宝库吗?did Mae tell you how to get inside my vault?
641 01:31:00 她什么都没说She told me nothing.
642 01:31:02 什么都没说!Told you nothing!
643 01:31:04 没说Nothing.
644 01:31:09 什么都没说Told you nothing.
645 01:31:15 诺亚Noa.
646 01:31:17 来 跟我来Come. Come with me.
647 01:31:19 过来Come
648 01:31:22 我给你看一样东西I have something to show you.
649 01:31:25 过来Come. Come.
650 01:31:28 过来Come
651 01:31:31 告诉我 你看到了什么?Tell me
652 01:31:43 遭掠夺的族人Stolen clans.
653 01:31:48 不是族人Not clans.
654 01:31:51 是一个王国A kingdom.
655 01:31:54 诺亚 猩猩的王国Noa
656 01:32:02 千万不能信任人类Humans can never be trusted.
657 01:32:06 只要有两个能说话的Where there are two that can speak
658 01:32:09 就一定有更多there must be more.
659 01:32:13 梅伊是来夺取我宝库里的工具Mae has come here to claim the tools inside my vault.
660 01:32:19 那些工具使人类强大Tools that make humans strong
661 01:32:22 让他们变危险and make them dangerous.
662 01:32:27 所以我必须先下手为强That is why I must have them first.
663 01:32:29 是吧?Yeah?
664 01:32:30 他们不明白 这是我们的时代They do not understand that this is our time.
665 01:32:36 这是我的王国This is my kingdom.
666 01:32:41 我必须歼灭他们I must destroy their kind.
667 01:32:46 除非我们想再被关进笼里Unless we want to live in cages again.
668 01:32:56 过来Come.
669 01:32:57 过来 诺亚Come
670 01:32:59 吃饭吧Let us eat.
671 01:33:02 崔瓦森Trevathan!
672 01:33:04 说个故事来听听Tell us a story.
673 01:33:06 说个好笑的Make it a funny one.
674 01:33:31 它们不会来They will not come.
675 01:33:36 为什么?Why?
676 01:33:39 因为老鹰的家族Because Eagle Clan...
677 01:33:44 离开了is gone.
678 01:33:48 老鹰家族离在了这里Eagle Clan is here.
679 01:33:54 我们在这里We are here.
680 01:33:59 在普西马斯的土地上In land of Proximus.
681 01:34:03 普西马斯不需要老鹰And Proximus has no need for eagles.
682 01:34:42 你是来批评我的?You come to judge me?
683 01:34:51 我会批评自己I judge myself.
684 01:34:55 我答应我们父亲I promised our father
685 01:34:59 我会带他们回家I would bring them home.
686 01:35:05 我没做到I failed.
687 01:35:08 老鹰家族 现在Eagle Clan belongs
688 01:35:11 属于普西马斯凯撒了to Proximus Caesar now.
689 01:35:19 那是定律That is the law.
690 01:35:37 但这项定律错了But the law is wrong.
691 01:36:29 该上晚课了Time for the evening lesson.
692 01:36:32 上课对你有好处It would be very good for you to be there.
693 01:37:14 你不是为了哑口而来You did not come for Echoes.
694 01:37:18 也不是一个人And you were not alone.
695 01:37:23 对不起I'm sorry.
696 01:37:26 普西马斯的手下发现我们的营地Proximus's apes found our camp.
697 01:37:31 他们杀光所有人They killed everyone.
698 01:37:34 我差点逃不掉I barely escaped.
699 01:37:37 我需要你帮忙I needed your help.
700 01:37:40 我很害怕 你说越多And I was afraid. The more you speak
701 01:37:43 我越不相信the less I believe.
702 01:37:45 我不该不相信你I was wrong not to trust you.
703 01:37:47 现在 我知道了And I know that now.
704 01:37:48 我相信你 只是为了帮你I trust you only to help yourself.
705 01:37:54 但现在也能帮到我But that could help me now.
706 01:38:00 我有问题I have questions.
707 01:38:03 只要你老实回答You answer true
708 01:38:06 或许我会帮忙maybe I help.
709 01:38:10 你需要宝库里的什么?What do you need inside vault?
710 01:38:15 是It's...
711 01:38:17 一本书like a book.
712 01:38:19 一本特别的书 怎么说?A special book. How?
713 01:38:22 特别?Special?
714 01:38:25 人类失去了说话能力Humans lost their ability to speak.
715 01:38:27 这本书可能让它恢复And this book might bring it back.
716 01:38:31 一本书有办法?A book can do this?
717 01:38:33 这本可以This one can.
718 01:38:42 拉卡说猩猩和人类Raka said apes and humans
719 01:38:48 曾一起生活lived side by side.
720 01:38:52 是不是真的?True or not true?
721 01:38:57 猩猩过去不能说话Apes were silent.
722 01:39:00 跟哑口一样Like the Echo.
723 01:39:03 人类主宰世界Humans were dominant.
724 01:39:06 扩散的病毒The virus spread...
725 01:39:08 是我们创造的that we created.
726 01:39:11 它让猩猩更聪明It made apes smarter.
727 01:39:14 差点害死我们所有人And it almost killed all of us.
728 01:39:23 你知道怎么进去吗?You know a way inside
729 01:39:27 对Yes.
730 01:39:30 最后一个问题One last question.
731 01:39:35 水会破坏里面的东西吗?Will water destroy what is inside?
732 01:39:59 诺亚Noa.
733 01:40:02 我需要你们帮忙Noa.
734 01:40:07 帮什么忙?Noa.
735 01:40:13 攀爬一个地方A climb.
736 01:40:16 我无法独自完成One I cannot do alone.
737 01:40:19 为什么?Why?
738 01:40:22 要解放我们的族人To free our clan.
739 01:40:47 阿纳亚很害怕To free our clan.
740 01:41:24 苏娜 这是梅伊Soona
741 01:41:29 你好 苏娜Hello
742 01:41:35 该怎么做?What do we do?
743 01:41:38 我们需要这些We're gonna need all of this.
744 01:41:41 跟我来Follow me.
745 01:41:56 小心Careful.
746 01:42:00 电力会通过 对吗?The power runs through
747 01:42:06 对Yes.
748 01:42:23 要攀上难爬的地方You cannot make hard climb...
749 01:42:30 一定要有阿纳亚without Anaya.
750 01:42:45 你好 哑口Hello
751 01:43:04 这很烫This burns hot.
752 01:43:05 但在压力之下But under pressure
753 01:43:08 会爆炸it will explode.
754 01:43:12 你怎么知道?How do you know this?
755 01:43:20 惨了Oh
756 01:43:27 惨了?"Shit"?
757 01:43:29 把它拿过去 好Take that over there. Okay.
758 01:43:31 我跟阿纳亚去I go with Anaya.
759 01:43:34 那样比较安全Safer that way.
760 01:43:37 阿纳亚 站住Anaya! Anaya. Stop.
761 01:43:40 这样不对 好You're doing it wrong. Okay.
762 01:43:43 你喜欢她You like her.
763 01:43:44 不 这样才对You like her.
764 01:43:46 苏娜Soona.
765 01:43:49 我们在一个日落之内相继出生We were born within a sunset.
766 01:43:55 不 阿纳亚No. Anaya...
767 01:43:56 他打算重建He's just going to rebuild it.
768 01:44:10 你You...
769 01:44:13 你有过机会You had an opportunity.
770 01:44:16 我给了你一个机会I gave you an opportunity.
771 01:44:19 但你幻想的是一去不复返的过去But you're fantasizing about a past that can never come back.
772 01:44:30 听我说Listen to me.
773 01:44:33 崔瓦森 你不该待在这里Trevathan
774 01:44:38 你以为结束了You think it's over
775 01:44:41 可是还没but it's not.
776 01:44:43 没人会把这里的事怪到你头上Nobody is going to blame you for what happened here.
777 01:44:49 跟我们来就是了Just come with us.
778 01:44:55 拜托Please?
779 01:45:04 他会活剥你 猩猩的皮He's gonna skin your monkey alive.
780 01:45:11 而你And you...
781 01:45:13 嗯Well...
782 01:45:16 你会学到教训的you're gonna learn.
783 01:45:26 不Oh
784 01:45:27 求求你Please!
785 01:46:29 该走了We need to go.
786 01:46:31 天快亮了It'll be light soon.
787 01:46:52 你不是说要攀爬吗?You said there would be climb!
788 01:47:09 梅伊 等等Mae
789 01:47:17 梅伊Mae!
790 01:47:23 那边There!
791 01:47:25 我们必须上去We need to go up there.
792 01:47:29 现在要往上爬了?Now we climb?
793 01:47:52 比顶巢轻松Easier than Top Nest.
794 01:47:55 继续爬Keep climbing.
795 01:48:19 诺亚Noa!
796 01:48:33 好险?Shit?
797 01:48:36 嗯Mmhmm.
798 01:49:40 等等 小心Wait. Careful.
799 01:49:47 糟糕Oops.
800 01:49:48 阿纳亚Anaya!
801 01:50:19 诺亚 这是什么地方?Noa
802 01:50:25 好臭It smells.
803 01:50:27 (危险)It smells.
804 01:50:36 那是什么?诺亚What is that? Noa!
805 01:50:38 诺亚 怎么回事?Noa! What happening?
806 01:51:15 这都是哑口建造的?Echo build all this?
807 01:51:26 (场地指南)Echo build all this?
808 01:51:34 (消防水带与消防栓)Echo build all this?
809 01:51:41 在这里等Wait here.
810 01:52:35 妈妈Mama!
811 01:53:00 (收纳箱)Mama!
812 01:53:50 这些符号有意义The symbols have meaning.
813 01:54:14 (笼里传出好多叫声)The symbols have meaning.
814 01:54:24 (杰克看了看 说他最喜欢猴子)The symbols have meaning.
815 01:54:46 该走了Time to go.
816 01:55:12 它们是什么?Whoa. What are they?
817 01:55:17 过来Come!
818 01:55:57 我们动作要快We'll have to move fast.
819 01:55:59 你去找你的族人You go to your clan
820 01:56:01 我来引爆and I'll trigger the explosion.
821 01:56:58 诺亚 你是很有用的猩猩Noa
822 01:57:04 了解好多事情You understand so many things.
823 01:57:08 不过 你却没注意到And yet
824 01:57:11 最重要的其中一件事one of the most important.
825 01:57:16 千万不能相信人类You cannot trust a human!
826 01:57:21 你的族人来见证了Here comes your clan to bear witness.
827 01:57:27 虽然你笨到可以You may be fool enough
828 01:57:30 相信那种奸诈的动物to put your faith in such a duplicitous creature.
829 01:57:37 但我可不笨But I am not.
830 01:57:46 告诉我 诺亚Tell me
831 01:57:48 猩猩之间的诚恳交流ape to ape
832 01:57:52 梅伊打算在我的宝库里怎么对付我?what did Mae have planned for me inside my own vault?
833 01:57:59 好Okay.
834 01:58:01 你要选谁?So what do you choose?
835 01:58:04 选人类 不选猩猩?A human over an ape?
836 01:58:08 你亲爱的小苏娜Your sweet little Soona...
837 01:58:13 还是那个发臭的人类?...or that stinky human?
838 01:58:17 说出你的计划Tell me your plan!
839 01:58:20 不!No!
840 01:58:58 我懂了I see.
841 01:59:02 你能离开了 梅伊You can leave
842 01:59:06 你可以走了You can go.
843 01:59:07 你自由了 只要告诉我You're free. Just tell me...
844 01:59:10 里面还有那玩意儿吗?are there more of those in there?
845 01:59:22 梅伊?Mae?
846 01:59:24 梅伊Mae.
847 01:59:27 不No.
848 01:59:29 我们不能We cannot.
849 01:59:32 不能让他得逞He can't have it.
850 01:59:34 梅伊Mae.
851 01:59:37 对不起 梅伊I'm sorry. Mae!
852 01:59:40 不!No!
853 01:59:41 梅伊 不要!Mae
854 01:59:46 梅伊Mae!
855 02:00:11 你做了什么?What have you done?
856 02:00:19 爬Climb.
857 02:00:21 快爬!Climb!
858 02:00:23 快爬 不Climb! No.
859 02:00:30 不!No!
860 02:01:14 诺亚Noa! Noa!
861 02:01:16 苏娜 小心后面Soona! Behind you!
862 02:01:19 快爬Climb!
863 02:01:22 儿子Son! Son!
864 02:01:24 妈 儿子Mother! Son!
865 02:01:25 妈Mother! Mother!
866 02:01:27 妈Mother!
867 02:01:30 达尔Dar!
868 02:01:31 抓住她Grab her!
869 02:01:33 达尔 抓我的手Dar! Grab my hand!
870 02:01:35 妈 达尔Mother! Dar!
871 02:01:41 达尔Dar!
872 02:01:46 达尔 抓住你了Dar
873 02:01:48 诺亚 怎么办?Noa
874 02:01:52 这边 快走This way! Go!
875 02:02:02 老鹰家族!往上爬!Eagle Clan! Climb!
876 02:02:05 跟着苏娜 跟着阿纳亚Follow Soona! Follow Anaya!
877 02:02:07 这边 快爬 快This way! Climb! Go. Go.
878 02:02:10 快爬Climb!
879 02:02:19 这边This way!
880 02:02:22 快点Hurry!
881 02:02:25 跟着苏娜Follow Soona!
882 02:02:26 快 快去Hurry! Hurry! Go!
883 02:02:33 过来 快走Come. Go!
884 02:02:35 快爬 苏娜Climb
885 02:02:36 从这里出去This the way out!
886 02:02:38 快Hurry!
887 02:02:40 快爬 诺亚Climb! Noa!
888 02:02:41 妈 快走Mother
889 02:02:42 诺亚 阿纳亚 快爬Noa! Climb
890 02:02:44 苏娜 快走 带他们走Soona
891 02:02:45 快 爬上去Go! Climb!
892 02:02:47 快 快走Go! Go
893 02:05:34 你以为你能摧毁我的王国?You think you can destroy my kingdom?
894 02:05:47 你以为你能毁掉我?You think you can destroy what I am?
895 02:05:57 诺亚 别碰他Noa! Leave him.
896 02:06:11 诺亚Noa.
897 02:06:14 你展现了无穷的潜力You showed so much promise.
898 02:06:20 你给我站起来You are going to stand
899 02:06:23 才能在死前向你的国王so that you can bend for your king...
900 02:06:27 鞠躬before you die.
901 02:06:34 你们都将亲眼见证And you will all bear witness
902 02:06:38 诺亚在国王面前鞠躬as Noa bends before his king.
903 02:06:47 站起来Now stand.
904 02:06:49 快站起来Stand now!
905 02:06:54 对That's it.
906 02:06:56 聪明的猩猩Clever ape.
907 02:07:21 这是干什么?What is this?
908 02:07:26 崔瓦森应该会很喜欢Trevathan would love this.
909 02:07:58 够了Enough!
910 02:08:02 够了Enough!
911 02:09:13 我们回家吧Let us go home.
912 02:09:47 他来了 大家快点He's coming!
913 02:09:52 软吗?Soft?
914 02:09:54 太扎实Too firm.
915 02:09:57 太扎实Too firm.
916 02:09:59 丝绒 很好Silk. Good.
917 02:10:08 诺亚Noa.
918 02:10:30 我是来道别的I came to say goodbye.
919 02:10:41 普西马斯说得对Proximus was right.
920 02:10:44 人类永远不会放弃Humans will never give up.
921 02:10:49 除非 你们把所有东西Not until you claim all things
922 02:10:53 占为己有for yourselves.
923 02:10:56 那是我们的It was ours.
924 02:10:58 那座发射井是人类的地方That silo was a human place
925 02:11:01 有人类的物品与人类的构想with human things and human ideas.
926 02:11:03 原本就不属于猩猩It was not meant for apes.
927 02:11:04 有什么属于猩猩?What is for apes?
928 02:11:09 我们又该沉默吗?Should we go back to silence?
929 02:11:13 我们会重建自己的家园We will rebuild our home.
930 02:11:17 让它更好Better.
931 02:11:19 更强大Stronger.
932 02:11:21 利用我们的所学From what we have learned.
933 02:11:34 如果拉卡在这里If Raka were here
934 02:11:38 他会告诉我们 他的凯撒he would tell us his Caesar
935 02:11:41 对此有决定权had much to say on this.
936 02:11:48 他说得对吗?Was he right?
937 02:11:57 猩猩和人类能一起生活吗?Can ape and human live together?
938 02:12:13 我不知道I don't know.
939 02:12:29 很重要Important.
940 02:13:20 回头见Important.
941 02:14:39 过来Come.
942 02:14:46 重新调降至20Rescaling back down to 20.
943 02:14:48 新纬度点2.722New latitude point
944 02:14:50 收到 提高转速Copy that. Spooling up.
945 02:14:52 让我知道分布状况Let me know what that distribution looks like.
946 02:14:52 过来Let's get over here.
947 02:14:54 读数确认 连线 预备 拉升Readings have been confirmed.Link is ready! Pulling up now.
948 02:15:25 (加密金钥有效)Readings have been confirmed.Link is ready! Pulling up now.
949 02:15:27 (获取卫星信号中)Readings have been confirmed.Link is ready! Pulling up now.
950 02:15:42 喂?Hello.
951 02:15:44 有人在吗?Is anyone there?
952 02:15:45 快啊Come on.
953 02:15:47 听见了吗?Do you hear me?
954 02:15:51 有 喂?Yes
955 02:15:53 这是印第安纳州韦恩堡 我们收到了This is Fort Wayne
956 02:15:56 好高兴听见别人的声音It's good to hear another voice out there.
957 02:15:58 你们在哪里 什么位置?Tell me where you are. What's your location?
958 02:16:24 Merged by EggyTell me where you are. What's your location?