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焦土作战 Scorched Earth(2018)中英字幕预览
1 00:00:38 21世纪中叶In the middle of the 21st century
2 00:00:40 自然母亲的愤怒终于爆发了 一种地质灾害出现了Mother Nature finally unleashed her fury in a cataclysmic event
3 00:00:45 就是人们熟知的"云落之灾"known as the Cloud Fall.
4 00:00:49 冰川融化的速度如此之快 以至于城市Ice caps melted so quickly that entire cities
5 00:00:52 在数月之内 被淹没were wiped out within months.
6 00:00:55 开始降雨后 洪水的规模空前巨大Once the rains began
7 00:01:00 几乎把整个星球都给毁了It destroyed almost the entire planet.
8 00:01:07 人们在地势高的地方得以喘息Pockets of respite on high ground
9 00:01:09 幸存者们在那里重新开始生活allowed those few who survived to start again.
10 00:01:15 云落之灾的50年后 有两样人类生存的必需品50 years after the Cloud Fall
11 00:01:18 长久以来 人们都想得理所当然essential for survival that had been taken for granted for so
12 00:01:22 但现在却成为了稀缺的商品long are now rare commodities--
13 00:01:25 空气和水Air and water.
14 00:01:27 在这物物交换的经济中 有两种货币In this new barter economy
15 00:01:31 微型水清洁管 用于清洁有毒的雨水 还有Water tabs to purify poisonous rainwater and pure
16 00:01:36 纯银粉 空气滤清器的重要组成部分silver
17 00:01:40 能延缓人们的死亡 比如黑肺病that can delay eventual death
18 00:01:47 新型的 基本的政府组织New and rudimentary authorities began to keep
19 00:01:51 保护着人们的安全people safe as possible.
20 00:01:56 消耗化石燃料的交通工具Vehicles that burned fossil fuels
21 00:02:01 是非法的were illegal.
22 00:02:03 驾驶这些交通工具的人Those that drove them were guilty of the most
23 00:02:06 就是犯下了莫大的罪行heinous crime possible.
24 00:02:10 新的政府提供赏金 将这些犯罪分子绳之以法The new authority offered rewards to bring these outlaws
25 00:02:13 赏金猎人遍布整个荒地to justice and bounty hunters roamed the wasteland
26 00:02:17 想要拿到赏金looking to claim those rewards.
27 00:03:03 不No!
28 00:03:05 你在干什么呢What are you doing?
29 00:03:06 没有那玩意儿 我活不下去I can't survive out here without-- ugh
30 00:03:10 有时候我觉得你根本就不喜欢我Sometimes I think you don't even like me.
31 00:03:15 你在这荒地上 把我撞在棺材里拖着走She's picking me up and dragging my ass across the wilderness
32 00:03:19 他妈的 为什么用棺材装着我Seriously
33 00:03:23 沃马克 你什么时候变得这么敏感了Whoa
34 00:03:31 把我送回去吧OK
35 00:03:34 把我带走吧Just take me in.
36 00:03:35 我受够了I've had it.
37 00:03:36 把我带走吧Just take me in.
38 00:03:38 求求你Come on.
39 00:03:40 查沃 查沃在哪Chavo
40 00:03:42 东边 他们去东边了East
41 00:03:44 她听说有朝圣者经过码头那边She got wind of some pilgrims down by the docks.
42 00:03:50 下次再见See you next time.
43 00:03:53 不No.
44 00:03:54 没有下一次了 盖奇There's no next time
45 00:03:56 这是关键That is the point.
46 00:03:57 嘿 你要去哪Hey
47 00:03:58 你看啊Aw
48 00:03:59 停雨了It stopped raining.
49 00:04:02 是饮用水么Drinking water?
50 00:04:04 就这些That's it?
51 00:04:05 但我帮了你啊But I helped you.
52 00:04:08 盖奇 我会死在这儿的Gage
53 00:04:11 祝你好运 看来你的确要死了Looks like you're going to need it.
54 00:04:13 风暴就要来了There's a burner on the way.
55 00:04:22 但我帮了你啊But I helped you!
56 00:04:23 我帮了你啊 盖奇I helped you
57 00:04:24 你要去哪Where are you going?
58 00:04:26 我会死在这的I'm going to die out here.
59 00:04:32 盖奇Gage!
60 00:04:35 去死吧 盖奇Suck wind and die
61 00:04:37 他妈的Damn it.
62 00:04:44 看看你啊Look at you.
63 00:04:51 我们这是抓到了谁啊Who have we got here?
64 00:05:00 看你这脸多漂亮Look at how pretty you are.
65 00:05:05 我们有区政府授予的Look
66 00:05:07 高级许可issued by the territorial authority
67 00:05:09 准许我们安全通过guaranteeing us safe passage.
68 00:05:12 我们这是去朝圣We are on a pilgrimage.
69 00:05:15 如果我们没有到达目的地And if we don't make our destination
70 00:05:17 政府就会悬赏你们的项上人头a bounty will be issued for your head.
71 00:05:20 哦 真抱歉Oh I'm sorry.
72 00:05:21 我不知道呢I didn't know.
73 00:05:24 我感觉自己很蠢啊I feel stupid.
74 00:05:26 请原谅Forgive me.
75 00:05:29 那我祝你们度过愉快的一天 旅途平安啊Well
76 00:05:37 关键是 如果让你们消失的无影无踪Thing is
77 00:05:41 那他们怎么知道该悬赏谁的命呢how they going to know who to put that bounty on?
78 00:05:45 政府可管不到这里There's no authority out here.
79 00:05:49 如果你们剩下的人合作的话Now if the rest of you cooperate
80 00:05:50 也许能让你们多活一天you just might live to see another day.
81 00:05:54 还有你 这是什么And you-- what's this?
82 00:06:10 银器啊Silver.
83 00:06:11 这可真是个意外惊喜啊Well
84 00:06:15 我要把这磨成粉I'm going to grind this up and put it
85 00:06:18 然后放进我的空气滤清器in my own personal air filter.
86 00:06:20 这样的话 我每次呼吸新鲜空气的时候And I'm going to think of you every time
87 00:06:22 就能想到你们I suck a fresh breath.
88 00:06:25 去把他们的空气滤清器 饮用水 清洁管都搜出来Get the usual-- Filters
89 00:06:28 我知道有人会出高价买走你们这些劳动力IDEI know someone paying top dollar for able bodies.
90 00:06:43 嘿 你是谁Hey
91 00:06:45 嘿 查沃Hey
92 00:06:47 他妈的God damn it.
93 00:06:48 去死吧 盖奇Go to hell
94 00:06:51 我会的 我保证I will
95 00:06:52 我们现在有两个选择There's two ways we could do this.
96 00:07:00 这是其中一种That's one of them.
97 00:07:02 嘿 她在那边Hey
98 00:07:05 绕过去Go around.
99 00:07:07 去啊Go!
100 00:07:09 你他妈的是去哪呢Where the hell are you going?
101 00:07:16 啊 这个错误犯的大了Oh
102 00:07:18 没人能弃你而去 对吧 查沃Nobody runs out on you
103 00:07:21 听着 混蛋 我只是像其他人一样活命而已Look
104 00:07:26 其实 查沃 你真是个非常混蛋的家伙Thing is
105 00:07:29 所以对于我这样的混蛋来说 是很有and that makes you very attractive to a scumbag
106 00:07:32 吸引力的like me.
107 00:07:40 听着 盖奇 让我走我就放了他们 对某些人来说他们还是很值钱的Listen
108 00:07:45 等我干掉你 就能赚到一笔大钱 没什么能与之相比Nothing compared to what I could get for you.
109 00:07:52 你知道的You know that.
110 00:07:53 我就轰了她的脑袋 然后I'll blow her head off
111 00:07:55 把他们都杀了I'll kill the rest of them.
112 00:07:56 我会动手的 你知道我会动手的I'll do it
113 00:07:58 然后你去跟政府解释这件事吧And then you can tell that to the Authority.
114 00:08:01 你听到我了么You hear me?
115 00:08:04 听的清清楚楚Loud and clear.
116 00:08:17 非常感谢你Thank you so much.
117 00:08:19 我要你走远点 别挡道I'm really going to need you to stay out of my way.
118 00:08:22 没必要Not necessary.
119 00:09:58 他妈的Damn it.
120 00:10:04 不 我已经丢了一半赏金了No
121 00:10:07 我很肯定 如果我告诉了你的老板Well
122 00:10:09 你在这做的事 他们就会you did here
123 00:10:11 支付全额赏金的the full value of the reward.
124 00:10:14 我的天 你的想法就像你的长相一样天真Wow
125 00:10:22 你要去哪Where are you going?
126 00:10:25 我们这有人受伤 你要送他去接受治疗You've got to help us get him to medical assistance.
127 00:10:29 不关我的事Not my problem.
128 00:11:12 现在我想对新蒙大拿社区的两位新成员表示热烈A warm welcome to the two newest members of the community of New
129 00:11:17 欢迎Montana.
130 00:11:18 那些可用于种植的大麻籽There are viable hempseed that's going to be critical for us
131 00:11:21 对我们接下来的几年很关键in the years to come.
132 00:11:24 区政府天气预报部门称这周空气中毒素水平Is saying that there will be no spike in toxin levels expected
133 00:11:28 但是如果this week
134 00:11:30 要离开密闭的室内环境to be leaving a sealed environment
135 00:11:32 还是应该戴上备用呼吸器without a backup breather.
136 00:11:34 最后一件事 我们最近接到了很多报告So one last thing
137 00:11:37 周围区域reports of increased outlaw activity
138 00:11:39 非法活动增加in the surrounding areas.
139 00:11:40 所以注意陌生人So keep an eye out for strangers
140 00:11:43 不仅仅是为了你们自己 还帮邻居都看着点not just for yourself
141 00:11:47 区政府想要我们The Territorial Authority wants us
142 00:11:49 汇报可疑情况to report potential activity--
143 00:11:56 散会Meeting adjourned.
144 00:12:14 盖奇Gage.
145 00:12:26 如果想的话 可以点数You can count it
146 00:12:34 你只给了我水清洁器There's only water tabs in here.
147 00:12:36 银粉在哪Where's the powdered silver?
148 00:12:37 政府没给我们银粉啊Yeah
149 00:12:40 我不知道为什么I don't know why.
150 00:12:43 我这里的清洁器和银粉只够镇上用这个月了Water and air scrubbers running for the rest of the month.
151 00:12:50 政府悬赏查沃的赏金是Right
152 00:12:53 300个清洁器 两克银粉at 300 tabs and two grams of silver for Chavo
153 00:12:57 然后却没把银粉送过来?and then doesn't send the silver.
154 00:12:59 - 我觉得没什么好说的 - 也许你能告诉我真相I mean
155 00:13:08 少你的都会给你的You'll get what's owed.
156 00:13:10 给我多一点时间I just need a little more time.
157 00:13:13 你那些也够用了You've got enough to get by.
158 00:13:16 我考虑的是镇上勤劳人民的福祉And health of the hardworking people of this town.
159 00:13:21 真的么Really?
160 00:13:26 告诉我 等那些恶人都绳之以法了Tell me
161 00:13:29 你打算做什么the belchers have been retired?
162 00:13:32 我就来找你啊I'll come looking for you.
163 00:13:35 你跟他们一样 都是垃圾You're just trash like the rest of them.
164 00:13:40 你跟那些拖来这儿的废物 有什么区别What makes you so different than the bounties you drag in here?
165 00:13:46 区别在于 我还站在地面上呢I'm still above ground.
166 00:14:04 看看这个Well
167 00:14:06 他们还是送了银粉来嘛They did send the silver after all.
168 00:14:46 我教过你了 永远不要背对着门坐I taught you never to sit with your back to the door
169 00:14:50 尤其是你就这么闯入别人家里的时候especially when you're breaking into someone's home.
170 00:14:53 是啊 你还教过我 赏金猎人Yeah
171 00:14:55 是一项高尚的职业was a noble profession.
172 00:14:59 我觉得你最好不要玩那玩意I wouldn't play with that
173 00:15:01 那是浓缩酸液It's concentrated acid.
174 00:15:04 他们会腐蚀你That'll cut through you like--
175 00:15:07 浓缩酸液就是如此嘛Well
176 00:15:14 我看到查沃的尸体了I saw what was left of Chavo.
177 00:15:19 枪法不错Nice shooting.
178 00:15:21 医生 我的枪法永远赶不上你My aim will never be as good as yours
179 00:15:23 那都是过去了Aw
180 00:15:25 自从这事之后 我觉得当个乡村医生还是挺好的Since this
181 00:15:31 不管怎么说 跟你抓捕那些It was fun though--
182 00:15:33 开废气排放车辆的人 还是很有意思的Taking down fossil abusers with you.
183 00:15:35 你看了最新的告示牌么You seen the latest bulletin?
184 00:15:38 看了 汤姆·杰克逊 悬赏5000清洁器Sure
185 00:15:41 政府提供过的最高的赏金Biggest bounty the Authorities ever offered.
186 00:15:44 就连格拉布斯都在说要招一堆人Even Grubbs is talking about raising a posse
187 00:15:47 去尝试一下and taking a shot at it.
188 00:15:49 杰克逊没什么特别的Jackson's nothing special.
189 00:15:54 我告诉过你 他可不止如此I taught you better than that.
190 00:15:56 他在巩固自己的实力He's consolidating.
191 00:15:59 他接管了一个定居点He took over this settlement.
192 00:16:01 那个地方称作"反抗" 几年新建的一个镇子Place called Defiance
193 00:16:02 将它建成了一个不法分子的天堂 其中不少都政府悬赏追杀的对象Made it a safe haven for lawbreakers
194 00:16:08 你有这方面的才能 可以搞定的Someone with your talents could clean up.
195 00:16:13 只要敢于试就可以了You'd have to be crazy to try.
196 00:16:19 你在想你能不能独自一人搞定他们You're wondering if you can take them alone.
197 00:16:23 你搞不定的You can't.
198 00:16:26 为什么不行Why not?
199 00:16:27 有人试过了 那些人的尸体都挂在门上以警示别的赏金猎人Leaves their bodies hanging from the gate as a warning.
200 00:16:32 就当我没提过这事吧Just forget I ever brought it up.
201 00:16:36 但你提过了Yeah
202 00:16:56 盖奇Gage!
203 00:16:57 盖奇Gage!
204 00:17:22 杰克逊的事Jackson.
205 00:17:27 别去Don't.
206 00:17:28 赏金猎人没法靠近那个地方的He wouldn't let a bounty hunter within 10 clicks of Defiance.
207 00:17:34 也许我不是一位赏金猎人啊Maybe not a bounty hunter.
208 00:17:36 什么意思What do you mean?
209 00:17:44 什么What?
210 00:17:45 - 长得像什么样 - 就像一个赏金猎人戴着查沃的帽子一样You look like you wearing Chavo's hat.
211 00:17:49 这是因为你认识我 查沃的尸体就躺在你的面前Got Chavo lying on a slab right in front of you.
212 00:17:53 所以这就是你的计划?So that's your plan?
213 00:17:55 - 装成查沃的样子 - 我已经杀了所有跟她同行的人了I've already killed everyone she's running with.
214 00:17:58 谁会分得出我们俩的区别Who's going to know the difference?
215 00:17:59 所有认识你的人都分得出Anyone that knows your face.
216 00:18:02 这是大多数人见过我的样子This is what most people ever see of me.
217 00:18:07 不 但如果你能帮我到镇里 也许我就能No
218 00:18:12 也许我就能帮你Maybe it can delay how long it takes
219 00:18:14 晚几天死you to get yourself killed.
220 00:18:16 如果我现在走 天黑之前就能到If I leave now
221 00:18:19 查沃Chavo.
222 00:18:21 盖奇Gage.
223 00:18:23 盖奇Gage.
224 00:18:24 查沃Chavo.
225 00:18:26 这不好笑It's not funny.
226 00:18:29 还是有点好笑的It's a little bit funny.
227 00:18:31 别那么严肃嘛You really need to lighten up.
228 00:18:36 待会见I'll see you soon.
229 00:18:40 求求你别这么做Please don't do this.
230 00:18:48 虽然你狠疯狂 还是希望你能多待一会儿 几天就行You around once in a while
231 00:18:56 我过河的时候会很小心的I'll be extra careful crossing the river.
232 00:19:00 等着Wait.
233 00:19:10 拿着这个 说不定有点用It'll just even out the odds a little.
234 00:21:21 这杯免费On the house.
235 00:21:46 那是谁Who's that?
236 00:21:48 查沃 看她帽子就知道了Chavo
237 00:22:07 空瓶 徒有虚名Empty bottles and a wasted name.
238 00:22:15 你可以改变规则 宝贝You can change the rules
239 00:22:17 但你没法改变局面but you can't quite change the game.
240 00:22:23 如果感觉已经不太一样If the feeling ain't the same anymore
241 00:22:29 我的宝贝 你能听见我的呼喊 但不会看见我哭泣my baby you can hear me call
242 00:22:37 我唱着那些催眠曲 但我从不会入眠And I sing all my lullabies
243 00:23:01 打扰一下Excuse me.
244 00:23:04 你在演出中间就这么离开On someone in the middle of a performance
245 00:23:09 而且台上的那位还是我的夫人especially when that someone is my lady.
246 00:23:12 其实 我不知道你是谁Well
247 00:23:14 也不知道那是你夫人 我怎么知道or that that was your lady
248 00:23:15 我就这么离开supposed to know that my exit would have such
249 00:23:18 会伤害到你那脆弱的自尊an impact on your fragile ego?
250 00:23:24 我是托马斯·杰克逊My name is Thomas Jackson.
251 00:23:28 这是我的镇子This is my town.
252 00:23:30 那恭喜你了Congratulations.
253 00:23:34 来和我喝一杯吧 查沃女士Have a drink with me
254 00:23:37 来嘛 就喝一杯Come on
255 00:23:40 纯麦酒Single malt.
256 00:23:41 我不太习惯欠别人的情I'm not in the habit of owing anyone any favors.
257 00:23:44 没什么附带条件的 我保证Oh
258 00:23:47 只是坐下来文明的聊一聊而已Simply join me for a nice civil chat.
259 00:23:49 我们会发现 好好谈一谈对我们双方都有帮助We may find that conversation mutually beneficial.
260 00:23:54 那好啊 听听你有啥想说的 詹森先生All right
261 00:23:58 我叫杰克逊That's Jackson.
262 00:24:08 你是个赌徒么 查沃女士Are you a gambler
263 00:24:11 所有人不都是么Isn't everyone?
264 00:24:14 请不要感觉受到了冒犯Now please don't take offense to this
265 00:24:16 但我想问问你身上有没有什么可以拿出来赌一赌的but do you have anything worth betting?
266 00:24:20 300清洁器够么300 tabs enough?
267 00:24:24 可以啊That'll do.
268 00:24:27 我发牌你不介意吧You don't mind if I deal
269 00:24:29 我还有其它选项么Is there another option?
270 00:24:31 没有No.
271 00:24:32 利尔先生 坐下吧Have a seat
272 00:24:34 我们这估计要一会儿了This'll take a moment.
273 00:24:44 什么风把你吹到镇上来了So what brings you to our little metropolis?
274 00:24:50 我听说赏金猎人在这不受欢迎啊I heard bounty hunters weren't welcome here.
275 00:24:53 我相信你也看到了门上挂的东西I'm sure you saw the gates.
276 00:24:55 不自量力的政府 所管控的范围到大门为止Territory and Authority overreach stops right there.
277 00:24:59 能在这里立足的人都是付出了努力的People have to earn their place here.
278 00:25:02 你身上最好的特质是什么?So what would you say is your best asset?
279 00:25:05 加注Raise.
280 00:25:07 我是个很好的听众I'm a good listener.
281 00:25:11 跟注Call.
282 00:25:12 是么Is that so?
283 00:25:23 我注意到了你的战利品 查沃女士I am very aware of your exploits
284 00:25:26 在荒地生存 抢劫朝圣者Living in the wasteland
285 00:25:28 他们进了你的罗网 真是倒霉who were unlucky enough to get caught up in your web.
286 00:25:31 我想说的是 上个月有12个人死了啊I mean
287 00:25:35 最近这周围人来人往啊There are not a lot of people to go around these days.
288 00:25:42 我自有我的原因I have my reasons.
289 00:25:44 加注Raise.
290 00:25:47 关于"反抗"镇 我有着宏伟的计划I have big plans for Defiance
291 00:25:49 有很多人跑到这来投奔我who comes here to work for me.
292 00:25:51 杰克逊先生 你是个不错的推销员 但我不买你的账You're a good salesman
293 00:25:59 很聪明啊 有时候知道自己败了就承认 是很不错的Sometimes it's good to admit when you've been beat.
294 00:26:08 全赌上All in.
295 00:26:10 你想这么玩啊Ah
296 00:26:26 看看这牌Well
297 00:26:28 真是赌的好啊What a deal.
298 00:26:42 我真的用得上你这样的人I could really use someone like you.
299 00:26:46 我说过了 我只是经过而已Like I said
300 00:26:49 真可惜It's too bad.
301 00:26:50 你在这能混的挺好的You'd really fit in around here.
302 00:26:52 利尔先生 你知道我现在很忙的As you can see
303 00:26:56 你应该来看看的You want to see this.
304 00:26:58 抱歉 查沃小姐 显然有一些Excuse me
305 00:27:01 紧急事件我要去处理一下an urgent matter I must attend to.
306 00:27:05 查沃女士需要什么我们都提供Anything Ms. Chavo wants is on the house.
307 00:27:08 请给她找一间舒适干净的房间过夜Please find her a nice
308 00:27:14 走这边 女士This way
309 00:27:21 区政府发来消息A message from the Territorial Authority
310 00:27:23 跟我们说汤姆·杰克逊和他的手下tells us that Tom Jackson and his men
311 00:27:25 加大了劫掠周围定居点的力度are expanding their raids into nearby settlements
312 00:27:29 增加了"反抗"镇的防御and fortifying Defiance.
313 00:27:31 我们是离他们最近的镇子之一We are one of the closest towns.
314 00:27:33 他对这里展开劫掠只是时间问题It is only a matter of time before he ends up here.
315 00:27:37 我们要预先准备好 不让他们得逞So we need to stop him before this happens.
316 00:27:39 保护我们的镇子是我们的职责It is our duty to protect our territory.
317 00:27:43 我需要志愿者跟我一道将他拿下I need volunteers to come with me to take him in.
318 00:27:49 奖赏如何What about the reward?
319 00:27:52 我听说赏金很高呢I hear there's a heavy reward.
320 00:27:54 把这些人绳之以法 就是最好的奖赏Bringing these men to justice is its own reward
321 00:27:58 我说的不对么 医生wouldn't you say
322 00:27:59 说的对No
323 00:28:05 谁加入我Who's in?
324 00:28:11 很好 拿好所有需要的装备Good
325 00:29:10 虽然外面的污染读数很低You know
326 00:29:13 但你最好还是佩戴呼吸器it's still good to have some kind of respirator with you.
327 00:29:17 你的歌声挺棒的You've got a lovely singing voice.
328 00:29:19 染上黑肺病就都给毁了You don't want to ruin that with a black lung.
329 00:29:24 你从哪里来Where are you from?
330 00:29:25 你为什么关心这个What do you care?
331 00:29:30 南边 以前的亚利桑那州South-- the old Arizona.
332 00:29:35 我年轻的时候在那里待过一段时间I spent some time there when I was younger.
333 00:29:37 你是杰克逊那样的武装分子么Were you in the militia
334 00:29:40 杰克逊是武装分子么Jackson was in the militia?
335 00:29:42 估计是吧Figures.
336 00:29:43 - 你怎么走上这条路的 - 我父母去世之后 我和我妹妹Well
337 00:29:47 进入了那些工作营were put into one of those work camps.
338 00:29:50 她跟你挺像的She was a lot like you--
339 00:29:53 音乐方面很像Musical.
340 00:29:58 她会演奏什么乐器What does she play?
341 00:29:59 她已经不会再演奏乐器了She doesn't play anything.
342 00:30:04 我很抱歉I'm sorry.
343 00:30:09 你为什么会来这儿?What brings you here?
344 00:30:11 我是说 你来了没多久就已经给他们留下很深印象了I mean
345 00:30:16 你肯定是在做什么事吧Must be doing something right.
346 00:30:18 从来没见过利尔那个样子I've never seen Lear look so pissed.
347 00:30:21 我只是经过而已I'm just passing through.
348 00:30:23 你呢What about you?
349 00:30:26 我跟我的家人生活在一个村子里I lived in a village with my family
350 00:30:28 杰克逊在那见到了我 把我带上跟他一起了and Jackson found us there
351 00:30:35 如果你不开心的话 干嘛要离开呢Why don't you leave if you're unhappy?
352 00:30:38 你为什么会觉得我不开心呢What makes you think I'm unhappy?
353 00:30:41 这肯定不是你自己搞的吧You didn't do that to yourself.
354 00:30:46 我很抱歉Look
355 00:30:47 听我说 所有我认识的 所爱的人Listen
356 00:30:53 都被杰克逊的手下给杀了was killed by Jackson's man.
357 00:30:56 我在这活着还有什么意义呢?What's left out there for me?
358 00:31:00 就算我想走 他也不会让我的Even if I wanted to leave
359 00:31:04 就算你想走都不行Even if you wanted to?
360 00:31:08 所以你的策略是什么?So what's your strategy?
361 00:31:12 有策略吗?Do you have one?
362 00:31:13 如果没有的话 你就是把这些人带入死亡Because if not
363 00:31:17 - 你知道的吧 - 我们可以突袭的We have the element of surprise.
364 00:31:21 突袭 就是这样?Surprise
365 00:31:24 这可不是什么突然出现 去吓那些在河边尿尿的小朋友This isn't like busting kids for pissing in a clean creek.
366 00:31:29 杰克逊的手下都是无情的杀手Jackson's men are ruthless killers.
367 00:31:32 为什么不把这个工作Why don't you leave it to people who are better
368 00:31:34 交给更适合的人做呢?suited to this kind of work?
369 00:31:36 - 就比如你这样的么 - 这些年轻人牺牲后 你要怎么解释给他们的父亲听What are you going to tell these kids when their dads
370 00:31:40 他们因为你的贪念而死?are dead because of your greed.
371 00:31:41 慢着 应该是我怎么解释 因为你也会死的That'll be me
372 00:31:46 - 你说完了吗? - 别让你的自大冲昏你的头脑Don't let your ego get in the way of common sense.
373 00:31:51 我知道自己在干什么I know exactly what I'm doing.
374 00:31:57 无知和自大还是有区别的It's a fine line between ignorance and arrogance.
375 00:32:25 我跟你说You know what?
376 00:32:27 我受够这些了I'm done with this.
377 00:32:29 你把我当成你的财产 你这么一直控制着我 真是令我讨厌Oh
378 00:32:35 我是独立的人I'm my own person.
379 00:32:36 你似乎忘了是谁让你活命的You seem to have forgotten who's keeping you alive.
380 00:32:48 嘿 查沃Hey
381 00:32:53 我是泽勒 记得我么It's Zee
382 00:32:58 记得你Yeah
383 00:32:59 见到你真不错Good to see you.
384 00:33:08 搞什么鬼 查沃 是我啊What the hell
385 00:33:09 - 现在没时间解释 - 你应该不会忘记我吧 我上个月还跟你在谷仓搞过呢When we were buck naked busting in the barn last month.
386 00:33:16 我只记得特别的家伙Hey
387 00:33:18 显然 你不怎么特别and apparently
388 00:33:20 慢着Hey now
389 00:33:23 你不是查沃You're not Chavo.
390 00:33:25 过来Hey
391 00:33:27 但你戴的是查沃的帽子But you got Chavo's hat.
392 00:33:29 头巾也是她的You got her bandana.
393 00:33:31 你跟她性格也是挺像的And you definitely got her attitude.
394 00:33:35 所以你想让人们以为你是查沃Now why you want people thinking you Chavo?
395 00:33:37 我不知道为什么要这样做 但你眼里的神情I don't get it
396 00:33:41 告诉我 如果别人知道了tells me that it would be dangerous for you
397 00:33:43 对你很不利if people knew.
398 00:33:44 没错That's right.
399 00:33:46 那这样吧 我闭上嘴巴不说出去All right
400 00:33:49 你张开嘴吧my mouth shut and you keep yours open?
401 00:33:53 我有别的选择么Do I have a choice?
402 00:33:56 慢着Wait.
403 00:33:59 别在这 可以么Not here
404 00:34:07 来吧Give it to me.
405 00:34:29 杰克逊 趴下Jackson
406 00:34:45 你You!
407 00:35:04 看看这混蛋啊Let's take a look at this asshole.
408 00:35:11 慢着Wait--
409 00:35:18 真残忍啊Wow
410 00:35:20 刚刚这是什么情况Huh
411 00:35:23 他好像认识你啊It seemed like he knew you.
412 00:35:26 他是新蒙大拿镇的警长 追踪我好多年了He's a Sheriff in New Montana
413 00:35:30 经常派一些二流赏金猎手来追捕我Keeps sending second rate bounty hunters after me.
414 00:35:34 真是他妈的讨厌He was a scumbag by all accounts.
415 00:35:37 那你真是为了那里的人做了一件大好事啊Ah
416 00:35:41 你的行为十分勇敢Your one good deed for the day.
417 00:35:44 把尸体吊起来Drag him up.
418 00:38:57 肯定觉得自己很聪明吧Think you're pretty smart
419 00:39:01 那要看跟谁比了Compared to who?
420 00:39:03 你可骗不过我Well
421 00:39:07 泽勒怎么了 你今晚跟他在那个小巷里 我看到你了You were in that alley together when it went down tonight
422 00:39:12 我看到你了I saw you.
423 00:39:13 那又怎么样What about it?
424 00:39:15 他怎么样了Well
425 00:39:17 究竟发生了什么?What happened exactly?
426 00:39:20 背后中枪Shot in the back.
427 00:39:21 背后中枪Shot in the back.
428 00:39:23 真是有趣啊 因为我的医生检查了他的尸体That's real funny
429 00:39:27 说死因是心脏上挨了一刀He said cause of death was knife to the heart.
430 00:39:33 我就想 一场枪战中I asked myself
431 00:39:36 他怎么会被刀捅死呢getting knifed in a gun fight?
432 00:39:39 也许他激怒某人了Maybe he upset someone.
433 00:39:41 利尔 你看起来就很容易动怒啊You seem to get upset quite easily.
434 00:39:45 你在撒谎You're lying.
435 00:39:47 我要你说真话I want the truth.
436 00:39:48 你不想听真话 你只是想听借口 我可不会给你编借口You don't want the truth
437 00:39:52 查沃 我不想听你的借口I don't need an excuse with you
438 00:39:56 也不想听你扯别的什么or whoever the hell you are.
439 00:39:58 你是真蠢啊You really are dumb.
440 00:40:01 他要强奸我He was raping me.
441 00:40:03 他把我拖进了小巷 在他得逞之前He dragged me in the alley and I shived him
442 00:40:08 我把他给杀了before he got what he wanted.
443 00:40:10 我杀了他以便脱身I used his body to save my skin.
444 00:40:12 他已经死了He was already dead.
445 00:40:14 还管他干嘛呢What did he care?
446 00:40:17 - 我就说吧 利尔先生 肯定有解释的 - 慢着 这根本什么都没解释清楚Wait a goddamn minute
447 00:40:22 别纠结了Let it go.
448 00:40:28 好好休息吧 查沃女士Sleep well
449 00:40:29 我们明天再谈We'll talk tomorrow.
450 00:41:01 早上好Morning.
451 00:41:11 昨晚睡眠有问题吗?So did you have a little trouble sleeping last night?
452 00:41:13 没有呢 我睡得像婴儿一样香Not at all
453 00:41:15 你在门外派了人整夜看守 就指望我会去找你吧You had one eye on the door all night just hoping I'd drop by.
454 00:41:21 我说的对吗?Am I right?
455 00:41:23 有人在办公室周围窥探应该不是你吧?Somebody was snooping around the office there.
456 00:41:29 如果你继续这样盯着我的话You know
457 00:41:32 我就要开始觉得你是对我有意思了I'm going to start thinking you're sweet on me.
458 00:41:34 如果你想留在这里If you plan on sticking around
459 00:41:37 你最好放尊重点you better start showing some respect.
460 00:41:39 尊重谁呢To who?
461 00:41:39 你么You?
462 00:41:41 如果你想要的话 我可以假装一下I could fake it
463 00:41:43 你肯定习惯这样了You're probably used to that.
464 00:41:45 你再这样的话You know
465 00:41:48 你们两个可就要打起来了they're going to get busted.
466 00:41:50 你觉得她会怎么样呢What did you think was going to happen?
467 00:42:05 杰克逊 我们俩要谈谈Jackson
468 00:42:08 你的人在偷峡谷口的泉水 你同意了我From the spring at Valley Gorge and you agreed that I could
469 00:42:13 的农场用那些水的use that water for my farm.
470 00:42:15 - 是的 - 别假装你忘记了Yeah
471 00:42:18 我又不蠢!I'm not stupid.
472 00:42:19 让你的走狗离那里远点So tell your pissants to stay away from my gorge
473 00:42:22 要不然能呼吸的人又会少几个了or there'll be a couple less people sucking in air?
474 00:42:25 听懂了我说的话吗?Do you understand me?
475 00:42:27 虽然这不关我事Look
476 00:42:28 你一副怒气冲冲的样子跑到这里来but you're coming across very aggressive
477 00:42:31 我想 你可能做事没有过脑子了and I'm a little concerned you haven't thought this through.
478 00:42:34 你是谁 你是他妈妈么Who the hell are you
479 00:42:37 是啊! 这不关你事And yeah
480 00:42:39 谢谢你帮我说话 查沃女士 但他说的对Thank you
481 00:42:42 我要自己解决这件事I do need to deal with this personally.
482 00:42:45 布拉德肖先生 我衷心希望Oh now
483 00:42:48 我们在这不要动手to resort to violence here.
484 00:42:51 站在那别动Stay right there.
485 00:42:52 我是认真的I mean it.
486 00:42:55 布拉德肖先生 显然你这件事更占理Now clearly
487 00:42:57 我不蠢!I'm not dumb.
488 00:43:00 我有一个提议So I have a proposal.
489 00:43:04 我答应我的人 你的地盘 远远的I promise that my men will stay away from your land from now
490 00:43:07 前提是 你答应不要过来威胁我on if you promise not to come here again making threats.
491 00:43:15 我们说定了吗?Do we have a deal?
492 00:43:25 说定了OK
493 00:43:29 我不会再来威胁你了I won't come by here making threats.
494 00:43:34 你当然不会了No
495 00:43:45 感谢你替我说话I appreciate the back-up.
496 00:43:47 今晚跟我吃晚饭吧Have dinner with me tonight.
497 00:44:30 你这身装束看起来很不错啊Wow
498 00:44:34 谢谢Thank you.
499 00:44:36 这身衣服是手工制作的I had this uniform handmade.
500 00:44:39 这是我根据一幅书上的画It's a replica of Simon Bolevar based
501 00:44:41 所制作的西蒙·布洛瓦服饰on a painting I saw in a book.
502 00:44:46 你觉得怎么样?What do you think?
503 00:44:48 挺不错的It's impressive.
504 00:44:50 你知道布洛瓦是谁么Do you know who Bolevar was?
505 00:44:53 可能是有点来头的吧Some guy
506 00:44:55 他是建国之父He was a nation builder.
507 00:44:58 他是一个有远见的人He was a man with far reaching vision
508 00:45:02 成就了自己的命运to forge his own destiny.
509 00:45:04 他给了我灵感He's my inspiration.
510 00:45:06 显然 他特别擅长辨别他的手下Apparently
511 00:45:08 对他是否忠诚loyalty amongst his underlings.
512 00:45:11 他也很善于He was also very good at ferreting
513 00:45:13 寻找叛徒out traitors in his midst.
514 00:45:15 叛徒一个个送上断头台New blood trickles in every day
515 00:45:19 似乎每一个人都有可能背地里于我不利could be secretly gunning for me.
516 00:45:20 这就是所谓的平均法则It's the law of averages.
517 00:45:22 你确定你这不是疑神疑鬼而已嘛Are you sure you're not just being paranoid?
518 00:45:26 不是疑神疑鬼No
519 00:45:31 去找利尔先生 告诉他我一小时后Find Mr. Lear
520 00:45:33 跟他在办公室见面him in my office in an hour.
521 00:46:04 他妈的Goddamn it.
522 00:46:07 我遇到过很多像你这样的人I've met a lot of men like you
523 00:46:09 但他们从不停留在一个地方but they never lay down roots.
524 00:46:12 查沃女士 我很确定你从来没有遇过像我这样的人Ms. Chavo
525 00:46:17 你看 我是个有希望 有梦想 有抱负的人You see
526 00:46:20 我有远见I have a vision for the future.
527 00:46:35 你有没有用过这玩意儿Have you ever used one of these?
528 00:46:39 你手上这个我肯定没用过I can't say that I have.
529 00:46:41 近战武器在全世界It was the preferred close combat weapon
530 00:46:43 风靡了近2000年on earth for nearly 2000 years.
531 00:46:47 你能想象到吗?Could you imagine?
532 00:46:49 重量均匀 平衡感良好Perfect heft
533 00:46:52 我可以把人利落的砍成两半I could slice someone clean through.
534 00:47:01 我在想我们甜点吃什么呢?I wonder what's for dessert.
535 00:47:16 盖奇Gage!
536 00:47:17 盖奇Gage!
537 00:47:36 嘿 这个Hey
538 00:47:54 这个就是入口And that's the entrance right there.
539 00:47:56 早上好!Good morning.
540 00:47:58 他有话跟你说He has something to say to you.
541 00:48:00 说吧!Go ahead.
542 00:48:04 我道歉I apologize.
543 00:48:06 接受你的道歉Apology accepted.
544 00:48:08 不错 说完了Good
545 00:48:09 我们晚上很愉快啊Well
546 00:48:12 很刺激Very exciting.
547 00:48:13 所以你们在讨论什么?跟八里之外的废弃银矿Anything to do with that abandoned silver mine
548 00:48:17 有关系吗?eight clicks east from here?
549 00:48:19 - 你是怎么知道的? - 我有天晚上骑马去那边 就看到了I was out for a ride the other night and there it was.
550 00:48:23 所以我就搞清楚了你们的位置That's when I knew why you guys were here.
551 00:48:25 很不错Smart move.
552 00:48:27 但是这好像也不关我事But hey
553 00:48:38 坐下吧Have a seat.
554 00:48:46 的确有一些银矿There are some open silver mines.
555 00:48:49 云落之前肯定还是运作的Must have been active before the cloud fell.
556 00:48:51 它们就在那里 等着人开采呢And they're right there
557 00:48:54 那为什么不开始开采呢?So why not start digging?
558 00:48:56 我需要人手去挖 那些老式的挖掘机已经不能用了Those old excavators are out of commission
559 00:49:00 那可是非常辛苦的工作 我要我的手下保持头脑清醒 这样就能使我们免遭那天晚上那样的袭击can protect our interests from attack like the other night.
560 00:49:07 我们可以从小一点的定居点抓人 但这不太够From some smaller settlements
561 00:49:12 但是 利尔先生However
562 00:49:16 过去的三周内 有一群朝圣者For the last three weeks
563 00:49:18 穿过平原have been traveling across the plains.
564 00:49:20 明天他们会经过砖厂On their route tomorrow
565 00:49:24 那是拦截他们的绝佳地点It's the perfect place to snatch 'em.
566 00:49:26 但是做起来也没那么容易But it won't be easy.
567 00:49:28 这些朝圣者越来越聪明了These pilgrims are getting smarter.
568 00:49:30 一旦消息传出去Once word gets out that we have an almost
569 00:49:32 我们拥有无尽的银粉供应unlimited supply of silver
570 00:49:35 所有人都会冲我们来的will be gunning for us.
571 00:49:40 所以你参与进来吧So let's make it your business.
572 00:49:43 我准备给你分一份 作为那天晚上I'm prepared to cut you in as a token of my thanks
573 00:49:45 我对你的答谢for that night.
574 00:49:47 你的才能对我们来说还是很有用的One of your considerable talents could prove very useful to us.
575 00:49:50 我说的对吗?利尔先生Isn't that right
576 00:49:53 当然Sure.
577 00:49:57 我真是受宠若惊啊 但我不打算在这呆这么久Well
578 00:50:01 你一直这么说 但你人一直在这啊You keep saying that
579 00:50:07 祝你们好运!先生们Best of luck
580 00:50:13 5%.
581 00:50:17 20%.
582 00:50:19 我们在谈判了Mm-- now we're negotiating.
583 00:50:20 真是令人兴奋啊This is exciting.
584 00:50:22 没想到你这么贪呢Never pegged you for greedy.
585 00:50:24 10%你能接受吗?Would you accept 10%?
586 00:50:29 不行 但是15%可以No
587 00:50:39 真是令人兴奋啊Oh
588 00:50:42 那我们拿点好东西 真正的好东西Let's break out the good stuff
589 00:51:18 盖奇Gage!
590 00:51:21 盖奇Gage!
591 00:51:27 敬我们的新朋友A toast to new friends.
592 00:51:50 嗨 你找我有事Hi
593 00:51:53 梅伦娜 我看到了杰克逊对待你的方式了Look
594 00:51:57 你要离这个地方and you need to get as far away from this place
595 00:51:59 越远越好as you possibly can.
596 00:52:05 这条围巾是我之前那段生活留下的最后一件东西了This scarf is the only thing I have left from my other life.
597 00:52:11 我要把这个送给你 表达我对你的感谢I wanted to give it to you to thank you.
598 00:52:15 你感谢我什么?What do you have to thank me for?
599 00:52:18 你是这一唯一一个 把我You're the only person here who doesn't treat me like I'm
600 00:52:21 当人看的人someone else's property.
601 00:52:25 什么事?What is it?
602 00:52:27 杰克逊先生说是时候出发了Mr. Jackson says it's time to go.
603 00:52:31 我要走了I have to go.
604 00:52:49 他们来了They're coming.
605 00:52:55 那是什么?What is that?
606 00:52:57 说了这活没有那么容易的Told you it wasn't going to be easy.
607 00:53:07 不No!
608 00:54:14 现在我们要把那个机枪拿下Well
609 00:54:17 有什么建议吗?Suggestions?
610 00:54:19 你要去哪?Where the hell are you going?
611 00:54:55 她去哪了Where is she?
612 00:55:41 进去收场吧Oh
613 00:55:48 包围他们Round 'em up.
614 00:56:28 进去吧你们Get your ass in there right now.
615 00:56:45 你做的不错啊Credit where credit's due.
616 00:56:47 毕竟我现在自己也有份了Well
617 00:56:55 闭上嘴 耐心一点Keep your mouth shut and be patient.
618 00:57:06 这只是开始This is just the beginning.
619 00:57:09 一旦开始开采那银矿了 这个区的所有人Once that silver starts to roll in
620 00:57:13 都要来求着我们给他们银粉更换空气滤清器了will be crawling to us to recharge their filters.
621 00:57:20 新蒙大拿镇的警察都吊在我们的大门前呢I have the Sheriff of New Montana dangling from my gates.
622 00:57:25 我们需要更多人手 我知道应该上哪找If we need more people
623 00:57:28 我们会统治这个区域We will rule this territory.
624 00:57:32 真是可惜了Ah
625 00:57:36 谢谢 查沃女士Thank you
626 00:57:40 给我唱一曲吧 亲爱的Serenade us
627 00:57:43 我没事I'm OK.
628 00:57:52 爱情是一种疯狂 而我无法解脱Love is a madness
629 00:57:58 爱你让我感到痛苦 留在你身边 让我感到痛苦It hurts me to love you
630 00:58:13 如果我不能让你爱上我Well
631 00:58:17 我不能让你假装喜欢我and if I can't make you pretend
632 00:58:23 我不能让你爱上我 宝贝can't make you want me
633 00:58:27 我也没有什么可推荐的nothing else to recommend.
634 00:58:30 我猜是时候结束了I guess it has to end.
635 00:58:37 嘿 我要把这个还给你Hey
636 00:58:42 我想要你留着的No
637 00:58:45 留着吧Please keep it.
638 00:58:49 那么Well--
639 00:58:51 听着 我要你今晚离开这里Listen
640 00:58:55 为什么?Why?
641 00:58:57 我不是查沃I'm not Chavo.
642 00:58:58 我是个赏金猎人I'm a bounty hunter.
643 00:59:00 我不是来加入杰克逊的团伙的And I'm not here to join Jackson
644 00:59:02 我是来干掉他的I'm here to take him in.
645 00:59:04 那我应该去哪呢?Where am I supposed to go?
646 00:59:07 去新蒙大拿镇Head to New Montana.
647 00:59:08 在那里生活更好It's a better way of life.
648 00:59:49 我坐在这儿想 我是应该把你活着带走还是杀了再带走呢Should I take him in dead or alive?
649 00:59:53 如果不是需要我If I didn't have to drag your sorry carcass
650 00:59:55 拖着你这个可怜鬼走 相信我all the way across the territory
651 00:59:59 你早已经死了you'd already be dead.
652 01:00:01 赏金猎人Bounty hunter
653 01:00:07 那这个查沃在哪So where's Chavo then?
654 01:00:08 我估计已经死了Dead
655 01:00:11 你比他们干的都要好 我是这么觉得的You've done better than most of 'em
656 01:00:14 连我都骗过了 可没有多少人能做到Not many can do that.
657 01:00:18 我真的觉得我们很了解对方呢I really thought we understood each other.
658 01:00:20 看来你比你的同伙更蠢啊Well
659 01:00:25 我们来算一算这笔账吧OK
660 01:00:28 你把我带走 他们付给了你一笔巨额赏金 很不错啊You take me in
661 01:00:30 然后追补下一个亡命之徒Trying to chase down the next big fossil abuser
662 01:00:36 最后 在这荒野中 得上黑肺病black lung in the wilderness.
663 01:00:40 要么你呆在这儿 我们一人一半Or
664 01:00:45 你怎么说?What do you say?
665 01:00:47 你就是这么推销的吗?Is that your sales pitch?
666 01:00:50 需要加强一下Could use some work.
667 01:00:58 其实 这无关赏金The thing is
668 01:01:01 而是私人恩怨It's personal.
669 01:01:03 你敢乱动 我就杀了你Try anything and I'll kill you.
670 01:01:21 我很容易惊醒I'm a light sleeper.
671 01:01:24 我就知道你身上有点不正常See
672 01:01:29 看来我想的没错Guess I was right
673 01:01:38 看来我要多听听你的话了I'm might have to start listening to you more often
674 01:01:41 利尔先生Mr. Lear.
675 01:01:43 你是怎么知道的How did you know?
676 01:01:51 记得我么Remember me?
677 01:01:54 沃麦克Womack.
678 01:01:58 多谢你告诉我这个消息Thanks for tipping me off.
679 01:02:13 帮我解开吧 亲爱的Untie me
680 01:02:15 在揍她之前我要把绳子解开I'd like to have my hands free for this.
681 01:02:30 你为什么这么恨我?Now
682 01:02:36 你杀了我的妹妹You killed my sister.
683 01:02:39 你的妹妹Your sister?
684 01:02:40 什么时候的事?When was this?
685 01:02:42 在南边的时候Down South.
686 01:02:44 那是很久以前的事了Ah
687 01:02:48 你怎么知道是我干的?How do you know it was me?
688 01:02:50 你手上的那道疤That scar on your arm?
689 01:02:52 就是她咬的That's where she bit you.
690 01:02:57 我现在想起来了Oh I get it now.
691 01:03:00 我们把她吊起来Right
692 01:03:04 杰克逊先生 如果您不介意的话Wait
693 01:03:09 我有个更好的办法I've got a better idea.
694 01:03:11 我知道应该拿她怎么办I know exactly what to do with her.
695 01:03:42 把她完整的带回来Bring her back to me in one piece--
696 01:03:44 我说的是车 不是这个人The truck
697 01:03:49 确保她死透了And make sure she's dead.
698 01:03:51 我们说明白了么Are we clear?
699 01:03:52 不用担心这个You won't have to worry about that.
700 01:04:09 准备好上路了么 盖奇You ready for a little road trip
701 01:05:02 他妈的Damn it.
702 01:05:13 车出了一点小故障 盖奇Just a minor technical glitch
703 01:05:15 我们马上就上路了We'll be back on the road in no time.
704 01:05:25 沃麦克 我那样对你不是出于私人恩怨You know it was never personal
705 01:05:27 你知道的吧?You know that
706 01:05:29 其实我挺享受干这个的Personally
707 01:05:33 听着 我们能做笔交易All right
708 01:05:36 我知道杰克逊在哪里藏了你三辈子I know where Jackson's got more tabs and silver than you
709 01:05:39 都用不完的清洁器和银粉can use in three lifetimes.
710 01:05:54 我不感兴趣I'm not intrigued.
711 01:05:56 那你停下来想了一会儿啊You paused.
712 01:05:57 我没有停I did not pause.
713 01:05:59 我没有停 也不感兴趣听明白了吗?And I am not intrigued
714 01:06:05 听我说Damn it
715 01:06:07 不久后 这个区域就再也没有Before long
716 01:06:09 自由人了 包括你 沃麦克in this entire territory
717 01:06:12 盖奇 那已经不关我们俩的事了That doesn't concern either of us anymore
718 01:06:15 你要死了 我也得上黑肺症 要死了 都是因为你You're about to die and I've got the black lung
719 01:06:29 慢着Wait a second.
720 01:06:55 我想了想 盖奇 我知道在哪把你放下了On second thought
721 01:06:59 我是说真的放下literally.
722 01:07:06 你要干什么 沃麦克What are you doing
723 01:07:09 改变计划 盖奇Slight change of plans
724 01:07:10 你肯定会喜欢这个的You're going to love this.
725 01:07:17 沃麦克 你考虑一下Hey
726 01:07:21 不管你要干什么 再考虑一下Whatever you're doing
727 01:07:22 多考虑Think twice.
728 01:07:26 下去吧你Going down.
729 01:09:26 呼吸 盖奇 快呼吸Breathe
730 01:09:28 呼吸Come on
731 01:09:38 呼吸Come on
732 01:09:49 就是这样That's it.
733 01:09:50 咳出来Cough it up.
734 01:09:52 继续咳Keep coughing.
735 01:09:53 咳出来Cough it up.
736 01:09:54 继续咳Keep coughing.
737 01:09:55 就是这样Doing good
738 01:09:58 咳出来Get it all up.
739 01:09:59 咳出来Keep it coming up.
740 01:10:03 咳出来Come on.
741 01:11:33 我死了么Am I dead?
742 01:11:35 没死Not anymore.
743 01:11:39 我觉得你是我见过的最丑的天使了I thought maybe you were the ugliest angel I'd ever seen.
744 01:11:48 我都不知道我是怎么撑到这儿的I don't even know how I got here.
745 01:11:50 别乱动Yeah
746 01:11:52 他们狠揍了你一顿啊They did quite a number on you.
747 01:11:55 好好休息吧!Get some rest
748 01:12:02 医生Doc?
749 01:12:05 什么事?Yeah?
750 01:12:08 谢谢你!Thanks.
751 01:12:11 你不会因此就变得软弱吧You're not going soft
752 01:12:46 我之前还不确定自己能不能看到一次这样的景象呢I wasn't sure I was going to see another one of these.
753 01:12:50 很漂亮吧Beautiful
754 01:12:54 我爸爸以前常说 云落之前My dad used to say the sunsets weren't near so
755 01:12:56 日落还没这么美丽呢pretty before the cloud fell.
756 01:13:00 有点讽刺啊Kind of ironic.
757 01:13:11 我之前真的以为我能把他活着带回来I really thought I could bring him in alive.
758 01:13:14 我一直说办不到的 至少你活着出来了I keep saying
759 01:13:17 他们以为你已经死了They probably think you're dead
760 01:13:20 所以他们目前至少不会来追杀你won't be gunning for ya.
761 01:13:25 我要回去I'm going back.
762 01:13:27 你哪儿都不能去 总有一天 你的运气不会这么好的At some point
763 01:13:31 是他杀了碧翠丝He killed Beatrice.
764 01:13:34 你为何这么肯定?What makes you so sure?
765 01:13:37 他手上有一道疤 就是她咬的He's got a scar on his arm where she bit him.
766 01:13:40 不管怎么说 杰克逊的下一个目标是这里Besides
767 01:13:44 为什么要来新蒙大拿镇呢Why bother with New Montana?
768 01:13:46 他找到了一座银矿He found a silver mine.
769 01:13:48 需要人手开采He's going to need hands to work it.
770 01:13:51 他马上就要统治这个区域了He'll be running this territory in no time.
771 01:13:54 那我跟你一起去Well
772 01:13:58 我不觉得这是个好主意I don't think that's a good idea.
773 01:14:00 你觉得这不是个好主意Oh
774 01:14:01 你知道我是怎么Do you know what I think about you not
775 01:14:03 看待你现在的这个想法吗?thinking that's a good idea?
776 01:14:05 我觉得你不管我怎么想都会来的I think you're coming anyway.
777 01:14:07 我觉得你说的对I think you're right.
778 01:15:51 你恢复的不错啊Well
779 01:15:55 他手下有多少人?How many men did you say he had?
780 01:15:58 我觉得有11个 袭击朝圣者车队的时候 损失了五人He lost five taking the pilgrims
781 01:16:01 但我敢肯定 沃麦克留在他们那里了but I'm sure Womack stayed.
782 01:16:03 那就是12个吧So 12.
783 01:16:06 看来我们现在要突袭了Well
784 01:16:31 拿上这些面具Take these masks.
785 01:16:34 这是地图 去新蒙大拿镇Here's the map
786 01:16:36 那里的人会照料你的The people there will take care of you.
787 01:16:39 谢谢你!Thank you.
788 01:17:45 你是汤姆·杰克逊么You Tom Jackson?
789 01:17:46 不是 你想怎样?No
790 01:17:49 我以为有人把这个落下了Well
791 01:17:53 所以我就想着还回来figured I'd return it.
792 01:17:55 这个杰克逊 是这儿He's the man in charge
793 01:17:56 管事的吧Jackson?
794 01:18:00 在这等着Wait here.
795 01:18:05 这外面挺热闹的啊Getting kind of crowded out here.
796 01:18:10 这是什么玩意What the hell is this?
797 01:18:19 你是在哪找到这个的Where'd you say you found this?
798 01:18:21 你是杰克逊吗You Jackson?
799 01:18:24 我在荒地区的边缘找到的On the edge of the Wastelands.
800 01:18:27 跟着车辙 就到了这儿来了Followed the tracks
801 01:18:33 我记得你说了 你把她干掉了I thought you said you finished her off?
802 01:18:36 我把她从悬崖推了下去I pushed her off the ravine.
803 01:18:38 我看着那玩意儿摔成碎片I watched that thing smash to bits.
804 01:18:42 她不可能活下来的There's no way she survived.
805 01:18:45 看来只有一种方式了There's only one way to find out.
806 01:19:04 满意了吧Satisfied?
807 01:19:22 她真是充满惊喜啊She is full of surprises.
808 01:19:24 你是怎么How did you--
809 01:19:42 我们干掉几个了How many's that?
810 01:19:43 七个I counted seven.
811 01:19:44 还剩五个Five more.
812 01:19:46 他妈的Son of a bitch.
813 01:19:50 银矿 他们把我们拖在这儿The mine-- if it was me
814 01:19:57 我要去我们藏银粉的地方stash while they stall us.
815 01:19:59 我要去那儿I'm going out there.
816 01:20:10 掩护我Cover me.
817 01:20:11 上Go!
818 01:20:47 你真是不懂得什么时候要放弃啊You don't know when to quit
819 01:22:11 - 我很抱歉 - 你知道怎么开车吗?You know how to drive one of these?
820 01:22:13 不太会Not really.
821 01:22:17 使劲踩那个Push that down as hard as you can.
822 01:22:19 朝着新蒙大拿镇的方向开Point this in the direction of New Montana.
823 01:22:21 任何人叫你都不要停车Don't stop for anyone.
824 01:22:22 给你Here.
825 01:22:26 三Three.
826 01:22:31 走Go!
827 01:22:39 二Two.
828 01:22:40 一One.
829 01:22:43 没了Zero.
830 01:22:50 觉得没事了么Think we're good?
831 01:22:53 我去追杰克逊I'm going after Jackson.
832 01:22:55 我知道去哪找他I know where to find him.
833 01:22:57 去吧Go.
834 01:23:54 什么样的懦夫会在背后朝一个瘸子开枪What kind of coward shoots a cripple in the back?
835 01:23:57 有机会的时候You should have walked away when
836 01:23:58 你就应该走的 老头you had the chance
837 01:24:04 我走路也不怎么利索的I'm not much good at walking away.
838 01:24:06 一直都是如此I never was.
839 01:24:15 是时候血债血偿了 杰克逊It's time to pay for what you've done
840 01:24:17 还是在说这个小疤痕的事么Is this still about that little scar?
841 01:24:20 我身上有很多疤痕啊 亲爱的I have a lot of scars
842 01:24:22 但你不能老是记仇吧but you can't go holding grudges in this world.
843 01:24:26 我觉得你只是发泄怒火的时候I think perhaps I'm just an outlet
844 01:24:28 找错对象了for all this misplaced rage.
845 01:24:30 这些也是你在书里读到的吗Did you read that in a book too?
846 01:24:32 其实是的 临床心理学书上读到的I did
847 01:24:35 能在你身上派上用场了Oh
848 01:24:39 我不知道你来这是想达到什么目的 盖奇Look
849 01:24:43 只要能杀了你 我才不管那些什么目的呢Well
850 01:24:46 我能看的出来你杀意已决了I can see that your mind is made up.
851 01:24:53 那我们开始么Shall we begin?
852 01:25:00 觉得很有意思么You having fun?
853 01:25:24 慢着 慢着Wait
854 01:25:31 结束了It's over.
855 01:25:32 你的手下都死了Your crew's all dead.
856 01:25:37 我觉得这儿应该没有医生吧I don't suppose there's a doctor around here?
857 01:25:41 咱们的医生 已经面朝下上西天啦Our team medic is face down in the dirt over there
858 01:25:44 你真是他妈的运气好so you're shit out of luck.
859 01:25:47 你介意我喝口水吗?Do you mind if I drink of water?
860 01:25:52 你喝吧!You go on ahead.
861 01:25:55 这将是你人生中做的最后一件事了It's going to be the last thing you'll ever do.
862 01:25:58 你挺幽默的Ha
863 01:26:14 嘿 盖奇 你有没有听说过一个军事策略叫Hey
864 01:26:18 焦土政策called scorched earth policy?
865 01:26:21 我们本来可以成为很好的搭档的You know
866 01:26:23 我那冷酷无情的高效率 还有你这打不死的求生意志With my ruthless efficiency and your stubborn refusal to die.
867 01:26:45 查沃女士跟你说再见Chavo says goodbye.
868 01:26:46 不不不 盖奇No
869 01:26:48 盖奇Gage!
870 01:27:29 医生Doc!
871 01:27:37 医生Doc!
872 01:27:42 你是我见过的最丑的天使You're the ugliest angel I ever saw.
873 01:27:47 他死了么Is he dead?
874 01:27:49 死了Yeah.
875 01:27:51 我们能离开这了么Can we get out of here?
876 01:27:53 给我一会儿Give me a second.
877 01:27:55 我要把那些倒霉蛋的尸体放下来I'm going to cut these poor bastards down.
878 01:27:58 好Yeah.
879 01:28:12 你还好么You OK?
880 01:28:13 还好Yeah.
881 01:28:15 我感觉自己就像你猎杀的目标I feel like one of your bounties.
882 01:28:17 问题是 我没什么价值Trouble is
883 01:28:21 对我来说 你很有价值To me
884 01:28:22 你说什么What was that?
885 01:28:23 - 什么都没说 - 你刚才说 我对你来说什么Did you say I was to you?
886 01:28:26 没有No.
887 01:28:27 你说了 我听到你了You did
888 01:28:29 那大概是你的幻觉Well
889 01:28:31 你是变得心软了You are going soft.
890 01:28:33 我就知道I knew it.
891 01:28:35 睡觉吧你Try to sleep.
892 01:28:38 你肯定说了You definitely said it.
893 01:28:40 我什么都没说I did not say it.