

二号陪审员 Juror #2(2024)英文字幕预览

1 00:01:01 Okay. You ready?
2 00:01:16 It's beautiful.
3 00:01:18 Where'd you find this? It's cute, right?
4 00:01:20 Aw, I love this!
5 00:01:23 So cute.
6 00:01:26 It's perfect!
7 00:01:34 It would've been,you know, a lot for me.
8 00:01:37 Thank you.Yeah.
9 00:01:41 It's perfect.
10 00:01:43 You're perfect.
11 00:01:47 Thank you.Of course.
12 00:01:52 Are they here already?
13 00:01:54 They're like 30 minutes early.
14 00:01:56 Why are they-What?Hey.
15 00:01:57 It's okay.
16 00:02:02 I love it.
17 00:02:05 Yeah?
18 00:02:06 I'll be honest.Ally and I, you know,
19 00:02:08 we weren't sure aboutwhether to have this party,
20 00:02:10 but together there's nothingwe can't overcome.
21 00:02:13 You're the strongestwoman I know.
22 00:02:15 I love you more than anything.
23 00:02:17 And I'm so damn excited
24 00:02:18 to keep buildingour lives together.
25 00:02:20 Me too. I love you.Love you.
26 00:02:22 Aw.
27 00:02:24 Why don't you ever sayanything like that about me?
28 00:02:26 Thank you all for being here.Thank you.
29 00:02:31 Vitamins are on the table.
30 00:02:32 Oh. Thank you, baby.
31 00:02:37 It was a nice party.Yeah.
32 00:02:39 Think everyone had a good time.
33 00:02:40 Yeah. You deserve it.
34 00:02:44 You're just buttering me upbefore you abandon me.
35 00:02:47 I wish I could delay it again.
36 00:02:49 I know.I don't want toleave you here.
37 00:02:51 You just go to the judge
38 00:02:52 and tell him somethingwildly inappropriate
39 00:02:54 and then come back to me.
40 00:02:56 I will.Oh, you will?
41 00:02:58 Mmm-hmm. Yeah. I got some--Oh, you will? Like what?
42 00:02:59 I'll say...What?
43 00:03:01 I'll say we're havinga big old orgy tomorrow night
44 00:03:03 and they're all invited.
45 00:03:04 Ow!
46 00:03:05 Ooh. No, no, no.Be careful. Careful.
47 00:03:07 All right.That got me too excited.
48 00:03:11 All right.
49 00:03:13 Hey.
50 00:03:14 Sorry. Sorry, sorry.Hey.
51 00:03:25 Just a reminder to send inthose mail-in ballots soon.
52 00:03:28 We're only two weeks outfrom election date, folks,
53 00:03:31 and every ballot matters.
54 00:03:33 So be sure to get yours inbefore it's too late.
55 00:03:39 Faith, come on.
56 00:03:41 Polling has youat a 46-point deadlock,
57 00:03:42 with 8% of votersstill undecided.
58 00:03:45 We need to push your planto reduce the crime rate
59 00:03:47 in order to pull ahead.
60 00:03:48 But this case is my campaign.
61 00:03:49 He's a dangerous criminal
62 00:03:51 with a long historyof violence.
63 00:03:52 I put James Sythe away, we win.
64 00:03:54 If you lose, you loseyour shot at being DA.
65 00:03:56 All right. I got to go.Faith--
66 00:04:08 Oh. There she is.
67 00:04:12 Hey. Excuse me!
68 00:04:13 You, uh...
69 00:04:15 You dropped this.
70 00:04:16 Oh. I did.
71 00:04:18 Oh, my God. Thank you.You're a lifesaver.
72 00:04:20 No worries. Have a good day.
73 00:04:21 Yeah. You too.
74 00:04:26 Through that door. Oh, thank you.
75 00:04:29 Where do I gofor, uh, jury duty?
76 00:04:31 Go down there.
77 00:04:34 Thanks.
78 00:04:51 All right, guys.Eyes up.
79 00:04:53 Pay attention.
80 00:04:56 Hello.I'd like to welcome you
81 00:04:58 as a juror in the Georgiacourt system.
82 00:05:01 As a juror, you protectthe right of every person
83 00:05:04 to a trial by jury.
84 00:05:05 The right to a trial by jury
85 00:05:07 is a cornerstoneof our democracy.
86 00:05:10 That right is protected
87 00:05:11 by the United Statesconstitution.
88 00:05:16 There she is.
89 00:05:17 Sugar-free vanilla with skim.
90 00:05:18 Ah. You're good.
91 00:05:20 Can I get you something else? Mmm-mmm.
92 00:05:21 You got something for me?
93 00:05:22 Okay.Voluntary manslaughter
94 00:05:24 with a recommendationof 20 years.
95 00:05:26 Fifteen to serve,followed by five on probation.
96 00:05:28 Wow. That's a hell of a deal.
97 00:05:29 I will even waivethe recidivist statute
98 00:05:31 if he pleads beforewe strike the jury.
99 00:05:33 And admit to somethinghe didn't do?
100 00:05:34 Save itfor the jury.
101 00:05:37 Better yet, why don't youplead your guy out
102 00:05:40 and say, freefor your caseload.
103 00:05:42 Look...
104 00:05:45 my client wants a trial.
105 00:05:47 Well, then, you're wastingmy time and your client's.
106 00:05:50 Last chance.
107 00:05:53 After you.
108 00:06:02 The case you're about to hearis an alleged homicide.
109 00:06:06 The state is chargingJames Michael Sythe
110 00:06:09 with malice murder
111 00:06:10 for the deathof Kendall Alice Carter.
112 00:06:13 Now, if any of you havea personal relationship
113 00:06:16 with the accused,and/or the deceased
114 00:06:18 that will prohibit youfrom serving on this panel
115 00:06:21 in an unbiased manner,
116 00:06:23 please speak now.
117 00:06:32 Yes.
118 00:06:37 He used to ride my bus.
119 00:06:40 And when was this?
120 00:06:42 I don't know.Few years ago.
121 00:06:45 Okay. Then there's no reasonwe can't leave it there.
122 00:06:49 I think you'll makea fine juror.
123 00:06:51 Does anyone else think
124 00:06:53 that they're incapableof serving on this panel?
125 00:06:58 Yes.
126 00:07:01 Uh...
127 00:07:02 Your Honor, my wifeis in the third trimester
128 00:07:04 of a high-risk pregnancy.
129 00:07:06 I'd like to beavailable to her.
130 00:07:08 Well, that's commendable.
131 00:07:10 What hoursdo you normally work?
132 00:07:13 Uh, 9:00 to 6:00, typically.
133 00:07:15 Then you have my wordthat this court
134 00:07:17 will not demand one minute moreof your time than that.
135 00:07:22 Yeah.
136 00:07:25 See, the fact thatyou don't want to be here
137 00:07:27 is exactly what makes you
138 00:07:28 the perfect groupto judicate this case.
139 00:07:33 You are impartial.
140 00:07:35 You have no skin in the game.Nothing to gain or lose.
141 00:07:38 And that is why I believethat this process,
142 00:07:40 as flawed as it may be,
143 00:07:43 is still our best chanceat finding justice.
144 00:07:49 Do you work, Mrs. Aldworth?
145 00:07:51 Well, I had the toughestjob there is.
146 00:07:53 I raised two kidsand just sent them offto college.
147 00:07:55 Ah. Congratulations.Thank you.
148 00:07:57 And have you ever servedon a jury before?
149 00:08:00 Twice. Both were mistrials.
150 00:08:02 Twice. Okay. Okay.
151 00:08:04 Mr. King. Have you ever hada physical altercation
152 00:08:08 with a significant other?
153 00:08:10 Are you gonna ask that questionto every guy in this courtroom?
154 00:08:15 If I have to, I will. I...
155 00:08:17 I know these questionscan be very personal--
156 00:08:20 Nah, man.
157 00:08:21 That ain't me.
158 00:08:26 Thank you, sir.
159 00:08:29 How long have you livedin the area, Mr. Chicowski?
160 00:08:31 About ten years.
161 00:08:33 And you, uh...
162 00:08:34 Oh, you run a flower shop?
163 00:08:36 Yeah. With my wife.
164 00:08:38 Mr. Robinson, it says hereyour wife has
165 00:08:40 primary custodyof your daughter.
166 00:08:42 Is that correct?
167 00:08:47 Yeah.
168 00:08:49 Do you mind if I ask youwho ended the marriage?
169 00:08:53 She did.
170 00:08:55 Thank you. All you.
171 00:08:57 Mr. Kemp.
172 00:09:00 And you're a magazine writer?
173 00:09:01 Uh, that's right.
174 00:09:03 What kind of articlesdo you write?
175 00:09:04 Features, mostly.
176 00:09:06 So you writeabout a variety of topics?
177 00:09:07 Yes.
178 00:09:09 Ever writtenabout a murder trial?
179 00:09:12 Uh, well, I write fora regional lifestyle magazine
180 00:09:15 so it's not exactlyVanity Fair.
181 00:09:19 Take that as a no.
182 00:09:20 Being a writer,I imagine you read a lot.
183 00:09:22 You've read anythingabout this case?
184 00:09:25 No. No. Today's the firstI've heard about it.
185 00:09:28 Well, then, I think you'll make
186 00:09:29 a perfectly acceptablemember of this jury.
187 00:09:33 All right. Does the defenseaccept or challenge?
188 00:09:37 We accept him, Your Honor.
189 00:09:40 Good. Please enter Justin Kempas juror number two.
190 00:09:47 Hey. Hi!
191 00:09:48 Hi. How did it go?
192 00:09:50 No.
193 00:09:52 I got picked.No.
194 00:09:53 Mmm.I'm so sorry.
195 00:09:55 I know.
196 00:09:56 What happenedto "wildly inappropriate"?
197 00:09:58 Ah. Well,I'm saving that for you.
198 00:09:59 Oh, yeah?
199 00:10:01 They saidit'll be a short trial.
200 00:10:03 I feel likethey always say that,
201 00:10:04 but I hope so.I know.
202 00:10:06 How was your day?
203 00:10:08 It was okay.I did this.
204 00:10:10 Yeah? It's good progress.Looks good.
205 00:10:12 Thank you.All day?
206 00:10:14 No, this did nottake me all day.
207 00:10:16 Yeah.I watched a documentary...
208 00:10:18 Mmm-hmm. What about?...and I peed 94 times.
209 00:10:21 Ninety-four? Okay.And I ate some ice.
210 00:10:24 Ooh.Can I have some more?
211 00:10:25 You need some more? Ice?Yeah.
212 00:10:26 Ice. Coming up. All right.
213 00:10:41 The people need to knowhow I'll make this city safer.
214 00:10:44 And women need to know that,
215 00:10:46 if they're inan abusive relationship,
216 00:10:48 their community has their back.
217 00:10:49 The rest? The rest is noise.
218 00:10:52 So, thank you.
219 00:10:56 Thank you, guys.Thank you for coming.
220 00:11:00 Thank you. Thank you so much.
221 00:11:01 Thank you. Hey!Thank you so much.
222 00:11:04 Thank you.I really appreciate it.
223 00:11:05 Thank you so much. Yeah.
224 00:11:08 Hey. Good job.
225 00:11:14 Hey.Hey.
226 00:11:17 Nice speech.
227 00:11:22 Thanks.
228 00:11:23 "Justice is truth in action"?
229 00:11:25 Mmm-hmm. Professor Nielsen.
230 00:11:27 Yeah. No. Yeah, I remember.
231 00:11:31 You still believe it?
232 00:11:34 Of course.
233 00:11:37 All right.As long as it doesn't
234 00:11:38 get in the way of a win,though, right?
235 00:11:40 Oh, my God.If you got something to say,Eric, just say it.
236 00:11:43 Mmm. I'm saying, he...
237 00:11:45 You know, he loves you.You were his favorite student.
238 00:11:49 Are you really going there?
239 00:11:51 Yeah, I'm going there.Oh, my God!
240 00:11:53 And now you're a...
241 00:11:57 What?
242 00:11:58 I'm a what?
243 00:12:00 A politician.
244 00:12:06 Good morning.
245 00:12:07 We will beginwith opening statements.
246 00:12:09 Ms. Killebrew.
247 00:12:13 Okay. The factsof the case are these.
248 00:12:16 One year ago, on October 25th,the defendant, James Sythe,
249 00:12:20 and his then-girlfriend,Kendall Carter,
250 00:12:22 went drinkingat Rowdy's Hideaway
251 00:12:24 on Old Quarry Road.
252 00:12:34 Come on. I walked all the wayup there and got it.
253 00:12:36 Take the drink.I'm already drunk, babe.
254 00:12:54 Things got tense.
255 00:12:56 They had a fight.
256 00:12:57 Not fairwhat you're doing.
257 00:12:58 Hey, leave it alone.
258 00:13:00 What the hellis wrong with you?
259 00:13:02 I've already told you.We're not moving in together.
260 00:13:03 I'm not...
261 00:13:04 What is wrong with it?Stop pushing me.
262 00:13:06 I told you, stop...I'm not pushing you.
263 00:13:07 I said stop pushing!
264 00:13:13 Jesus Christ.
265 00:13:15 She stormedout of the bar
266 00:13:16 and he followed her.
267 00:13:20 The fight escalated,
268 00:13:22 and things quicklygot out of control.
269 00:13:25 Hey.
270 00:13:27 What the hell are you doing?
271 00:13:29 What are you doing?Get away from me.
272 00:13:31 Don't touch me.
273 00:13:32 How dare you?Are you kidding me?
274 00:13:40 It was parfor the course.
275 00:13:43 They'd argue. They'd break up.
276 00:13:44 And they'd make up the next day
277 00:13:46 after they bothhad calmed down.
278 00:13:48 It was basically a game.
279 00:13:51 Now, this couplehad a history of violentinteractions,
280 00:13:54 but this time she was serious.
281 00:13:57 She was done with him.
282 00:13:59 So she left and headeddown the road, on foot.
283 00:14:16 So this was justanother typical night of drama.
284 00:14:19 So James Sythe got in his carand he drove home.
285 00:14:25 He flew into a violent rage
286 00:14:28 and followed Kendall Carterdown the road...
287 00:14:32 where he proceeded to kill her.
288 00:14:54 He beat her viciously.
289 00:14:57 He pushed her over a railingto the creek below...
290 00:15:01 and left her to die.
291 00:15:50 James Sythe didn't attack her
292 00:15:52 and he couldn't have pushed her
293 00:15:54 because he wasn't there.
294 00:16:02 James Sythe...
295 00:16:06 took an innocent life.
296 00:16:09 James Sythe...
297 00:16:11 is an innocent man.
298 00:16:16 Thank you.
299 00:16:43 Damn, man.
300 00:16:45 You... You all right?Mmm-hmm.
301 00:16:48 Yeah. Just thosecrime scene pictures.
302 00:16:51 Never had a strong stomach.
303 00:16:53 Yeah.
304 00:16:55 All right.Well, you have a good night.
305 00:16:57 You, too.
306 00:17:13 God grant me the serenity
307 00:17:14 to accept the thingsthat I cannot change,
308 00:17:17 the courage to changethe things that I can,
309 00:17:20 and the wisdomto know the difference.
310 00:17:24 Great work, everybody.
311 00:17:25 Keep coming back.
312 00:17:26 It works if you work it.
313 00:17:29 Great job, everybody.
314 00:17:31 Right on, bro!
315 00:17:35 Hey, Justin.
316 00:17:36 Hey!
317 00:17:37 You were quiet tonight.
318 00:17:39 Yeah. I've gota lot on my mind.
319 00:17:41 Yeah, I can tell.
320 00:17:43 You want to talk about it?
321 00:17:46 Okay, look, whatever it is,my advice is the same.
322 00:17:49 You know what to do.
323 00:17:51 We're only as sickas our secrets.
324 00:17:53 Yeah.
325 00:17:55 Okay, I'm always here for you.
326 00:18:44 Working late?
327 00:18:47 Be out of your way in a minute.
328 00:18:48 Nah, take as long as you want,I'll come back.
329 00:19:16 Hey.Hey.
330 00:19:17 Sorry I'm late.That's okay.
331 00:19:20 How was the meeting?
332 00:19:21 It was good.
333 00:19:23 I stayed afterto talk with Larry for a bit.
334 00:19:26 You okay? Your heart.
335 00:19:28 Hmm?Are you okay?
336 00:19:31 Yeah, I'm good.
337 00:19:34 Everything's going to be fine.
338 00:19:37 We're goingto be a family soon.
339 00:19:39 Hmm.
340 00:19:40 Very soon, I hope.
341 00:19:56 What the...
342 00:20:11 I'd seen them in there before.A couple times.
343 00:20:13 Um, it was alwaysthe same thing.
344 00:20:16 They would start offfun and flirty, and then,
345 00:20:19 after a few drinks,things would change.
346 00:20:21 Change, how?
347 00:20:23 That night, she came in,
348 00:20:26 trying to talk to him,like, seriously, you know?
349 00:20:30 But he wasn't having it.
350 00:20:33 What's wrong with you?
351 00:20:34 What, do you want meto disagree?
352 00:20:35 No. I want you to say,"I love you, too."
353 00:20:38 I basically did.
354 00:20:39 I want you to say,"I love you, too."
355 00:20:40 Read between the goddamn lines,
356 00:20:42 I said, "Yeah."
357 00:20:44 What lines? I'm sick of this shit.
358 00:20:45 What linesare you talking about?
359 00:20:46 Hey,get out of my face!
360 00:20:49 He got mad.Like, scary.
361 00:20:52 She leaves.
362 00:20:56 He follows her outside.So I started following.
363 00:20:59 Hey!
364 00:21:01 What the hell are you doing?
365 00:21:03 What are you doing?
366 00:21:04 I want to go home.
367 00:21:07 I don't wantto do this anymore. Do what?
368 00:21:09 I'm done.You're embarrassing!
369 00:21:12 What are you talking about?
370 00:21:13 Who careswhat these idiots think?
371 00:21:16 What are you going to do?Hit me?
372 00:21:18 Relax. I'm sorry.Don't touch me.
373 00:21:20 It was...What are you going to do?
374 00:21:21 How dare you?Are you kidding me?
375 00:21:23 Bring it on!
376 00:21:27 You better get the fuckout of here right now.
377 00:21:31 Fine, walk home, in the rain,you stupid bitch!
378 00:21:38 And, Kendall, we ain't over!I'm done, James.
379 00:21:50 So she left,
380 00:21:52 then what happened?
381 00:21:54 He followed herout of the parking lot
382 00:21:56 and onto Old Quarry Road.
383 00:21:58 Thank you. No furtherquestions, Your Honor.
384 00:22:02 So you saw him walk downOld Quarry Road?
385 00:22:05 Yes.
386 00:22:07 Did you knowthat his car was parked
387 00:22:09 down on Old Quarry Road?
388 00:22:11 No.
389 00:22:13 No.
390 00:22:15 Were you drinking that night?
391 00:22:16 Objection, Your Honor.
392 00:22:18 Overruled.
393 00:22:20 Were you drinking that night?
394 00:22:23 Yes.
395 00:22:24 So you don't knowhow far he followed her
396 00:22:27 down Old Quarry Road, do you?
397 00:22:31 No. Um, at that point,
398 00:22:32 I had stopped filmingand I went back inside.
399 00:22:36 No more questions.
400 00:22:38 Does the Statehave any more questions?
401 00:22:41 No more questions, Your Honor.
402 00:22:46 Thank you.You may step down.
403 00:22:49 I was at the bar till close.
404 00:22:51 I didn't see either one of themcome back in.
405 00:22:54 And then the next day,I opened,
406 00:22:56 and I did what I always do.
407 00:22:57 I took the night's trashout to the dumpster.
408 00:23:03 Miss! Miss!I'm sorry. I need your help.
409 00:23:06 Because of the rainthe night before...
410 00:23:09 the trails wereall muddy and wet.
411 00:23:15 So I had to cut upto Old Quarry by the bridge
412 00:23:17 in order to get backto the road.
413 00:23:36 Right. And just to be clear,
414 00:23:38 when you found Kendall Carter,
415 00:23:41 she was dead?
416 00:23:44 Her head wasin a pool of blood.
417 00:23:48 It was awful.
418 00:23:52 Thank you for your testimony,Mr. Reed.
419 00:23:54 I know it isn't easy.
420 00:23:57 That's all I have.
421 00:24:00 Mr. Resnick, your witness.
422 00:24:03 Mr. Reed,
423 00:24:05 you hike those trailsin the woods frequently,don't you?
424 00:24:09 Yes, sir.
425 00:24:10 Twice a week at least.
426 00:24:12 In your opinion, is the hikedown the hillside difficult?
427 00:24:15 Yes.
428 00:24:17 I assume you wear hiking boots
429 00:24:19 when you hike, Mr. Reed?Is that correct?
430 00:24:23 Of course.
431 00:24:24 This is a pictureof Kendall Carter
432 00:24:27 the morning you found herbelow Old Quarry Road.
433 00:24:31 Can you please tell uswhat kind of shoesshe's wearing?
434 00:24:37 Looks like heels.
435 00:24:40 Heels.
436 00:24:42 And if she's walking alongthe edge of Old Quarry Road
437 00:24:45 in a blinding rainstormat night, in heels,
438 00:24:49 and she suddenlylost her footing,
439 00:24:53 it'd be next to impossible
440 00:24:55 to prevent herselffrom falling,isn't that correct?
441 00:24:59 Yes.
442 00:25:03 Thank you.
443 00:25:06 She landedin a posterior position,
444 00:25:09 which suggests she was pushed,as opposed to a fall.
445 00:25:13 Rigor mortis indicatedthe victim had been dead
446 00:25:15 for around nine hours.
447 00:25:17 Hmm.
448 00:25:18 And the cause of death?
449 00:25:19 The severity of herskull fractures suggests
450 00:25:22 she was struckwith a non-specificblunt instrument.
451 00:25:26 And the manner of death?
452 00:25:29 Homicide.
453 00:25:33 Thank you.No more questions.
454 00:25:38 The witness is yours,Mr. Resnick.
455 00:25:41 Is it possiblethat she sustained
456 00:25:43 her head injuriesfrom hitting the rocks?
457 00:25:45 Possible, sure,
458 00:25:47 but in myprofessional opinion,it's not likely.
459 00:25:48 But possible.
460 00:25:53 That's all from me.
461 00:25:59 Thank you for your testimony.You may step down.
462 00:26:06 On October 25th of last year,
463 00:26:07 you lived on Old Quarry Road.
464 00:26:09 Correct?Yes.
465 00:26:11 And do you rememberanything unusual happeningthat evening?
466 00:26:13 I saw a man get out of his carin a storm.
467 00:26:16 Do you rememberwhat time that was?
468 00:26:18 It was 11:48 on the button.
469 00:26:21 I looked at the clock.
470 00:26:22 I heard thunder,
471 00:26:24 and so I went to the window,and lightning lit up the sky.
472 00:26:28 There he was.
473 00:26:29 What was he doing?
474 00:26:31 He looked around, he went overto the side of the road.
475 00:26:37 Peered over the railing...
476 00:26:39 got back in his carand drove off.
477 00:26:43 And is that manyou saw that night
478 00:26:45 here in the courtroomtoday, do you know?
479 00:26:46 Can you point him out?
480 00:26:52 Yes, he is here today.
481 00:26:55 That's him right there.
482 00:26:58 Let the record reflect thatthe witness has identified
483 00:27:00 the man he sawas the defendant,
484 00:27:02 James Michael Sythe.
485 00:27:05 No more questions, Your Honor.
486 00:27:09 All right. This feelslike a good time
487 00:27:11 to break for the day.
488 00:27:13 This court is in recess until9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning
489 00:27:16 when we will pick up herewhere we left off.
490 00:27:31 Justin, what's going on?
491 00:27:35 I need a lawyer.
492 00:27:38 Okay. Give me a dollar.
493 00:27:40 And I'm not joking, that givesus attorney-client privilege.
494 00:27:42 Take a seat.
495 00:27:46 So I went to clear my head,
496 00:27:48 and found myselfat Rowdy's Hideaway...
497 00:27:53 Ordered a drinkand sat there for a while,
498 00:27:54 then I got up and left.
499 00:27:56 I got to the car.It was raining.
500 00:27:59 I turned back onto Old Quarry,
501 00:28:01 I went abouta quarter of a mile
502 00:28:03 and I hit something.
503 00:28:06 I got out of the carand I looked around.
504 00:28:07 I checked,I didn't see anything,
505 00:28:08 and I figured it wasa deer that ran off,
506 00:28:11 and then I got backin the car and went home.
507 00:28:17 Okay, what's the problem?
508 00:28:19 I got called for jury duty.
509 00:28:22 The Kendall Carter case?Mmm-hmm.
510 00:28:24 And they found her bodyin a creek bed,
511 00:28:28 about a quarter mile fromRowdy's Hideaway last October.
512 00:28:33 What are you telling me?
513 00:28:38 Maybe I didn't hit a deer.
514 00:28:43 I don't knowwhat to do.
515 00:28:47 You were at a barand you had a drink?
516 00:28:48 Yes, but I didn't touch it.
517 00:28:50 Doesn't matter.
518 00:28:51 Given your history,
519 00:28:53 there isn't a jury in the world
520 00:28:54 that would believeyou were sober.
521 00:28:56 But if I wascoming forward voluntarily,
522 00:28:57 that has to countfor something, right?
523 00:28:59 If I come forwardand I tell them the truth...
524 00:29:00 Then your prior DUIs,
525 00:29:02 and the factthat you were at a bar,
526 00:29:03 gives the Statereason to charge you
527 00:29:05 with first-degreevehicular homicide
528 00:29:06 or even felony murder.
529 00:29:07 That's 30 years to life.
530 00:29:09 What?
531 00:29:11 If you were tocome forward right now,
532 00:29:12 you will be completely screwed.
533 00:29:16 That's it?
534 00:29:17 Uh...
535 00:29:22 I'm sorry.
536 00:29:26 The defense callsJames Sythe, Your Honor.
537 00:29:32 Please raiseyour right hand.
538 00:29:34 Do you swear to tell the truth,
539 00:29:36 the whole truth,and nothing but the truth,
540 00:29:39 so help you God?
541 00:29:40 Yes, Your Honor.
542 00:29:41 All right. Have a seat.
543 00:29:47 Please state your namefor the record.
544 00:29:49 Uh, James Michael Sythe.
545 00:29:53 Mr. Resnick, your witness.
546 00:29:55 Okay, James, let's talkabout what happened
547 00:29:57 the night of October 25th.
548 00:29:59 Can you tell us what happened?
549 00:30:00 Yeah, um...
550 00:30:02 Kendall and I went to Rowdy's
551 00:30:03 to have a few drinks,get some food.
552 00:30:07 We were having fun,shots and pool,
553 00:30:09 played some darts, you know.
554 00:30:12 Now, there's been testimonythat you guys argued.
555 00:30:15 You don't deny that, do you?
556 00:30:17 No. No, yeah. Um...
557 00:30:20 She got really drunkand she was...
558 00:30:22 She was giving me a hard time.
559 00:30:24 What do you mean?
560 00:30:26 She'd been going onabout us moving in together
561 00:30:29 for a couple of weeks and I...
562 00:30:31 just kept telling herthat I didn't think
563 00:30:32 that I was ready.
564 00:30:34 We'll... We'll see.
565 00:30:37 We'll see.What do you mean "We'll see"?
566 00:30:39 And she just wasn't having it.She said I didn't love her.
567 00:30:43 And, uh, she stormed out.
568 00:30:45 And then what happened?
569 00:30:47 We argued in the parking lot.
570 00:30:49 I don't wantto do this anymore.
571 00:30:51 Do what?I want to go home.
572 00:30:54 I'm done.
573 00:30:55 Fine. Get out of here.Go walk home.
574 00:30:58 Go walk home then. In the rain.
575 00:31:04 And she was justout of her head, you know?
576 00:31:07 Screaming at me and walked off.
577 00:31:10 And what did you do?
578 00:31:13 Followed her, at first,
579 00:31:14 but it was cold,it was raining.
580 00:31:18 I remember getting in my car.
581 00:31:20 So I was parked next to, uh,
582 00:31:22 mile marker 217.
583 00:31:27 My niece is bornFebruary 17th, so that just...
584 00:31:33 I don't know, pulled meout of everything,
585 00:31:35 then I turned aroundand just drove home.
586 00:31:44 And, um, we'd seeeach other the next day,
587 00:31:48 and we'd work it out, like...
588 00:31:51 like always.
589 00:31:54 Look, was I stupid?
590 00:31:57 For not wantingto move in with her?
591 00:32:00 So I could seeher face every day?
592 00:32:04 Absolutely, yeah.
593 00:32:07 But I could never putmy hands on her like that.
594 00:32:13 I couldn't do that to her.
595 00:32:16 I... I loved her.
596 00:32:20 Now, look, I understand,
597 00:32:23 with my past,and the mistakesthat I've made,
598 00:32:26 I know what you're thinking,I do. And I get it.
599 00:32:31 But I'm...
600 00:32:33 I'm not that guy anymore.
601 00:32:36 Okay, I've changed.
602 00:32:39 I left that life behind me,and I, you know...
603 00:32:41 I thoughtI was doing really good.
604 00:32:45 I don't knowwhat happened.
605 00:32:48 I went home. I drove...
606 00:32:50 I just... I drove home.
607 00:32:57 I know how difficultthis is for you, James.
608 00:33:01 You take your time, and...
609 00:33:03 let me know when you're ready.
610 00:33:07 I'm good.
611 00:33:10 I'm gonna show youa video now, okay?
612 00:33:13 And then I'm gonnaask you some questions.
613 00:33:17 It's fine. I'm not mad.
614 00:33:19 Why didn't you say it to me?
615 00:33:26 Did you see that?
616 00:33:28 That's for you. That's my guy.
617 00:33:32 I love you.I love you, too.
618 00:33:34 Did you miss or make it?
619 00:33:36 No, I didn't make it.
620 00:33:37 You missed it.
621 00:33:38 Well, let me help you.You're good luck. Come here.
622 00:33:41 I was.
623 00:33:50 Okay,turn that shit off.
624 00:33:51 Okay.
625 00:33:56 Who took that video?
626 00:33:58 Kendall.
627 00:34:01 When?
628 00:34:02 October 25th.
629 00:34:05 Of last year.
630 00:34:06 And where?
631 00:34:09 At Rowdy's Hideaway.
632 00:34:14 Thank you, James.No more questions.
633 00:34:20 Prosecution, your witness.
634 00:34:22 Mr. Sythe,
635 00:34:24 you just stated thatyou loved Kendall Carter.
636 00:34:27 Is that right?
637 00:34:29 More than anything. Hmm.
638 00:34:31 And on the nightof October 25th,
639 00:34:33 you and Kendall droveto Rowdy's Hideaway.
640 00:34:34 Is that right?
641 00:34:35 We took my car, yeah.
642 00:34:38 And when you got there,the two of you
643 00:34:39 started drinking,is that right?
644 00:34:42 Yeah. It's a bar.
645 00:34:44 And then the two of youstarted arguing.
646 00:34:46 Is that right?
647 00:34:48 Yeah.
648 00:34:50 And during this argument,
649 00:34:52 you knocked a beer bottleoff the table.
650 00:34:54 Is that right?
651 00:34:57 Yeah, it was an accident.
652 00:34:59 And then she left,and you went after her.
653 00:35:02 Is that right?
654 00:35:03 Yeah.
655 00:35:05 And outside, the argumentcontinued, and...
656 00:35:09 it is your sworn testimony,
657 00:35:11 that you leftKendall Carter alone
658 00:35:13 to walk downa narrow two-lane road
659 00:35:16 in the dark, drunk,in the pouring rain,
660 00:35:19 in the middleof a thunderstorm.
661 00:35:23 Is that how you treatsomeone you love?
662 00:35:29 No more questions, Your Honor.
663 00:35:34 Are there any further questionsfrom the defense?
664 00:35:36 No, Your Honor.The defense rests.
665 00:35:39 Thank you for your testimony,you can step down.
666 00:35:51 Members of the jury,
667 00:35:52 the evidence in this caseis now closed.
668 00:35:55 Attorneys, you may give
669 00:35:56 your closing argumentsat this time.
670 00:35:58 Ladies and gentlemenof the jury...
671 00:36:02 Kendall Carter's murderwas a savage crime
672 00:36:06 committed by an evil man.
673 00:36:09 An innocent man.
674 00:36:11 An innocent manwho was shattered
675 00:36:15 from losingthe love of his life.
676 00:36:18 We have an eyewitnesswho saw him at the crime scene
677 00:36:21 at the time of death.
678 00:36:23 In the middle of the night,in a blinding rainstorm...
679 00:36:27 it could have been anyone.
680 00:36:28 When she broke upwith him that night,
681 00:36:30 and he realized she meant it,
682 00:36:33 he snapped.
683 00:36:35 And so he bludgeoned her.
684 00:36:37 No murder weaponwas recovered. Nothing.
685 00:36:41 Nothing.
686 00:36:43 The defendant's DNAwas all over the victim.
687 00:36:46 No one else's.
688 00:36:47 The State saysthere was DNA.
689 00:36:49 Of course, there was DNA.Of course.
690 00:36:52 They were a couple.
691 00:36:53 Yeah, of course,they were a couple.
692 00:36:56 Until they weren't.
693 00:36:57 James Sythe bravelytook the stand
694 00:37:02 and admittedto some difficult truths.
695 00:37:04 That?
696 00:37:06 That was all a performance,nothing else.
697 00:37:09 Look...
698 00:37:11 I think we canall agree on this.
699 00:37:14 The person responsiblefor Kendall Carter's death
700 00:37:19 deserves to face justice.
701 00:37:21 That person is James Sythe.
702 00:37:25 But that person,
703 00:37:27 that evil man,
704 00:37:29 is still out there.
705 00:37:33 All I ask is that youdeliver a verdict
706 00:37:36 that speaks the truth.
707 00:37:39 The truth aboutwhat happened to Kendall.
708 00:37:42 The truth about what happenedon Old Quarry Road that night.
709 00:37:46 And the truth about him.
710 00:37:51 And the truth about him...
711 00:37:54 is that James Michael Sythe
712 00:37:57 is guilty.
713 00:37:59 Find him guilty.
714 00:38:02 The truth is, James Sythe...
715 00:38:06 is not guilty.
716 00:38:11 Find James Sythe...
717 00:38:14 not guilty.
718 00:38:18 Thank you.
719 00:38:24 Good luck.Thanks.
720 00:38:26 Um, excuse me, everyone.
721 00:38:28 If... If nobody objects,
722 00:38:30 I'd really like to throwmy name into the ring
723 00:38:32 to be the forewoman.
724 00:38:33 I've served on multiple juries.
725 00:38:35 I know the ropes.I'm cool with it.
726 00:38:36 Yeah. Sure.Sure!
727 00:38:37 I don't mind.Okay, great. Thanks.
728 00:38:39 Okay. So right now we can doone of two things.
729 00:38:43 We can vote and talk,
730 00:38:44 or talk and vote.
731 00:38:46 I suggest that we just vote
732 00:38:47 and just get an ideawhere we all stand.
733 00:38:49 Does that sound good?Agreed.
734 00:38:51 Okay. So I vote "guilty."
735 00:38:54 Yes, ma'am. Me, too.
736 00:38:56 Me three. This whole thingis such a shame.
737 00:39:01 Yeah. I definitely thinkthat he did it.
738 00:39:04 Definitely.
739 00:39:06 I agree.
740 00:39:08 Everything fits together.
741 00:39:10 Yeah. Let him rot.
742 00:39:13 Amen.
743 00:39:15 Nine. So that isnine for guilty.
744 00:39:20 You, sir? Hi.
745 00:39:22 Yeah. Oh, yeah.Yeah, guilty's cool.
746 00:39:25 Okay.
747 00:39:27 And...
748 00:39:28 Oh! You, sir? How about you?
749 00:39:30 Kid should have pled out.
750 00:39:34 And then there was one.
751 00:39:47 All right. So...what's it gonna be?
752 00:39:49 You with us or what?
753 00:39:54 Tsk.
754 00:39:59 Don't you want to get hometo your pregnant wife?
755 00:40:00 Of... Of course I do.
756 00:40:02 All right.So what's the problem?
757 00:40:06 You know, this is somebody'slife we're dealing with.
758 00:40:07 Shouldn't we at leasttalk about it?
759 00:40:12 This is a joke.
760 00:40:14 No, it's, um...Look, it's a deliberation.
761 00:40:16 You are ready to sendthis man to prison,
762 00:40:19 maybe forever, just like that?
763 00:40:20 And?
764 00:40:22 I heard the factsof the case. Did you?
765 00:40:24 Yeah, right.The lawyer didn't prove,
766 00:40:26 beyond a reasonable doubt,that he was innocent.
767 00:40:29 Well, he doesn't have to.
768 00:40:31 The burden of proofis on the prosecution.
769 00:40:33 Does anyone haveeven the slightest hesitation
770 00:40:35 that James Sythe is guilty?
771 00:40:36 I mean...
772 00:40:40 Look, if you have to think,you aren't sure.
773 00:40:42 No.
774 00:40:43 What I'm sure of is,I got three kids at home
775 00:40:45 I got to get back to.
776 00:40:46 Look, we all have lives.
777 00:40:48 None of us want to be here.
778 00:40:49 Okay. Um, how about we...
779 00:40:51 Why don't you just tell uswhat your issue is
780 00:40:53 or your issues are,
781 00:40:55 and... and then we canall talk through it?
782 00:40:57 Oh, I don't havean... an issue. Uh...
783 00:41:00 Okay. So you just likepissing me off, then?
784 00:41:02 Or what? No. Look, I...
785 00:41:04 I have questions.
786 00:41:05 Nah. That's justyour guilt talking.
787 00:41:09 What do you mean?
788 00:41:14 You want to go hometo your little neighborhood
789 00:41:17 and tell them,
790 00:41:18 "We did right by that boy.
791 00:41:20 We gave him a fair shake,just like anybody else."
792 00:41:23 Whoa, man. Hold up.Why're you getting on himlike that?
793 00:41:26 Hey, mindyour own damn business,
794 00:41:27 all right, little fella?
795 00:41:28 Excuse me?That's enough. Both of you.
796 00:41:33 Please, Mr. Kemp, go on.
797 00:41:35 Thank you, ma'am.
798 00:41:37 All I'm trying to say is,
799 00:41:39 let's put everything elseaside for a minute
800 00:41:40 and just remembertwo key points. Um...
801 00:41:43 One, Sythe went to trialinstead of taking a plea,
802 00:41:46 and two, he testifiedinstead of taking the Fifth.
803 00:41:50 Right? I mean...
804 00:41:51 it doesn't mean he's innocent,
805 00:41:53 but I think he's earnedjust a few hours of our time
806 00:41:54 just to be sure.
807 00:41:56 Uh, he's right. You're right.
808 00:41:58 We should take the timeand we should go over it.
809 00:42:01 Fine. Fine,but it's a waste of time.
810 00:42:04 Any other group of 12 people
811 00:42:06 would arrive at the exact samedecision we did.
812 00:42:07 Mmm-hmm.That part right there.
813 00:42:11 The State has the truthon its side.
814 00:42:14 James Sythe is going to payfor what he did.
815 00:42:17 And I will get justicefor Kendall Carter
816 00:42:19 and every woman who isa victim of domestic abuse.
817 00:42:23 How do you feelabout the latest polling
818 00:42:25 that a verdictin the Sythe trial
819 00:42:27 carries a five-point swingin the district attorney race?
820 00:42:28 Oh, come on. You...
821 00:42:30 You know I can'tcomment on that.
822 00:42:31 Okay. Thank you, everybody.
823 00:42:40 So I'm just going to startwith what I think
824 00:42:44 is the most damning evidence.
825 00:42:47 Which was the man who saw
826 00:42:50 Sythe on the road,at the railing,
827 00:42:53 directly above whereKendall Carter'sbody was found.
828 00:42:55 Yes, exactly.
829 00:42:57 So what's leftto even talk about?
830 00:42:58 Well, I mean, he wasa few hundred feet away,
831 00:43:00 looking from across the bridge.
832 00:43:02 And it wasthe middle of the night,
833 00:43:03 and through pouring rain.
834 00:43:05 Yeah. And I've actually done
835 00:43:07 a bunch of landscapingwork up there.
836 00:43:08 That whole areais covered by trees.
837 00:43:10 It'd be hard to see.
838 00:43:12 The man madea positive identification.
839 00:43:14 Yeah, but dude'skind of ancient, though.
840 00:43:18 Well, this old bird has20-20 vision with my glasses.
841 00:43:22 Come on, y'all.It's his testimony.He's not lying.
842 00:43:25 I mean, why would he lie?
843 00:43:26 And the question here meansthat we think he's lying.
844 00:43:28 I don't think he's lying.
845 00:43:30 You think he's lying?
846 00:43:31 No, I don't think he's lying--
847 00:43:32 Okay. So whatthe hell are we talking about?
848 00:43:34 Look, I'm just saying... Okay.
849 00:43:35 The man, he saw somebodyat the railing, right?
850 00:43:37 Can we all agree on that?
851 00:43:38 Yeah.Yes.
852 00:43:39 Okay. So isn't it possible
853 00:43:41 that he saw someoneother than James Sythe?Oh!
854 00:43:43 Mmm-mmm.No, we can go back and forthall day on possibilities.
855 00:43:46 That's not helpful.
856 00:43:47 Well, I think we should.No, no, no.
857 00:43:48 No. That's not our job.
858 00:43:49 Our job is to justweigh the facts.
859 00:43:52 Okay. Fact.
860 00:43:54 32% of homicides occurbetween domestic partners.
861 00:43:58 Fact, the policearrested James Sythe
862 00:44:00 two days afterthey found the body.
863 00:44:01 Fact, they never questionedany other suspects.
864 00:44:05 You watch too much TV,old man.
865 00:44:08 Okay.
866 00:44:17 You're a cop?
867 00:44:19 I was.
868 00:44:21 Twenty-two years.Robbery-homicide.
869 00:44:25 Finally took the buyout,came down here to get away
870 00:44:27 from those brutalMidwest winters
871 00:44:29 and be closer to the grandkids.
872 00:44:31 Why didn't you... Why didn'tyou tell the lawyers?
873 00:44:33 'Cause nobody asked.
874 00:44:35 How about that.
875 00:44:37 Well, their loss is our gain.
876 00:44:39 So what are youthinking, officer?
877 00:44:41 Uh, Detective.
878 00:44:42 Um...
879 00:44:44 Look, I think...
880 00:44:45 It seems to me like the police,
881 00:44:47 you know, followedthe evidence,
882 00:44:49 found their guy,built their case.
883 00:44:50 Okay. So what's wrongwith that?
884 00:44:53 It may be nothing,but tunnel vision like that
885 00:44:55 can really bite you in the ass.
886 00:44:56 They feed Sytheto that eyewitness,
887 00:44:59 so, of course,that's who he IDs.
888 00:45:01 Now they're surethey got their guy,
889 00:45:03 so they just ignore anythingthat doesn't help their case.
890 00:45:05 They stop asking questions.
891 00:45:08 Confirmation bias.
892 00:45:09 Yeah, confirmation bias.Exactly.
893 00:45:11 Confirmation bias.
894 00:45:12 There's no bad intentions.
895 00:45:14 It's just a bunch of peopletrying to do the right thing,
896 00:45:17 and they can't see everythingthey're doing wrong.
897 00:45:20 It's a good point.
898 00:45:23 And what about this bluntinstrument murder weapon
899 00:45:26 they kept talking about?
900 00:45:28 The prosecutor saidthey couldn't recover it.
901 00:45:31 So he got rid of it.That's easy to do.
902 00:45:33 Or he could have killed her
903 00:45:35 with something otherthan a blunt instrument.
904 00:45:37 Like what?
905 00:45:40 Like a car?
906 00:45:42 It could have beena hit-and-run.
907 00:45:46 Oh, shit.
908 00:45:47 Here. Let me help.I'm sorry. Sorry.
909 00:45:49 It got in your pants.It's all right.
910 00:45:49 You know, that's...
911 00:45:51 That's a really, reallygood theory.
912 00:45:53 Hit-and-run. Yeah.
913 00:45:55 I mean, it's raining,it's night.
914 00:45:56 Visibility'sgot to be terrible.
915 00:45:58 Well, we know it was slippery,from that hiker's testimony.
916 00:46:01 Wandering aroundin the dark in heels?
917 00:46:04 Kids today...
918 00:46:06 Um, it explains how she couldhave ended up in a creek.
919 00:46:10 Mmm-hmm.
920 00:46:12 Okay. So, Sythe mowed her downinstead of bashing her head in?
921 00:46:16 What are we talking about here?
922 00:46:17 What difference does it make?
923 00:46:18 The guy is a piece of shit.
924 00:46:21 Look, my gut is telling methat that kid is not a killer.
925 00:46:25 Okay. The other day,you voted guilty. Mmm-hmm.
926 00:46:28 No. No, I never said guilty.
927 00:46:30 I said, he should havetaken a plea bargain.
928 00:46:33 He's got a weak case.
929 00:46:34 Well, maybe there'sa reason for that.
930 00:46:36 Yeah. It's calleda public defender.
931 00:46:39 I mean,nothing against this guy.
932 00:46:40 He seems pretty smart,
933 00:46:42 but... the PDsare working 10 times
934 00:46:45 the caseload of the DA's officeon a fraction of the budget.
935 00:46:48 It's just not a fair fight.
936 00:46:50 Yeah, well, nothing is anymore.
937 00:46:52 We'll just do the best we can.
938 00:46:54 I hear you.
939 00:46:57 And I got 22 yearson the street,
940 00:46:59 that is telling me
941 00:47:01 there's a lot moreto this case than we know.
942 00:47:03 All right. Then, if you werestill a detective,
943 00:47:06 what would you do?
944 00:47:07 Yeah.
945 00:47:09 All right, y'all.That's it for today.
946 00:47:12 See you back here at 9:00 a.m.Monday morning.
947 00:47:16 Oh! And I almost forgot.Happy Halloween.
948 00:47:19 Happy Halloween!
949 00:47:23 Hey!
950 00:47:24 Yeah, it has been a minute.
951 00:47:26 But I was hopingyou could do me a solid.
952 00:47:29 Hang on a sec.
953 00:47:35 Yeah, I'm here.
954 00:47:54 "We cannot break the law.
955 00:47:56 "We can only break ourselvesof the law."
956 00:48:02 No decision yet.
957 00:48:04 We're breaking for the weekend.
958 00:48:05 You're kidding.
959 00:48:07 You never know whata dozen strangers are gonna do.
960 00:48:09 Clearly. Okay. Well,thanks for letting me know.
961 00:48:11 See you Monday.Mmm-hmm.
962 00:48:12 Trick or treat!Yeah. Have a good one.
963 00:49:20 Hey, hon.
964 00:49:21 Yeah, I'm heading backto the shop right now.
965 00:49:25 Okay.
966 00:49:56 Hey.
967 00:49:58 Hi.Did you get my text?
968 00:50:02 Oh, shit.
969 00:50:04 Sorry.
970 00:50:06 I'm sorry, I forgot.
971 00:50:09 Does everything look okay?
972 00:50:12 Are you okay?
973 00:50:20 Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?
974 00:50:21 I'm scared.
975 00:50:24 I'm scared. We didn't make itthis far last time, and...
976 00:50:28 I'm just scared.
977 00:50:30 I don't want to bedoing this alone.
978 00:50:32 I don't want to goto these things alone.
979 00:50:35 It's going to be okay.
980 00:50:36 It's goingto be all right, I promise.
981 00:50:38 I don't understand whyyou weren't there today.
982 00:50:42 How much longer is the trialgoing to go on for?
983 00:50:45 I have no idea.
984 00:50:48 It's...Are you close to a verdict?
985 00:50:51 I'm not supposedto discuss the case--
986 00:50:52 Justin, are you closeto a verdict?
987 00:50:54 Well, it's ten to twofor guilty.
988 00:50:59 So then, Monday,
989 00:51:01 can you just go inand sway the two holdouts
990 00:51:03 and then be done with this?
991 00:51:04 Well, I'm one of them. I...
992 00:51:09 Why?I'm sorry,
993 00:51:11 but they tookone look at this guy,and that was it.
994 00:51:12 No discussion ofthe evidence, nothing.
995 00:51:14 I had to do something.
996 00:51:19 Everyone deservesa chance, right?
997 00:51:22 I keep thinking where I'd beif you hadn't given me one.
998 00:51:30 Can I askyou something?
999 00:51:34 Yeah, sure. What?
1000 00:51:36 If I were to sell the 4Runnerwithout telling someone
1001 00:51:39 it was in a wreck,
1002 00:51:40 but they're happy with the dealand there's no safety risks.
1003 00:51:42 It was in the ad, Justin.I know, I know,
1004 00:51:44 but just go with me.
1005 00:51:46 If they're never the wiser,
1006 00:51:48 then did I do anything wrong?
1007 00:51:50 No.
1008 00:51:52 I mean, I don't think so.
1009 00:51:55 Yeah.
1010 00:51:59 I'm going upstairs.
1011 00:52:03 Food's in the fridge.
1012 00:52:05 See you upstairs.
1013 00:52:32 There she is.Next round's on her.
1014 00:52:35 Bourbon. Neat. And...
1015 00:52:37 yeah, whatever he's having.
1016 00:52:39 What I'm having?What I'm having is a...
1017 00:52:42 Thank you....great evening.
1018 00:52:44 Isn't it a beautiful evening?
1019 00:52:45 It should have beena two-hour verdict.
1020 00:52:47 What can I tell you?They're takingtheir job seriously.
1021 00:52:49 I gave them a lotto think about.
1022 00:52:51 Mmm. I got a mountainof evidence.
1023 00:52:53 You gave themsmoke and mirrors.
1024 00:52:55 Where there's smoke,there's fire.
1025 00:52:57 I admireyour optimism.
1026 00:53:01 Look, here's the thing.You walk into court
1027 00:53:03 convinced of the guiltof the defendant. Me, I...
1028 00:53:06 I have no illusionsabout what I do.
1029 00:53:08 A lot of my clients are guilty,
1030 00:53:10 and my job is to help makethe best of a bad situation.
1031 00:53:13 But I'm telling you...
1032 00:53:15 I'm telling you,this guy didn't do it.
1033 00:53:20 And the fact that the jury'staking a little time
1034 00:53:23 gives me hopethat things are working
1035 00:53:25 the way they should.
1036 00:53:28 Well... you enjoy thatwhile it lasts.
1037 00:53:35 To the justice system.
1038 00:53:38 It ain't perfect,but it's the best we got.
1039 00:53:51 Hey.Hey.
1040 00:53:53 I'm sorry againabout yesterday.
1041 00:53:55 It's just that casewearing on me.
1042 00:53:57 I know. I can tell.
1043 00:53:58 Yeah.Trust your gut.
1044 00:54:00 You'll do the right thing.
1045 00:54:02 Oh! Oh, Oh, wait.
1046 00:54:04 Wait, wait, wait.
1047 00:54:09 What's that?It's my pitchfork.
1048 00:54:11 Nice!Yeah. Thanks.
1049 00:54:13 Homemade.
1050 00:54:17 Trick or treat!Hey! Happy Halloween!
1051 00:54:19 I love your costumes!Take two, everyone.
1052 00:54:24 Oliver?
1053 00:54:25 Hey, Ms. Crewson.
1054 00:54:27 Oliver, I didn't evenrecognize you! How are you?
1055 00:54:30 I'm good. Hi, Mr. Kemp.
1056 00:54:31 Hey, how's the writing going?
1057 00:54:33 I'm on student paper now.No way. That's awesome.
1058 00:54:35 That's very cool.Congrats.
1059 00:54:36 Hey, have fun tonight. We will.
1060 00:54:38 See you back at school?
1061 00:54:39 Yeah. Next year. Okay.
1062 00:54:41 Well, bye.
1063 00:54:42 Bye!Keep it up!
1064 00:54:44 God, he's a giant.I know.
1065 00:54:46 Happy Halloween.
1066 00:54:52 Thanks.
1067 00:55:06 Hey.Hey.
1068 00:55:08 Why'd you follow meafter court on Friday?
1069 00:55:10 I picked your tail up,like, halfway out ofthe parking lot.
1070 00:55:13 I mean, green Toyota4Runner, right?
1071 00:55:15 Uh, yeah, well, you're...
1072 00:55:17 you're not allowedto investigate the case
1073 00:55:19 outside the jury room.
1074 00:55:21 Yeah. Yeah, I know.
1075 00:55:23 But... I mean,somebody's got to.
1076 00:55:27 Don't you want to knowwhat really happened?
1077 00:55:28 Yeah. Of course.
1078 00:55:31 Look, I, uh...
1079 00:55:33 I did some digging.
1080 00:55:36 This is every registered carin the county
1081 00:55:38 that was in for body work
1082 00:55:39 between October 26thand the end of last year.
1083 00:55:41 You're still aboutthe hit-and-run?Come on, it's--
1084 00:55:43 Yeah, because that'sa really good theory.
1085 00:55:44 Now, the automakerskeep a detailed list
1086 00:55:47 of these repairsstrictly for R and D purposes.
1087 00:55:50 They collect itfrom the dealers pro forma
1088 00:55:53 and then pay the mom-and-popshops under the table.
1089 00:55:55 My partner and Irecovered more cars
1090 00:55:56 than an impound this way.
1091 00:55:58 Right. But there must behundreds of cars in there.
1092 00:56:00 Yeah, so processof elimination,
1093 00:56:02 which is what I spentmy whole weekend doing.
1094 00:56:05 I mean, anything there'salready a police report for,
1095 00:56:08 crossed off the list.
1096 00:56:09 Mmm.
1097 00:56:11 And there's only going to bea very specific kind of damage
1098 00:56:12 with this kind of hit-and-run.
1099 00:56:13 So a headlight, grille, hood.
1100 00:56:17 Yeah.I narrowed it downto 15 vehicles
1101 00:56:19 that match that descriptionon this list,
1102 00:56:21 one of which, by the way,
1103 00:56:23 a '96 Toyota 4Runner,Forest Green.
1104 00:56:26 I mean, that's the exactsame car as yours, right?
1105 00:56:29 I mean, if that is your car,
1106 00:56:30 we can just cross itoff the list.
1107 00:56:32 Right. Yeah.So what's the plan?
1108 00:56:36 Well, if youdon't mind helping,
1109 00:56:38 there's only so manyhours in the day,
1110 00:56:39 and we got to spendmost of them here.
1111 00:56:41 So you want to help mewith the legwork,
1112 00:56:42 and see if we can find our guy.
1113 00:56:44 Yeah. Okay. You know,you're reaching, but...
1114 00:56:47 Look, I...It's a hit-and-run, kid.
1115 00:56:48 I feel it in my bones.
1116 00:56:50 Dollars to doughnuts,our guy is on this list.
1117 00:56:52 Oh, good morning.Party time, y'all, let's go.
1118 00:56:58 Fellas, wrap it up.
1119 00:57:00 Thanks.
1120 00:57:04 Let's go.
1121 00:57:07 God damn it!
1122 00:57:08 Hmm.
1123 00:57:10 Everything all right over here?
1124 00:57:12 Mmm?
1125 00:57:13 Y'all workingmy nerve today.
1126 00:57:16 What is all this?
1127 00:57:22 Just... You two, wait for me.
1128 00:57:27 Read instruction0.01 for me, please.
1129 00:57:34 Uh...
1130 00:57:36 "To maintain the integrityof the jury system,
1131 00:57:37 I remind you that you mustdecide this case
1132 00:57:39 based only on the evidenceadmitted during the trial
1133 00:57:41 and the lawI will explain to you.
1134 00:57:44 You may not conductany research
1135 00:57:45 on your own about this case
1136 00:57:47 or about any people or placesmentioned during the trial."
1137 00:57:50 Sounds to melike you two violated
1138 00:57:52 every sentenceof that paragraph.
1139 00:57:53 Your Honor,I move for a mistrial.
1140 00:57:55 He's a former cop.
1141 00:57:56 Who knows what ideashe put in the jury's heads.
1142 00:57:58 Failure to elicithis previous employment
1143 00:58:00 during voir direis on you, Mr. Resnick.
1144 00:58:03 It's misconduct.
1145 00:58:05 Kick him off, Judge.There's no need to start over.
1146 00:58:06 Our resources are alreadystretched so thin.
1147 00:58:12 She's right. Motion denied.
1148 00:58:14 Your Honor. You know...
1149 00:58:16 As for you two...
1150 00:58:20 You violatedyour oath as jurors.
1151 00:58:24 Your Honor...
1152 00:58:26 if I may. I, uh...
1153 00:58:28 I upheld the oath I tookas a police officer
1154 00:58:30 to never betray my character,
1155 00:58:32 my integrity,or the public trust.
1156 00:58:40 Mr. Chicowski,
1157 00:58:42 you are hereby removedfrom Jury Service.
1158 00:58:46 On account of your background,
1159 00:58:48 I'm going to make an exception
1160 00:58:49 and not find youin contempt of court.
1161 00:58:53 Thank you, Your Honor.
1162 00:58:56 So Mr. Kemp,
1163 00:58:58 you are not a retiredlaw enforcement officer,are you?
1164 00:59:00 No. No, Your Honor.
1165 00:59:02 So how do you explain
1166 00:59:03 your involvementin this transgression?
1167 00:59:07 I obtained those documentson my own, Your Honor.
1168 00:59:10 He didn't have anythingto do with it.
1169 00:59:13 Is that true?
1170 00:59:14 Mmm.
1171 00:59:16 I mean, did you lookat these documents
1172 00:59:17 or help to procure them
1173 00:59:19 or know what Mr. Chicowskiwas intending to do?
1174 00:59:22 No, Your Honor.I did not look at them
1175 00:59:24 and I didn't help.
1176 00:59:27 So do you thinkthat you can disregard
1177 00:59:30 everything thatyou heard just now
1178 00:59:32 and remain an unbiasedmember of this panel?
1179 00:59:34 Yes, I can.
1180 00:59:37 I'm going to take youat your word.
1181 00:59:40 Bailiff, please escort Mr. Kempback to the juror room.
1182 00:59:45 Mr. Chicowski,you are dismissed.
1183 00:59:49 Your Honor, I would askthat a copy of these documents
1184 00:59:51 be made partof the court's records
1185 00:59:52 for purposes of appeal.
1186 00:59:54 And again,I move for a mistrial.
1187 00:59:56 The documents will be markedas court's Exhibit One.
1188 00:59:59 Your motion for a mistrialis denied, Mr. Resnick.
1189 01:00:03 Is that understood?
1190 01:00:06 Yes, Your Honor.It's understood.
1191 01:00:09 Good. Then we are done here.
1192 01:00:20 You got to be kidding me.What?
1193 01:00:22 "Our resourcesare stretched so thin"?
1194 01:00:25 You are something.
1195 01:00:30 Okay.
1196 01:00:38 Counselor.
1197 01:00:40 Hey, it's okay.I'm not on the jury anymore.
1198 01:00:41 You don't have to...Yeah.
1199 01:00:42 Yeah, made sure of that.
1200 01:00:46 Feeling the pressure, huh?
1201 01:00:49 In this job? Nah.
1202 01:00:51 Yeah. Okay.
1203 01:01:02 Hey, I'm...Sorry, but I just...
1204 01:01:03 I can't not say this. You...
1205 01:01:07 You got this caseall wrong.
1206 01:01:10 Oh, really?Yeah.
1207 01:01:12 It's a hit-and-run.
1208 01:01:14 No way.ME would have flagged it.
1209 01:01:16 Well, yeah, you'd think.
1210 01:01:18 That guy didfive autopsies that day.
1211 01:01:21 One day. I checked.
1212 01:01:23 Doesn't mean anything.
1213 01:01:29 Let me just ask you one thing.
1214 01:01:32 Did you guys ever lookat any other suspect?
1215 01:01:36 We did our job.
1216 01:01:38 All due respect, Counselor,if you'd have done your job,
1217 01:01:40 I don't think we'd bestanding here right now.
1218 01:01:42 Well, that guy is bad news.
1219 01:01:46 Maybe.
1220 01:01:50 But he didn't kill that girl.
1221 01:02:08 All right.So with that being said,
1222 01:02:10 Judge Stewart thanks youfor your patience
1223 01:02:12 and apologizesfor any inconvenience.
1224 01:02:15 Juror number 13 is nowa voting member of this panel.
1225 01:02:19 Okay.
1226 01:02:20 I'll let you guysget back to it.
1227 01:02:25 So what happened?
1228 01:02:27 What was this misconduct?
1229 01:02:30 Uh, that's betweenhim and the judge.
1230 01:02:31 Bullshit. You were there.
1231 01:02:34 What did Harold do?
1232 01:02:37 He was investigatingthe case on his own.
1233 01:02:40 The judge sent him home.
1234 01:02:42 What aboutthat stack of papers?
1235 01:02:44 What papers?
1236 01:02:45 The ones Harold gave to him.
1237 01:02:47 You dropped themall over the floor.We all saw it.
1238 01:02:49 The bailiff was on us beforeI looked at the papers, so...
1239 01:02:52 You were talkingfor quite a while.
1240 01:02:54 Did he tell youwhat was in them?
1241 01:02:58 Okay, yes, he did. It...
1242 01:03:00 It was a printout.Names, vehicle registrations...
1243 01:03:03 He said that it could prove
1244 01:03:06 James Sythe's innocence.
1245 01:03:07 So what?
1246 01:03:09 Are we just supposedto believe you now
1247 01:03:10 and change our vote?
1248 01:03:12 No, I'm just telling youwhat I know.
1249 01:03:15 He thinks it was a hit-and-run.
1250 01:03:49 So if he thinksit was a hit-and-run...
1251 01:03:57 Kendall was 5'5".
1252 01:03:59 If she was hunched over,
1253 01:04:03 and the car wasan SUV or a truck,
1254 01:04:06 she could have easilyhave been hit
1255 01:04:08 smack acrossthe head and torso.
1256 01:04:12 Look at the wayher shoulders are fractured.
1257 01:04:15 Well, I'm sorry,but are you a doctor?
1258 01:04:18 Not yet.Third-year med student.
1259 01:04:21 I... I mean,
1260 01:04:23 I think we should leavethat to the professionals,
1261 01:04:24 the medical examiner who,you know, examined the body.
1262 01:04:26 Well, I mean,doctors can be careless.
1263 01:04:29 One time they told my dadhe was having a heart attack.
1264 01:04:31 Turned out it was just gas.
1265 01:04:33 They're alwaysin such a rush.
1266 01:04:36 Go ahead, dear.Speak your mind.
1267 01:04:42 The right and left clavicleboth show a very clean break.
1268 01:04:46 Can you pass this around?
1269 01:04:49 She couldn't get thatfrom the fall?
1270 01:04:51 It's not likely.
1271 01:04:53 Both bones had to be brokenby a single,
1272 01:04:58 sharp, posterior impact.
1273 01:05:02 Pow.
1274 01:05:04 Do we know if Sythe's carhad any damage?
1275 01:05:09 No. The policewould have noted it
1276 01:05:10 in their report if it did.
1277 01:05:12 Not if they thoughtit was irrelevant.
1278 01:05:13 Cops hate paperwork.
1279 01:05:15 So you're some kindof secret cop now, too?
1280 01:05:17 No. I'm a dog groomer,
1281 01:05:19 but I watch and listento a lot of true crime,
1282 01:05:22 and the first ruleis the husband did it.
1283 01:05:25 Okay, well,
1284 01:05:27 husband, boyfriend.Same difference.
1285 01:05:29 You agreethat he's guilty, right?
1286 01:05:30 He is the perfect suspect.
1287 01:05:32 All right. Thank you.
1288 01:05:33 But the second ruleof true crime
1289 01:05:35 is that it's neverthe perfect suspect.
1290 01:05:38 Oh, my God.
1291 01:05:39 I'm just sharing with youmy experiences.
1292 01:05:42 Your experiences?Listening to crime podcasts.
1293 01:05:45 Well, hold on.And watching Dateline.
1294 01:05:47 Okay. Well, that doesn'tmake you Sherlock Holmes.
1295 01:05:50 Oh, thank you.
1296 01:05:51 No, you burnthrough enough cases,
1297 01:05:53 and you start to seecertain patterns.
1298 01:05:56 But I leave the detective workto the forum lawyers.
1299 01:05:58 Okay, good. Good.
1300 01:06:00 Because we're not hereto solve a mystery, okay?
1301 01:06:01 All we're here to dois decide if we're positive
1302 01:06:03 James Sythe killedKendall Carter. That's it.
1303 01:06:06 May I?Oh.
1304 01:06:07 I'm not.
1305 01:06:10 Old Quarry Roadfeeds into the highway.
1306 01:06:13 When traffic's heavy,GPS will send you that way.
1307 01:06:16 It gets busy.
1308 01:06:18 Yeah, and at night,I mean, it's gnarly.
1309 01:06:20 I nearly mowed downa deer once.
1310 01:06:23 What if that's whatthey thought?
1311 01:06:25 Who thought?
1312 01:06:29 Whoever hit Kendall Carter.
1313 01:06:33 Yeah, man. I mean,that all makes sense,
1314 01:06:34 but, you know, what aboutour eyewitness?
1315 01:06:38 Maybe he saw someone else?
1316 01:06:40 Okay, hold up. Wait a minute.
1317 01:06:42 Y'all got way too many"maybes" for my liking.
1318 01:06:44 Yeah, and too many maybesis reasonable doubt.
1319 01:06:47 I agree with Justin.
1320 01:06:49 Yeah.
1321 01:06:52 Okay. Keiko?
1322 01:06:58 Nellie?
1323 01:07:01 I'm not sure any more thatthis young man is guilty.
1324 01:07:05 Right. Okay. Anyone else?
1325 01:07:08 Not guilty.
1326 01:07:09 Okay.
1327 01:07:21 I fell asleep on Highway 17and woke up in a ditch.
1328 01:07:25 Thank God the hospitalwas close.
1329 01:07:28 Hmm. Okay.
1330 01:07:32 Thank you for your time.
1331 01:07:34 Yep.
1332 01:07:36 Yeah, we were street racingdown Greek Row.
1333 01:07:38 It was dumb. I know.
1334 01:08:07 Guilty.
1335 01:08:10 Guilty.
1336 01:08:15 Not guilty.
1337 01:08:18 Not guilty.
1338 01:08:23 Guilty.
1339 01:08:26 All right. It looks likewe're six to six.
1340 01:08:29 We're deadlocked.
1341 01:08:31 Okay, so what do we do now?
1342 01:08:32 Feels like the more we talk,the less we know.
1343 01:08:35 I'm so tired.
1344 01:08:38 You're so stoned, dear.
1345 01:08:41 Let's go backto the beginning.
1346 01:08:42 Build a case piece by piece.
1347 01:08:44 No, no. Let's stopwasting our damn time.
1348 01:08:48 How about we all justtake a breath. It's...
1349 01:08:50 It's been a long day,but, you know, votes...
1350 01:08:52 votes have changed, right?
1351 01:08:53 The process is working.
1352 01:08:55 No, it's not.You are wearing us down.
1353 01:08:58 Talking a lot,but saying nothing.
1354 01:09:01 I mean, hell, you go overanything enough times,
1355 01:09:03 yeah, we'll startto question it.
1356 01:09:05 Yeah. Like which shoes to wear.
1357 01:09:07 Yeah. Look...
1358 01:09:09 We got all these theories,y'all, but no new evidence.
1359 01:09:12 Well, yeah, but thosetheories are making
1360 01:09:14 some of us questionJames Sythe's guilt.
1361 01:09:16 No. No, no. You canquestion it all you want,
1362 01:09:19 but I know he's guilty.
1363 01:09:22 Just look at his damn neck.
1364 01:09:26 Hey, my man. I know yougot a picture of him
1365 01:09:28 in that book of yours.
1366 01:09:31 I mean, yeah,but it's not perfect, but...
1367 01:09:35 Yes. See? Right there.
1368 01:09:38 Snake and a crown.
1369 01:09:40 That's the West Side Crowns.
1370 01:09:41 They're the biggestdrug pushers in the city.
1371 01:09:44 How do you know that?
1372 01:09:45 Because I runthe Boys and Girls Club.
1373 01:09:48 These guys are poisoningtheir own community.
1374 01:09:54 This case is personal to you.
1375 01:09:55 Yeah, well, you'redamn right it is.
1376 01:10:00 My little brother was 14
1377 01:10:04 when he got inked.
1378 01:10:08 A month beforehis 17th birthday,he was dead.
1379 01:10:11 Caught a stray bulletin some...
1380 01:10:14 tit-for-tat turf bullshit.
1381 01:10:19 I'm sorry. I had no idea.
1382 01:10:22 Yeah, that's right.You have no idea.
1383 01:10:28 Look, Sythe did saythat he left that life behind.
1384 01:10:33 There's only one wayto leave that crew.
1385 01:10:37 So...
1386 01:10:39 You can keep talkingabout your theories.
1387 01:10:42 Look, people can change.
1388 01:10:44 Yeah.Keep telling yourself that.
1389 01:10:45 I... I do. Every day.
1390 01:10:46 Well, I drive a bus,
1391 01:10:48 and I see the same peopleday in and day out,
1392 01:10:50 and they do not change.
1393 01:10:52 Well, then howam I sitting here?
1394 01:10:54 What are you talking about?
1395 01:10:55 I should be dead.
1396 01:10:57 I should...
1397 01:11:00 A little over four years ago,
1398 01:11:02 I wrapped my car around a tree
1399 01:11:03 with a blood alcohollevel that,
1400 01:11:05 you know, probablyshould have killed me
1401 01:11:07 before I even got in the car
1402 01:11:08 and somehow...
1403 01:11:11 walked awaywith barely a scratch.
1404 01:11:12 Mmm. Lucky you.
1405 01:11:14 Yeah. Yeah,part of my sentence
1406 01:11:16 was community service.
1407 01:11:17 I spent three days a weekin an elementary school
1408 01:11:19 teaching kids how to write.
1409 01:11:21 Uh... Alcoholics,we can charm anybody.
1410 01:11:24 But the teacherI was reporting to,
1411 01:11:27 I mean, she was Teflon.
1412 01:11:28 She saw right through me.
1413 01:11:31 And she...
1414 01:11:32 She made me finally want to,you know, own my shit
1415 01:11:35 and just takeresponsibility for myself.
1416 01:11:40 I'm...
1417 01:11:41 I'm still not sure what I did
1418 01:11:43 to get a woman like herto give me a chance.
1419 01:11:44 But her beliefand believing in myself,
1420 01:11:48 that I could change,that was...
1421 01:11:51 That was, you know,the first step.
1422 01:11:54 And...
1423 01:11:55 Look, the, uh...
1424 01:11:57 the journey never ends,I know that...
1425 01:11:59 But...
1426 01:12:01 that's...
1427 01:12:04 that's four years.
1428 01:12:05 And am I the same manthat I was four years ago? No.
1429 01:12:09 Absolutely not.
1430 01:12:11 Yeah, well...
1431 01:12:12 Now I can see...
1432 01:12:15 You changed.
1433 01:12:17 But guys like James Sythe,
1434 01:12:20 they don't change.
1435 01:12:22 Okay. Think backto his testimony.
1436 01:12:24 That was raw and real,and I believed it.
1437 01:12:28 Wait, hold on, gang.
1438 01:12:30 If Sythe didn't do it,then who did?
1439 01:12:32 We don't have to answer that.
1440 01:12:34 So no one's going to pay forwhat happened to that girl?
1441 01:12:36 No, someone will pay.How do you know that?
1442 01:12:39 Because somebodyalways does. Look...
1443 01:12:40 Look, I get how you feel,
1444 01:12:42 but you can't letyour feelings sway you.
1445 01:12:45 You don't knowanything about me, man.
1446 01:12:46 All right.
1447 01:12:50 How... how old's your daughter?
1448 01:12:53 That's heron the key chain, right?
1449 01:12:57 Yeah. She, um...
1450 01:12:59 She turned 16 in March.
1451 01:13:01 How often do youget to see her?
1452 01:13:05 Not often enough.
1453 01:13:07 You know, during the trial,I was sat
1454 01:13:09 right in Kendall'sparents' eyeline.
1455 01:13:11 I could see...
1456 01:13:14 I mean, their pain each day.
1457 01:13:16 And, you know, what ifshe were your daughter?
1458 01:13:20 You want justice, right?An eye for an eye.
1459 01:13:22 Right. Yeah.
1460 01:13:24 But then James Sythe's familywas in court each day, too.
1461 01:13:26 You know, his grandmaand his niece.
1462 01:13:27 Uh...
1463 01:13:29 What if he wereyour son, right?
1464 01:13:33 Wouldn't you want justicefor him, too?
1465 01:13:37 Yeah. Yeah, I suppose, I would.
1466 01:14:27 So how can I help you?
1467 01:14:30 Well, I just wantto have a little chat
1468 01:14:31 about what happened here.
1469 01:14:32 Just have a little one on one.
1470 01:14:34 Maybe I could getsome more information
1471 01:14:36 if something came to younew, you know?
1472 01:14:39 Well, like I said at the trial,the police come by.
1473 01:14:43 Showed me a picture,
1474 01:14:45 asked me if he was the manI saw that night.
1475 01:14:46 Mmm. They show youany other pictures?
1476 01:14:49 Oh, no. They knew it was him.
1477 01:14:51 They... They just needed meto confirm it.
1478 01:14:53 Right.
1479 01:14:55 I was happy to do so.
1480 01:14:57 I mean, everyonewas so generous.
1481 01:15:00 And if I could say so,it felt pretty good
1482 01:15:03 to be needed again.Mmm.
1483 01:15:06 I'm sure it did.
1484 01:15:08 All right. Well,if there's anything elseI can do for you,
1485 01:15:10 just give a holler.Tea is always hot.
1486 01:15:12 Okay.Thank you so much.
1487 01:15:14 Thanks for your time, sir.
1488 01:15:15 Uh, James Sythe...
1489 01:15:19 He did kill that girl, right?
1490 01:15:30 Okay, so does anybody elsewant to change their vote?
1491 01:15:35 Uh, well...
1492 01:15:39 It doesn't matter anyway.
1493 01:15:40 What do you mean?
1494 01:15:42 Because I haven'tchanged my mind.
1495 01:15:44 All right, well,let's just keep talking.
1496 01:15:46 No, no, I'm done talking.
1497 01:15:49 Marcus.
1498 01:15:51 So what? You're gonnatell the judge, we...
1499 01:15:54 we can't reach a verdict?
1500 01:15:56 It is what it is.
1501 01:15:58 But we're actuallymaking progress.
1502 01:16:00 Progress?Yeah.
1503 01:16:03 How can we continue if wecan't even reach a verdict?
1504 01:16:05 We've been at this forI don't even know how long.
1505 01:16:09 My kids need me.
1506 01:16:12 I'm just tryingto do my job here.
1507 01:16:15 Okay? Um...
1508 01:16:17 Courtney, what about you?Do you want to keep going?
1509 01:16:19 I don't know.Look, he yelled at her.
1510 01:16:22 He grabbed her arm.He called her a bitch.
1511 01:16:25 He was possessiveand temperamental.
1512 01:16:27 No, he was abusive. Screw him.
1513 01:16:31 Yeah. You're right.
1514 01:16:34 Screw him.
1515 01:16:35 Great.For the third time,
1516 01:16:37 I get to go homeand tell my husband,
1517 01:16:39 "Guess what, honey?
1518 01:16:40 I did nothing."
1519 01:16:42 He gets a real kickout of that.
1520 01:16:44 I'm sorry, Denice.I'm not changing my vote.
1521 01:16:47 Neither am I.
1522 01:16:49 Yeah. Me, too.
1523 01:16:56 So what do we do then?
1524 01:16:57 Um...
1525 01:17:00 there's one thing we could try.
1526 01:17:03 Madam Foreperson.
1527 01:17:07 Sending a juryto visit a crime scene
1528 01:17:09 once deliberations have begun
1529 01:17:11 is not somethingI would typically allow.
1530 01:17:14 With all due respect,Your Honor,
1531 01:17:15 this has not beena typical deliberation.
1532 01:17:18 But I do thinkit will be beneficial
1533 01:17:20 in helping us reach a verdict.
1534 01:17:22 I see.
1535 01:17:25 Mr. Resnick. Any objections?
1536 01:17:28 No, Your Honor.
1537 01:17:29 Okay, Miss Killebrew?
1538 01:17:32 The State's fine with it.
1539 01:17:34 All right, then.
1540 01:17:36 Here are the rules.
1541 01:17:39 During your visit,you are not to speak
1542 01:17:41 to anyone outsideof your jury panel,
1543 01:17:43 nor are you to speak toeach other about this case.
1544 01:17:48 All right, you are thereto view the locations
1545 01:17:50 in and around wherethe crime took place.
1546 01:17:53 And you are not to collectevidence of any kind.
1547 01:17:58 Does everyoneunderstand these rules?
1548 01:18:00 Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor.
1549 01:18:02 All right, then.
1550 01:18:05 This court is adjourned.
1551 01:18:08 Hey. Hey. Can... Can we talk?
1552 01:18:12 Yeah, great. Great.I'll see you there. Thanks.
1553 01:18:30 Hello?
1554 01:18:31 Oh, hey, are youAllison Crewson?
1555 01:18:34 Yes, I am. Yeah. Who are you?
1556 01:18:36 I'm, um... I'm Faith Killebrew.
1557 01:18:38 I'm a prosecutor withthe District Attorney's office.
1558 01:18:40 Do you mind if we talk?
1559 01:18:42 I was just about to lay down,but what is this about?
1560 01:18:44 It'll only be a minute.
1561 01:18:47 Okay. Come in.Okay. Thank you.
1562 01:18:55 Uh, I'm sorryfor the intrusion.
1563 01:18:56 I won't be long.
1564 01:18:58 I'm following up on a...
1565 01:19:00 on a few different accidentsfrom October last year,
1566 01:19:03 just doing routine checkson any cars
1567 01:19:05 that were servicedfor major body damagearound that time.
1568 01:19:08 Okay.
1569 01:19:09 So on October 25th last year,
1570 01:19:11 did you own a 1996green Toyota 4Runner?
1571 01:19:14 Yes.
1572 01:19:16 Mmm-hmm. And do you rememberhaving any body work
1573 01:19:18 done on it around that time?Yeah.
1574 01:19:20 Okay. And how wasyour car damaged?
1575 01:19:23 My husband, Justin, hit a deer.
1576 01:19:25 Okay. Any idea where?
1577 01:19:28 Up on Brimstone Pass.
1578 01:19:30 You sure?
1579 01:19:31 Yeah.
1580 01:19:34 Could it have beenOld Quarry Road? Or...
1581 01:19:38 No, it was Brimstone Pass.
1582 01:19:41 You're positive.
1583 01:19:43 Positive.
1584 01:19:47 Okay. Great.Well, that's all I have.
1585 01:19:51 Thank you very muchfor your time, Mrs. Crewson.
1586 01:19:54 And, uh, congratulations.When are you due?
1587 01:19:57 Uh...
1588 01:19:59 Yeah, any day now.
1589 01:20:00 Well,good luck with that.
1590 01:20:02 You want me to do anythingbefore I go?
1591 01:20:03 No, no. No.Okay. Well, I'll justsee myself out.
1592 01:20:05 No. I'll get you...No, you stay there.
1593 01:20:06 Okay, all right.No, it's good.
1594 01:20:08 Have a good one.Thank you.Thanks for your time.
1595 01:20:09 Bye.Bye, now.
1596 01:20:32 Hey. Sorry I couldn'tmeet you earlier.
1597 01:20:34 No worries.What's on your mind?
1598 01:20:36 The trial.
1599 01:20:37 Well, yeah, I figured.
1600 01:20:39 It's headed for a hung jury.
1601 01:20:41 Justin!
1602 01:20:43 Thanks.Enjoy.
1603 01:20:45 I got you a coffee.Thanks.
1604 01:20:47 Obviously, I wantto acquit the guy,
1605 01:20:49 but if the jury hangs,it's a mistrial, right?
1606 01:20:52 That's right.So problem solved.
1607 01:20:54 Well, given all the presson this case,
1608 01:20:56 the public's goingto demand a retrial.
1609 01:20:58 We're just gonna have to do itall over again with Sythe.
1610 01:21:01 Unless the District Attorney'soffice decides
1611 01:21:03 that he's not the guy,then they'll find the guy.
1612 01:21:06 And there's no way that thiscase ends without a verdict.
1613 01:21:09 Once they get that,then, yeah, it's over.Then it's done.
1614 01:21:11 So you're sayingI need a verdict?
1615 01:21:14 I'm afraid so.
1616 01:21:32 Hey, can you meet me at County?
1617 01:21:55 Hey.
1618 01:21:57 Hey. Everything okay?
1619 01:22:01 Just checking the car.Might have a buyer.
1620 01:22:10 Where'd you hitthat deer again?
1621 01:22:14 Up on Brimstone Pass, right?
1622 01:22:17 Mmm.
1623 01:22:20 Are you sure thatit wasn't Old Quarry Road?
1624 01:22:23 I'm positive.
1625 01:22:25 That's...
1626 01:22:27 Just that's ex...
1627 01:22:29 "Positive," that's whatI said to the...
1628 01:22:32 prosecutor from your trial
1629 01:22:34 when she just interrogated mein our living room.
1630 01:22:37 What? She was here.Yeah.
1631 01:22:40 I looked her up.She wanted to know aboutyour accident.
1632 01:22:44 That--
1633 01:22:46 What'd you tell her?
1634 01:22:48 The truth.
1635 01:22:52 That you hit a deer
1636 01:22:54 up on Brimstone Pass.
1637 01:22:56 Okay. Good.
1638 01:23:00 That is the truth, right?
1639 01:23:04 Did you take the shortcut...
1640 01:23:06 home throughOld Quarry that night?
1641 01:23:09 Did you stopat Rowdy's Hideaway?
1642 01:23:23 Did you drink?
1643 01:23:32 Did you?
1644 01:23:35 Justin. Did you drink?
1645 01:23:39 Talk to me.No, no, I didn't drink.
1646 01:23:42 I didn't drink. Okay? I...
1647 01:23:47 I stopped and I [stammering]...
1648 01:23:49 I ordered the drink,but I didn't touch it.
1649 01:23:50 Ordered, but didn't drink.Why would I believe that?
1650 01:23:52 Because that's the truth.I promise. I swear.You swear?
1651 01:23:54 Why should I believe that?Why should I believe anything
1652 01:23:56 that you're saying anymore?I promise. I swear to you.
1653 01:23:57 I swear to you.You swear to me?
1654 01:23:59 I swear.Don't lie to me.
1655 01:24:00 I'm not lying. I promise.
1656 01:24:01 I promise. That is the truth.
1657 01:24:03 Okay?
1658 01:24:05 Look, it...
1659 01:24:08 It...
1660 01:24:11 It was the twins' due dateand I couldn't deal
1661 01:24:13 with the feelingsthat I was having.
1662 01:24:14 I couldn't deal with them,
1663 01:24:16 so I didn't want to bring themhome and put them on you.
1664 01:24:18 So I went there.
1665 01:24:20 I sat there for a while,and then I...
1666 01:24:22 and then I came home.
1667 01:24:24 Why didn'tyou tell me any of this?
1668 01:24:26 Why did you keep this from me?
1669 01:24:28 I wanted... I wanted to.You could've talked to me.
1670 01:24:29 But you were in so much pain.
1671 01:24:30 Of course I was in pain.
1672 01:24:32 I kept thinking that I wassomehow responsible,
1673 01:24:34 that it was my fault,that it's still my...
1674 01:24:36 No. No. It was not your fault.
1675 01:24:37 They were my babies.It's not... It's not...
1676 01:24:39 They were our babies.I know.
1677 01:24:40 None... None... None of thisis your fault, okay?
1678 01:24:43 We were both hurting.It still hurts.
1679 01:24:48 I'm still hurting.
1680 01:24:53 Me, too.
1681 01:24:56 Yeah. Yeah.
1682 01:25:04 I'm not doing this alone.
1683 01:25:06 No, you're not. You're not.
1684 01:25:08 You are not.
1685 01:25:09 I will protect our family.I will.
1686 01:25:14 I promise. Okay?
1687 01:25:19 Hey, come here. Come here.
1688 01:25:37 What the hell is going on?
1689 01:25:39 Ugh, I need to see him.Why?
1690 01:25:41 I need himto look me in the eye
1691 01:25:42 and tell me he didn't do it.
1692 01:25:45 So you're having doubts?
1693 01:25:46 I'm right. You're doubting it?
1694 01:25:47 I... I don't know.
1695 01:25:49 What do you meanyou don't know?
1696 01:25:51 Come on. You knowsomething isn't right here.
1697 01:25:52 The jury knows it. It's just...
1698 01:25:54 Can you provethat's what happened?
1699 01:25:56 Can you prove it didn't?Can you?
1700 01:25:59 I don't know.Just get me in there.
1701 01:26:16 What are you doing here?
1702 01:26:19 Have a seat.
1703 01:26:22 I shouldn't be talking to you.
1704 01:26:24 It's okay.
1705 01:26:31 What do you want?
1706 01:26:34 Same thing as you.
1707 01:26:36 Justice for Kendall Carter.
1708 01:26:38 So go find the son of a bitchwho did it.
1709 01:26:42 Look, there's no jury,
1710 01:26:44 no judge, no cameras.So just...
1711 01:26:47 tell me what happenedthat night.
1712 01:26:48 I told you. I went home.
1713 01:26:52 Right, but first, you...
1714 01:26:54 you followed her, right?
1715 01:26:58 Yeah. I mean, she was wasted.
1716 01:27:00 Oh, no. So you felt angry
1717 01:27:02 and, I don't know,sick of being played?
1718 01:27:05 No, no, that wasn't it. Okay?
1719 01:27:08 It's just how Kenny was.
1720 01:27:10 She'd get all worked up,you know, talk this big game,
1721 01:27:12 and the next day,it'd be like nothing happened.
1722 01:27:15 So she just neededto chill out.
1723 01:27:18 Right.
1724 01:27:20 Yes, okay, I...
1725 01:27:23 I know our relationshipwasn't perfect.
1726 01:27:28 But we did love each other.
1727 01:27:32 Now, listen, lady...
1728 01:27:34 I've done a lot of thingsin my life
1729 01:27:37 that I'm not proud of.
1730 01:27:40 But I didn't do this.
1731 01:27:47 The biggest regret...
1732 01:27:50 of my life...
1733 01:27:53 is that I didn'tgo after Kendall
1734 01:27:54 in my car that night.
1735 01:27:57 Because if I did...
1736 01:28:00 Kenny would still be alive.
1737 01:28:05 I'm done.
1738 01:28:22 All right, everybody,on the bus. Let's go.
1739 01:29:01 Ah. Look, but don't touch.
1740 01:29:04 Put it back.
1741 01:30:05 Okay, y'all.You ready to go?
1742 01:30:40 So this is where they fought.
1743 01:31:46 Hey, you all right?
1744 01:31:49 Yeah. I'm fine, thanks.
1745 01:31:51 Nah, man.
1746 01:31:54 You haven't been finesince the start.
1747 01:31:58 I think you've been playing usthis whole time.
1748 01:32:01 I don't know what you mean.
1749 01:32:05 The day you goton the jury, you were...
1750 01:32:08 puking in the bathroom.
1751 01:32:11 All that stuffwith the Flower Man copand those papers.
1752 01:32:15 You claim to bethe voice of reason,
1753 01:32:17 but you're really just...
1754 01:32:18 telling uswhat we want to hear.
1755 01:32:29 Now, I don't knowwhat game you're playing, man,
1756 01:32:30 but I see you.
1757 01:32:35 Do I know exactlywhat happened that night?
1758 01:32:38 No.
1759 01:32:39 But neither do you.
1760 01:32:43 And you can't be any more sure
1761 01:32:45 that James Sythe got in his car
1762 01:32:48 and drove home that nightthan I'm sure he...
1763 01:32:52 picked up one of these rocks
1764 01:32:54 and bashedthat poor girl's head in.
1765 01:32:58 And threw her bodyin the creek.
1766 01:33:06 Jesus, man.
1767 01:33:08 You nearly slipped.Yeah.
1768 01:33:15 Maybe that hiker was right.
1769 01:33:18 Could have slipped.Yeah, maybe. Maybe.
1770 01:33:22 But it doesn't matter.
1771 01:33:26 That piece of shitleft her there that night...
1772 01:33:30 alone, to die.
1773 01:33:32 In a ditch.
1774 01:33:36 Her death is on him.
1775 01:33:38 Which is why I will neveracquit James Sythe.
1776 01:33:42 Ever.
1777 01:33:47 This trial endsin only two ways,
1778 01:33:48 either with a convictionor a hung jury.
1779 01:33:51 All right.
1780 01:33:53 Is everybody readyto head home?
1781 01:33:57 Is everybody done here, please?
1782 01:34:00 Yeah.
1783 01:34:06 Okay, let's go.
1784 01:34:10 Have you seen enough?
1785 01:34:12 Yeah.
1786 01:35:19 All rise!
1787 01:35:40 Madam Foreperson.
1788 01:35:45 Has the jury reached a verdict?
1789 01:35:47 Yes, Your Honor.
1790 01:35:49 And is that verdict unanimous?
1791 01:35:52 Yes, Your Honor.
1792 01:36:21 Will the defendant please standfor the reading of the verdict?
1793 01:36:30 "In the matterof the State of Georgiavs. James Michael Sythe,
1794 01:36:34 case number C-R-20211715532,
1795 01:36:41 we, the jury
1796 01:36:42 find the defendant,James Michael Sythe
1797 01:36:45 guilty of count onemalice murder.
1798 01:36:49 Signed and dated this day,
1799 01:36:51 Denice Aldworth, Foreperson."
1800 01:36:55 Madam Foreperson?
1801 01:36:57 To the best of your knowledge,
1802 01:36:59 was this your verdictin the jury room?
1803 01:37:01 Was it freelyand voluntarily given?
1804 01:37:04 And is this still your verdict?
1805 01:37:07 Yes, Your Honor.
1806 01:37:08 Very well.
1807 01:37:10 Then the defendantis hereby remanded
1808 01:37:12 to the custody of the State.
1809 01:37:14 Sentencing will beat a later date.
1810 01:37:21 Oh, James.
1811 01:37:27 Thank you for your service.
1812 01:37:29 It is now concluded.
1813 01:37:32 This court is adjourned.
1814 01:39:02 Hey. Good. Right there.
1815 01:39:06 Hey.Hey.
1816 01:39:08 What time does it start?Soon. I'm going to head out.
1817 01:39:09 You sure you want to go?
1818 01:39:11 Hey! Justin.
1819 01:39:12 He wasn't a good guy.
1820 01:39:14 It's not your fault.
1821 01:39:18 I didn't stand up for him.
1822 01:39:21 I told them what theyneeded to hear,
1823 01:39:23 and said he couldn't change.
1824 01:39:25 And I haveto live with that, so...
1825 01:39:31 The least I can do is be there.
1826 01:39:38 Hi, peanut.
1827 01:39:54 This came for you.
1828 01:40:28 Will the defendantplease stand for sentencing?
1829 01:40:35 The murder of Kendall Carterwas violent and senseless.
1830 01:40:41 The jury has found youguilty of that murder,
1831 01:40:43 for which this courtsentences you as follows.
1832 01:40:47 Count one, malice murder.
1833 01:40:51 Life in prison
1834 01:40:53 without the possibilityof parole.
1835 01:40:57 The defendantis hereby remanded
1836 01:40:59 to the Departmentof Corrections
1837 01:41:01 to serve the restof his life in prison.
1838 01:41:28 My husband,Justin, hit a deer.
1839 01:41:29 My wife is ofa high-risk pregnancy.
1840 01:41:45 This courtis now adjourned.
1841 01:42:08 Hey.
1842 01:42:11 I'm surprised you came today.
1843 01:42:16 I wanted to see this through.
1844 01:42:18 Yeah. Me too.
1845 01:42:24 You look tired.
1846 01:42:28 Likewise.
1847 01:42:30 Well, I havea new baby at home.
1848 01:42:33 That's not what I meant.
1849 01:42:42 Congratulations on winningyour election.
1850 01:42:43 I saw it in the paper.Oh, yeah. Thank you.
1851 01:42:45 It's a pretty big deal.You must haveworked hard for it.
1852 01:42:47 Oh, I did.
1853 01:42:51 There's a lot of goodyou can do in that job,I'd imagine.
1854 01:42:54 Sometimes.
1855 01:42:57 It's not as easyas you think, though.
1856 01:43:00 Never is.
1857 01:43:02 Mmm. Sometimes you tryand do the right thing
1858 01:43:04 only to realizeyou got it all wrong.
1859 01:43:11 And when you figure things out,
1860 01:43:14 you realize the guyyou're after isn't some...
1861 01:43:17 psycho.
1862 01:43:19 He's not evenreally a criminal.
1863 01:43:22 He's just a regular guy.
1864 01:43:28 What if it was an accident?
1865 01:43:29 This is no accident.
1866 01:43:34 It's impossible to prove,either way.
1867 01:43:36 Just like himnot realizing at the time
1868 01:43:39 that he hit someonewith his car. It's...
1869 01:43:44 You just have to trust him.
1870 01:43:47 Why would I do that?
1871 01:43:50 Because he's a good person.
1872 01:43:52 He was caughtin terrible circumstances.
1873 01:43:55 Mmm-hmm. No, you're right.This is a...
1874 01:43:57 It's a tough one.
1875 01:44:01 He has a familydepending on him,
1876 01:44:03 just like you have peopledepending on you.
1877 01:44:06 And what about justice?
1878 01:44:13 Well, sometimes...
1879 01:44:15 the truth isn't justice.
1880 01:44:18 You reallybelieve that?
1881 01:44:26 If you keep going with this,
1882 01:44:28 the press will eat you alive.
1883 01:44:30 Okay? This casewill follow you forever.
1884 01:44:32 In the meantime,
1885 01:44:34 some politicianwill take your job,
1886 01:44:36 a criminal goes backon the street,
1887 01:44:38 and a good manand his family will be...
1888 01:44:42 just destroyed.
1889 01:44:46 Where is the justice in that?
1890 01:45:22 Amen.
1891 01:45:42 Looks like the storm passed.
1892 01:45:44 Yeah. I think so.
1893 01:46:10 Hello?Where's our new DA?
1894 01:46:14 Hey.Hey.
1895 01:46:16 For the new digs.Oh.
1896 01:46:18 Thanks.Yeah. It's real.
1897 01:46:20 Easy plant to take care of.
1898 01:46:24 It really thrives on neglect.
1899 01:46:26 You did it.
1900 01:46:30 I hope it was worth it.
1901 01:46:38 Ale House later.
1902 01:46:39 You're buying.
1903 01:47:03 Kung fu!
1904 01:47:06 Hi.And the 4Runneris officially sold.
1905 01:47:09 Okay.
1906 01:47:13 Come here.
1907 01:47:21 Hi.Oh.
1908 01:47:23 Good morning. Dada.
1909 01:47:25 Yeah.
1910 01:47:26 There she goes.Come here. Here we go.
1911 01:47:28 Yeah. Yeah.You're doing good. Hi.
1912 01:47:31 It sucks.I think she has my eyes.
1913 01:47:34 Really?Yeah.
1914 01:47:36 No.Yeah.
1915 01:47:38 You have beautiful eyes.Well...
1916 01:47:40 Look, I think, maybe mine.
1917 01:47:42 They're changing a little bit.
1918 01:47:43 Yeah, hi.
1919 01:47:46 She has my mouth.I hope not.
1920 01:47:51 Definitely your elbows, though.
1921 01:47:52 My elb--
1922 01:47:54 My elbow.
1923 01:47:55 Look at your beautiful elbows.You're blessed.
1924 01:47:58 My greatest feature.
1925 01:48:03 Hi.
1926 01:48:06 My girls.
1927 01:48:08 My girlswith beautiful elbows. Yeah.
1928 01:48:10 Oh.
1929 01:48:13 Oh.
1930 01:48:14 Who could that beat a time like this?
1931 01:48:16 Hey, peanut.There we go.
1932 01:48:17 Hi, honey.
1933 01:48:19 Okay.