

猎人克莱文 Kraven the Hunter(2024)英文字幕预览

1 00:01:37 You have five minutes.Make sure to pee off.
2 00:01:50 Where is 0864? 0864?
3 00:01:59 Did you think we would drive without you?
4 00:02:05 You wouldn't survive an hour outhere. The wolves would eat you alive.
6 00:03:18 - I hate cellmates.- Then we already have something in common.
7 00:03:23 - The previous one only lasted a month.- I'll be out again in three days.
8 00:03:29 Everyone is here for life.
9 00:03:32 One more minute and you'llhave to try to kill me.
10 00:03:39 Top.
11 00:03:43 May I sit and eat with you?
12 00:03:46 No.
13 00:03:56 You are in private territory.
14 00:03:59 Fuck me.
15 00:04:05 Who the hell do youthink you are, fool?
16 00:04:21 Now it is a free area.
17 00:04:34 The boss will talk to you.
18 00:04:42 So you are the one mypeople want to get rid of.
19 00:04:46 Do you know who I am?
20 00:04:49 You are Semyon Chorny,leader of the Kirov gang.
21 00:04:53 Your weapons are killing men, womenand children all over the world.
22 00:04:59 So you know who I am.
23 00:05:02 Who the hell are you?
24 00:05:06 Me? I am a hunter.
25 00:05:12 Hunter? So whatare you hunting?
26 00:05:20 Men like you.
27 00:05:23 The hunter is a myth.
28 00:05:29 Now you're in the crosshairs, hunter.What is your name and who sent you?
29 00:05:35 The name is…
30 00:05:38 … The collar.
31 00:05:40 The collar?
32 00:05:42 But you don't tell anyone that.
33 00:05:58 All myths have a grain of truth.
34 00:06:14 There is a prisoner on the run!
35 00:06:20 There's a prisoner on the run!
36 00:06:55 Three days! Three days!
37 00:07:15 He gets away!
38 00:08:04 Easy, easy, easy!
39 00:08:26 You were late for it.
40 00:08:28 Next time you can escapefrom the damper, I will fly.
41 00:08:31 Otherwise, thanks.How did it go?
42 00:08:34 As it always goes.
43 00:08:37 Good for me, bad for him.
44 00:08:55 There's a body over here.
45 00:09:02 - Has he been identified? - No.
46 00:09:10 It's prisoner 0864.
47 00:09:13 Who the hell was it thenthat killed Chornij?
48 00:09:34 16 YEARS EARLIER
50 00:09:52 Kravinoff and Kravinoff, yourfather is coming to get you.
51 00:10:03 What have you done now?
52 00:10:05 Me? Nothing. Ithought it was you.
53 00:10:08 No.
54 00:10:32 Where are we going, papa?
55 00:10:34 It's the middle of a semester.Mom never did anything like this.
56 00:10:38 Sergei…
57 00:10:42 Your mother is dead.
58 00:10:45 She has taken her own life.She was weak. Sick in the mind.
59 00:10:55 - It was her choice.- She's dead because you chased her away.
60 00:11:00 No. She gave upa long time ago.
61 00:11:05 You hadn't seen her in two years.It doesn't change anything for you.
62 00:11:11 - Not for you either, Dmitri.- Are we on our way to the funeral now?
63 00:11:16 - A suicide does not get that honor.- So where are you taking us?
64 00:11:21 We're going hunting.
65 00:11:23 The lion Zar hasbeen seen again.
66 00:11:27 You will benefitfrom it, both of you.
67 00:11:31 The company of men,surrounded by nature.
68 00:11:35 To shoot to kill.
69 00:11:38 Pleasure.
71 00:11:56 Be careful with them. Putthe cards away, Calypso.
72 00:12:02 Your parents will be back soon,and you know their attitude.
73 00:12:06 It's just a game, bestie.
74 00:12:09 If you think my cards arejust glossy pictures, -
75 00:12:13 then you can think again. Theyshow us the invisible way.
76 00:12:20 Do you think they canpredict the future?
77 00:12:24 In the right hands.
78 00:12:31 Place three cards.
79 00:12:34 - The first card is the subject.- The high priestess?
80 00:12:40 You come from a longline of strong women.
81 00:12:44 Second card is the situation.
82 00:12:48 The tower. A terribleaccident is going to happen.
83 00:12:55 Third card is the outcome.
84 00:12:58 Strength. There is greatdanger in that card.
85 00:13:03 I have something for you, Calypso. Iwould have waited until you were older, -
86 00:13:08 but the cards show thatyou will need it soon.
87 00:13:12 - What is it? - A potion.
88 00:13:15 The formula has been passed downin our family through generations.
89 00:13:22 - What does the symbol mean?- It is the sign of the spirit Papa Legba.
90 00:13:27 He opens the gate to thebeyond. Take good care of it.
91 00:13:32 It's powerful magic.
92 00:13:36 Be safe. It heals anyone whodrinks it in unimaginable ways.
93 00:13:43 The time is almost here. Youwill know what to do with it.
94 00:13:49 Then put them away beforeyour parents come back.
95 00:14:09 Great, Nikolai.
96 00:14:21 Sergei.
97 00:14:29 Look how beautiful it is.
98 00:14:35 You must never fear death.
99 00:14:38 They are the prey.We are the predators.
100 00:14:49 Man should be the onlyanimal that is endangered.
101 00:14:59 Dmitri, don't look so weak.
102 00:15:03 Be a man.
103 00:15:09 - Are you all right? - Yes.
104 00:15:14 He shouldn't havespoken to you like that.
105 00:15:19 He's a stupid pig.I can't change that.
106 00:15:23 He will never show methe respect he shows you.
107 00:15:27 Shall we bet?
108 00:15:38 I miss mom.
109 00:15:40 I do too, Dima.
110 00:15:50 - Is it Czar?- It's hardly a miss cat.
111 00:15:53 Maybe it's Zar's illegitimatehalf-brother, like Dmitri.
112 00:15:58 Leave the boy alone. He can'thelp it, his father chases skirts.
113 00:16:05 You can hear when it's Zar. He soundslike a thunderclap from a mountain top.
114 00:16:11 - Have you seen the monster?- I have seen his handiwork.
115 00:16:17 That cat has killed20, maybe 30 people.
116 00:16:23 As long as men like you havecome here to kill lions, -
117 00:16:28 have there been legends aboutthe one who cannot be killed.
118 00:16:32 Men like me. But you takemy money anyway, Bahari.
119 00:16:38 A lion hunts for food.
120 00:16:42 I do the same.
121 00:16:48 - Why are you hunting, Nikolai?- You know that, Bahari.
122 00:16:54 A man who kills a legendbecomes a legend himself.
123 00:17:03 Nikolai, we need to talk.
124 00:17:06 Save on the weather.
125 00:17:08 It is a chronic disorder. I just needto take a break every now and then.
126 00:17:14 I always think ahead.
127 00:17:19 I will offer you tobecome my companion.
128 00:17:23 What is your name?
129 00:17:27 I am here as Vladimir'sguest. Alexey Sytsevitch.
130 00:17:33 No. You have no name.
131 00:17:39 In this world you do not exist.
132 00:17:43 What does a nameless, nonexistent,chronically ill clown have to offer Kravinoff?
133 00:17:50 Nothing.
134 00:17:53 I am here to teach mysons the joy of the chase.
135 00:17:59 And you and yourimbecile voice haunt me.
136 00:18:05 So keep quiet.
137 00:18:16 - I hope father gets him this time.- Why?
138 00:18:20 Because then he will become a legend, andthen we won't have to come here again.
139 00:18:26 A true legend would fightfair, not with a rifle.
140 00:18:31 It has to be one on one withthe tools you were born with.
141 00:18:42 Dmitri, about behind me.
142 00:19:21 Dmitri, away!
143 00:19:28 Run!
144 00:19:32 Run!
145 00:19:43 Sergei!
146 00:19:47 Sergei!
147 00:20:10 Calypso, look!
148 00:20:27 Now get up, honey.
149 00:20:32 Calypso?
150 00:20:36 Calypso?
151 00:20:39 Calypso!
152 00:21:36 By all the gods and all theriddles of the universe…
153 00:21:45 Help!
154 00:21:50 … grant me thepower of the earth.
155 00:22:05 Wait.
156 00:22:16 Grant me the power of heaven.
157 00:22:27 All gone. There are collisions.
158 00:22:35 We have done everything we could.The time of death is 06.51.
159 00:23:14 The card was found in yourpocket. You are a very lucky boy.
160 00:23:20 Thank you for saving me.
161 00:23:23 I can't take credit for that.I wasn't the one who saved you.
162 00:23:28 - I don't understand that.- Then there are two of us.
163 00:23:32 But now we are taking sometests to find out what happened.
164 00:23:37 - Sergei. - Dima.
165 00:23:46 Why didn't you shoot?
166 00:23:50 - They must be Sergei's father, Mr. Kravinoff.- I've come to pick him up.
167 00:23:56 He must stay here and recover. He hadbeen dead for a good three minutes.
168 00:24:02 He's coming with me.
169 00:24:04 OUTSIDE LONDON
170 00:24:19 Sergei.
171 00:24:22 I'm sorry we're not together,but we will be again soon.
172 00:24:26 You know, I didn't wantit to go like this, -
173 00:24:30 but your fathergave me no choice.
174 00:24:36 You have to promise meyou'll never be like him.
175 00:24:40 Sergei, come down here!
176 00:24:49 Dad is the only animalthat is endangered.
177 00:24:53 - You've gotten too good at that.- It will probably work.
178 00:24:57 You almost had yourbrother killed.
179 00:25:01 You almost got yourself killedbecause you were scared.
180 00:25:05 Fear will consume you.
181 00:25:09 It makes you weak.
182 00:25:12 Are you weak and crazy likeyour mother or are you like me?
183 00:25:18 Showing weakness to yourenemies gives them an opening.
184 00:25:26 You are old enoughto understand this.
185 00:25:30 You know my business, right?
186 00:25:34 One day you will bethe one to control it.
187 00:25:37 Dmitri, go away.
188 00:25:40 Dmitri is going back toschool in New York, -
189 00:25:44 and you stay here with me. Ithink America makes you wimpy.
190 00:25:51 It's for your own good.We all have our own path.
191 00:25:59 When you accept who you are, yougain the strength to step into it.
192 00:26:06 Come on.
193 00:26:08 Come here.
194 00:26:14 I have something for you.
195 00:26:22 You never have tobe afraid again.
196 00:26:37 He should have killed you!
197 00:26:40 What's wrong with you?
198 00:26:46 Sergei, come here.
199 00:26:54 Are you ok
200 00:27:31 PASSPORT
201 00:28:32 - You must not leave me with him.- I'm traveling. I have to.
202 00:28:37 - Something has happened to me.- What are you talking about?
203 00:28:42 Do you remember the old camp site where youcould only hear the cicadas and the owls, -
204 00:28:48 and where mother sang to us by thefire? That's all I have after her.
205 00:28:53 - That doesn't make it right.- Think of me there.
206 00:29:01 It really hurts me, Dima.
207 00:29:08 So go with you.
208 00:29:12 Go!
209 00:29:17 I'm not going away forever.
210 00:29:29 Where are you going?
211 00:29:31 Out of England. To Russia.
212 00:29:34 On board this?
213 00:29:37 You know there are planes andtrains for that purpose, right?
214 00:29:41 - Are you on the run? - Yes.
215 00:29:44 - I am. - Then come.
217 00:32:27 She was weak.
218 00:32:29 - Mentally ill.- She died because you chased her away.
219 00:32:33 Sergei!
220 00:32:35 Run!
221 00:32:37 Sergei!
222 00:32:40 Fear will consume you.It makes you weak.
223 00:32:45 We all have our own path.
224 00:32:50 They are the prey.
225 00:32:54 We are the predators.
226 00:33:56 Only the horns. Leave the rest.
227 00:34:24 You don't belong here,kid. Step home with you.
228 00:34:33 I'm at home.
229 00:34:51 Is it yours?
230 00:34:53 Drop it or you die!
231 00:35:57 THE PRESENT TIME
232 00:36:18 Welcome home. We stayedunder the radar as usual.
233 00:36:23 Call when you need me again.
234 00:36:51 NEW MESSAGE
235 00:36:54 Sergei, this is your father.
236 00:36:57 Come home. i miss you I am sorryfor everything that has happened.
237 00:37:03 Shit, it's your brother.Where have you been?
238 00:37:11 Are you still hidingout in the woods?
239 00:37:14 See you for my birthday?Give me a call.
240 00:37:45 Get the crap on the cart.
241 00:37:48 So get started!
242 00:37:52 Up with them.
243 00:38:06 Who is that?
244 00:38:12 This is a private area.
245 00:38:15 I would like to know if youintend to lock after yourselves.
246 00:38:22 Step with you!
247 00:38:29 Move.
248 00:38:31 Why do you kill the animalsjust to take the horns?
249 00:38:36 Because we can.
250 00:38:41 Because you can?
251 00:38:42 Disappear. We are six to one.
252 00:38:47 - There are six of you now.- I don't have time for this.
253 00:38:51 Drive!
254 00:39:02 What the hell?
255 00:39:18 Run, run!
256 00:39:43 DOCKLANDS, LONDON
257 00:39:51 Mr. Tagland…
258 00:39:54 You must apologize for that. Theman appeared out of the blue.
259 00:39:59 A tie-crazy residentor something.
260 00:40:03 But I fixed him. Henever bothers us again.
261 00:40:11 Soon nothing willbother you anymore.
262 00:40:14 How are you…? Whereis Mr. Tag country?
263 00:40:19 You stand in him.
264 00:40:24 This is interestingreading. You are a poacher.
265 00:40:29 Tagland uses poachers, but drugs,weapons, trafficking are mentioned here...
266 00:40:36 - What's your name? - Andre.
267 00:40:39 André and what else?
268 00:40:42 It is the people in the book that you needto get hold of. I can find them for you.
269 00:40:46 I don't need your help.
270 00:40:49 But I am adding thenames to my list.
271 00:40:53 André and what else?
272 00:40:56 Lavigne.
273 00:40:59 You are way down thehierarchy, André.
274 00:41:02 There you were.
275 00:41:21 And now for today's headlines.
276 00:41:24 State Attorney Samantha Hodges wasshot last week in broad daylight -
277 00:41:30 in another brutal attack onemployees of the police and courts.
278 00:41:36 The funeral will takeplace later today.
279 00:41:44 I met Samantha whenI moved to London.
280 00:41:48 She was my mentor, -
281 00:41:51 a close friend -
282 00:41:54 and one of the fiercest championsof justice in the city's history.
283 00:42:02 We all know who is behind this.
284 00:42:06 Samantha dared todefy Semyon Chorny -
285 00:42:10 and hold him accountable.
286 00:42:13 And the brave act -
287 00:42:16 cost her her life.
288 00:42:21 The system is broken.
289 00:42:35 Condolences. I didn'tmean to startle you.
290 00:42:39 - But you did.- Your loss hurts me.
291 00:42:43 - Did you know her well?- I didn't know her at all.
292 00:42:48 Well, thanks forthe condolences.
293 00:42:53 Calypso.
294 00:43:03 This probably belongs to you.
295 00:43:11 You are…
296 00:43:13 You are the boy.
297 00:43:16 - But you were...- Yes.
298 00:43:20 For three minutes. It had beenforever, had it not been for you.
299 00:43:24 It was my grandmother's card.I still walk around with them.
300 00:43:31 - Then why did you give it to me?- I guess you felt you needed it.
301 00:43:36 Did you only have that togo for? How did you find me?
302 00:43:42 - Chasing people up is my speciality.- Hunting?
303 00:43:48 - Do you know who is behind this?- Yes, I do.
304 00:43:54 - Will they hit him?- Probably not.
305 00:44:02 What would you sayif I told you, -
306 00:44:06 that I already got that?
308 00:44:17 ISTHERE A PATTERN?
310 00:44:27 WHO IS THE HUNTER?
311 00:44:44 - A tiger's tooth?- I use what I have at hand.
312 00:44:49 - Why did you do that?- Didn't he murder your friend?
313 00:44:55 I have been looking foryou for a very long time.
314 00:45:01 It's like thank youfor saving my life.
315 00:45:04 I didn't ask you to murderanyone. I am a lawyer.
316 00:45:11 But the pig gotwhat it deserved.
317 00:45:17 I know who your father is.
318 00:45:20 Are you like him? A gangster?
319 00:45:23 No.
320 00:45:27 As a child, I saw my fatherspread evil around him.
321 00:45:31 He had planned it all.
322 00:45:34 I was to follow in his footstepsand take over the family business.
323 00:45:41 But something happened tome the day you found me.
324 00:45:45 Therefore, I traveled as far awayfrom my father as I possibly could.
325 00:45:52 And now I'm doing my best toeradicate people like him.
326 00:45:55 So you're the Hunter?
327 00:45:58 It's just somethingthe press calls me.
328 00:46:02 - I prefer Kraven.- The collar?
329 00:46:06 Spelled with a K. But everyonewho heard that name is dead.
330 00:46:12 Then I better watch out. Doyou live here in the city?
331 00:46:17 I live as far away from hereas you can possibly get.
332 00:46:24 But my brother lives here.
333 00:46:27 We…
334 00:46:31 I wasn't always there for him,so I visit him when I can.
335 00:46:37 What about you? Howdid you end up here?
336 00:46:41 I don't quite know that.
337 00:46:46 My parents were lawyers,so I became one too.
338 00:46:50 I worked at the New York StateAttorney's Office, but couldn't stand it.
339 00:46:56 Sometimes the law getsin the way of justice.
340 00:46:59 True enough.
341 00:47:02 Here in London, I work for oneof Europe's largest law firms.
342 00:47:07 I know that. You are one oftheir best investigative lawyers.
343 00:47:12 I also know that some of yourclients are not exactly angels.
344 00:47:18 True enough.
345 00:47:21 So how much do you reallyget done from your desk?
346 00:47:26 - I keep a list. - A list?
347 00:47:33 It can be achieved in other ways,what you have set out for, Calypso.
348 00:47:49 You're going to need a lawyer ifyou want to clean up that world.
349 00:47:56 How about a partnership? Through yourcompany you can find them I can't.
350 00:48:01 - On the other hand, I can...- That's understood.
351 00:48:09 I'll have to thinkabout it, Kraven.
352 00:48:13 Take well-intentioned advice. Ifyou go by the names on that list, -
353 00:48:18 will it affect thoseyou care about.
354 00:48:32 - Ryazha!- We have to talk about this.
355 00:48:36 Shall we try again? Take it!
356 00:48:45 Did you hear what I said?
357 00:48:47 Ryazha, bring it.
358 00:48:51 Do you want me to beg?
359 00:48:55 You know I don't beg.Do you think I'm weak?
360 00:49:02 Then give it to me.
361 00:49:06 Ryazha!
362 00:49:08 Take it easy. You aremy little Ryazhuska.
363 00:49:13 Papa loves you.Papa forgives you.
364 00:49:16 One more thing.
365 00:49:18 Semyon Tshorny has beenkilled in his prison cell.
366 00:49:22 - Who did it?- They say it was the Hunter.
367 00:49:27 Faster than a cheetah,cunning as a fox.
368 00:49:31 More ferocious than a tiger.
369 00:49:38 What do you mean? Do you thinkthe Hunter actually exists?
370 00:49:44 Maybe it's just piss and paper.But he obviously keeps a list.
371 00:49:48 And you will neverbe deleted from it.
372 00:49:53 You are probably standing on it.
373 00:49:59 If he is real, he can be found.
374 00:50:04 I'm looking into it.
375 00:50:06 Wait.
376 00:50:09 Tsjornij's activitiesmust have come into play.
377 00:50:13 Arrange a meeting withhis top three henchmen.
378 00:50:40 Your boss, SemyonChorny, is dead.
379 00:50:44 I intend to take overhis transactions.
380 00:50:49 One of you must be my companion.But who? The best pitch wins.
381 00:50:56 The so-called "Rhino". Hedoesn't look like a rhinoceros.
382 00:50:59 Don't you want to knowwhy they call me Rhino?
383 00:51:12 - Why are you putting yourself through that?- They have to see who they are dealing with.
384 00:51:29 Nak him.
385 00:51:37 Don't worry, Ryazha.
386 00:52:19 Pack away the sliders. I canget you killed by lifting…
387 00:52:24 Don't do it!
388 00:52:28 A rhinoceros that sees anopportunity does not hesitate.
389 00:52:34 It rushes forward and takesit. So now I ask one more time.
390 00:52:41 Which of you willbe my companion?
391 00:52:49 I call that a pitch.
392 00:52:54 The winner has been found.
393 00:53:45 My son Dmitri.
394 00:53:47 The next one is for you, papa.
395 00:53:57 He knows I like Tony Bennett.
396 00:54:01 Do you like Tony Bennett? I don'ttrust people who don't like him.
397 00:54:08 He can impersonate anyone.He is like a chameleon.
398 00:54:13 These assassins…
399 00:54:15 When they can hit your boss inthe breech, we're all in danger.
400 00:54:22 - Understood. - Come closer.
401 00:54:27 Chorniy is dead.
402 00:54:31 This makes yourbusiness vulnerable.
403 00:54:37 I can offer yousecurity, distribution -
404 00:54:40 and above all peace of mind.
405 00:54:44 That sounds good. I'mon board with that.
406 00:54:48 Just like that without furtherado? You don't want to consider it?
407 00:54:52 Calm must be restored.The sooner the better.
408 00:54:59 You have already enteredinto an agreement. With whom?
409 00:55:04 I had to say hello from Rhino.
410 00:55:38 Get up.
411 00:55:57 You are hurt.
412 00:56:00 Are you all right, papa?
413 00:56:07 Look what they'vedone to my club.
414 00:56:13 I am being attackedon my own territory.
415 00:56:18 And who do I have to defend me?
416 00:56:21 My son, the piano boxer.
417 00:56:25 Come on, hit me! Fight with me!
418 00:56:30 I need warriors, not creeps.You won't even defend yourself.
419 00:56:43 The assassination attempt on Kravinofffailed. All our people were killed.
420 00:56:57 Nikolai is a tough old bear. Hedoesn't give up without a fight.
421 00:57:04 This one was shovedunder my door.
422 00:57:21 Is it Kravinoff's sonSergei who is the Hunter?
423 00:57:26 What does "The Collar" mean?
424 00:57:29 Apparently that'swhat he calls himself.
425 00:57:33 That can't be right.
426 00:57:37 - Can it? - I don't know.
427 00:57:40 Put Foreigner on thecase. He's pretty crazy, -
428 00:57:44 but he has been obsessedwith the Hunter for years.
429 00:57:47 Maybe he can figure outwhat the hell is going on.
430 00:58:04 Hey what are you doing
431 00:58:06 I'm looking for the prisonerwho killed Semyon Chorny.
432 00:58:12 Turn around.
433 00:58:15 Turn around.
434 00:58:19 You shouldn't be here.
435 00:58:21 I am called Foreigner becauseno one knows my origin.
436 00:58:31 One.
437 00:58:35 Thaw.
438 00:58:38 Three.
439 00:59:00 You must have it.
440 01:00:19 Cuckoo!
441 01:00:21 My God, Sergei!
442 01:00:26 You scared the life out of me.
443 01:00:29 Happy birthday, little brother.
444 01:00:33 I love you, man.
445 01:00:37 - How should we celebrate it?- Yes, that trick won't work.
446 01:00:41 - So let's stay here.- It's my birthday.
447 01:00:44 On your birthday we cango to the petting zoo, -
448 01:00:49 or wherever else you have fun.
449 01:00:52 But tonight…
450 01:00:55 - This here.- And do you think I can handle that?
451 01:01:00 It's too big for me, so itshould fit you perfectly.
452 01:01:06 - Sorry. - Thank you.
453 01:01:08 - Nice perfume.- I'm not wearing perfume now.
454 01:01:17 She had found outsooner or later.
455 01:01:23 Papa was sitting righthere. It all went so fast.
456 01:01:27 In such a moment you find outwho you are. I'm a cryster.
457 01:01:32 Nonsense. It is completely naturalto feel fear. It's an instinct.
458 01:01:37 Why can't you choosewho you want to be?
459 01:01:41 I will be strong and fearlessand not cower on the ground.
460 01:01:46 - Why not just be yourself?- Because he has to respect me.
461 01:01:50 Papa is a criminal. Whatis worth his respect?
462 01:01:54 You seem like you don'tcare what he thinks.
463 01:01:57 Like he can't touch you.He made you hate people.
464 01:02:01 I don't hate people.
465 01:02:05 I hate what people do,but I don't hate people.
466 01:02:10 So papa was rightabout one thing.
467 01:02:14 In what?
468 01:02:17 Man should be the onlyanimal that is endangered.
469 01:02:21 I'm glad I made it.
470 01:02:24 I will not miss the chanceto see both my sons.
471 01:02:31 Dmitri.
472 01:02:34 To you.
473 01:02:40 I don't expect a hug,but maybe a handshake?
474 01:02:50 Dasha.
475 01:02:55 I come just to drink a singletoast in honor of Dmitri -
476 01:03:01 on his big day. Pour up.
477 01:03:09 Serve up to men, not boys.
478 01:03:20 Come on, Sergei.
479 01:03:25 For the Kravin victims.
480 01:03:28 May we one dayforget the past...
481 01:03:32 and imagine a futuretogether as a family.
482 01:03:37 Wash zdorovie.
483 01:03:45 Such.
484 01:03:48 Are you ok
485 01:03:54 Sergei…
486 01:03:58 I know why you come every year.
487 01:04:02 Because you feel bad about, -
488 01:04:06 that you left me with him.
489 01:04:09 I forgive you…
490 01:04:16 … all of it.
491 01:04:23 About forgiveness.
492 01:04:38 Sergei! Sergei!
493 01:05:13 Do you mind holdingthe door? Hello?
494 01:05:23 Chief, thank you.
495 01:05:30 - I tried to hold the door.- Oh, you didn't.
496 01:05:34 This is my travel knife.It is for work use.
497 01:05:40 So what do you work on?
498 01:05:43 I hunt…
499 01:05:47 … people.
500 01:05:55 Dmitry?
501 01:06:04 No, let me go!
502 01:06:33 Wait, wait, don't! We must beable to figure something out.
503 01:06:37 Stun him.
504 01:06:57 There he is. Run away from him.
505 01:07:01 Move, dammit!
506 01:07:31 Drive!
507 01:07:37 Faster!
508 01:08:04 Dmitry!
509 01:08:10 It is also bulletprooffrom the inside!
510 01:08:21 Shake him off!
511 01:09:31 Go, go!
512 01:10:17 Dima!
513 01:10:22 - Can I help you with something?- A towel perhaps.
514 01:10:35 I think you forgot yourshoes in the lobby.
515 01:10:39 Now I don't think I have.Not enough volts in it there.
516 01:10:44 All right, Brian.He is my client.
517 01:10:47 Damn it, Sergei. I promisedto consider your offer.
518 01:10:52 You can't just burst intomy workplace like that.
519 01:10:55 - They have taken my brother.- Who has?
520 01:10:58 Four men. They brokeinto his apartment.
521 01:11:02 - So you saw them?- I noticed the one.
522 01:11:06 Dark hair, brown eyes, scarunder left eye, Turkish accent.
523 01:11:10 So you talked to them?
524 01:11:13 Not as such, but there wasquite a bit of screaming.
525 01:11:22 Okay.
526 01:11:25 So let's get started.
527 01:11:28 I should have been with him.
528 01:11:32 I couldn't sleep, so I gotup and went for a walk.
529 01:11:37 We'll probably find him.
530 01:11:40 Okay?
531 01:11:42 I do what I doand get us a name.
532 01:11:46 And then you do what youdo so we can get him home.
533 01:11:54 A mercenary active in London.Moon-shaped scar under left eye.
534 01:12:00 He smokes Turkish cigarettes, sohe is probably Turkish. Find him.
535 01:12:08 Sergei.
536 01:12:10 - Who are they?- They didn't say that.
537 01:12:13 - But you know that, right?- The list of my enemies is long.
538 01:12:21 Look what they've done to him.
539 01:12:34 What do they demand?
540 01:12:37 20 million within 48 hours.
541 01:12:45 Pay.
542 01:12:47 - It's complicated.- No, it's quite straightforward.
543 01:12:51 - You have the money and he is your son.- It's not about money.
544 01:12:55 It's about power.
545 01:13:00 If I pay, I'm weak.
546 01:13:04 If I show weakness, I lose everythingI have spent my life building.
547 01:13:10 What have you built?You are a drug dealer.
548 01:13:19 That's what you're done with.
549 01:13:23 Dmitri is innocent. If you let himdie, his blood is on your hands.
550 01:13:28 On my hands?
551 01:13:32 I have never let him down.
552 01:13:35 You let him down.
553 01:13:38 You.
554 01:13:43 He was dead as soon as theytook him, whether I pay or not.
555 01:13:50 You can't know that.
556 01:13:53 Yes, I know that. Because that'swhat I would have done myself.
557 01:13:58 You are disgusting.
558 01:14:01 Of course I want him back.I want both my sons back.
559 01:14:14 What a legend you have become.
560 01:14:20 Wake up.
561 01:14:24 Here, it's antibiotics.We can't have you die.
562 01:14:39 "We can't have you die."
563 01:14:47 You are talented.
564 01:15:18 Omer Ozdemir.
565 01:15:20 He hides in a monastery onthe outskirts of Ankara.
566 01:15:25 - You must never call me again.- We'll see.
567 01:15:37 How did it go?
568 01:15:42 - She accepted it.- But did she believe you?
569 01:15:46 Yes. She trusts me.
570 01:15:50 And therefore I nowwant double payment.
571 01:15:53 Double? Why not triple?
572 01:15:57 What are you up to?
573 01:16:02 One.
574 01:16:06 Thaw. Three.
575 01:16:11 Then it's done.
576 01:16:24 Stay ready.
577 01:16:26 The hunter is on his way.
578 01:16:30 The man you are lookingfor is called Ömer Ozdemir.
579 01:16:34 His family owns an old monastery inTurkey. There you can find your brother.
580 01:16:42 Thanks for the help.
581 01:16:44 Ellie, it's time to leave!
582 01:16:48 NORTHERN TURKEY
583 01:18:53 It's him.
584 01:19:15 He is there.
585 01:19:23 Where is Dmitri?
586 01:19:29 Where is he?
587 01:19:31 If you let me go, you'll neverfind your brother, Kraven.
588 01:20:01 How do you know my name?Who has taken my brother?
589 01:20:08 Rhino. He has killed us both.
590 01:20:35 Who are you?
591 01:20:37 Do you have any evidence bags?I forgot mine in the car.
592 01:20:41 What do you have there?
593 01:20:44 Crushed paternoster beans.
594 01:20:48 The perpetrator hasa sense of poison.
595 01:20:53 One.
596 01:20:56 Thaw.
597 01:20:59 Three.
598 01:21:03 What are you doing?
599 01:21:09 You must have it.
600 01:21:16 It's good then, Ryazha.
601 01:21:18 Sorry about that with your finger.An unfortunate collateral damage.
602 01:21:23 Cut him free.
603 01:21:30 We have met before. Big gamehunting with your father.
604 01:21:34 I don't remember that.
605 01:21:37 Understandable. My hairstyle was alsodifferent and you were very young.
606 01:21:43 Even…
607 01:21:46 … I will never forget it.
608 01:21:50 Have you spoken to myfather? Has he agreed to pay?
609 01:21:56 No. Nikolai Kravinoff could notdream of giving 20 million -
610 01:22:01 to save his bastard child.
611 01:22:05 You're an accident, Dmitri.
612 01:22:09 You came into theworld by accident, -
613 01:22:12 and you ended up in mycustody by accident.
614 01:22:16 Will I then be released?
615 01:22:18 Those who abducted youwere not after you.
616 01:22:22 - They were after your brother.- Sergei?
617 01:22:26 You both went in, butwhen my people arrived, -
618 01:22:30 he had disappeared,as is his wont.
619 01:22:34 That's why I tookyou. I was lucky.
620 01:22:37 What do you want with Sergei?He never did anything to anyone.
621 01:22:41 - You don't know at all?- What?
622 01:22:50 Wait for the end.That's the best of it.
623 01:23:02 THE COLLAR / THE HUNTER
624 01:23:06 - "The collar"?- That's what he calls himself now.
625 01:23:10 Do you think Sergeiis the Hunter?
626 01:23:13 The hunter is a mythto scare criminals.
627 01:23:17 - You didn't know your brother very well.- What do you mean by "known"?
628 01:23:22 The collar kept a list. Once youget on it, you'll never get off it.
629 01:23:34 That's why I fixed him first.
630 01:23:47 I'm filming it right now.
631 01:23:50 We hit Kraven.
632 01:23:55 I'm not sure about that.
633 01:24:11 - Hello?- Calypso, it was a trap.
634 01:24:14 Rhino knows who I am andhe's coming for you now.
635 01:24:18 What do you mean? Shit.
636 01:24:21 Five suspicious men havejust entered the door.
637 01:24:24 Hurry away.
638 01:24:26 Go to the goods terminal in Stansted.I'll get someone to meet you.
639 01:24:57 I call it my tote bag.
640 01:25:01 It is a mixture of medicinesthat keeps my suffering at bay.
641 01:25:07 - What's wrong with you?- I was also underestimated.
642 01:25:11 No hospitals could figureout what was wrong with me.
643 01:25:15 I knew I'd never earnyour father's respect -
644 01:25:20 or anyone else's,unless I became strong.
645 01:25:25 I tried everything.
646 01:25:27 But then…
647 01:25:31 … I found one in New York.
648 01:25:36 Biochemist ProfessorMiles Warren.
649 01:25:40 He was working on a treatment, -
650 01:25:43 that could increase aperson's strength tenfold.
651 01:25:49 I signed up immediately.
652 01:25:57 My skin started to harden.
653 01:26:00 I became -
654 01:26:03 indestructible as a rhinoceros.
655 01:26:09 But the pain…
656 01:26:14 … was too violent.
657 01:26:35 I believe we each havean inner animal, Dmitri.
658 01:26:41 I will take over your father'sterritory and you will be my companion.
659 01:26:47 The name Kravinoff still opens doorsand you will be recognized as deserved.
660 01:26:54 You are right.
661 01:26:57 I have been underestimated -
662 01:27:01 all my life.
663 01:27:08 But if you think I willbetray my family, -
664 01:27:12 then you are wrong.
665 01:27:22 Boss, we haven't heard from theboys. I can't get hold of them.
666 01:27:32 The collar is alive.
667 01:27:34 Bert!
668 01:27:38 Team Alfa and Team Bravo...
669 01:27:41 He is here.
670 01:28:28 Sweet. I wonder if that trick stillworks when I poke my eyes out at you?
671 01:28:35 Relax.
672 01:28:49 Sorry to mess you up on this.
673 01:28:51 - Anything new about Dmitri?- No.
674 01:28:54 Three of my sources have disappearedtrying to track Rhino's plane.
675 01:28:58 I absolutely do not like it.
676 01:29:03 - What kind of place is this?- The area belonged to my mother's family.
677 01:29:09 That's the only thing Ireally have after her.
678 01:29:17 - What is going on now?- We are being hunted.
679 01:29:21 By whom?
680 01:29:46 Don't chase me! You just gocrazy. Show what you're good at.
681 01:30:01 I've followed her since she was young,but she's a bit bigger than I remember.
682 01:30:07 You're crazy. Seriously.
683 01:30:09 Did you just find out now?
684 01:30:12 I know, I put youon the case myself.
685 01:30:16 But why are you soobsessed with Kraven?
686 01:30:20 My mentor was one of the world's bestassassins. He taught me everything.
687 01:30:25 He was like a brother to me.
688 01:30:28 - Did you know him?- I knew about him.
689 01:30:34 He was murdered. Someoneslipped in and cut his throat.
690 01:30:39 The collar?
691 01:30:42 So I traveled the worldfollowing his heels.
692 01:30:47 But the Kraven is the perfectpredator. He has no known weaknesses.
693 01:30:56 But you have found one.
694 01:30:59 - And I know how we use it.- Now, get the hell to the point.
695 01:31:07 It is East Siberian paternosterbeans, a rare plant.
696 01:31:12 I found traces ofthem in the monastery.
697 01:31:15 The beans only grow in onespecific region in Siberia.
698 01:31:21 That's where he is.
699 01:31:53 Careful with that one.
700 01:31:57 I'm actually quite firm with such aone. I learned archery at a summer camp.
701 01:32:05 Brown root.
702 01:32:08 Feverfew liquorice.Maltese cross.
703 01:32:14 - Paternoster beans?- You know your stuff.
704 01:32:18 - You can die from them.- Or be saved by.
705 01:32:21 - Nature is beautifully arranged.- What are you doing here?
706 01:32:30 Tell me about this one.
707 01:32:33 It was my grandmother's. Wewere visiting her that day.
708 01:32:38 I have spent yearsanalyzing the content.
709 01:32:42 My grandmother wassomething of a mystic.
710 01:32:47 She had the strangest things.
711 01:32:50 My parents didn't like to talk aboutit, but she was a very powerful woman.
712 01:32:56 She said it would heal whoeverdrank it in unimaginable ways.
713 01:33:02 I was only a child. I had no ideawhat effect it would actually have.
714 01:33:07 - It saved my life. - Did it?
715 01:33:10 - It changed me. - Exactly.
716 01:33:14 Look what you've become.
717 01:33:19 I need to know what was in it.
718 01:33:25 - And can you get more? - No.
719 01:33:31 She died shortlyafter our visit.
720 01:33:41 One of my sources says Rhino ismoving. We'll hear more soon.
721 01:33:47 I knew you'd be good at this.
722 01:33:52 Sergei, we're supposed to save Dmitri,but is all this worth the price?
723 01:33:58 Calypso, I was made for this.
724 01:34:03 I am the best hunter in theworld. It is undeniable.
725 01:34:07 I can find anyone and no onecan touch me. Why should I stop?
726 01:34:14 It is called karma. Shecatches up with one.
727 01:34:18 Not me. I'm faster than her.
728 01:34:25 But Dmitri wasn't.
729 01:34:37 - Interesting weapon.- No shooter can kill Kraven.
730 01:34:41 The poison here was developedby MI6 and is highly effective.
731 01:34:46 May I?
732 01:34:53 It conjures up one's worst nightmaresbefore paralyzing one's internal organs -
733 01:34:57 and results in a gruesome death.
734 01:35:02 You have good style.
735 01:35:14 Only one person has my number.
736 01:35:18 Dima, where are you?
737 01:35:20 - Sergei, they forced me to call.- Dmitri?
738 01:35:24 No, but now you know he's alive.
739 01:35:27 - What is it you want?- A life without anyone on the heels.
740 01:35:32 You have two options. I know youhate your father just like I do.
741 01:35:37 Therefore, you and I should -
742 01:35:41 and young Dmitri collaboration.You can become my companions.
743 01:35:46 Or I can kill you...
744 01:35:54 Good then. Then wehunt the Hunter.
745 01:36:15 Divide yourselves,and get me his corpse.
746 01:36:20 Otherwise you shallnot come back.
747 01:36:42 Ryazha.
748 01:36:48 Where is he?
749 01:36:50 He is here.
750 01:38:01 Amateurs. How embarrassing.
751 01:38:06 Do it.
752 01:38:09 Be safe.
753 01:38:20 There are explosions.
754 01:38:23 It's just a lie.
755 01:39:11 The spiders!
756 01:39:30 The hallucinations arejust the beginning.
757 01:39:34 Experiencing yourworst nightmares?
758 01:39:39 One.
759 01:39:42 Thaw.
760 01:39:45 Three.
761 01:39:52 When the poison reachesyour spinal cord, -
762 01:39:55 you lose all motor functions.Then you will suffocate.
763 01:40:00 So you are the legend.
764 01:40:04 The myth.
765 01:40:08 But now you're just human.
766 01:40:48 Give him a plane, Kraven.
767 01:41:05 I honestly thought itwould be more difficult.
768 01:41:11 It's over. But thebrother is still at large.
769 01:41:14 - Find him. - Come on.
770 01:41:19 One.
771 01:41:22 Thaw.
772 01:41:26 Three, bean head.
773 01:41:27 Farewell to Kraven the Hunter.
774 01:41:35 Sergei!
775 01:41:40 Nothing just worksout for you, huh?
776 01:42:07 Legends don't die.So get up, Kraven.
777 01:42:28 I knew you had more.
778 01:42:31 I didn't dare trust a madmanwith my family's greatest secret.
779 01:42:38 - Up with you. - Okay.
780 01:42:44 It must have beensomething of a summer camp.
781 01:42:47 You are not alone in havingsecrets. I will never regret this.
782 01:43:02 It's over. The collar is dead.
783 01:43:12 What a day.
784 01:43:20 Get him in the car.
785 01:43:22 Perhaps Nikolai will cash out nowthat he only has one son left.
786 01:43:47 Are any of you seeingthe same thing as me?
787 01:44:52 The collar!
788 01:45:05 You're heavy enough.
789 01:45:50 Sergei…
790 01:46:54 My father was rightabout one thing.
791 01:46:57 You are a zero.
792 01:48:02 The video recording of me.Where did you get it from?
793 01:48:08 Who sent it to you?
794 01:48:11 How is it that the mightyHunter cannot see, -
795 01:48:16 what has been rightunder his nose all along?
796 01:48:32 No.
797 01:48:35 - He deserves to die.- He will get to that too.
798 01:48:39 But it's not you.
799 01:48:55 I would wish…
800 01:48:58 I wish I had never met -
801 01:49:01 you Kravinoffer.
802 01:49:16 NORTHERN RUSSIA
803 01:49:43 Sergei. How did you find me?
804 01:49:48 I am a hunter.
805 01:49:50 That's what we do.
806 01:49:57 You were the one who sent therecording. You told Rhino who I was.
807 01:50:04 Did you really think a father wouldn'trecognize his son's handiwork?
808 01:50:10 An assassin who uses all themethods of jungle animals?
809 01:50:18 You, if anyone, should be able toappreciate the beauty of the trap I laid.
810 01:50:27 Rhino wanted to hit you, but you weren'tstrong enough to defeat him yourself.
811 01:50:34 Precise.
812 01:50:36 But my son, my real son, Kraven…
813 01:50:43 There is no one stronger.
814 01:50:46 And I knew you wouldn'ttake him down for my sake.
815 01:50:53 That's why I sent him for you.
816 01:50:56 What a trap.
817 01:51:01 Dmitri could have been killed,but everything has a price.
818 01:51:04 No, no, no. I knew...
819 01:51:08 that you would never let anythinghappen to our precious Dmitri.
820 01:51:14 Our empire is secured.
821 01:51:16 So what now? Should we just…
822 01:51:21 … forget the past andimagine a future together?
823 01:51:28 Like a family.
824 01:51:44 Sergei, where are you going?
825 01:51:53 I could have killed you -
826 01:51:56 many years ago.
827 01:51:59 But I didn't.
828 01:52:02 Despite all that you've doneand all the pain you've caused…
829 01:52:09 … then you were my father.
830 01:52:12 I still am. Sit down.
831 01:52:30 "Never fear death."
832 01:52:34 Isn't that what you taught me?
833 01:53:15 A YEAR LATER
834 01:53:52 - Happy birthday, Dima.- It's a happy day.
835 01:53:58 The first in a long time. Andit's thanks to you, Sergei.
836 01:54:03 Or rather the collar. What shallI call you? Mr. The collar?
837 01:54:07 - You know who I am. - I do.
838 01:54:13 It was hell I went through.
839 01:54:18 But it was also liberating.
840 01:54:22 I feel almost reborn.
841 01:54:27 I found a doctor in New York. Hewas probably a bit unorthodox...
842 01:54:35 … but he has really helpedme. He has changed me.
843 01:54:42 - How so? - Just a moment.
844 01:54:54 - Have you made friends in the mafia?- I do business with many people.
845 01:54:58 - You didn't want to sell father's business?- I changed my mind.
846 01:55:03 I didn't save you from the scissorsso that you would be like a father.
847 01:55:08 It was your fault I was in trouble.It is you who is like a father.
848 01:55:12 I'm not like him at all. I havea codex. I'm better than him.
849 01:55:18 You are no better thanhim. You are worse.
850 01:55:22 How did you say papa died?
851 01:55:26 Was it in a huntingaccident? Stop lying to me.
852 01:55:32 You imagine that you arenoble. That you live by a code.
853 01:55:38 Not a shit.
854 01:55:40 You are also just a manin pursuit of trophies.
855 01:55:59 Dmitri…
856 01:56:08 You should see thelook on your own face.
857 01:56:24 Dmitri…
858 01:56:26 You know me. I havealways been a chameleon.
859 01:56:32 - That's the only thing I'm good at.- What has that doctor done to you?
860 01:56:38 You want me to be weakso you can be strong.
861 01:56:41 But now I am also strong. I can be anyone.
862 01:56:46 Rhino is dead and father is dead.It's all there for the picking.
863 01:56:54 And I'm going to pick it.
864 01:57:00 I can't let you do that.
865 01:57:07 Go home, Kraven.
866 01:57:13 Dad left something for you.
867 01:57:49 Sergei, we all have our own path.
868 01:57:55 Accepting who you are gives you the strength to step into it.
869 01:58:01 You are more than my child. You are me…
870 01:58:08 … and I am you.
871 01:58:16 We are hunters.
872 01:58:20 The biggest in the world ever.