

魔法坏女巫 Wicked(2024)英文字幕预览

1 00:00:26 Glinda,exactly how dead is she?
2 00:00:36 Because therehas been so much rumor
3 00:00:38 and speculation...
4 00:00:43 ...let me tell youthe whole story.
5 00:00:50 According tothe Time Dragon Clock,
6 00:00:54 the melting occurredat the 13th hour.
7 00:01:00 The direct resultof a bucket of water
8 00:01:01 thrown by a female child.
9 00:01:15 Yes, the Wicked Witchof the West is dead!
10 00:02:19 Good news! The Witch!She's dead!
11 00:02:21 Come out! Come out! She's gone!
12 00:02:23 Munchkins, she's dead!
13 00:02:27 Good news!
14 00:02:28 Munchkins, wake up!
15 00:02:30 Come out! Come out!She's gone!
16 00:02:34 Good news!
17 00:02:35 The Wicked Witch is dead!
18 00:02:37 ♪ Good news ♪
19 00:02:41 ♪ She's dead ♪
20 00:02:44 ♪ The Witch of the Westis dead ♪
21 00:02:47 ♪ The wickedest witchthere ever was ♪
22 00:02:49 ♪ The enemy of all of ushere in Oz ♪
23 00:02:51 ♪ Is dead ♪
24 00:02:56 ♪ Good news ♪
25 00:03:00 ♪ Good news ♪
26 00:03:06 ♪ Let us be glad ♪
27 00:03:10 Look! It's Glinda!
28 00:03:13 ♪ Let us be grateful ♪
29 00:03:20 ♪ Let us rejoicifythat Goodness could subdue ♪
30 00:03:26 ♪ The wicked workingsof you-know-who ♪
31 00:03:43 - Hi!- Glinda!
32 00:03:46 It's good to see me, isn't it?
33 00:03:48 Ah.
34 00:03:54 Fellow Ozians,let me set the record straight.
35 00:03:59 Yes...
36 00:04:03 ...the Wicked Witch of the Westis dead.
37 00:04:09 ♪ Isn't it nice to know ♪
38 00:04:14 ♪ That good willconquer evil? ♪
39 00:04:19 ♪ The truth we all believe'll ♪
40 00:04:23 ♪ By and by ♪
41 00:04:28 ♪ Outlive a lie ♪
42 00:04:33 ♪ For you and ♪
43 00:04:37 ♪ No one mourns the Wicked ♪
44 00:04:40 ♪ No one cries,"They won't return" ♪
45 00:04:43 ♪ No one lays a lilyon their grave ♪
46 00:04:48 ♪ The good man scornsthe Wicked ♪
47 00:04:51 ♪ Through their lives,our children learn ♪
48 00:04:55 ♪ What we misswhen we misbehave ♪
49 00:04:59 ♪ And Goodness knows ♪
50 00:05:03 ♪ The Wicked's livesare lonely ♪
51 00:05:07 ♪ Goodness knows ♪
52 00:05:10 ♪ The Wicked die alone ♪
53 00:05:14 ♪ It just showswhen you're Wicked ♪
54 00:05:18 ♪ You're left only ♪
55 00:05:21 ♪ On your own ♪
56 00:05:23 ♪ Yes, Goodness ♪
57 00:05:26 ♪ Knows ♪
58 00:05:27 ♪ The Wicked's livesare lonely ♪
59 00:05:32 ♪ Goodness knows ♪
60 00:05:34 ♪ The Wicked cry alone ♪
61 00:05:38 ♪ Nothing growsfor the Wicked ♪
62 00:05:42 ♪ They reap only ♪
63 00:05:45 ♪ What they've sown... ♪
64 00:05:46 -But, Miss Glinda?- Yes?
65 00:05:49 Why does Wickedness happen?
66 00:05:55 That's a good question.
67 00:05:56 One many peoplefind confusifying.
68 00:05:59 Are people born Wicked?
69 00:06:02 Or do they have Wickednessthrust upon them?
70 00:06:06 After all, the Wicked Witchhad a childhood.
71 00:06:09 She had a father,who, by the way,
72 00:06:12 had been appointedgovernor of Munchkinland.
73 00:06:14 I'm off to the Assembly, dear.
74 00:06:15 And she had a mother, as so many do.
75 00:06:18 ♪ How I hate to goand leave you lonely ♪
76 00:06:22 ♪ That's all right,it's only just one night ♪
77 00:06:26 ♪ But know that you're herein my heart ♪
78 00:06:30 ♪ While I'm outof your sight... ♪
79 00:06:38 Like every family,
80 00:06:40 they had their secrets.
81 00:06:47 Oh.
82 00:06:56 ♪ Have another drink,my dark-eyed beauty ♪
83 00:06:59 ♪ I've got one more nightleft here in town ♪
84 00:07:02 ♪ So have another drinkof green elixir ♪
85 00:07:05 ♪ And we'll have ourselvesa little mixer ♪
86 00:07:09 ♪ Have another little swallow ♪
87 00:07:10 ♪ Little lady ♪
88 00:07:12 ♪ And follow me down... ♪
89 00:07:16 And one thing led to another,
90 00:07:19 as it so often does.
91 00:07:22 But from the momentthe Witch was born,
92 00:07:24 - she was...-Dulcibear!
93 00:07:25 ...well...
94 00:07:27 ...different.
95 00:07:29 - It's coming.- Now?
96 00:07:31 The baby's coming.
97 00:07:32 Oh, and how!
98 00:07:33 ♪ I see a nose ♪
99 00:07:35 ♪ I see a curl ♪
100 00:07:36 ♪ It's a healthy, perfect ♪
101 00:07:39 ♪ Lovely, little... ♪
102 00:07:41 Oh, sweet Oz.
103 00:07:43 What is it? What's wrong?
104 00:07:45 ♪ How can it be? ♪
105 00:07:46 ♪ What does it mean? ♪
106 00:07:49 ♪ It's uncanny ♪
107 00:07:50 ♪ It's obscene ♪
108 00:07:53 ♪ Like a froggy, ferny cabbage ♪
109 00:07:56 ♪ The baby is unnaturally... ♪
110 00:08:02 Green.
111 00:08:14 Take it away.
112 00:08:24 Take it away!
113 00:08:33 Oh.
114 00:08:35 It's all right, little one.
115 00:08:37 Shh.
116 00:08:39 We'll look after you.
117 00:08:44 - Oh.-So her nanny,
118 00:08:46 Dulcibear, raised her.
119 00:08:48 And as she grew,so did her challenges.
120 00:08:53 Dulcibear.
121 00:08:54 Coming, Governor.
122 00:08:56 Little one,watch your baby sister.
123 00:08:58 Just a clock tick.
124 00:09:02 Oh, Nessarose.
125 00:09:03 Don't you worry.
126 00:09:04 I'm here.
127 00:09:06 Now, you want to seesomething amazing?
128 00:09:09 Yeah.
129 00:09:10 This is all aboutour wonderful Wizard of Oz.
130 00:09:14 Do you know how he got here?
131 00:09:16 No.
132 00:09:18 From the sky.
133 00:09:19 In a balloon. See?
134 00:09:22 Then he built a citymade of emeralds,
135 00:09:25 'cause he loves emeralds.
136 00:09:28 Even though they are green.
137 00:09:30 And, Nessa,you want to know a secret?
138 00:09:33 If you get to meet him,
139 00:09:35 he grants your heart's desire.
140 00:09:38 Elphaba Thropp...
141 00:09:39 Green on top.
142 00:09:41 Someone run and tell her
143 00:09:42 that everyone can smell her.
144 00:09:44 Ew, green and ugly?
145 00:09:46 She's so green.
146 00:09:48 Where did you come from?
147 00:09:50 You don't belong here.
148 00:10:07 Stop!
149 00:10:08 Ow!
150 00:10:10 Elphaba!
151 00:10:11 Elphaba Thropp!
152 00:10:13 What have you done this time?
153 00:10:15 Okay. That's okay.
154 00:10:16 Come to Daddy.
155 00:10:17 And now you've madeyour sister cry.
156 00:10:19 Let's go get youa beautiful piece of cake
157 00:10:21 for the beautiful girl.
158 00:10:23 It's all right, little one.
159 00:10:25 He shouldn't have blamed you.
160 00:10:28 Dulcibear.
161 00:10:30 - Shall we go inside, Nessa?- Hmm.
162 00:10:35 And so...
163 00:10:37 it couldn't have been easy.
164 00:10:40 ♪ No one mourns the Wicked ♪
165 00:10:46 ♪ Now at last,she's dead and gone ♪
166 00:10:51 ♪ Now at last, there's joythroughout the land ♪
167 00:10:57 ♪ And Goodness knows ♪
168 00:11:01 ♪ Goodness knows ♪
169 00:11:04 ♪ We know what Goodness is ♪
170 00:11:06 - ♪ Ah ♪- ♪ Goodness knows ♪
171 00:11:09 ♪ The Wicked die alone ♪
172 00:11:11 - ♪ She died alone ♪- ♪ Woe to those ♪
173 00:11:15 ♪ Woe to those ♪
174 00:11:17 ♪ Who spurn what goodnesses ♪
175 00:11:20 ♪ They are shown ♪
176 00:11:26 ♪ No one mourns the Wicked ♪
177 00:11:28 ♪ Good news ♪
178 00:11:32 ♪ No one mourns the Wicked ♪
179 00:11:35 ♪ Good news ♪
180 00:11:40 ♪ No one mourns the Wicked ♪
181 00:11:48 ♪ Wicked ♪
182 00:11:53 ♪ Wicked... ♪
183 00:12:05 Whoo! Yep.
184 00:12:09 Well, this has been fun.
185 00:12:11 As you can imagine,I have much to attend to
186 00:12:13 with the Wizard'sunexpected departure.
187 00:12:15 So if there are no furtherquestions, I'm gonna go.
188 00:12:20 Glinda, is it trueyou were her friend?
189 00:12:24 What?
190 00:12:25 Sorry. One sec.
191 00:12:29 What?
192 00:12:30 Is it true you were her friend?
193 00:12:36 Friend?
194 00:12:40 Yes.
195 00:12:43 I-I mean, I did know her.
196 00:12:47 That is,
197 00:12:49 our paths did cross.
198 00:13:02 At school.
199 00:13:07 But you must understand,
200 00:13:09 it was a long time ago.
201 00:14:00 Hi!
202 00:14:01 - Hi!- Galinda, hi!
203 00:14:04 Oh, we're so proud of you.
204 00:14:06 Oh, thank you.
205 00:14:08 I love you. Just remember,it's not goodbye,
206 00:14:10 - it's farewell.-We love you.
207 00:14:11 - You have all your cases?- Yes.
208 00:14:12 - And you will write?- Yes.
209 00:14:14 - I love you. It's that time.-Bye, darling.
210 00:14:15 Miss you already.
211 00:14:17 Popsicle, board the boat.
212 00:14:19 They are gonna miss me so much.
213 00:14:21 My parents don't evenknow I left.
214 00:14:25 Uh, uh...
215 00:14:26 I'm Boq.
216 00:14:29 I'm from Munchkinland.
217 00:14:30 Hmm.
218 00:14:32 I know we don't really knoweach other yet, but I...
219 00:14:34 You know what I believe, Bick?
220 00:14:36 It's Bick-- It's Boq.
221 00:14:38 That strangers are just peopleI've never met.
222 00:14:44 Hmm.
223 00:14:46 Bye.
224 00:14:48 ♪ O hallowed hallsand vine-draped walls ♪
225 00:14:53 ♪ The proudliest sightthere is ♪
226 00:14:56 ♪ Sight there is ♪
227 00:14:58 ♪ When gray and sereour hair hath turned ♪
228 00:15:03 ♪ We shall still reverethe lessons learned ♪
229 00:15:08 ♪ In our days ♪
230 00:15:10 ♪ At dear old Shiz ♪
231 00:15:13 ♪ Our days at dear old ♪
232 00:15:20 ♪ Old... ♪
233 00:15:26 ♪ Dear old Shiz. ♪
234 00:15:34 Oh, Oz.
235 00:15:37 What?
236 00:15:38 What are you staring at?
237 00:15:40 Do I have something in my teeth?
238 00:15:43 No, it's just...
239 00:15:45 You're green.
240 00:15:49 I am.
241 00:15:56 Fine. Let's get this over with.
242 00:15:59 No, I am not seasick.
243 00:16:01 No, I did not eat grassas a child.
244 00:16:04 And, yes,I've always been green.
245 00:16:09 Well, I, for one, am so sorry
246 00:16:14 that you have been forcedto live with...
247 00:16:19 this.
248 00:16:20 Is that so?
249 00:16:21 Yes.
250 00:16:24 And it is my intentionto major in sorcery.
251 00:16:28 So, if at some point,
252 00:16:29 you wanted to address the, um...
253 00:16:33 problem...
254 00:16:35 Problem.
255 00:16:37 ...perhaps I could help.
256 00:16:39 She's so good.
257 00:16:40 - She's so good.- You're so good. We love you.
258 00:16:46 Thank you.
259 00:16:50 All right.
260 00:16:52 Offering to help someonethat you don't know
261 00:16:55 with skills that you don't have.
262 00:16:57 I'm sure everyoneis duly impressed.
263 00:16:59 I could care lesswhat others think.
264 00:17:01 Couldn't.
265 00:17:02 What?
266 00:17:04 You "couldn't" care lesswhat other people think.
267 00:17:06 Though I... I doubt that.
268 00:17:09 Elphaba!
269 00:17:11 Elphaba Thropp!
270 00:17:14 Ah. This is my younger sister,Nessarose.
271 00:17:16 As you can see, she'sa perfectly acceptable color.
272 00:17:22 Stop makinga spectacle of yourself.
273 00:17:25 I was trying to be nice.
274 00:17:27 You were so niceand good and correct.
275 00:17:28 Did I do something bad?I was... - No.
276 00:17:29 How did that come across?
277 00:17:31 I don't see color, by the way.
278 00:17:33 My precious little girl.
279 00:17:34 Father.
280 00:17:38 A parting gift.
281 00:17:45 Mother's jeweled shoes.
282 00:17:48 So they can all seehow beautiful you are
283 00:17:51 right down to your toes.
284 00:17:54 Thank you.
285 00:17:56 Thank you so much.I love them.
286 00:17:58 Let me put themwith your boxes.
287 00:18:00 Of course.
288 00:18:05 I shouldn't havesprouted off like that.
289 00:18:08 No, you shouldn't have.
290 00:18:12 Today is...
291 00:18:13 The start of your new life.
292 00:18:16 New friends.
293 00:18:19 New books.
294 00:18:22 I'm excited for you.
295 00:18:23 I'll miss you.
296 00:18:26 No, you won't.
297 00:18:28 You'll be havingtoo good a time.
298 00:18:34 All new Shiz students,
299 00:18:36 please report to the quad.
300 00:18:38 - Don't help me.- Don't help her.
301 00:18:43 She'll be fine.
302 00:18:45 All new Shiz students,
303 00:18:48 please report to the quad.
304 00:18:54 - Oh, hey. Nice to meet you.- Hi.
305 00:18:56 Nice to meet you, too.
306 00:18:58 We should head back.
307 00:18:59 - Go with her.- What?
308 00:19:01 Just until she's safely settledin her room.
309 00:19:04 Make sure she has everythingshe needs.
310 00:19:07 Father, she's on her own now.
311 00:19:08 - I can't just...- Just stop jabbering!
312 00:19:09 Just do what I say!
313 00:19:13 If anythingshould happen to her...
314 00:19:25 Thank you for your contribution
315 00:19:27 to our university.
316 00:19:29 And rounding outthe rest of our faculty,
317 00:19:32 we have two scholars eminentin their respective fields
318 00:19:37 of forestry and agriculture...
319 00:19:41 ...as well as Professor Mombiof the Biological Arts,
320 00:19:44 and, of course, the headof our history department,
321 00:19:47 Dr. Dillamond.
322 00:19:50 You know, except forour wonderful Wizard,
323 00:19:54 true magic has becomeall too rare,
324 00:19:56 which is why...
325 00:19:58 ...we are privilegedto have our esteemed
326 00:20:01 Dean of Sorcery Studies,Madame Morrible.
327 00:20:17 Oh.
328 00:20:22 Could you...
329 00:20:24 I don't...
330 00:20:26 Oh, my goodness,it's really her.
331 00:20:37 Welcome, new students.
332 00:20:39 And congratulotions for havingbeen accepted to Shiz.
333 00:20:44 Whether you'll be studyinglaw, logic
334 00:20:47 or linguification,
335 00:20:48 I know I speakfor my fellow faculty members
336 00:20:53 when I say we have nothing
337 00:20:56 but the highest hopesfor some of you.
338 00:21:03 And now, Miss Coddle,if you please.
339 00:21:06 I am Miss Coddle,
340 00:21:08 Head Shizstress.
341 00:21:10 And these areyour dormitory designations
342 00:21:13 and room assignments.
343 00:21:17 Good luck, and welcome to Shiz!
344 00:21:31 Madame Morrible, hi.
345 00:21:33 I am Galinda Upland.
346 00:21:35 Of the Upper Uplands.
347 00:21:37 If this is regardingroom assignments...
348 00:21:40 Oh, thank you so much,
349 00:21:41 but I've already been assigneda private suite.
350 00:21:43 This is about my applicationto your sorcery seminar.
351 00:21:46 Perhaps you recall my essay,
352 00:21:48 "Magic Wands,Need They Have a Point?"
353 00:21:50 Well, dear, I don't teachmy seminar every semester.
354 00:21:54 Of course, if someone veryspecial were to come along...
355 00:21:58 Exactly.
356 00:21:59 This is why I wantedto talk to you. Um...
357 00:22:02 We'll be in touch.
358 00:22:04 There you are.
359 00:22:06 Mwah!
360 00:22:08 - Miss Nessarose, isn't it?- Yes.
361 00:22:09 - The Governor's daughter?- Mm-hmm.
362 00:22:11 Oh. How tragicallybeautiful you are.
363 00:22:15 It is such an honor to...
364 00:22:20 I'm the other daughter.
365 00:22:21 I'm beautifully tragic.
366 00:22:22 The other daughter?
367 00:22:25 Elphaba, what are you doing?
368 00:22:27 Well, I wasn't made aware.
369 00:22:31 I know. I was just...
370 00:22:32 Not to fret.
371 00:22:33 Just a slight gulch.
372 00:22:36 We'll find someplaceto hide you.
373 00:22:39 I mean "house" you.
374 00:22:42 That won't be necessary.
375 00:22:44 I'm not enrolled.
376 00:22:45 Oh, good.
377 00:22:47 Why are you still here?
378 00:22:48 I'm sorry, Nessa.Father insisted that...
379 00:22:50 Oh, the Governor madehis concern
380 00:22:51 for your sisterquite apparent. - Wait.
381 00:22:53 Please assure himI am honored to help her.
382 00:22:56 Well, she doesn't needyour help.
383 00:22:57 Stop. I just needto find my room.
384 00:22:59 I'll bring you there myself.
385 00:23:01 Miss Coddle, I-I don'tthink you... - Now...
386 00:23:03 Miss Coddle, I promisedmy father that I...
387 00:23:05 -I don't want help.- Can you... Stop, Miss Coddle.
388 00:23:07 -She can do it alone.- I'm fine.
389 00:23:09 - Please let go.- Please, you don't understand!
390 00:23:10 Stop!
391 00:23:12 Let her go!
392 00:23:51 This was my chance,my new start.
393 00:23:55 I'm sorry, Nessa. I just...
394 00:23:58 I didn't...
395 00:23:59 Magic is merelythe mind's attempt
396 00:24:03 to wrap itself aroundthe impossible.
397 00:24:07 Yes...
398 00:24:09 that was me.
399 00:24:12 To prepare you to expectthe unexpected
400 00:24:16 here at Shiz.
401 00:24:25 - Did you visually see that?- Yeah.
402 00:24:27 I simply must getinto her seminar.
403 00:24:29 And speaking of the unexpected.
404 00:24:39 Which of you would volunteer
405 00:24:42 - to share a room with...- Ow.
406 00:24:43 Ow.
407 00:24:45 Madame Morrible, um...
408 00:24:47 Thank you, dear.
409 00:24:49 That is very good of you.
410 00:24:51 What?
411 00:24:52 Miss?
412 00:24:53 Elphaba.
413 00:24:58 Elphaba.
414 00:25:01 You can room with Miss Galinda.
415 00:25:03 Wh-What? I... What?
416 00:25:04 Now, go. All of you, go.
417 00:25:10 Go.
418 00:25:12 And you.
419 00:25:14 Come with me.
420 00:25:15 Of course.
421 00:25:16 Not you.
422 00:25:20 You.
423 00:25:32 I would liketo teach you privately
424 00:25:34 and take no other students.
425 00:25:36 Uh, thank you so much.
426 00:25:41 What happened?
427 00:25:42 What happened?
428 00:25:43 Something is very wrong.
429 00:25:45 I didn't get my way.
430 00:25:47 - I need to lie down.- Yes. Good.
431 00:25:49 - Okay. Get her.- I need to lie down.
432 00:25:50 - Get her. Get her.- Go, go, go. Grab her.
433 00:25:52 -How?- We need a pastry.
434 00:25:53 - Nurse!- We need a pastry.
435 00:25:55 Thank you for covering for me.
436 00:25:56 And I'm humbledby your munificent offer,
437 00:25:59 but my fatherwould never allow it.
438 00:26:01 Leave your father to me.I'll speak to him immediately.
439 00:26:05 So...
440 00:26:07 how long have you hadthis talent?
441 00:26:10 Talent, uh...
442 00:26:11 No, uh...
443 00:26:13 Something just...
444 00:26:16 Something justtakes over me, and...
445 00:26:19 Something I can't control.
446 00:26:21 And when it does,bad things happen.
447 00:26:30 If you can learn to useyour powers in the right way.
448 00:26:37 Miss Elphaba...
449 00:26:40 ♪ Many years I have waited ♪
450 00:26:43 ♪ For a gift like yoursto appear ♪
451 00:26:46 ♪ Why, I predictthe Wizard might make you ♪
452 00:26:49 ♪ His Magic Grand Vizier ♪
453 00:26:53 The Wizard?
454 00:26:54 ♪ My dear, my dear ♪
455 00:26:57 ♪ I'll write at onceto the Wizard ♪
456 00:27:00 ♪ Tell him of you in advance ♪
457 00:27:04 ♪ With a talentlike yours, dear ♪
458 00:27:06 ♪ There is a definish chance ♪
459 00:27:10 ♪ If you work as you should ♪
460 00:27:15 ♪ You'll be making good ♪
461 00:27:23 Welcome to Shiz.
462 00:27:28 See you in class.
463 00:27:36 ♪ Did that really just happen? ♪
464 00:27:39 ♪ Have I actually understood? ♪
465 00:27:43 ♪ This weird quirk I've triedto suppress or hide ♪
466 00:27:48 ♪ Is a talent that could ♪
467 00:27:51 ♪ Help me meet the Wizard ♪
468 00:27:57 ♪ If I make good ♪
469 00:28:02 ♪ So I'll make good ♪
470 00:28:13 ♪ When I meet the Wizard ♪
471 00:28:16 ♪ Once I prove my worth ♪
472 00:28:19 ♪ Then I meet the Wizard ♪
473 00:28:22 ♪ What I've waited forsince, well, since birth ♪
474 00:28:25 ♪ And with allhis Wizard wisdom ♪
475 00:28:29 ♪ By my looks,he won't be blinded ♪
476 00:28:32 ♪ Do you thinkthe Wizard is dumb? ♪
477 00:28:35 ♪ Or like Munchkins,so small-minded? No ♪
478 00:28:39 ♪ He'll say to me,"I see who you truly are ♪
479 00:28:42 ♪ A girl on whom I can rely" ♪
480 00:28:45 ♪ And that's how we'll begin ♪
481 00:28:48 ♪ The Wizard and I ♪
482 00:28:56 ♪ Once I'm with the Wizard ♪
483 00:28:59 ♪ My whole life will change ♪
484 00:29:03 ♪ 'Cause onceyou're with the Wizard ♪
485 00:29:06 ♪ No one thinks you're strange ♪
486 00:29:08 ♪ No father isnot proud of you ♪
487 00:29:12 ♪ No sister acts ashamed ♪
488 00:29:16 ♪ And all of Ozhas to love you ♪
489 00:29:19 ♪ When by the Wizard,you're acclaimed ♪
490 00:29:22 ♪ And this gift or this curseI have inside ♪
491 00:29:26 ♪ Maybe at last I'll know why ♪
492 00:29:29 ♪ As we work hand in hand ♪
493 00:29:32 ♪ The Wizard and I ♪
494 00:29:36 ♪ And one day,he'll say to me, "Elphaba ♪
495 00:29:39 ♪ "A girl who is so superior ♪
496 00:29:42 ♪ "Shouldn't a girlwho's so good inside ♪
497 00:29:46 ♪ "Have a matching exterior? ♪
498 00:29:48 ♪ "And since folks here,to an absurd degree ♪
499 00:29:52 ♪ "Seem fixatedon your verdigris ♪
500 00:29:56 ♪ "Would it be all rightby you ♪
501 00:30:00 ♪ If I de-greenify you?" ♪
502 00:30:05 ♪ And though, of course,that's not important to me ♪
503 00:30:09 ♪ "All right, why not?"I'll reply ♪
504 00:30:12 ♪ Oh, what a pair we'll be ♪
505 00:30:15 ♪ The Wizard and I ♪
506 00:30:19 ♪ Yes, what a pair we'll be ♪
507 00:30:21 ♪ The Wizard and... ♪
508 00:30:35 ♪ Unlimited ♪
509 00:30:39 ♪ My future is unlimited ♪
510 00:30:44 ♪ And I've just had a visionalmost like a prophecy ♪
511 00:30:49 ♪ I know ♪
512 00:30:51 ♪ It sounds truly crazy ♪
513 00:30:54 ♪ And true, the vision's hazy ♪
514 00:30:58 ♪ But I swear,someday there'll be ♪
515 00:31:02 ♪ A celebration throughout Oz ♪
516 00:31:05 ♪ That's all to do ♪
517 00:31:08 - ♪ With me ♪-
518 00:31:15 ♪ And I'll stand therewith the Wizard ♪
519 00:31:21 ♪ Feeling thingsI've never felt ♪
520 00:31:25 ♪ And though I'd never show it ♪
521 00:31:28 ♪ I'd be so happy,I could melt ♪
522 00:31:31 ♪ And so it will befor the rest of my life ♪
523 00:31:34 ♪ And I'll want nothing elsetill I die ♪
524 00:31:37 ♪ Held in such high esteem ♪
525 00:31:40 Ooh.
526 00:31:42 ♪ When people see me,they will scream ♪
527 00:31:45 ♪ For half of Oz'sfavorite team ♪
528 00:31:54 ♪ The Wizard ♪
529 00:31:57 ♪ And I... ♪
530 00:32:32 Come in.
531 00:32:41 The rest of my bagsshould be arriving shortly.
532 00:32:48 Do you really thinkthis is fair?
533 00:32:50 Oh, I do not.
534 00:32:51 I was promised a private suite.
535 00:32:55 But thanks for asking.
536 00:32:58 Hmm.
537 00:32:59 - Wait. Uh...- What?
538 00:33:01 - What?- I was just...
539 00:33:02 I was just gonna close the door.
540 00:33:07 Oh, well, could you not?
541 00:33:09 I'm sorry. I just...
542 00:33:10 I so enjoy air.
543 00:33:15 You know what I mean?
544 00:33:18 Ah.
545 00:33:21 Oh, I saved you some space,by the way.
546 00:33:24 ♪ Here it is. ♪
547 00:33:27 Just in here.
548 00:33:40 It's great.
549 00:33:43 It was nothing.
550 00:33:45 Roommates do these thingsfor each other.
551 00:33:47 So I've been told.
552 00:33:54 And in return,perhaps you could, um--
553 00:33:58 let's see-- put in a good wordfor me with Madame Morrible?
554 00:34:01 Deal?
555 00:34:05 That was you down therewho made all that happen.
556 00:34:07 I know it was.
557 00:34:09 You heard Madame Morrible.
558 00:34:14 How did you do it?Tell me, please.
559 00:34:17 I can keep a secret.
560 00:34:20 Fine.
561 00:34:22 Be that way.
562 00:34:23 But it really is rather selfishon your part.
563 00:34:25 You know, I asked really nicely,and I saved you this whole drawer...
564 00:34:27 I don't know. I've never known.
565 00:34:40 There. Enjoy the air.
566 00:34:47 "Dearest darlingestMomsie and Popsicle."
567 00:34:50 "My dear father.
568 00:34:52 Thank you for agreeingto let me stay."
569 00:34:54 "Guess what."
570 00:34:56 "In regards to our request
571 00:34:58 that I move in with Nessa..."
572 00:35:00 "I can't hear your guesses
573 00:35:03 because this is a letter."
574 00:35:06 "I know how muchshe wants to be..."
575 00:35:13 "So I'll just tell you."
576 00:35:17 ♪ There's been some confusionover rooming here at Shiz ♪
577 00:35:21 ♪ But of course,I'll care for Nessa ♪
578 00:35:23 ♪ But of course,I'll rise above it ♪
579 00:35:27 ♪ For I know that's howyou'd want me to respond ♪
580 00:35:31 ♪ Yes ♪
581 00:35:33 ♪ There's been some confusion ♪
582 00:35:35 ♪ For, you see, my roommate is ♪
583 00:35:41 ♪ Unusuallyand exceedingly peculiar ♪
584 00:35:45 ♪ And altogetherquite impossible to describe ♪
585 00:35:53 Blonde.
586 00:36:02 ♪ What is this feelingso sudden and new? ♪
587 00:36:06 ♪ I felt the momentI laid eyes on you ♪
588 00:36:09 ♪ My pulse is rushing ♪
589 00:36:10 ♪ My head is reeling ♪
590 00:36:12 ♪ Yeah, well,my face is flushing ♪
591 00:36:14 ♪ What is this feeling? ♪
592 00:36:15 ♪ Fervid as a flame ♪
593 00:36:18 ♪ Does it have a name? ♪
594 00:36:22 ♪ Yes... ♪
595 00:36:28 ♪ Loathing ♪
596 00:36:29 ♪ Unadulterated loathing ♪
597 00:36:32 - ♪ For your face ♪- ♪ Your voice ♪
598 00:36:34 ♪ Your clothing ♪
599 00:36:36 ♪ Let's just say ♪
600 00:36:37 ♪ I loathe it all ♪
601 00:36:40 ♪ Every little trait,however small ♪
602 00:36:43 ♪ Makes my very fleshbegin to crawl ♪
603 00:36:45 ♪ With simple utter loathing ♪
604 00:36:48 ♪ There's a strangeexhilaration ♪
605 00:36:51 ♪ In such total detestation ♪
606 00:36:55 ♪ It's so pure, so strong ♪
607 00:36:58 ♪ Though I do admitit came on fast ♪
608 00:37:02 ♪ Still I do believethat it can last ♪
609 00:37:05 ♪ And I will be loathing ♪
610 00:37:07 ♪ Loathing you my whole ♪
611 00:37:10 ♪ Life long ♪
612 00:37:12 ♪ Dear Galinda,you are just too good ♪
613 00:37:16 - Oh.- ♪ How do you stand it? I don't think I could ♪
614 00:37:18 ♪ She's a terror,she's a Tartar ♪
615 00:37:20 ♪ We don't mean to showa bias ♪ - It's too much.
616 00:37:21 ♪ But, Galinda,you're a martyr ♪
617 00:37:23 Well...
618 00:37:25 ♪ These things are sentto try us ♪
619 00:37:40 ♪ Poor Galinda,forced to reside ♪
620 00:37:43 ♪ With someoneso disgustikified ♪
621 00:37:45 ♪ We just want to tell you ♪
622 00:37:48 ♪ We're all on your side ♪
623 00:37:51 ♪ We share your loathing ♪
624 00:37:53 ♪ What is this feeling,so sudden and new? ♪
625 00:37:55 ♪ Unadulterated loathing ♪
626 00:37:57 ♪ I felt the momentI laid eyes on you ♪
627 00:37:59 - ♪ Her clothing ♪- ♪ My pulse is rushing ♪
628 00:38:01 - ♪ Let's just say ♪- ♪ My head is reeling ♪
629 00:38:02 ♪ We loathe it all ♪
630 00:38:03 ♪ Oh, what is this feeling? ♪
631 00:38:05 ♪ Every little traithowever small ♪
632 00:38:07 - ♪ Does it have a name? ♪- ♪ Makes our very flesh ♪
633 00:38:09 - ♪ Begin to crawl ♪- ♪ Yes ♪
634 00:38:12 ♪ Ah... ♪
635 00:38:15 - ♪ Loathing ♪- ♪ Loathing ♪
636 00:38:17 ♪ There's a strangeexhilaration ♪ - ♪ Loathing ♪
637 00:38:19 ♪ In such total detestation ♪
638 00:38:22 - ♪ Loathing ♪- ♪ It's so pure ♪
639 00:38:24 - ♪ So strong ♪- ♪ So strong ♪
640 00:38:26 ♪ Though I do admitit came on fast ♪
641 00:38:29 ♪ Still I do believethat it can last ♪
642 00:38:33 ♪ And I will be loathingfor forever ♪ - ♪ Loathing ♪
643 00:38:37 - ♪ Loathing truly, deeply ♪- ♪ Loathing ♪
644 00:38:40 - ♪ Loathing you ♪- ♪ Loathing you ♪
645 00:38:45 ♪ My whole life long ♪
646 00:38:47 ♪ LoathingUnadulterated loathing. ♪
647 00:38:50 Oh!
648 00:38:55 Boo!
649 00:39:17 All right. All right, everyone.
650 00:39:19 Settle down,ladies and gentlemen.
651 00:39:20 Settle down.
652 00:39:22 Quiet. Quiet, everyone.
653 00:39:25 Now then, I have readyour most recent essays,
654 00:39:29 and I am amazed to reportsome progress.
655 00:39:32 - Although, some of us...- Thank you.
656 00:39:34 ...still tend to favor formover content,
657 00:39:36 Miss: Glinda.
658 00:39:38 Oh, actually, it's "Ga-linda."
659 00:39:42 With a "Ga." Mmm.
660 00:39:44 Yes, of course.
661 00:39:46 Glinda.
662 00:39:48 - No, it's...- Not even close.
663 00:39:50 Um, I don't seewhat the problem is.
664 00:39:52 You know, every other professor
665 00:39:53 manages to pronouncifymy name. - Mm-hmm.
666 00:39:55 Maybe the pronuncificationof your precious name
667 00:39:58 is not the sole focusof Dr. Dillamond's life.
668 00:40:00 Maybe Dr. Dillamond is not likeevery other professor.
669 00:40:04 Maybe some of usare just different.
670 00:40:07 Well...
671 00:40:09 it seems the artichokeis steamed.
672 00:40:13 The worst wayto cook an artichoke.
673 00:40:16 Quiet, please. Please.
674 00:40:19 Yes, we goats lackupper front teeth,
675 00:40:23 which accountsfor the mispronunciation,
676 00:40:25 Miss: Glinda.
677 00:40:28 You see, indeed,
678 00:40:32 some of us are different.
679 00:40:35 Now, you may have noticedthat I am one of
680 00:40:38 the last animal professorshere at Shiz.
681 00:40:40 And it isn't encouragedto discuss this in our classes,
682 00:40:44 but there have been somegreat changes throughout Oz
683 00:40:48 with the rejectionof animal culture.
684 00:40:51 However, there was a time,before you were born,
685 00:40:55 when life in Oz was different.
686 00:41:00 When one could walk these hallsand hear a snow leopard
687 00:41:03 solving an equation
688 00:41:05 or an antelopeexplicating a sonnet.
689 00:41:08 So, when and whydid this change?
690 00:41:13 Uh, from what I've read,the Great Drought.
691 00:41:14 Okay, excuse me.
692 00:41:16 Like, raise your hand.
693 00:41:17 Precisely.
694 00:41:20 Food grew scarce.
695 00:41:21 And when peopleare hungry and angry,
696 00:41:24 well, then they beginto look for...
697 00:41:26 Someone to blame.
698 00:41:28 Quite right, Miss Elphaba.
699 00:41:34 Yes, Miss: Glinda?
700 00:41:37 It is "Ga-linda."
701 00:41:40 "Ga-linda." "Ga-linda."
702 00:41:42 And I don't see whyyou can't just teach us history
703 00:41:44 instead of always harpingon the past.
704 00:41:48 Becausewe cannot escape the past,
705 00:41:50 and we ignore itat our own peril.
706 00:41:54 The past helps explainour present circumstances.
707 00:41:57 For instance,if we examine this timeline...
708 00:42:16 Who is responsible for this?
709 00:42:25 I asked,who is responsible for this?
710 00:42:33 Very well.
711 00:42:35 Class dismissed.
712 00:42:38 I said, class dismissed.
713 00:42:51 Dr. Dillamond.
714 00:42:54 Miss Elphaba.
715 00:42:58 Miss Elphaba,you don't have to...
716 00:43:02 Thank you.
717 00:43:03 You're very kind.
718 00:43:12 Not bad.
719 00:43:18 Poppies are my favorite.
720 00:43:21 Mine, too.
721 00:43:23 They keep me cheerfulin these dark times.
722 00:43:29 Miss Elphaba, please.
723 00:43:31 Go and join your friends.
724 00:43:32 That's all right.I don't have any friends.
725 00:43:34 Well, maybe one.
726 00:43:52 Try again.
727 00:43:56 Eyes shut.
728 00:43:58 Toes clenched.
729 00:44:01 Now...
730 00:44:04 levitate the coin.
731 00:44:44 It's all right.
732 00:44:47 It takes time.
733 00:44:48 Hmm?
734 00:44:56 I hear there wasan unfortunate disturbance
735 00:45:00 in Dr. Dillamond's class today.
736 00:45:07 That must have beenso distressful for you.
737 00:45:10 Well...
738 00:45:12 someone wrotethose horrendible words,
739 00:45:15 on purpose, for him to see.
740 00:45:20 I just wish I could...
741 00:45:22 What?
742 00:45:24 You wish what?
743 00:45:26 I wish there were somethingI could do,
744 00:45:28 because no one...
745 00:45:30 No one... Do what?
746 00:45:37 No one should be scorned
747 00:45:40 or laughed at.
748 00:45:44 Or looked down upon or...
749 00:45:48 ...told to stop jabbering...
750 00:45:51 ...and keep quiet!
751 00:45:58 Remarkable.
752 00:46:01 Absolutely remarkable.
753 00:46:04 Once you learnto harness your emotion...
754 00:46:09 the sky's the limit.
755 00:46:11 It could lead youto the Wizard himself.
756 00:46:22 Have a good night,Dr. Dillamond.
757 00:46:23 Goodbye, Dr. Dillamond.
758 00:46:32 Dr. Dillamond!
759 00:46:34 Did you find out who...?
760 00:46:45 ...yet anotherincident here at Shiz.
761 00:46:48 We animals are now being blamedfor everything that goes wrong.
762 00:46:52 Forced from our jobs,told to keep silent.
763 00:46:56 This is much bigger than justsome words on a chalkboard.
764 00:46:59 We can still conversein private, thank Oz.
765 00:47:02 A dear friend of mine...
766 00:47:04 -A deer?- A cow, actually.
767 00:47:06 She's been speaking outat protests.
768 00:47:09 Recently wrote me,asking to meet at a café.
769 00:47:12 She said it was urgent.
770 00:47:14 What did she tell you?
771 00:47:15 She never showed,and no one's seen her since.
772 00:47:18 Many animals have gone missingor are actually leaving.
773 00:47:22 Yesterday, a badgeracquaintance, a solicitor,
774 00:47:25 was sacked,just for arguing a case.
775 00:47:28 At least he can still argue.
776 00:47:29 What do you mean?
777 00:47:31 Let me show you.
778 00:47:35 ♪ I've heard of an ox,a professor from Quox ♪
779 00:47:38 ♪ No longer permittedto teach ♪ -
780 00:47:40 ♪ Who has lost all powersof speech ♪
781 00:47:42 -Oh, no.-Can't speak.
782 00:47:44 ♪ And an owl in Munchkin Rock ♪
783 00:47:46 ♪ A vicar witha thriving flock ♪
784 00:47:49 - ♪ Forbidden to preach ♪-No.
785 00:47:51 ♪ Now he only can screech ♪
786 00:47:54 ♪ Only rumors, but stillenough to give pause ♪
787 00:47:57 ♪ To anyone with paws ♪
788 00:47:59 - ♪ Something bad ♪-No.
789 00:48:01 ♪ Is happening in Oz ♪
790 00:48:04 ♪ Something bad? ♪
791 00:48:06 - ♪ Happening in... ♪-That's it.
792 00:48:08 I'm leaving Oz...
793 00:48:10 ...while I can still speakthe word "goodbye."
794 00:48:11 - No, you can't.-Oh, leave Oz?
795 00:48:15 Take it away! Stop jabbering.
796 00:48:21 - Shh.- Oh.
797 00:48:22 - Someone's there.- What is it?
798 00:48:25 Miss Elphaba,
799 00:48:26 what are you doing here?
800 00:48:27 Well, I was just...
801 00:48:29 - Uh...- It's all right.
802 00:48:31 Quickly, come inside.
803 00:48:42 Don't be frightened.
804 00:48:45 Let me get you some tea.
805 00:48:48 Dr. Dillamond, what you weresaying just now...
806 00:48:52 Could that really happen?
807 00:48:55 It is happening.
808 00:48:57 You'll find if you make itdiscouraging enough,
809 00:49:00 you can keep anyone silent.
810 00:49:11 But if animals are losing theability to speak, leaving Oz,
811 00:49:15 then someone's got to tellthe Wizard.
812 00:49:18 Listen to me.
813 00:49:20 You mustn't tell another soul
814 00:49:21 what you've heardand seen here tonight.
815 00:49:22 But that's why we have a Wizard.
816 00:49:25 ♪ So nothing bad ♪
817 00:49:29 Perhaps you're right.
818 00:49:30 ♪ Nothing all that bad ♪
819 00:49:35 ♪ Nothing truly ♪
820 00:49:36 ♪ Bad... ♪
821 00:49:41 Sorry.
822 00:49:43 Bad.
823 00:49:45 I must be catching a cold.
824 00:49:51 Oz bless you, Dr. Dillamond.
825 00:49:59 You'd better go.
826 00:50:01 Take the lamp.
827 00:50:17 Whoa! Whoa!
828 00:50:19 Whoa there!
829 00:50:20 Whoa.
830 00:50:22 I did not see her.
831 00:50:24 Yeah, neither did I.
832 00:50:26 Um, you might want to,
833 00:50:28 - um, you know.- Okay.
834 00:50:29 Yeah, leave it with me.
835 00:50:31 I'm so sorry, miss.We didn't see you there.
836 00:50:33 You must've...
837 00:50:36 blended with the foliage.
838 00:50:37 Is this how you go through life,
839 00:50:39 just running amok andtrampling anyone in your path?
840 00:50:42 No.
841 00:50:45 No. Sometimes I'm asleep.
842 00:50:50 All right.
843 00:50:52 Here we go.
844 00:50:53 No, I'm not seasick.
845 00:50:54 Neither am I.
846 00:50:56 No, I did not eat grassas a child.
847 00:50:57 Oh, you didn't? I did.
848 00:50:58 And, yes,I have always been green.
849 00:51:02 And the defensiveness,is that a recent development?
850 00:51:08 Hmm.
851 00:51:12 Shh.
852 00:51:15 Ooh, no, no.
853 00:51:20 I'm off for some more trampling. May we offer you a ride?
854 00:51:22 No, thanks. Get stuffed.
855 00:51:26 Well.
856 00:51:28 Feldspur, we have justbeen spurned by a girl.
857 00:51:30 Hmm, indeed.
858 00:51:33 I guess there's a first timefor everything.
859 00:51:36 Attention, students.
860 00:51:37 It is my honor to announce
861 00:51:39 that Prince Fiyero Tigelaarof Winkie Country
862 00:51:42 will be filling outour student body...
863 00:51:46 ...having transferred from the Royal Winkie Academy.
864 00:51:50 Please help him feel welcome
865 00:51:52 without makingdirect eye contact.
866 00:52:09 Hi.
867 00:52:21 Enroll here often?
868 00:52:22 Could I ask you...
869 00:52:25 Anything. Anything you want.
870 00:52:28 ...just to move out the way?
871 00:52:29 Absolute--Yeah, that's anything.
872 00:52:32 - How are you?- Oh, hi.
873 00:52:34 Yeah.
874 00:52:47 Are you looking for something?
875 00:52:49 Or...
876 00:52:52 ...someone?
877 00:52:52 No, I was...
878 00:52:57 What was I doing?
879 00:52:59 How would I know?
880 00:53:01 Our first fight.
881 00:53:03 Hmm.
882 00:53:10 - Oh. Still here.- Mm-hmm.
883 00:53:14 Well, I promisedto give a guided tour
884 00:53:16 to any recently arrivedstudents, so...
885 00:53:18 Hmm.
886 00:53:20 Wait.
887 00:53:22 Are youa recently arrived student?
888 00:53:24 I am, yeah.
889 00:53:26 Oh, I didn't know.
890 00:53:28 Though I'm not sureI'll last longer at this school
891 00:53:30 than any of the others.
892 00:53:32 But I wasn't atany of your other schools.
893 00:53:37 Hmm.
894 00:54:06 And this is the, um...the book place.
895 00:54:11 There's a collection of, um,
896 00:54:13 rare booksaround here somewhere,
897 00:54:15 and some medium rare as well.
898 00:54:18 Well, there's so manyto choose from.
899 00:54:20 Right?
900 00:54:35 So what do you dofor fun around here?
901 00:54:37 Oh, well, nothing.
902 00:54:39 Until now.
903 00:54:41 You ever beento the Ozdust Ballroom?
904 00:54:42 The Ozdust Ballroom?
905 00:54:44 I mean, isn't that placesomewhat illegal?
906 00:54:47 And scandalocious?
907 00:54:48 Yeah, it is bothof those things. Yeah. - Hmm?
908 00:54:50 It's also not far from here,which is another plus.
909 00:54:54 Whoa.
910 00:54:55 You all right?
911 00:54:59 Yeah.
912 00:55:02 I'm Fiyero Tigelaar.
913 00:55:05 Winkie Country.
914 00:55:06 Oh. Oz.
915 00:55:09 Boq Woodsman.
916 00:55:12 Of Munchkinland.
917 00:55:15 Great.
918 00:55:16 Excuse me. Good to know.
919 00:55:18 Um, what were you saying again
920 00:55:20 about the Ozdust and funand you and me?
921 00:55:24 Um, unfortunately,it's against Shiz rules
922 00:55:26 to go into town after dark.
923 00:55:27 I see that, once again,the responsibility to corrupt
924 00:55:29 my fellow students...
925 00:55:30 ...falls to me.
926 00:55:32 Hmm.
927 00:55:33 Uh, excuse me.
928 00:55:44 Whoa.
929 00:55:45 The trouble with schools is...
930 00:55:47 ♪ They always try to teachthe wrong lesson ♪
931 00:55:53 Oh.
932 00:55:56 ♪ Believe me ♪
933 00:55:58 ♪ I've been kicked outof enough of them to know ♪
934 00:56:03 ♪ They want you to becomeless callow, less shallow ♪
935 00:56:09 ♪ But I say,why invite stress in? ♪
936 00:56:13 Shh!
937 00:56:20 ♪ Stop studying strife ♪
938 00:56:26 ♪ And learn to live ♪
939 00:56:30 ♪ The unexamined ♪
940 00:56:35 ♪ Life ♪
941 00:56:43 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
942 00:56:45 ♪ Skimming the surface ♪
943 00:56:47 ♪ Gliding where turf is smooth ♪
944 00:56:51 ♪ Life's more painlessfor the brainless ♪
945 00:56:55 ♪ Why think too hard ♪
946 00:56:57 ♪ When it's so soothing? ♪
947 00:56:59 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
948 00:57:01 ♪ No need to tough it ♪
949 00:57:03 ♪ When you canslough it off as I do ♪
950 00:57:07 ♪ Nothing mattersbut knowing nothing matters ♪
951 00:57:11 ♪ It's just life ♪
952 00:57:14 ♪ So keep dancing through ♪
953 00:57:30 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
954 00:57:32 ♪ Swaying and sweeping ♪
955 00:57:34 ♪ And always keeping cool ♪
956 00:57:38 ♪ Life is fraught-less ♪
957 00:57:40 ♪ When you're thoughtless ♪
958 00:57:42 ♪ Those who don't trynever look foolish ♪
959 00:57:46 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
960 00:57:48 ♪ Mindless and careless ♪
961 00:57:50 ♪ Make sure you're whereless trouble is rife ♪
962 00:57:53 ♪ Woes are fleeting ♪
963 00:57:55 ♪ Blows are glancing ♪
964 00:57:58 ♪ When you're dancing ♪
965 00:58:00 ♪ Through life ♪
966 00:58:12 Hey!
967 00:58:21 I'm gonna go study outside.I can't...
968 00:58:35 ♪ Let's go downto the Ozdust Ballroom ♪
969 00:58:38 ♪ We'll meet therelater tonight ♪
970 00:58:42 ♪ We can dance till it's light ♪
971 00:58:45 ♪ Find the prettiest girl ♪
972 00:58:47 ♪ Give her a whirl ♪
973 00:58:50 ♪ Right on downto the Ozdust Ballroom ♪
974 00:58:54 ♪ Come on, follow me ♪
975 00:58:58 ♪ You'll be happy to be there ♪
976 00:59:02 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
977 00:59:04 ♪ Down at the Ozdust ♪
978 00:59:05 ♪ If only because dustis what we come to ♪
979 00:59:09 ♪ Nothing mattersbut knowing nothing matters ♪
980 00:59:14 ♪ It's just life... ♪
981 00:59:20 ♪ It's just life ♪
982 00:59:23 ♪ So keep dancing through ♪
983 00:59:32 Galinda. Galinda.
984 00:59:34 - Oh.- Hey. Here.
985 00:59:36 Oh.
986 00:59:37 Uh, keep it.
987 00:59:40 I've got many.
988 00:59:41 I cry a lot.
989 00:59:43 Well, thank you.
990 00:59:45 Um, I hope you'll savea dance for me tonight. - Oh.
991 00:59:47 I'll be right there,waiting, all night.
992 00:59:51 That's so kind.
993 00:59:53 But you know what would beeven kinder?
994 00:59:55 ♪ See that tragicallybeautiful girl? ♪
995 00:59:58 ♪ The one in the chair? ♪
996 01:00:01 ♪ It seems so unfair ♪
997 01:00:03 ♪ We should go on a spreeand not she ♪
998 01:00:06 ♪ Gee, I know someonewould be my hero ♪
999 01:00:11 ♪ If that someone were ♪
1000 01:00:13 ♪ To go invite her ♪
1001 01:00:17 Well, maybe I could invite her.
1002 01:00:22 ♪ Oh, Bick, really? ♪
1003 01:00:24 ♪ You would do that for me? ♪
1004 01:00:30 I would do anything for you.
1005 01:00:33 Well?
1006 01:00:34 - Oh, right now?- Why not?
1007 01:00:36 - Go ask her right now?- Why not? She's right there.
1008 01:00:49 Uh...
1009 01:00:51 - Hey, Nessa.- Hi.
1010 01:00:56 You're good.
1011 01:00:59 I don't know what you mean.
1012 01:01:02 I love helping others.
1013 01:01:04 Oh.
1014 01:01:05 And I happen to be free tonight.
1015 01:01:07 After all...
1016 01:01:09 ♪ Now that we've metone another ♪
1017 01:01:12 ♪ It's clearwe deserve each other ♪
1018 01:01:16 - ♪ You're perfect ♪- ♪ You're perfect ♪
1019 01:01:18 ♪ So we're perfect together ♪
1020 01:01:21 ♪ Born to be forever ♪
1021 01:01:24 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
1022 01:01:35 You'll never guesswhat just happened to me.
1023 01:01:37 What?
1024 01:01:39 That perfectly adorableMunchkin boy just asked me out.
1025 01:01:42 He said he was too shyto ask me at first,
1026 01:01:45 but then Galinda emboldened him.
1027 01:01:47 - Wait. Galinda?- Don't.
1028 01:01:49 Don't you dare sayanother word against her.
1029 01:01:53 I'm about to havethe happiest night of my life,
1030 01:01:57 thanks to Galinda.
1031 01:02:01 ♪ Finally for this one night ♪
1032 01:02:04 ♪ I'm about to havea fun night ♪
1033 01:02:07 ♪ With this Munchkin boyGalinda found for me ♪
1034 01:02:12 ♪ And I only wish there were ♪
1035 01:02:15 ♪ Something I could do for her ♪
1036 01:02:18 ♪ To repay her ♪
1037 01:02:21 ♪ Elphaba, see? ♪
1038 01:02:24 ♪ We deserve each other ♪
1039 01:02:26 ♪ And Galinda helped itcome true ♪
1040 01:02:31 ♪ We deserve each other,me and Boq ♪
1041 01:02:35 Please, Elphaba,try to understand.
1042 01:02:38 ♪ I do ♪
1043 01:02:43 And one, two, three!
1044 01:02:44 - Whoo! That was it.- Oh. We're in.
1045 01:02:45 - That was it.- And it's perfect.
1046 01:02:47 - Oh, sweet Oz.- Wow.
1047 01:02:48 Am I not the most scandalociouslittle fish in the sea?
1048 01:02:51 The most.
1049 01:02:52 Fiyero's gonna losewhat's left of his mind.
1050 01:02:55 I mean, we nailed it.
1051 01:02:57 -Now, hurry up.-Okay, I may...
1052 01:02:59 I can't believethis boy knows how to get into
1053 01:03:01 - the Ozdust Ballroom.-I know.
1054 01:03:03 And that we justhappened to cross paths today.
1055 01:03:05 - Am I right?- Um...
1056 01:03:08 Ew.
1057 01:03:10 - What even is that?- Galinda?
1058 01:03:12 Hmm?
1059 01:03:15 What's the reason?
1060 01:03:17 I know. It's my granny.
1061 01:03:19 She always makes methe most hideoteous hats.
1062 01:03:22 I'd give it away, but I don'thate anyone that much.
1063 01:03:28 I couldn't.
1064 01:03:31 Could I?
1065 01:03:34 No.
1066 01:03:35 Oh.
1067 01:03:38 - Hey.- SHENSHEN and GALINDA: Hi.
1068 01:03:39 Um, we should go.
1069 01:03:41 Yeah,we have to go rouge our knees.
1070 01:03:43 -I know.-Do it.
1071 01:03:44 - Yeah. Right.- Super rouge.
1072 01:03:45 - Bye, Elphaba.- I do it every day.
1073 01:03:47 - Love your shoulder pad.- Yeah. You just always look...
1074 01:03:50 - just a joy...- So good and joyful.
1075 01:03:56 Galinda, um,
1076 01:03:58 Nessa and I were talkingabout you just now, and...
1077 01:04:01 Oh, well, we were justtalking about you.
1078 01:04:04 How you should join us tonight.
1079 01:04:06 I don't follow.
1080 01:04:08 You join us at the Ozdust.
1081 01:04:12 I'm inviting you.
1082 01:04:13 Why?
1083 01:04:15 Well... well, becauseeveryone will be there.
1084 01:04:17 And don't tell meyou have nothing to wear,
1085 01:04:20 because you could wear this.
1086 01:04:23 I mean, it goes witheverything you own.
1087 01:04:28 ♪ It's really, uh, sharp,don't you think? ♪
1088 01:04:31 ♪ You know, blackis this year's pink, hmm ♪
1089 01:04:34 ♪ You deserve each other,this hat and you ♪
1090 01:04:38 ♪ You're both so smart, hmm ♪
1091 01:04:40 ♪ You deserve each other,so here ♪
1092 01:04:44 ♪ Out of the goodnessof my heart ♪
1093 01:05:03 We're gonna get arrested.
1094 01:05:07 Move. Come on,come on, come on, come on.
1095 01:05:15 Sorry to disturb you,Madame Morrible,
1096 01:05:18 but I have a favor to ask.
1097 01:05:29 Okay. Here we go.
1098 01:05:58 Here we go.Here we go. You ready?
1099 01:06:00 Yep! Yeah!
1100 01:06:02 Hey, hey!
1101 01:06:05 Yeah!
1102 01:06:07 Hey!Hey!
1103 01:06:10 Oh...!
1104 01:06:20 Oh...!
1105 01:06:25 Oh...!
1106 01:06:38 - ♪ Listen, Nessa ♪- Yes?
1107 01:06:40 ♪ Uh, Nessa,I've got something to confess ♪
1108 01:06:44 ♪ A reason why, well ♪
1109 01:06:47 ♪ Why I asked you here tonight ♪
1110 01:06:49 ♪ And I know it isn't fair ♪
1111 01:06:52 Oh, Boq, I know why.
1112 01:06:53 You do?
1113 01:06:56 ♪ It's becauseI'm in this chair ♪
1114 01:06:59 ♪ And you felt sorry for me ♪
1115 01:07:02 Well, isn't that right?
1116 01:07:03 No. Whoa. No, no.
1117 01:07:05 I don't feel sorry for you.
1118 01:07:07 You're great.I asked you because...
1119 01:07:11 Because...
1120 01:07:14 ♪ Because you are so beautiful ♪
1121 01:07:18 ♪ Oh, Boq,I think you're wonderful ♪
1122 01:07:21 ♪ And we deserve each other ♪
1123 01:07:23 ♪ Don't you see,this is our chance? ♪
1124 01:07:28 ♪ We deserve each other ♪
1125 01:07:30 ♪ Don't we, Boq? ♪
1126 01:07:32 You know what?
1127 01:07:33 ♪ Let's dance ♪
1128 01:07:36 What?
1129 01:07:37 ♪ Let's dance ♪
1130 01:07:52 Oh, yeah.
1131 01:07:56 Hey!
1132 01:08:07 Are all the Tigelaars...
1133 01:08:11 You.
1134 01:08:12 Me?
1135 01:08:14 And you can go back to doingwhatever this is.
1136 01:08:18 Go. Go.
1137 01:08:20 Yeah.
1138 01:08:21 Madame Morrible, you are...
1139 01:08:24 Seriously, I admire you so...
1140 01:08:26 Enough.
1141 01:08:30 A magic wand?
1142 01:08:32 It's a training wand.
1143 01:08:33 A training wand?
1144 01:08:34 For me?
1145 01:08:36 Madame Morrible, how can Iexpress my gratitution?
1146 01:08:40 It is my heart's desireto become a sorceress.
1147 01:08:42 Thank youfor having faith in me.
1148 01:08:45 Actually, I haveno faith in you.
1149 01:08:49 This is your roommate's idea,not mine.
1150 01:08:54 I'm confused.
1151 01:08:55 Miss Elphaba has requested
1152 01:08:57 that I include youin our sorcery seminar
1153 01:09:00 and insisted that I tell youthis very night
1154 01:09:03 or she would quit.
1155 01:09:05 Elphaba did?
1156 01:09:06 Mm-hmm.
1157 01:09:07 But why?
1158 01:09:09 I'm a sorceress,not a mind reader.
1159 01:09:11 I have no idea why.
1160 01:09:13 But I can't risk losing her,so here I am.
1161 01:09:18 My personal opinion, dear,
1162 01:09:20 is that you do not havewhat it takes.
1163 01:09:23 I hope you prove me wrong.
1164 01:09:26 I doubt you will.
1165 01:09:29 Uh, you may want to thank her.She just got here.
1166 01:09:33 What?
1167 01:10:13 What is she wearing?
1168 01:10:19 What a ridiculous hat.
1169 01:11:11 Her hat is disgustifying.
1170 01:11:14 What is she doing?
1171 01:11:17 Oh, look at her go.
1172 01:11:22 What does she thinkshe's doing?
1173 01:11:23 Is she dancing?
1174 01:11:29 Hi.
1175 01:12:22 I'll say this much, she doesn'tgive a twig what anyone thinks.
1176 01:12:26 Of course she does.
1177 01:12:29 She just pretends not to.
1178 01:12:39 I can't watch.
1179 01:12:42 I feel awful.
1180 01:12:44 Why?
1181 01:12:46 It's not like it's your fault.
1182 01:12:58 Excuse me.
1183 01:13:52 - What are you doing?- Stop.
1184 01:13:58 No.
1185 01:15:14 It's all right.
1186 01:15:29 Hmm.
1187 01:15:41 Just do it.
1188 01:16:12 ♪ Dancing through life ♪
1189 01:16:14 ♪ Here at the Ozdust ♪
1190 01:16:15 ♪ If only because dust ♪
1191 01:16:18 ♪ Is what we come to ♪
1192 01:16:20 ♪ And here's a strange thing ♪
1193 01:16:22 ♪ Your life couldend up changing ♪
1194 01:16:24 ♪ While you're dancing ♪
1195 01:16:28 ♪ Through... ♪
1196 01:16:41 Wait a second.
1197 01:16:43 You're telling methat was your first party ever?
1198 01:16:47 Well, do funerals count?
1199 01:16:51 That was funny.
1200 01:16:52 Thank you.
1201 01:16:54 Ah, I couldn't remotely sleep.
1202 01:16:55 - Neither can I.- I know.
1203 01:16:57 Let's tell each other somethingwe've never told anyone before.
1204 01:17:00 Okay, fine. I'll go first.
1205 01:17:05 Fiyero and Iare getting married.
1206 01:17:10 He asked you already?
1207 01:17:11 Oh, he doesn't know yet.
1208 01:17:13 Oh, okay.
1209 01:17:16 Okay, now you tell me a secret.
1210 01:17:17 Like what?
1211 01:17:18 Like...
1212 01:17:21 Like...
1213 01:17:23 Why do you sleepwith this funny little green bottle under your pillow?
1214 01:17:26 - What is this? I want to know.- No, please, give that back.
1215 01:17:28 - ♪ I want to know. ♪- No, give it back, please.
1216 01:17:29 - Serious... Oh.- Give that... Give it back!
1217 01:17:34 It was my mother's. That's all.
1218 01:17:39 Well, that's not fair.
1219 01:17:40 I told you a really good one.
1220 01:18:04 My father hates me.
1221 01:18:06 What?
1222 01:18:08 That's not the secret.
1223 01:18:10 Oh.
1224 01:18:11 The secret is that, um,
1225 01:18:14 he has a good reason.
1226 01:18:25 It's my fault.
1227 01:18:28 What is?
1228 01:18:33 That my sister isthe way she is.
1229 01:18:39 When my motherwas carrying Nessa,
1230 01:18:41 my father began to worrythat she might come out...
1231 01:18:44 - Green.- Green.
1232 01:18:47 He was so worried that he mademy mother chew milkflowers
1233 01:18:51 day and night.
1234 01:18:54 Only...
1235 01:18:57 the milkflowers madeNessa come too soon, and...
1236 01:19:02 and her little legs, they...
1237 01:19:07 And my mother...
1238 01:19:11 Well, she never woke up.
1239 01:19:15 None of which would've everhappened if it wasn't for...
1240 01:19:19 for me.
1241 01:19:22 So...
1242 01:19:25 it's my fault.
1243 01:19:27 What? No.
1244 01:19:30 That was the milkflowers' fault,
1245 01:19:33 not yours.
1246 01:19:36 That might beyour secret, Elphaba,
1247 01:19:37 but that doesn't make it true.
1248 01:19:43 Look.
1249 01:19:46 It's tomorrow.
1250 01:19:52 And, Elphie...
1251 01:19:53 Can I call you "Elphie"?
1252 01:19:55 Well, it's a little bit perky.I don't really... - I know.
1253 01:19:57 I know.I'm gonna call you that.
1254 01:20:01 And you can call me... Galinda.
1255 01:20:04 That is your name.
1256 01:20:05 Let's not quarrel.
1257 01:20:08 - Elphie?- Hmm?
1258 01:20:10 Now that we're friends...
1259 01:20:12 ...I've decided to make youmy new project.
1260 01:20:15 Oh, you really don'thave to do that.
1261 01:20:16 I know.
1262 01:20:18 That's what makes me so nice.
1263 01:20:22 ♪ Whenever I see someoneless fortunate than I ♪
1264 01:20:27 ♪ And let's face it, right ♪
1265 01:20:28 ♪ Who isn'tless fortunate than I? ♪
1266 01:20:32 ♪ My tender heart tendsto start to bleed ♪
1267 01:20:36 ♪ And when someoneneeds a makeover ♪ -
1268 01:20:37 ♪ I simply have to take over ♪
1269 01:20:40 ♪ I know, I know ♪
1270 01:20:45 ♪ Exactly ♪
1271 01:20:47 ♪ What they need ♪
1272 01:20:50 ♪ And even in your case ♪
1273 01:20:56 Hmm.
1274 01:21:00 Mm-mmm. Never mind.
1275 01:21:01 - Yeah.- I should... Okay.
1276 01:21:02 Gonna put theseright back on ya.
1277 01:21:07 ♪ Though it'sthe toughest case ♪
1278 01:21:10 ♪ I've yet to face ♪
1279 01:21:13 ♪ Don't worry, I'm determined ♪
1280 01:21:16 - ♪ To succeed ♪- Oh.
1281 01:21:17 ♪ Follow my lead ♪
1282 01:21:21 ♪ And, yes, indeed ♪
1283 01:21:25 ♪ You will be ♪
1284 01:21:40 ♪ Popular ♪
1285 01:21:42 ♪ You're gonna be popular ♪
1286 01:21:45 ♪ I'll teach youthe proper ploys ♪
1287 01:21:47 ♪ When you talk to boys ♪
1288 01:21:48 ♪ Little ways to flirtand flounce ♪ Ew.
1289 01:21:50 ♪ I'll show youwhat shoes to wear ♪
1290 01:21:52 ♪ How to fix your hair ♪
1291 01:21:54 ♪ Everything thatreally counts ♪
1292 01:21:57 - ♪ To be popular ♪- Hmm.
1293 01:21:59 ♪ I'll help you be popular ♪
1294 01:22:01 ♪ You'll hangwith the right cohorts ♪
1295 01:22:03 ♪ You'll be good at sports ♪
1296 01:22:04 ♪ Know the slangyou've got to know ♪
1297 01:22:06 ♪ So let's start ♪
1298 01:22:08 ♪ 'Cause you've gotan awfully long way ♪
1299 01:22:11 ♪ To go ♪
1300 01:22:16 ♪ Don't be offendedby my frank analysis ♪
1301 01:22:18 ♪ Think of itas personality dialysis ♪
1302 01:22:21 ♪ Now that I've chosento become a pal, a sister ♪
1303 01:22:25 ♪ And adviser,there's nobody wiser ♪
1304 01:22:26 ♪ Not when it comes to popular ♪
1305 01:22:29 ♪ I know about popular ♪
1306 01:22:33 ♪ And with an assist from meto be who you'll be ♪
1307 01:22:35 ♪ Instead of drearywho-you-were ♪
1308 01:22:37 Well, are.
1309 01:22:39 ♪ There's nothingthat can stop you ♪
1310 01:22:40 ♪ From becoming "populer" ♪
1311 01:22:42 ♪ "Lar" ♪
1312 01:22:44 ♪ La, la, la, la ♪
1313 01:22:50 ♪ We're gonna make you popular ♪
1314 01:22:55 This is never gonna work.
1315 01:22:57 What?
1316 01:22:59 Elphie, you mustn'tthink that way.
1317 01:23:02 Your whole life is gonna change,
1318 01:23:04 and it's all because of me.
1319 01:23:07 Come on.
1320 01:23:09 ♪ When I seedepressing creatures ♪
1321 01:23:12 ♪ With unprepossessingfeatures ♪
1322 01:23:14 ♪ I remind them ♪
1323 01:23:16 - ♪ On their own behalf ♪- Whoa.
1324 01:23:18 -Get down.- ♪ To think of ♪
1325 01:23:19 ♪ Celebrated heads of state ♪
1326 01:23:22 ♪ Or specially greatcommunicators ♪
1327 01:23:25 ♪ Did they have brainsor knowledge? ♪
1328 01:23:28 - Well, actually...- Don't make me laugh.
1329 01:23:30 - They were...- Popular.
1330 01:23:31 Right!
1331 01:23:33 ♪ It's all about popular ♪
1332 01:23:35 ♪ It's not about aptitude ♪
1333 01:23:37 ♪ It's the way you're viewed ♪
1334 01:23:38 ♪ So it's very shrewd to be ♪
1335 01:23:41 ♪ Very, very popular ♪
1336 01:23:43 ♪ Like me ♪
1337 01:23:45 ♪ Me ♪
1338 01:23:48 Come here.
1339 01:23:49 First, hair.
1340 01:23:52 We toss our hair.
1341 01:23:54 Ready?
1342 01:23:56 Toss, toss.
1343 01:24:00 Toss, toss.
1344 01:24:05 That's a choice.
1345 01:24:07 Next, I'm gonna transformthis simple frock/coat...
1346 01:24:11 this simple "froat"-- boop--into a magnificent ball gown.
1347 01:24:16 Ball gown.
1348 01:24:22 Ball gown.
1349 01:24:24 Ball gown.
1350 01:24:27 Come on. I'm counting on you.
1351 01:24:39 Ball gown.
1352 01:24:43 Seriously?
1353 01:24:44 - Do you need my help?- No!
1354 01:24:45 Just wear the "froat."It's pretty.
1355 01:24:49 Let's just starta little smaller.
1356 01:24:52 After you, madame.
1357 01:24:53 - Thank you.- Let's see.
1358 01:24:58 Oh.
1359 01:25:01 Maybe...
1360 01:25:03 ...just this.
1361 01:25:10 Pink goes good with green.
1362 01:25:12 Goes "well" with green.
1363 01:25:14 It so does.
1364 01:25:32 Why, Miss Elphaba...
1365 01:25:36 look at you.
1366 01:25:41 You're beautiful.
1367 01:25:46 I have to go.
1368 01:25:48 Wha...
1369 01:25:56 You're welcome.
1370 01:25:59 Oh, hello.
1371 01:26:02 Wow.
1372 01:26:05 ♪ And though you protest ♪
1373 01:26:10 ♪ Your disinterest ♪
1374 01:26:14 ♪ I know clandestinely ♪
1375 01:26:23 ♪ You're gonna grinand bear it ♪
1376 01:26:25 ♪ Your newfound popularity ♪
1377 01:26:29 ♪ La, la, la, la ♪
1378 01:26:34 ♪ La, la, la, la... ♪
1379 01:26:39 ♪ La, la ♪
1380 01:26:47 ♪ You'll be popular ♪
1381 01:26:53 ♪ Just not quite as popular ♪
1382 01:26:56 ♪ As me... ♪
1383 01:27:09 -Oh, hi, Elphaba.-Oh, hey.
1384 01:27:12 Hey, Elphaba.
1385 01:27:13 - Hi. How are you?- Good.
1386 01:27:19 Toss, toss.
1387 01:27:22 No.
1388 01:27:35 You've been Galinda-fied.
1389 01:27:40 You don't need to do that,you know.
1390 01:27:42 Hmm.
1391 01:27:46 Come on. Let's get to class.
1392 01:27:49 GALINDA:It's Dr. Dilly.
1393 01:27:51 Or Dr. Dilly, becauseyou can't call him that.
1394 01:27:52 - It's Dr. Dillamond.- Well, he calls me...
1395 01:27:54 - Hey, it's not his fault.- He needs to accept it.
1396 01:27:55 He doesn't haveupper front teeth.
1397 01:27:58 Uh, Dr. Dillamond,I picked you some poppies.
1398 01:28:00 Not now, Miss Elphaba.
1399 01:28:02 Please, everyone,take your seats.
1400 01:28:05 I've something to say
1401 01:28:07 - and very little time.- It was upside down, I guess.
1402 01:28:10 My dear students,
1403 01:28:12 this will be my last dayhere at Shiz.
1404 01:28:14 You see,
1405 01:28:16 animals are no longerpermitted to teach.
1406 01:28:19 - What?- It's all right, Miss Elphaba.
1407 01:28:22 I'll be all right. I...
1408 01:28:31 Students, remain calm, please.
1409 01:28:33 There's no cause for alarm.
1410 01:28:35 What is this? What's happening?
1411 01:28:36 Come on, goat.
1412 01:28:40 Hey!
1413 01:28:41 - You can't permit this.- Miss Elphaba,
1414 01:28:42 I'm afraidit's out of our hands.
1415 01:28:44 They can take away my job,
1416 01:28:45 but I shall continuespeaking out! - Dr. Dillamond.
1417 01:28:48 Listen to me!You're not being told the whole story!
1418 01:28:56 Are we all just gonnasit here in silence?
1419 01:29:01 That's quite enough,Miss Elphaba.
1420 01:29:06 Take your seat.
1421 01:29:24 -Students...- Are you all right?
1422 01:29:26 ...your new history professor
1423 01:29:28 has prepareda special presentation.
1424 01:29:47 Good afternoon, students.
1425 01:29:53 Good afternoon!
1426 01:29:54 Good afternoon.
1427 01:29:56 In times such as these,
1428 01:29:57 it behooves us allnot merely to study the past
1429 01:30:02 but to look to the future.
1430 01:30:09 This is called a cage.
1431 01:30:18 This remarkable innovationis for the good of all Oz,
1432 01:30:21 as well as forthe animal's own good.
1433 01:30:23 - You see...-If it's so good,
1434 01:30:25 why is he trembling?
1435 01:30:31 He's just happy to be here.
1436 01:30:34 Now, one benefit of cagingan animal this young
1437 01:30:37 is that in all likelihood,he'll never learn to speak.
1438 01:30:41 Oh, no.
1439 01:30:42 The dimensions of the cagewill vary
1440 01:30:43 upon the size of the animal,
1441 01:30:45 but the basic designremains the same.
1442 01:30:47 Let me show you.
1443 01:30:52 Can you imagine a worldwhere animals are kept in cages
1444 01:30:55 and they never learn to speak?
1445 01:30:56 This poor lion cub seemsso frightened.
1446 01:30:58 What are we gonna do?
1447 01:30:59 Sorry, "we"?
1448 01:31:01 Well, someone's gotto do something!
1449 01:31:35 Hey. Hey, hey.
1450 01:31:37 Hey, come here.
1451 01:31:41 What is happening?
1452 01:31:43 I don't know. I-I got mad and...
1453 01:31:47 Fiyero, what are you doing?
1454 01:31:50 Well, you coming?
1455 01:31:52 Come on.
1456 01:31:59 Look.
1457 01:32:00 Come on.
1458 01:32:03 Come, buddy. That's it.
1459 01:32:05 - There we go.- Yeah.
1460 01:32:07 - There we go.- All right.
1461 01:32:33 What in the name of Oz?
1462 01:33:10 I didn't mean to scare you.
1463 01:33:15 Why is it you're alwayscausing some sort of commotion?
1464 01:33:18 I don't cause commotions--I am one.
1465 01:33:20 Yeah. Well, that's for sure.
1466 01:33:22 So, you think I shouldjust keep my mouth shut?
1467 01:33:24 - Is that what you're saying?- What? No.
1468 01:33:26 - No, I'm saying...- You think I want to be this way?
1469 01:33:28 - I...- You think I want to care this much?
1470 01:33:30 - No, I mean...- I know that my life
1471 01:33:32 would be much easierif I didn't care, but...
1472 01:33:33 Do you ever letanyone else talk?
1473 01:33:37 Sorry.
1474 01:33:39 I was just...
1475 01:33:40 But can I just sayone more thing?
1476 01:33:44 You could've walked awayback there.
1477 01:33:46 So?
1478 01:33:47 So no matter how shallowand self-absorbed
1479 01:33:50 you pretend to be...
1480 01:33:51 Uh, excuse me.There is no pretense here.
1481 01:33:53 I happen to begenuinely self-absorbed
1482 01:33:54 - and deeply shallow.- Oh, please.
1483 01:33:56 No, you're not.
1484 01:33:57 Otherwise, you wouldn't beso unhappy.
1485 01:34:08 Fine.
1486 01:34:11 Well, if you don'twant my help...
1487 01:34:13 No, I do.
1488 01:35:02 What did you mean to doback there?
1489 01:35:06 And why was I the only oneyou didn't do it to?
1490 01:35:15 You're bleeding.
1491 01:35:18 Am I?
1492 01:35:19 Mm-hmm.
1493 01:35:35 There.
1494 01:35:41 It must've scratched you.
1495 01:35:43 Yeah.
1496 01:35:47 Or maybe it scratched meor something.
1497 01:35:52 I better get to safety.
1498 01:35:55 - The cub.- Mm-hmm.
1499 01:35:56 - I better get the, uh...- Of course.
1500 01:35:58 ...the cub to safety.
1501 01:35:59 Mm-hmm.
1502 01:36:06 Fiyero.
1503 01:36:18 ♪ Hands touch ♪
1504 01:36:23 ♪ Eyes meet ♪
1505 01:36:29 ♪ Sudden silence ♪
1506 01:36:33 ♪ Sudden heat ♪
1507 01:36:37 ♪ Hearts leap ♪
1508 01:36:39 ♪ In a giddy whirl ♪
1509 01:36:45 ♪ He could be that boy ♪
1510 01:36:52 ♪ But I'm not that girl ♪
1511 01:36:59 ♪ Don't dream too far ♪
1512 01:37:05 ♪ Don't lose sightof who you are ♪
1513 01:37:11 ♪ Don't rememberthat rush of joy ♪
1514 01:37:18 ♪ He could be that boy ♪
1515 01:37:24 ♪ I'm not that girl ♪
1516 01:37:30 ♪ Every so often,we long to steal ♪
1517 01:37:34 ♪ To the landof what-might-have-been ♪
1518 01:37:38 ♪ But that doesn't softenthe ache we feel ♪
1519 01:37:43 ♪ When reality sets back in ♪
1520 01:37:51 ♪ Blithe smile ♪
1521 01:37:54 ♪ Lithe limb ♪
1522 01:37:57 ♪ She who's winsome,she wins him ♪
1523 01:38:04 ♪ Gold hair with a gentle curl ♪
1524 01:38:10 ♪ That's the girl he chose ♪
1525 01:38:16 ♪ And heaven knows ♪
1526 01:38:23 ♪ I'm not that girl ♪
1527 01:38:32 Dearest.
1528 01:38:34 Oh, my goodness,I was worried sick.
1529 01:38:36 - Oh, it's good to see you.- Oh, thank Oz.
1530 01:38:38 ♪ Don't wish ♪
1531 01:38:40 ♪ Don't start ♪
1532 01:38:44 ♪ Wishing onlywounds the heart ♪
1533 01:38:50 ♪ I wasn't bornfor the rose and pearl ♪
1534 01:38:59 ♪ There's a girl I know ♪
1535 01:39:05 ♪ He loves her so ♪
1536 01:39:17 ♪ I'm not that girl... ♪
1537 01:39:37 Miss Elphaba!
1538 01:39:39 Come at once!
1539 01:39:47 There!
1540 01:39:50 Elph... Elphie,you got to get down there.
1541 01:39:52 Come on.
1542 01:39:58 Miss Elphaba,
1543 01:39:59 I finally heard backfrom the Wizard.
1544 01:40:01 Look!
1545 01:40:10 Oh, stop.
1546 01:40:13 I just cannot.
1547 01:40:27 It's yours. Open it.
1548 01:40:35 "His Royal Ozness,
1549 01:40:37 the Wonderful Wizard of Oz..."
1550 01:40:40 "...summons youmost ceremony-ishly
1551 01:40:42 to his personal palacein the Emerald City."
1552 01:40:45 Uh, wait. Um, wait.
1553 01:40:48 "This invitationis nontransferable."
1554 01:40:59 -Bye.-Bye.
1555 01:41:01 This is your chanceto make good.
1556 01:41:06 Of course, you're going tohave to prove yourself first.
1557 01:41:09 - Prove myself?- Prove yourself worthy.
1558 01:41:12 Deary...
1559 01:41:14 this is the Wizard of Oz.
1560 01:41:16 If he's gonna grantyour heart's desire...
1561 01:41:18 But prove myself how?
1562 01:41:20 I...
1563 01:41:21 I'm not ready. It's too soon.
1564 01:41:23 Don't be so pessi-mystical.
1565 01:41:25 I, too, had to prove my powerswhen I met the Wizard.
1566 01:41:29 You'll find a way.
1567 01:41:30 I have faith in you.
1568 01:41:36 Not to fret.
1569 01:41:38 Weather is my specialty.
1570 01:41:43 Mustn't let you get wet.
1571 01:41:44 Okay. I'll make a hand umbrella.
1572 01:41:46 My hair. Thank you.
1573 01:41:57 Not when you're on the cuspof greatness.
1574 01:42:31 All aboard for the Emerald City!
1575 01:42:35 Father, this is Boq,the boy I wrote to you about.
1576 01:42:37 Oh, yes.
1577 01:42:40 Governor Thropp,good to meet you.
1578 01:42:42 Oh, I've heardso much about you.
1579 01:42:44 My Nessarose isvery precious to me,
1580 01:42:47 so you see you takegood care of her.
1581 01:42:52 I-I understand.
1582 01:42:54 Good.
1583 01:42:57 Elphie.
1584 01:42:59 Elphie, the train is here.
1585 01:43:00 And it came with the cutestlittle man with a mustache.
1586 01:43:02 You got to see him.
1587 01:43:04 Oh, Elphie,how will we manage without you?
1588 01:43:06 You won't even notice I'm gone.
1589 01:43:08 Uh, you have Fiyero.
1590 01:43:09 Oh.
1591 01:43:10 Um, speaking of Fiyero,uh, where is he?
1592 01:43:12 Not that I expected himto come and say goodbye, but...
1593 01:43:14 I mean, we barelyknow each other.
1594 01:43:16 Well, I barely know himanymore either.
1595 01:43:18 He's been different.
1596 01:43:21 He's distant and moodified.
1597 01:43:25 And he's been thinking,which really worries me.
1598 01:43:30 It all started the dayDr. Dillamond was fired.
1599 01:43:32 I mean, who knew he caredso much about that old goat?
1600 01:43:35 Look, he did come.
1601 01:43:37 Dearest.
1602 01:43:38 We're over here, darling.
1603 01:43:40 Come.
1604 01:43:42 Hi.
1605 01:43:45 Elphaba.
1606 01:43:46 Fiyero.
1607 01:43:49 I'm happy for you.
1608 01:43:50 Thank you.
1609 01:43:52 Yes. We are both so happy.
1610 01:43:55 I've been thinking...
1611 01:43:56 Yeah, I heard.
1612 01:43:58 ...about the, uh,the lion cub and Dr. Dillamond.
1613 01:44:03 I think about that day a lot.
1614 01:44:06 So do I.
1615 01:44:14 Oh, me, too.
1616 01:44:16 Oh, me, too. Me, too.
1617 01:44:17 Mm-hmm.
1618 01:44:18 I think about it constantly.
1619 01:44:20 I mean, poor Dr. Dillamond.
1620 01:44:23 It makes one want to...
1621 01:44:27 ...to take a stand.
1622 01:44:30 In fact, excuse me.
1623 01:44:32 Everyone. Please.
1624 01:44:34 I have an announcement.
1625 01:44:40 I am changing my name.
1626 01:44:44 - What?- What?
1627 01:44:45 -Your name?- Yes.
1628 01:44:47 -Are you sure?- Yes.
1629 01:44:49 Since Dr. Dillamond used tohave his own goat-like way
1630 01:44:52 of pronouncifying my name,
1631 01:44:54 in solidarity
1632 01:44:55 and in order to expressmy outrage,
1633 01:44:59 I will henceforward be knownno longer as "Ga-linda"
1634 01:45:04 but simply...
1635 01:45:08 ...Glinda.
1636 01:45:09 Clapping.
1637 01:45:12 - She's so good.- Oh, she so is.
1638 01:45:14 Such braverism.
1639 01:45:16 Oh!
1640 01:45:21 Galinda no more.Glinda henceforth.
1641 01:45:25 Glinda, you're wonderful!
1642 01:45:29 Glinda!
1643 01:45:44 Good luck.
1644 01:45:53 See?
1645 01:45:54 There. Wh-Wh-What is that?
1646 01:45:57 - Don't be upset, Galinda.- It's "Glinda" now!
1647 01:45:59 Stupid. I don't even knowwhat made me say it.
1648 01:46:01 It doesn't even matterwhat your name is. Everyone loves you.
1649 01:46:03 I don't care.
1650 01:46:04 I want him.
1651 01:46:07 I don't even thinkhe's perfect anymore, and I still want him.
1652 01:46:10 This must bewhat other people feel like.
1653 01:46:13 How do they bear it?
1654 01:46:17 All aboard for the Emerald City! - The mustache man.
1655 01:46:20 Hey, come on. The train.
1656 01:46:26 Thank you.
1657 01:46:49 Stand clear of the doors!
1658 01:46:51 Goodbye!
1659 01:46:57 Oh. Wait.
1660 01:46:59 Oh, excuse me. Um...
1661 01:47:01 Elphie, here.I forgot to give you this.
1662 01:47:03 Oh.
1663 01:47:05 Bye.
1664 01:47:16 - Come with me!- What?
1665 01:47:18 To meet the Wizard.
1666 01:47:19 What are you saying?
1667 01:47:21 Get on the train.You're gonna miss it.
1668 01:47:22 I wouldn't want to impose.
1669 01:47:24 It doesn't-- It doesn't matter.Just come with me.
1670 01:47:25 I couldn't possibly.This is your moment.
1671 01:47:27 I'm coming.
1672 01:47:31 Ow. Ow.
1673 01:47:46 ♪ One short day ♪
1674 01:47:49 ♪ If you only have ♪
1675 01:47:51 ♪ If you only haveone short day ♪
1676 01:48:00 ♪ One short dayin the Emerald City ♪
1677 01:48:06 Now arrivingat Emerald City Station.
1678 01:48:08 ♪ One short dayin the Emerald City ♪
1679 01:48:14 ♪ One short day, one short day,one short day ♪
1680 01:48:17 ♪ One short day ♪
1681 01:48:21 ♪ In the Emerald City ♪
1682 01:48:28 ♪ Emerald City ♪
1683 01:48:33 ♪ One short dayin the Emerald City ♪
1684 01:48:37 ♪ One short day ♪
1685 01:48:39 ♪ Full of so much to do ♪
1686 01:48:41 ♪ Every way that you lookin this city ♪
1687 01:48:45 ♪ There's something exquisiteyou'll want to visit ♪
1688 01:48:49 ♪ Before the day's through ♪
1689 01:48:53 ♪ There are buildings tallas Quoxwood trees ♪
1690 01:48:55 - ♪ Dress salons ♪- ♪ And libraries ♪
1691 01:48:57 - ♪ Palaces ♪- ♪ Museums ♪
1692 01:48:59 ♪ A hundred strong ♪
1693 01:49:01 ♪ There are wonderslike I've never seen ♪
1694 01:49:03 - ♪ It's all grand ♪- ♪ And it's all green ♪
1695 01:49:05 ♪ I think we've foundthe place where we belong ♪
1696 01:49:08 ♪ I wanna bein this hoi polloi ♪
1697 01:49:13 ♪ So I'll be backfor good someday ♪
1698 01:49:15 ♪ To make my lifeand make my way ♪
1699 01:49:17 ♪ But for today,we'll wander and enjoy ♪
1700 01:49:23 ♪ One short dayin the Emerald City ♪
1701 01:49:27 ♪ One short day ♪
1702 01:49:29 ♪ To have a lifetime of fun ♪
1703 01:49:31 ♪ One short day ♪
1704 01:49:33 ♪ And we're warning the city ♪
1705 01:49:35 ♪ Now that we're in here ♪
1706 01:49:37 ♪ You'll know we've been here ♪
1707 01:49:39 ♪ Before we are done ♪
1708 01:49:42 Presentingthe absolute factual story
1709 01:49:45 of our Wonderful Wizard of Oz,
1710 01:49:47 starring theEmerald City Players!
1711 01:49:50 ♪ Long, long ago ♪
1712 01:49:52 ♪ Long before we can recall ♪
1713 01:49:55 ♪ There lived here in Oz ♪
1714 01:49:58 ♪ The magical Wise Ones ♪
1715 01:50:03 ♪ The magical Wise Ones ♪
1716 01:50:06 - ♪ The wisest of them all ♪- ♪ Wisest of them all ♪
1717 01:50:17 ♪ We will not live forever ♪
1718 01:50:20 ♪ That I can foresee ♪
1719 01:50:22 ♪ So let us set downall our magic ♪
1720 01:50:25 ♪ In a strangeand secret language ♪
1721 01:50:28 ♪ In a book, the Grimmerie ♪
1722 01:50:32 ♪ The Grimmerie ♪
1723 01:50:36 ♪ But time ticked ever onward ♪
1724 01:50:38 ♪ Day by day ♪
1725 01:50:41 ♪ And all those who couldread it passed away ♪
1726 01:50:44 Goodbye. Goodbye.
1727 01:50:46 ♪ Till one day ♪
1728 01:50:47 - ♪ No one could ♪- That's dark.
1729 01:50:51 But the Wise Ones
1730 01:50:53 left a prophecy.
1731 01:50:58 ♪ In Oz's darkest hour ♪
1732 01:51:00 ♪ Though we cannot say when ♪
1733 01:51:03 ♪ There will come onewith a power ♪
1734 01:51:07 ♪ To read the Grimmerie again ♪
1735 01:51:11 ♪ And Oz,which had been sad and blah ♪
1736 01:51:15 ♪ Once more will sing a joyous ♪
1737 01:51:22 Look.
1738 01:51:26 A man in a balloonarriving from the sky.
1739 01:51:30 Maybe he is hereto fulfill the prophecy,
1740 01:51:33 but can he read the Grimmerie?
1741 01:51:36 ♪ This man who comesout of the blue ♪
1742 01:51:39 ♪ Is he the prophecy? ♪
1743 01:51:42 ♪ There's one waywe'll know if it's true ♪
1744 01:51:45 - ♪ Fetch the Grimmerie ♪- ♪ The Grimmerie ♪
1745 01:51:53 "O-ma-ha.
1746 01:51:57 O-ma-ha."
1747 01:52:00 He can read it.
1748 01:52:02 He must be...
1749 01:52:04 a Wizard.
1750 01:52:06 ♪ The prophecy fulfilled ♪
1751 01:52:09 ♪ What merriness he'll bring ♪
1752 01:52:13 ♪ Now, every Ozian,raise a voice and sing ♪
1753 01:52:18 ♪ And sing and sing ♪
1754 01:52:26 ♪ Who's the mage ♪
1755 01:52:27 ♪ Whose major itinerary ♪
1756 01:52:30 ♪ Is making all Oz merrier? ♪
1757 01:52:32 ♪ Who's the sage ♪
1758 01:52:34 ♪ Who sagely sailed into save our posteriors? ♪
1759 01:52:38 ♪ Whose enthusefor hot-air ballooning ♪
1760 01:52:42 ♪ Has all of Oz honeymooning? ♪
1761 01:52:45 ♪ Whoo ♪
1762 01:52:47 ♪ Isn't he wonderful ♪
1763 01:52:49 ♪ Our wonderful Wizard? ♪
1764 01:52:51 - ♪ One short day ♪- ♪ Who's the mage whose major ♪
1765 01:52:54 - ♪ In the Emerald City ♪- ♪ Itinerary ♪
1766 01:52:56 ♪ Is making all Oz merrier? ♪
1767 01:52:58 - ♪ One short day ♪- ♪ Who's the sage who sagely ♪
1768 01:53:00 ♪ To have a lifetime of fun ♪
1769 01:53:02 ♪ Sailed in to saveour posteriors? ♪
1770 01:53:04 ♪ What a wayto be seeing the city ♪
1771 01:53:10 ♪ Where so many roam to ♪
1772 01:53:15 ♪ We'll call it home, too ♪
1773 01:53:18 ♪ And then, just like now,we can say ♪
1774 01:53:23 ♪ We're just two friends ♪
1775 01:53:26 ♪ Two good friends ♪
1776 01:53:29 ♪ Two best friends ♪
1777 01:53:35 ♪ Sharing one wonderful ♪
1778 01:53:37 ♪ One short ♪
1779 01:53:53 The Wizard will see you now.
1780 01:53:56 ♪ Day... ♪
1781 01:54:50 Hello.
1782 01:55:16 Elphaba Thropp.
1783 01:55:18 Listen to me.
1784 01:55:19 You can do this.
1785 01:55:21 You can do anything.
1786 01:56:02 - What is that sound?- I don't know.
1787 01:56:06 - Oh, no. I do not...- No, go.
1788 01:56:07 - I cannot go.- Go, go, go.
1789 01:56:08 - Go. Elphaba. Go.- I don't... Oh.
1790 01:56:15 I am Oz.
1791 01:56:19 Oh, Elphie.
1792 01:56:21 I am Oz, the Great and Terrible.
1793 01:56:27 Who are you?
1794 01:56:29 And why do you seek me?
1795 01:56:33 Elphie, say something.Say something.
1796 01:56:36 - What am I supposed to say?- Just say something. Anything.
1797 01:56:37 -Say something.- Um...
1798 01:56:40 Say something!
1799 01:56:43 My name is Elphaba Thropp...
1800 01:56:45 ...Your Ozness.
1801 01:56:47 And-and this is...
1802 01:56:49 E-Elphaba, is that you?
1803 01:56:55 Elphaba Thropp? - A man.
1804 01:56:57 Elphaba Thropp.
1805 01:56:59 I didn't know it was you.
1806 01:57:01 You made it.
1807 01:57:03 Uh, sorry about all that.
1808 01:57:05 I didn't mean to...
1809 01:57:07 startle you.
1810 01:57:10 You know, when I'm back there,
1811 01:57:11 I cannot make outpeople's faces.
1812 01:57:14 Well, it's just so...
1813 01:57:16 It's so great to meet you...
1814 01:57:22 It's so great to...
1815 01:57:23 - Hang on. What's that?- What?
1816 01:57:24 I'm so sorry. May I?
1817 01:57:26 - S-Sure. Yes.- Okay, now, just... It's okay.
1818 01:57:29 Oh.
1819 01:57:31 For you.
1820 01:57:32 My special guest.
1821 01:57:34 That's a keepsakefor you to cherish
1822 01:57:36 for all of your days.
1823 01:57:38 Very kind of you, Your Ozness.
1824 01:57:40 Thank you.
1825 01:57:42 And this is, uh,an additional unexpected--
1826 01:57:46 Hi. What's your name?
1827 01:57:47 Glinda.
1828 01:57:50 The "Ga" is silent.
1829 01:57:52 Hello, Belinda.
1830 01:57:54 Uh, what you looking at there?
1831 01:57:56 Oh, yeah. Ugh.
1832 01:57:57 Well, I don't know.
1833 01:57:59 I think it's a bit much,
1834 01:58:00 but, uh, folks have cometo expect that sort of thing.
1835 01:58:03 ♪ And you gottagive the people ♪
1836 01:58:06 ♪ What they want. ♪
1837 01:58:08 That's good.Oh, thank you. Thank you.
1838 01:58:10 But if you thinkthat's something to see,
1839 01:58:13 wait till you see this.
1840 01:58:15 I give you the Oz of tomorrow.
1841 01:58:25 Yes. Yes.
1842 01:58:29 Now, I don't know if your eyeshave already fallen upon
1843 01:58:31 this long and winding path.
1844 01:58:33 - Do you see that?-Mm-hmm.
1845 01:58:35 -I think people-Mmm.
1846 01:58:36 When this thinggets built, everybody, always,
1847 01:58:39 is gonna remember thatif you just follow the road--
1848 01:58:42 follow the road--
1849 01:58:44 ...it's gonna lead you right...
1850 01:58:46 to me.
1851 01:58:48 Recently, I've gottena little stuck
1852 01:58:50 trying to figure out what colorthe bricks of that road ought to be.
1853 01:58:52 So, I jerry-riggedthis thing up,
1854 01:58:55 which does that.
1855 01:58:57 ELPHABA and GLINDA:Oh.
1856 01:58:58 Uh, Elphaba,you give that a whirl.
1857 01:59:00 Oh, sure.
1858 01:59:02 Um, let's try.
1859 01:59:06 What about green?
1860 01:59:08 Hmm.
1861 01:59:09 Um, yellow.
1862 01:59:12 Maybe purple?
1863 01:59:14 Wait. Just go back one, please.
1864 01:59:17 The yellow, really?
1865 01:59:18 - Yes.- Huh.
1866 01:59:20 It just says "road" to me.
1867 01:59:22 Let me see. Huh.
1868 01:59:24 And... Oh.
1869 01:59:26 Yellow brick road?I don't know.
1870 01:59:29 Oh, hey. Come up here.
1871 01:59:31 -Oh.- Come up here with me in my sandbox.
1872 01:59:34 Step right up. Watch this.
1873 01:59:36 So here's where we are,
1874 01:59:38 and when we open it up,inside...
1875 01:59:42 - That's you.- Well, it is me.
1876 01:59:44 Yeah, it is me.
1877 01:59:46 I like it. I shouldn't.
1878 01:59:47 I'm here by myself a lot.Anyway.
1879 01:59:49 I don't, uh... Oh.
1880 01:59:51 I forgot.
1881 01:59:53 If my head wasn't attached,it would, uh...
1882 01:59:55 I'd-I'd leave itin, uh, Munchkinland.
1883 01:59:58 Hey, you know what I had made?Look. Special.
1884 02:00:04 Keep that.
1885 02:00:06 I... No, I mean it.
1886 02:00:07 Keep it, keep it forever.
1887 02:00:08 Because at some point,who knows?
1888 02:00:11 We might be puttingyour little artifact in there
1889 02:00:14 right next to mine.
1890 02:00:16 'Cause maybe someday,you're gonna be calling
1891 02:00:18 this whole pile of stonesyour home.
1892 02:00:25 Elphie.
1893 02:00:28 She's green.
1894 02:00:30 Oh, well,she doesn't have to be.
1895 02:00:34 Would that be your...your heart's desire?
1896 02:00:46 No.
1897 02:00:51 No.
1898 02:00:54 My heart's desire is for youto help the animals.
1899 02:00:57 Something bad is happeningto them, and they need you.
1900 02:01:01 I had a feelingyou were gonna say that.
1901 02:01:03 And I agree wholeheartedly.
1902 02:01:05 Yeah. Wow,that's the darndest thing.
1903 02:01:07 It's almost like I, uh...I already know you.
1904 02:01:13 I knew you'd understand.
1905 02:01:15 That makes me...That makes me so happy.
1906 02:01:18 Well, that's what I love best.
1907 02:01:20 Making people happy.
1908 02:01:25 ♪ I am a sentimental man ♪
1909 02:01:28 ♪ Who always longedto be a father ♪
1910 02:01:34 ♪ That's why I dothe best I can ♪
1911 02:01:38 ♪ To treat each citizen of Oz ♪
1912 02:01:41 ♪ As son ♪
1913 02:01:44 ♪ Or daughter ♪
1914 02:01:46 ♪ So, Elphaba,I'd like to raise you high ♪
1915 02:01:52 ♪ 'Cause I thinkeveryone deserves the chance ♪
1916 02:01:56 ♪ To fly ♪
1917 02:02:04 ♪ And helping youwith your ascent ♪
1918 02:02:08 ♪ Allows me to feel so ♪
1919 02:02:13 ♪ Parental ♪
1920 02:02:18 ♪ For I am... ♪
1921 02:02:25 ♪ A sentimental ♪
1922 02:02:33 ♪ Man ♪
1923 02:02:59 All right.
1924 02:03:03 That's enough of that.
1925 02:03:04 Okay. Uh...
1926 02:03:06 Uh, away with the moon.
1927 02:03:09 -Huh?-Is that...?
1928 02:03:12 -Oh, it is.-It is.
1929 02:03:14 Madame Morrible,what are you doing here?
1930 02:03:17 Oh, deary.
1931 02:03:20 I couldn't miss your big moment.
1932 02:03:28 Neither could you, I see. Hmm.
1933 02:03:31 I...
1934 02:03:42 I don't believe it.
1935 02:03:44 Is that the Grimmerie?
1936 02:03:47 Yes.
1937 02:03:49 That's the ancient bookof wisdom,
1938 02:03:51 thaumaturgy and enchantments.
1939 02:04:06 Can I touch it?
1940 02:04:09 No.
1941 02:04:11 Wait a minute.Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
1942 02:04:13 She may not be ready.
1943 02:04:15 Casting a spellwith the Grimmerie,
1944 02:04:18 that's a mighty tall order.
1945 02:04:20 I, you know, I should know.
1946 02:04:22 You're right.We mustn't rush her.
1947 02:04:24 Perhaps today has beentoo overwhelming.
1948 02:04:26 No. Please.
1949 02:04:29 Let me try.
1950 02:04:32 Let me prove myself.
1951 02:04:35 Well...
1952 02:04:58 Sweet Oz.
1953 02:05:00 It opened for her.
1954 02:05:16 So, which spellare you gonna start with?
1955 02:05:18 We've been workingon levitation.
1956 02:05:21 Levitation?
1957 02:05:23 Oh. That's interesting.
1958 02:05:25 Do you know that, um,Chistery here...
1959 02:05:29 Ha-Have you ladies met,uh, Ch-Chistery,
1960 02:05:32 the leader of my...my Emerald Guards?
1961 02:05:36 Pleased to meet you.
1962 02:05:37 Uh, he'd hate to admit this--
1963 02:05:39 does not liketalking about himself--
1964 02:05:41 but he watches birds
1965 02:05:44 so longingly every morning.
1966 02:05:48 Birds?
1967 02:05:51 How can I help him?
1968 02:05:52 - I-I don't...- Elphie, look.
1969 02:06:01 Are those words?
1970 02:06:05 The lost language.
1971 02:06:07 Our lost language of spells.
1972 02:06:10 Don't be discouraged
1973 02:06:12 if you can't decipher it.
1974 02:06:15 Deary, I, myself,can only read a word or two,
1975 02:06:19 and that took years.
1976 02:06:20 "Ah ben tah kay.
1977 02:06:22 "Ah ben tah kay ah.
1978 02:06:25 - "An tay deh tum.- Oh, Elphie.
1979 02:06:27 - "En-tay ah.- Praise Oz.
1980 02:06:29 "Ah ben tah kay ah.
1981 02:06:30 "En-tay ah. Tin feh tah.
1982 02:06:33 "Ah ben kanaph. Ah ben janah.
1983 02:06:34 "Ah ben vinge. Ah ben ala.
1984 02:06:36 "Ah ben krahu. Ah ben kanat.
1985 02:06:38 "Ah ben nku. Ah ben kanaph.
1986 02:06:40 "Ah ben janah. Ah ben vinge.
1987 02:06:42 "Ah ben ala. Ah ben krahu.
1988 02:06:44 "A ben kanat. Ah ben nku.Ah ben kanaph.
1989 02:06:47 - Ah ben janah. Ah ben vinge."- What did I tell you?
1990 02:06:49 "Ah ben ala. Ah ben krahu.
1991 02:06:51 "A ben kanat. Ah ben nku.
1992 02:06:52 "Ah ben kanaph. Ah ben janah.
1993 02:06:54 "Ah ben vinge. Ah ben ava.
1994 02:06:56 "Ah ben ah krahu. A ben kanat.
1995 02:06:59 Ah ben nku. Ah ben ka..."
1996 02:07:03 Chistery, are you all right?
1997 02:07:04 Chistery?
1998 02:07:09 It's just the transition, deary.
1999 02:07:11 It's just the transition.
2000 02:07:23 Oh.
2001 02:07:28 But it's hurting him.
2002 02:07:30 Chistery.
2003 02:07:32 Don't bite. Don't bite.
2004 02:08:04 Glory-osky.
2005 02:08:05 You did it.
2006 02:08:06 You actually did it.
2007 02:08:19 He's in pain.
2008 02:08:20 Quick. How do I reverse it?
2009 02:08:22 - Reverse it?- How do I reverse it?!
2010 02:08:24 A spell from the Grimmeriecan never be reversed.
2011 02:08:31 Elphaba.
2012 02:08:33 - Elphaba.- No. No.
2013 02:08:53 I knew she had the power.
2014 02:08:54 I told you.
2015 02:08:56 Elphie, this is astoundifying.
2016 02:08:58 It's just what we hoped for--eyes in the skies.
2017 02:09:00 Yes. They'll make perfect spies.
2018 02:09:03 Spies?
2019 02:09:06 - Elphaba? Elphaba?- Oh, uh, no. No.
2020 02:09:08 Elphie? Elphie?
2021 02:09:13 You're right.That's a very harsh word.
2022 02:09:14 Oh, "scouts."What about "scouts"?
2023 02:09:16 'Cause they're gonna beflying around Oz
2024 02:09:17 reporting back on anyseditious animal activity...
2025 02:09:19 Seditious animal activity?What does that mean?
2026 02:09:21 - Elphie.- What are you s...
2027 02:09:22 I'm sure the Wizardhas a good reason.
2028 02:09:28 It's you.
2029 02:09:31 You're behind all of this.
2030 02:09:34 You're the reasonwhy people are turning against the animals. You...
2031 02:09:36 It's all because of you.
2032 02:09:39 We're doing thisto keep people safe.
2033 02:09:41 All of Oz will benefit.
2034 02:09:43 And you've known all along.
2035 02:09:46 Since the day you met me.
2036 02:09:48 You will benefit, too, deary.
2037 02:09:51 - You must trust me.- Don't.
2038 02:09:53 - Don't!- El-Elphaba.
2039 02:09:55 When I first got here,well, there was discord.
2040 02:09:58 There was discontent.
2041 02:10:00 And back where I come from,
2042 02:10:02 everybody knowsthat the best way to bring folks together
2043 02:10:07 is to give them a...a real good enemy.
2044 02:10:11 If you wanted s-spies,why wouldn't you just...
2045 02:10:14 Why wouldn't you justmake them yourself? You...
2046 02:10:25 Elphaba.
2047 02:10:27 Elphaba.
2048 02:10:29 You are talkingto the Wizard of Oz!
2049 02:10:34 Read it.
2050 02:10:36 Cast a spell.
2051 02:10:37 Read it!
2052 02:10:39 -Elphaba.- Don't...
2053 02:10:45 You can't, can you?
2054 02:10:49 Can you?
2055 02:10:57 That's why you need all of this.
2056 02:10:59 And you need spiesand-and animals in cages
2057 02:11:02 and an-an enemy. You...
2058 02:11:04 You have no real power.
2059 02:11:06 Exactly.
2060 02:11:08 That's why I need you.
2061 02:11:10 Think of your future, deary.
2062 02:11:14 Stay back.
2063 02:11:17 Elphie, listen to them.
2064 02:11:21 Please.
2065 02:11:23 Good advice, young lady.
2066 02:11:24 Listen, uh, Elphaba,if you can pull this off,
2067 02:11:29 first crack out of the box...
2068 02:11:31 Oh. Oh, my golly.
2069 02:11:33 I can't even imagine.
2070 02:11:35 And I meant every wordabout you having a home here.
2071 02:11:38 It's gonna be you and me
2072 02:11:41 and, hey,if it'd make you happy,
2073 02:11:44 possibly... your friend.
2074 02:11:47 Really?
2075 02:11:49 Why not?
2076 02:11:52 No.
2077 02:11:56 Elphaba!
2078 02:11:57 You want to do yourself some good?
2079 02:12:00 Get her back.
2080 02:12:04 Elphie. Elphie!
2081 02:12:12 Listen.
2082 02:12:18 Listen!
2083 02:12:22 If you want to keepyour families safe,
2084 02:12:24 you'll stay loyal to our Wizard.
2085 02:12:27 She did this.
2086 02:12:29 The green one.
2087 02:12:31 Don't let her get away!
2088 02:13:20 Elphie, where are you going?
2089 02:13:22 Elphie, what are you doing?!
2090 02:13:24 Oh. Oh! No.
2091 02:13:27 Elphaba, please.Come back. Let's just have a word with them.
2092 02:13:30 Elphie. Elphie!
2093 02:13:31 What are you doing?
2094 02:13:32 No, no, no, no!
2095 02:13:38 Take it!
2096 02:13:41 Elphie!
2097 02:13:42 Oh! Oh, my gosh!
2098 02:13:58 Guards.
2099 02:14:00 Guards.
2100 02:14:02 Guards.
2101 02:14:03 There's a fugitive at largehere in the palace.
2102 02:14:07 Bring her to me.
2103 02:14:18 - Elphaba, what are you doing?- Just follow me. Follow me.
2104 02:14:20 Where? What?Are you out of your mind?
2105 02:14:23 Goodness, Elphaba,you're being ridiculous. - ELPHABA: Just come on.
2106 02:14:25 Where are you going?
2107 02:14:27 Up.
2108 02:14:36 - Get in quickly.- Absolutely ridi...
2109 02:14:40 Quick. Jump.
2110 02:14:42 Jump? Me, jump?
2111 02:14:44 Quick. Jump, Glinda.
2112 02:14:45 Jump now!
2113 02:14:47 Slipping!
2114 02:14:49 Just grab my hand. Come on.
2115 02:14:57 Come on! Grab on!
2116 02:15:01 Get off!
2117 02:15:03 Give me my leg.
2118 02:15:05 Give me my leg.
2119 02:15:33 Move!
2120 02:15:34 -Faster!-Push!
2121 02:15:36 -Help me with this!- Hey! No!
2122 02:15:43 Oh, no, no.
2123 02:15:47 Elphie, Elphie, Elphie.
2124 02:15:51 - Faster!- Look out!
2125 02:15:54 No!
2126 02:16:03 Quick. Get off.
2127 02:16:04 Ow, ow.
2128 02:16:08 Don't look back!
2129 02:16:10 Get out of the way!
2130 02:16:17 This is not good.
2131 02:16:18 This is not good.This is not good. Elphie.
2132 02:16:20 Elphie!
2133 02:16:22 Calm down.You have got to let him explain.
2134 02:16:25 Over my dead body.
2135 02:16:27 This is everythingyou've dreamed of.
2136 02:16:36 Elphaba, this isso much bigger than us.
2137 02:16:39 Why couldn't you havestayed calm, for once,
2138 02:16:41 instead of flying offthe handle?
2139 02:16:43 I hope you're happy!
2140 02:16:44 ♪ I hope you're happy now ♪
2141 02:16:46 ♪ I hope you're happy howyou hurt your cause forever ♪
2142 02:16:49 ♪ I hope you thinkyou're clever ♪
2143 02:16:51 I hope you're happy.
2144 02:16:53 ♪ I hope you're happy, too ♪
2145 02:16:54 ♪ I hope you're proud how you ♪
2146 02:16:56 ♪ Would grovel in submission ♪
2147 02:16:58 ♪ To feed your own ambition ♪
2148 02:17:00 ♪ So thoughI can't imagine how ♪
2149 02:17:05 ♪ I hope you're happy ♪
2150 02:17:08 ♪ Right now... ♪
2151 02:17:12 Citizens of Oz,
2152 02:17:15 there is an enemywho must be found and captured.
2153 02:17:20 Believe nothing she says.
2154 02:17:24 She has stolen our Grimmerie.
2155 02:17:28 She is evil,
2156 02:17:31 responsible for the mutilationof these poor, innocent monkeys.
2157 02:17:36 Oh, no.
2158 02:17:37 Her green skin
2159 02:17:41 is but an outward manifestoriumof her twisted nature.
2160 02:17:48 This distortion.
2161 02:17:50 This repulsion.
2162 02:17:53 This...
2163 02:17:57 ...Wicked Witch.
2164 02:18:16 Don't be afraid.
2165 02:18:20 I'm not afraid.
2166 02:18:24 It's the Wizardwho should be afraid of me.
2167 02:18:29 Elphie, listen to me.
2168 02:18:32 Listen to me.Just... Just say you're sorry.
2169 02:18:36 ♪ You can still bewith the Wizard ♪
2170 02:18:40 ♪ What you've workedand waited for ♪
2171 02:18:45 ♪ You can haveall you ever wanted ♪
2172 02:18:55 I know.
2173 02:18:58 ♪ But I don't want it ♪
2174 02:19:02 No.
2175 02:19:04 ♪ I can't want it ♪
2176 02:19:09 ♪ Anymore ♪
2177 02:19:21 ♪ Something has changedwithin me ♪
2178 02:19:28 ♪ Something is not the same ♪
2179 02:19:33 ♪ I'm through withplaying by the rules ♪
2180 02:19:38 ♪ Of someone else's game ♪
2181 02:19:43 ♪ Too late for second-guessing ♪
2182 02:19:47 ♪ Too late to go back to sleep ♪
2183 02:19:52 ♪ It's timeto trust my instincts ♪
2184 02:19:56 ♪ Close my eyes ♪
2185 02:20:03 ♪ And leap ♪
2186 02:20:05 ♪ It's time to trydefying gravity ♪
2187 02:20:11 ♪ I think I'll trydefying gravity ♪
2188 02:20:18 ♪ And you can't pull me down ♪
2189 02:20:21 ♪ Can't I make you understand ♪
2190 02:20:23 ♪ You're havingdelusions of grandeur? ♪
2191 02:20:26 ♪ I'm through accepting limits ♪
2192 02:20:29 ♪ 'Cause someone saysthey're so ♪
2193 02:20:33 ♪ Some things I cannot change ♪
2194 02:20:35 ♪ But till I try,I'll never know ♪
2195 02:20:39 ♪ Too long I've beenafraid of losing love ♪
2196 02:20:43 ♪ I guess I've lost ♪
2197 02:20:45 ♪ Well, if that's love ♪
2198 02:20:47 ♪ It comes atmuch too high a cost ♪
2199 02:20:52 ♪ I'd sooner buydefying gravity ♪
2200 02:20:58 ♪ Kiss me goodbye ♪
2201 02:21:01 ♪ I'm defying gravity ♪
2202 02:21:04 ♪ And you can't pull me down ♪
2203 02:21:09 -They're up there!-You two! Come down!
2204 02:21:14 Elphie, what are you doing?
2205 02:21:17 Elphaba, please.
2206 02:21:19 Listen to me. Stop.
2207 02:21:23 "Ah ben tah kan.Ah ben tah kan ah tum."
2208 02:21:25 Not thathideoteous levitation spell. Elphaba, please.
2209 02:21:27 You don't knowwhat you're doing with that. Please.
2210 02:21:30 - "Ah ben ana tah. Ah ben for."- Stop.
2211 02:21:32 - "Ah ben hegan."- Stop!
2212 02:21:33 - "Ah ben..."- Stop!
2213 02:21:40 Well...
2214 02:21:44 Where are your wings?
2215 02:21:49 Maybe you're not as powerfulas you think you are.
2216 02:22:06 Sweet Oz.
2217 02:22:54 Heave!
2218 02:22:58 Quickly.
2219 02:23:01 Get on.
2220 02:23:03 What?
2221 02:23:04 Heave! Heave! Heave!
2222 02:23:08 Come with me.
2223 02:23:10 Think of whatwe could do together.
2224 02:23:16 ♪ Unlimited ♪
2225 02:23:20 ♪ Together we're unlimited ♪
2226 02:23:25 ♪ Together we'll bethe greatest team ♪
2227 02:23:28 ♪ There's ever been, Glinda ♪
2228 02:23:32 ♪ Dreams the waywe planned 'em ♪
2229 02:23:35 ♪ If we work in tandem ♪
2230 02:23:38 ♪ There's no fightwe cannot win ♪
2231 02:23:43 ♪ Just you and I ♪
2232 02:23:46 ♪ Defying gravity ♪
2233 02:23:50 ♪ With you and I ♪
2234 02:23:53 ♪ Defying gravity ♪
2235 02:23:56 ♪ They'll never bring us down ♪
2236 02:24:05 Are you coming?
2237 02:24:20 Elphie, you're trembling.
2238 02:24:42 Mmm.
2239 02:24:44 Here.
2240 02:24:46 Put this around you.
2241 02:25:49 ♪ I hope you're happy ♪
2242 02:25:53 ♪ Now thatyou're choosing this ♪
2243 02:25:56 You, too.
2244 02:25:58 ♪ I hope it brings you bliss ♪
2245 02:26:00 ♪ I really hope you get it ♪
2246 02:26:03 ♪ And you don't liveto regret it ♪
2247 02:26:06 ♪ I hope you're happyin the end ♪
2248 02:26:13 ♪ I hope you're happy ♪
2249 02:26:16 ♪ My friend ♪
2250 02:26:24 - There they are!- Get them!
2251 02:26:30 Get her!
2252 02:26:31 No. Leave her alone.
2253 02:26:33 She hasn't doneanything wrong! - No. Ow.
2254 02:26:34 - Get away from me!- No!
2255 02:26:36 -Catch them now!-Elphie!
2256 02:26:39 No. Back off. Back off!
2257 02:26:42 - Elphie. Elphie, stop. No.- I'm the one you want.
2258 02:26:44 - I'm the one you want.-No.
2259 02:26:45 - It's me!-Get her!
2260 02:26:47 It's me!
2261 02:26:59 What have you done this time?
2262 02:27:01 Green on top.
2263 02:27:02 Someone run and tell her that everyone can smell her.
2264 02:27:05 Just stop jabbering. Just do what I say.
2265 02:27:08 Think of your future, deary.
2266 02:27:11 Take it away!
2267 02:27:46 ♪ It's me ♪
2268 02:27:51 ♪ So if you care to find me ♪
2269 02:27:54 ♪ Look to the western sky ♪
2270 02:27:57 ♪ As someone told me lately ♪
2271 02:28:00 ♪ "Everyone deservesthe chance ♪
2272 02:28:04 ♪ To fly" ♪
2273 02:28:05 ♪ And if I'm flying solo ♪
2274 02:28:08 ♪ At least I'm flying free ♪
2275 02:28:11 ♪ To those who'd ground me ♪
2276 02:28:14 ♪ Take a message back from me ♪
2277 02:28:18 ♪ Tell them howI am defying gravity ♪
2278 02:28:24 ♪ I'm flying high ♪
2279 02:28:27 ♪ Defying gravity ♪
2280 02:28:30 ♪ And soon,I'll match them in renown ♪
2281 02:28:47 ♪ Unlimited ♪
2282 02:28:53 Citizens of Oz.
2283 02:28:55 There is an enemy
2284 02:28:58 who must be found and captured.
2285 02:29:02 Believe nothing she says.
2286 02:29:04 Governor. Oh.
2287 02:29:06 -My heart.- She has stolen our Grimmerie.
2288 02:29:08 Oh, no, Governor!
2289 02:29:09 -She is evil.- What's happening?
2290 02:29:10 Nessarose!
2291 02:29:12 ♪ Unlimited ♪
2292 02:29:19 Her green skin
2293 02:29:23 is but an outward manifestorium of her twisted nature.
2294 02:29:29 This distortion.
2295 02:29:32 This repulsion.
2296 02:29:35 - This...- Come on.
2297 02:29:36 ♪ Unlimited ♪
2298 02:29:39 ...Wicked Witch.
2299 02:29:43 ♪ And ♪
2300 02:29:45 ♪ Nobody ♪
2301 02:29:47 ♪ In all of Oz ♪
2302 02:29:49 ♪ No Wizardthat there is or was ♪
2303 02:29:53 ♪ Is ever gonna bring ♪
2304 02:29:58 ♪ Me down ♪
2305 02:30:00 ♪ I hope you're happy ♪
2306 02:30:02 ♪ Look at her, she's Wicked ♪
2307 02:30:05 ♪ Kill her! ♪
2308 02:30:06 -♪ Bring me ♪- ♪ No one mourns the Wicked ♪
2309 02:30:08 ♪ Down ♪
2310 02:30:10 ♪ So we've got to bring her ♪
2311 02:30:22 ♪ Down... ♪
2312 02:30:36 ♪ Down... ♪