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丽莎灵异实录 Jurnal Risa by Risa Saraswati(2024)中英字幕预览
1 00:00:37 有人说相信超自然生物的存在 Some people say that believing in supernatural creatures
2 00:00:42 是相关社群 is the manifestation of fear
3 00:00:46 所经历的恐惧的表现 experienced by the social community involved.
4 00:00:52 对超自然生物的信仰 The belief in supernatural creatures' existence
5 00:00:56 早已在我们的文化中根深蒂固 has long been rooted in our culture.
6 00:01:00 在乡村地区 In the villages
7 00:01:01 我们能发现这种信仰越来越坚固 we see the belief is getting even stronger.
8 00:01:08 两年前,一个团队制作了一部关于超自然生物的纪录片 we see the belief is getting even stronger.
9 00:01:15 存在主义是一种 Existentialism is a view that puts.…
10 00:01:16 民间宗教文化人类学家 Existentialism is a view that puts.…
11 00:01:20 以人为中心的观点 …in the center point of a relationship.
12 00:01:24 想要存在 人类就必须意识到 To exist
13 00:01:29 除了他们自己 再无其他生物存在 that there are no other creatures that exists aside from themselves.
14 00:01:36 世间所有人都是肉眼可见的All of us here are physically visible.
15 00:01:41 但这并不代表看不见的或超自然生物不存在But that doesn't mean that the invisible or the supernatural doesn't exist.
16 00:01:49 当我们相信他们存在时 When we believe they exist
17 00:01:52 他们就存在 then they do exist.
18 00:01:56 关键是你还不能因为当前无法证明 The point is you can't say something is wrong
19 00:02:01 就反驳这个说法 just because it can't currently be proven.
20 00:02:07 其中一位顾问便是印尼有名的灵媒 丽莎·萨拉斯瓦蒂 just because it can't currently be proven.
21 00:02:17 丽莎 我们现在开始采访 Risa
22 00:02:19 -好的 -我会坐在那边 - Okay. - I will sit there.
23 00:02:22 你眼睛看向我就行Direct your eyes towards me.
24 00:02:26 -米克 做准备 -准备就绪- Mic. Get ready. - Ready.
25 00:02:34 我叫丽莎·萨拉斯瓦蒂My name is Risa Saraswati.
26 00:02:36 我是个作家 也是乐队成员 还是个自媒体人I'm a writer. I'm a band member. I'm a content creator.
27 00:02:42 同时也是政府员工I'm a government employee.
28 00:02:45 而且我能看见鬼魂And I can see ghosts.
29 00:02:48 除了彼得 还有威廉 汉斯 亨德里克 詹申和玛丽安 Aside from Peter
30 00:02:55 我一开始很怕他们 I was afraid of them at first.
31 00:02:58 但久而久之 我开始和他们交流 But in time
32 00:03:02 写下他们的故事 and wrote stories about them.
33 00:03:07 很多人认为我在撒谎 Many think I'm lying.
34 00:03:10 但对我来说 他们的名字和故事都真实无比But for me
35 00:03:17 他们不在乎你是否相信他们 They don't care whether you believe about them or not.
36 00:03:20 他们只希望被人听见 They only want to be heard
37 00:03:23 而不是被人相信 not to be believed.
38 00:03:26 不过有个灵体着实吓到我了There is one entity that really scared me.
39 00:03:32 我在我们油管频道的播客I accidentally called upon it
40 00:03:34 “丽莎探灵日记”中不小心召唤了他 in a Jurnal Risa podcast on our YouTube channel.
41 00:03:39 他叫什么名字What's its name?
42 00:03:42 不行No.
43 00:03:43 千万别叫那个名字 不然他会生气Never call that name
44 00:03:47 最好忘掉 不要再说他的名字It is best to not remember and say its name ever again.
45 00:03:53 几乎我家里所有人都能和鬼魂沟通Almost all of my family members have the ability to talk to ghosts.
46 00:03:59 所以我们才创立了“丽莎探灵日记”That's why we made Jurnal Risa.
47 00:04:02 丽莎探灵日记团队抵达That's why we made Jurnal Risa.
48 00:04:03 节目记录的是我们与鬼魂交流的过程 The journal is our process to communicate with ghosts
49 00:04:07 并介绍我们所看到的东西and introduce what we can see.
50 00:04:12 这里便是我们捉鬼的地方This will be our ghost hunting place.
51 00:04:15 太棒了Great.
52 00:04:17 合适得很It's suitable.
53 00:04:18 -很不错 -是啊- Nice. - Yeah.
54 00:04:24 -丽莎 试音 -好- Risa
55 00:04:26 一 二 三 可以吗One
56 00:04:27 -可以 开始吧 -好的- Okay. Come on. - Okay.
57 00:04:31 祝你平安 欢迎来到丽莎探灵日记Peace be upon you. Welcome to Jurnal Risa.
58 00:04:36 今天我们要在万隆郊外进行探灵Today we're going to do a search just outside Bandung
59 00:04:40 位于梳邦地区in the Subang area.
60 00:04:42 我不会透露确切位置 但这里并不止我一个人I won't say the exact location
61 00:04:46 丽莎探灵日记的成员们也在I'm with Jurnal Risa's team.
62 00:04:47 这位是迪玛斯塔Here's Dimasta.
63 00:04:49 还有尼科Here's Nicko.
64 00:04:52 英迪Indy.
65 00:04:54 还有卡康And there's Kakang.
66 00:04:56 以及从雅加达远道而来的莉莉和法鲁尔There's Riri who came all the way from Jakarta. And also Fahrul.
67 00:05:00 还有两位大师And there are two masters
68 00:05:04 安加和杰弗里 他们负责驱邪Angga and Jeffry
69 00:05:10 在捉鬼期间保护我们during the hunt to protect us.
70 00:05:12 -对 -好的- Right. - Okay.
71 00:05:13 -很棒 准备好没 -好了- Great. Ready? - Ready.
72 00:05:16 丽莎 我们的试胆者到了 Risa
73 00:05:18 嗨 Hi!
74 00:05:16 试胆者抵达 Hi!
75 00:05:20 -你们好 -你好 - Hello.- Hello.
76 00:05:22 -这位是阿迪 -你好- This is Ardi. - Hi.
77 00:05:23 -你好 -我是丽莎- Hello. - Risa.
78 00:05:25 -这位是菲利 -你好- This is Felly. - Hello.
79 00:05:27 -普丽莎 -我是普琳莎- Prisa.- Prinsa.
80 00:05:30 我的我的My bad.
81 00:05:31 人终于到齐了Thank God everyone's here.
82 00:05:33 在开始捉鬼之前 我们先做祷告Now
83 00:05:36 -安加会带领我们祷告 -好的- Angga will lead the prayer. - Okay.
84 00:05:38 好 在开始之前Okay
85 00:05:40 我们先做祷告 以求万事顺利let's pray first
86 00:05:42 -阿门 -开始祷告吧- Amen. - Let's start our prayers.
87 00:05:54 阿门Amen.
88 00:05:56 和往常一样 在开始之前…As usual
89 00:05:58 -来吧 -尼科- Come on
90 00:05:59 来吧Let's go.
91 00:06:01 为了丽莎探灵日记 为了民族 为了国家For Jurnal Risa
92 00:06:06 开拍吧Come on. Okay.
93 00:06:08 很好Great.
94 00:06:09 -你们好 -你好- Hello.- Hello.
95 00:06:11 这是你们第一次加入丽莎探灵日记的团队吗Is this the first time you have joined Jurnal Risa's team?
96 00:06:14 -是的 -是的- Yeah.- Yeah.
97 00:06:16 请问 你们为什么加入If I may know
98 00:06:18 我觉得这很有趣For me
99 00:06:19 我也是丽莎的铁粉And I'm also a big fan of Risa.
100 00:06:22 我很好奇看到他们会是什么样子I'm curious what it will be like to meet them.
101 00:06:26 那你呢 普丽莎What about you
102 00:06:29 我为什么加入Why did I join this?
103 00:06:30 在我回答之前 我先说下 我叫普琳莎By the way
104 00:06:34 -不是普丽莎 -哦哦 抱歉- Not Prisna. - Right. Sorry.
105 00:06:36 人们老是叫错我的名字People always mistake my name.
106 00:06:39 但每个人都能记得丽莎碰到过的鬼魂的名字But everyone remembers the names of the ghosts that Risa has met.
107 00:06:44 甚至有个鬼的名字提都不能提 大家也都知道There's even a ghost whose name can't be mentioned
108 00:06:48 所以说不定参加这个节目So maybe
109 00:06:52 我能比超自然生物更火I can be more popular than the supernatural.
110 00:06:59 耗子而已It's only a rat.
111 00:07:01 下毛毛雨了 咱们换个地方It's drizzling. Let's move.
112 00:07:03 -走吧 下雨了 -到那边去- Let's move. It's drizzling. - Move over there.
113 00:07:06 丽莎日记团队探灵中- Let's move. It's drizzling. - Move over there.
114 00:07:08 好了 探灵时间到 Okay
115 00:07:12 月黑风高捉鬼夜It's nightfall
116 00:07:14 但是这里人太多了But there are too many people here.
117 00:07:16 所以我们要分成三组So we're going to split into three teams.
118 00:07:18 你开始头晕了吗Have you started to feel dizzy?
119 00:07:20 -啥 -开始头晕- What? - Starting to feel dizzy.
120 00:07:22 我有点晕了I feel that.
121 00:07:23 特别是因为这个建筑很古老Especially because this structure is very old.
122 00:07:28 别抱着他Don't embrace him.
123 00:07:31 你有什么感觉What do you feel here?
124 00:07:35 你们胆子真大You are brave.
125 00:07:44 看到没See?
126 00:07:46 听到了吗Did you hear that?
127 00:07:48 没有No.
128 00:07:49 说真的 就刚刚 你们听到了吗Seriously. Just now… Did you hear it?
129 00:07:52 -没有 -这个声音- No. - This sound.
130 00:07:55 为什么带我们来这儿Why are you taking us here?
131 00:07:57 我觉得有个灵体I think there's an entity
132 00:08:00 在吸引我过来that's pulling me to come here.
133 00:08:05 别走太深了Not too deep.
134 00:08:07 等下Hang on.
135 00:08:11 英迪 你有什么感觉What are you feeling
136 00:08:13 -我想哭 -过来 尼科- I want to cry. - Come here
137 00:08:19 我好想哭 天啊I want to cry. Oh
138 00:08:22 你看到了吗You see that?
139 00:08:24 为什么这里有这么多女人Why are there so many women here?
140 00:08:29 简直难忍I can't stand it.
141 00:08:31 你有多好奇How curious are you?
142 00:08:34 很好奇 因为我从没见过鬼Pretty curious. Because I've never seen them.
143 00:08:38 -你想见鬼吗 -是的- You want to see them? - Yes.
144 00:08:40 也许…Maybe…
145 00:08:42 我去Oh
146 00:08:45 好像…As…
147 00:08:51 上面传来的Up there.
148 00:08:56 不太对劲This is not right.
149 00:08:59 驱邪吧Let's cast it out.
150 00:09:00 反正我们也不能和他交流We can't talk to it anyway.
151 00:09:02 小姐Miss.
152 00:09:03 -抱歉 -我走远点 好怕怕- Sorry. - Let me move to the side. I'm scared.
153 00:09:13 不能在这里 他们数量太多了Not here. Please. There are a lot of them.
154 00:09:17 我们才刚开始We only just started.
155 00:09:19 他们在看着我们 真的They're watching us. Really.
156 00:09:21 去那边 好吗Over there
157 00:09:23 好的Okay.
158 00:09:24 我好害怕I'm scared.
159 00:09:33 好了 小菲 我们要留你在这里试胆Okay
160 00:09:36 我们在上面和下面放了两个摄像头We've put two cameras
161 00:09:40 那边和那边也有摄像头There are cameras over there and over there.
162 00:09:43 你可以看到这里有个摄像头You can see a camera here.
163 00:09:46 那里也有摄像头There's also a camera there.
164 00:09:48 这两个摄像头能拍下你的一举一动These two cameras will record all your activities.
165 00:09:53 所以你听到 看到或感受到什么 都可以说出来So you can communicate what you hear
166 00:09:57 如果有情况 你受不了了 就这样拍手If something happens
167 00:10:01 -好的 -我们会来帮你- Okay. - And we'll come get you.
168 00:10:03 -好 -准备好没- Okay. - Ready?
169 00:10:05 真主保佑God willing.
170 00:10:06 -我们先走了 好吗 -好的- We'll leave you
171 00:10:33 能看到吗Can you see that?
172 00:10:35 很暗It's dark.
173 00:10:44 我要探索这里I'll try exploring this place.
174 00:10:57 打扰啦Excuse me.
175 00:11:05 好吧Okay.
176 00:11:28 我们玩起来吧Let's play
177 00:11:31 好吧Okay
178 00:11:35 打扰了Excuse me.
179 00:11:39 这建筑真是…So
180 00:11:42 哇瑟Wow!
181 00:11:54 大家好Hi
182 00:11:56 我在这里试胆I'm doing the courage test here.
183 00:12:08 我… I…
184 00:12:18 现在… Now…
185 00:12:27 有个洋娃娃 Own a doll
186 00:12:33 普琳莎Prins?
187 00:12:35 超乎想象的… Can't imagine…
188 00:12:38 普琳莎 别唱了Prinsa
189 00:12:42 好看 How nice…
190 00:12:45 和可爱… And cute…
191 00:12:49 哈喽Hello?
192 00:12:59 彼得Peter?
193 00:13:02 她在召唤彼得和朋友们She's calling for Peter and friends.
194 00:13:04 -在走动了 -汉斯- It's moving. - Hans?
195 00:13:06 -她手机电量不多了吧 -亨德里克- Is her phone on low battery? - Hendrick?
196 00:13:10 阿希Asih?
197 00:13:16 他们怎么不来Why aren't they coming?
198 00:13:18 还是说…Or…
199 00:13:20 我应该召唤Should I call
200 00:13:22 那个不能说出名字的阿飘the one whose name must not be spoken?
201 00:13:25 说不定它会来Maybe it'll come.
202 00:13:39 萨米克 Samex?
203 00:13:43 萨米克 Samex.
204 00:13:47 萨米克Samex.
205 00:13:53 也许我该念快点Maybe I should call on it faster. Okay.
206 00:13:56 萨米克Samex.
207 00:14:00 萨米克Samex.
208 00:14:34 去看看她Check on her.
209 00:14:39 过来Come here.
210 00:14:41 普琳莎Prinsa.
211 00:14:43 她鬼上身了She's possessed.
212 00:14:45 快点Come on.
213 00:14:48 求主宽恕Seek God's forgiveness.
214 00:14:49 普琳莎 求主宽恕Prinsa
215 00:14:51 -起来 -来吧 求主宽恕- Stand up. - Come on
216 00:14:55 怎么了What's going on?
217 00:14:57 -她鬼上身了 -怎么回事- She's possessed. - What's going on?
218 00:14:59 她被附身了She's possessed.
219 00:15:01 天啊Oh
220 00:15:02 别在这待着Not here.
221 00:15:15 我觉得差不多了I think that's enough for now.
222 00:15:17 -我们回去吧 -好- Let's go back. - Okay.
223 00:15:19 好吧 收工Okay then. Let's wrap this up.
224 00:15:21 把东西收起来 快点Let's pack everything up. Come on.
225 00:15:23 快点Come on.
226 00:15:35 也许我该念快点 Maybe I should call on it faster. Okay.
227 00:15:39 萨米克 Samex.
228 00:15:42 是上推特热搜的那个萨米克吗Was Samex the one trending on Twitter?
229 00:15:46 别说它的名字Don't say its name.
230 00:15:48 千万不要Never.
231 00:15:49 我觉得普琳莎是故意说那个名字的I think Prinsa said that name deliberately.
232 00:15:53 这名字当时像病毒一样传开When this was viral back then
233 00:15:56 人们觉得灵体上了他们的身people felt that the entity came to them.
234 00:16:01 有没有可能它附身了普琳莎But is it possible it came to Prinsa?
235 00:16:04 快看一下 阿康Check on it
236 00:16:05 马上放Play it.
237 00:16:12 这…It's…
238 00:16:15 我应该召唤 Should I call
239 00:16:17 那个不能说出名字的阿飘 the one whose name must not be spoken?
240 00:16:15 试胆者经历了超自然现象 the one whose name must not be spoken?
241 00:16:20 我试试 Let me try.
242 00:16:25 萨米克 Samex.
243 00:16:28 萨米克 Samex.
244 00:16:48 纪录片团队同意跟拍普琳莎的日常活动,以了解她的后续情况 Samex.
245 00:16:58 -能给我称一斤这个吗 -好- Can I have a kilo of this? - Okay.
246 00:17:12 你不就是那个热门视频的女主吗You're the girl from that viral video
247 00:17:17 -谢谢 -不客气- Thank you. - You're welcome.
248 00:17:23 丽莎日记团队的人去了普琳莎家 Someone from Jurnal Risa's team had gone to Prinsa's house.
249 00:17:27 她需要检查一下She needs to be checked on.
250 00:17:29 我怕有东西已经缠上了她I'm afraid something has latched onto her.
251 00:17:31 你说的“东西”是指什么What do you mean by "something"?
252 00:17:34 乌瓦·萨提拉Uwa Satirah.
253 00:17:36 我们的一个远亲One of our distant relatives.
254 00:17:38 她纠缠我们家庭时就有了这个名字 She got that name when she started to haunt our family.
255 00:17:39 普琳莎·曼达吉之宅 She got that name when she started to haunt our family.
256 00:17:43 她村里人给她起的 The people from her village gave that name.
257 00:17:47 据我父亲说According to my father
258 00:17:49 如果五天内不把她赶出体外if someone doesn't cast her out in five days
259 00:17:53 宿主的灵魂就会消失the soul from the body she inhabits will be gone.
260 00:17:57 希望不是乌瓦缠上了普琳莎I hope it's not Uwa who has latched onto Prinsa.
261 00:18:09 天啊Oh
262 00:18:18 嗨Hi!
263 00:18:23 大家猜猜谁来了Guys
264 00:18:24 是安加和英迪Angga and Indy are here.
265 00:18:26 打个招呼Say hi.
266 00:18:28 安加和英迪是丽莎探灵日记团队的Angga and Indy are in Jurnal Risa's team.
267 00:18:30 你们还记得前几天我参加了探灵吧You remember that I had joined the search the other day
268 00:18:34 快进来吧Come in.
269 00:18:35 太有意思了So much fun!
270 00:18:43 探灵日记还探到家里来了? Jurnal Risa comes over to the house now?
271 00:18:45 小白Bayu.
272 00:18:48 安加 英迪 他是小白 我表哥Angga
273 00:18:52 他也负责我所有的活动He also handles all of my activities.
274 00:18:59 -小莎 -小白- Sa… - Bayu.
275 00:19:00 丽莎探灵日记对我有好处 知道吗 Jurnal Risa is good for me. Okay?
276 00:19:03 拜托了Please.
277 00:19:07 我是安加I'm Angga.
278 00:19:11 小白Bayu.
279 00:19:13 -英迪 -小白- Indy. - Bayu.
280 00:19:22 有什么事吗What's going on?
281 00:19:26 请问一下If I may ask
282 00:19:28 试胆结束后 你有没有遇到什么怪事after the courage test
283 00:19:34 没有 一切都很正常No. Everything's normal.
284 00:19:36 对吧Right?
285 00:19:40 好吧 普琳莎Okay
286 00:19:42 试胆结束后After the courage test
287 00:19:44 这段视频在网上疯传the video went viral.
288 00:19:47 但丽莎日记团队But Jurnal Risa's team
289 00:19:52 觉得有东西缠上了你feels that something has latched onto you.
290 00:19:57 我们此次前来And we came here
291 00:19:59 是为了给你做驱邪仪式to do a cleansing ritual on you.
292 00:20:02 请你准许Allow us to do it
293 00:20:07 好的Okay.
294 00:20:28 她要去哪儿Where is she going?
295 00:20:37 等等 莉莉Wait
296 00:20:47 莉莉Riri?
297 00:20:52 哥Brother?
298 00:20:56 哥Brother?
299 00:21:00 英迪Indy?
300 00:21:02 英迪Indy!
301 00:21:04 救命Help!
302 00:21:11 乌瓦Uwa.
303 00:21:12 乌瓦Uwa?
304 00:21:17 坐下Sit down.
305 00:21:22 坐下Sit down.
306 00:21:46 小莎Sa?
307 00:21:53 小莎Sa?
308 00:21:54 普琳莎Prinsa?
309 00:21:58 我觉得就是乌瓦I think that was Uwa.
310 00:22:00 乌瓦喜欢变成我们认识的人出现Uwa likes to come in the form of people that we know.
311 00:22:05 我以为那是莉莉I thought it was Riri.
312 00:22:09 但…But…
313 00:22:15 纪录片团队经允许在普琳莎的房子里安装摄像头But…
314 00:22:22 这样吗Like this?
315 00:22:23 对Yes.
316 00:22:25 怎么样 检查下电池How's it? Check the battery.
317 00:23:15 什么东西What's that?
318 00:24:19 你们在干嘛What are you doing?
319 00:24:22 普琳莎Prinsa?
320 00:24:25 怎么了What's going on?
321 00:24:28 出什么事了What happened?
322 00:24:30 有个…There was…
323 00:24:44 家人们 今天我受邀参加一个自媒体人的播客Guys
324 00:24:48 我从没参加过这种节目I've never been invited to something like this.
325 00:24:50 这是我第一次参加别人的播客This is the first time I've been invited to someone's podcast.
326 00:24:53 我做了五年的油管视频During my five years doing YouTube videos
327 00:24:56 一直没什么人气people have never been this interested in me.
328 00:24:59 我不知道是我太普通了还是啥I don't know if I'm too ordinary or what.
329 00:25:02 不过有一点可以确定 我非常紧张One thing is for sure
330 00:25:08 -走吧 -走吧- Let's go.- Let's go.
331 00:25:13 -我们要走了 -好- We're leaving. - Okay.
332 00:25:16 -看到了吗 -就在那边- Do you see it? - It's over there. Over there.
333 00:25:21 你坐那里 嘉宾坐这里You sit there
334 00:25:23 第二个…The second one…
335 00:25:25 咪咪 这位是普琳莎Mi. This is Prisna.
336 00:25:28 -让她坐那儿 -谢谢- Let her sit there. - Thanks.
337 00:25:30 聊完之后 请摘下…When it's done
338 00:25:33 坐这儿Sit here.
339 00:25:35 谢谢Thanks.
340 00:25:40 开始吧Let's start.
341 00:25:42 大家好 我是咪咪Hi
342 00:25:44 欢迎回到“佳人有约”in When Someone In Love With podcast.
343 00:25:51 普琳莎在录制播客时发火了Prinsa got angry during the podcast.
344 00:25:54 小白打电话说的Bayu called.
345 00:25:55 她发火了?She got angry?
346 00:26:08 小莎Sa.
347 00:26:10 我们要再做一次驱邪We need to do the cleansing again.
348 00:26:15 我为什么还要驱邪Why do I need to be cleansed again?
349 00:26:22 我还是普琳莎I'm still Prinsa!
350 00:26:23 -我们只是担心… -萨米克- We're only afraid that it's… - Samex?
351 00:26:27 你们是说萨米克吗You mean Samex?
352 00:26:33 小莎Sa…
353 00:26:41 英迪Di…
354 00:26:42 你坐着 别管她Let her go. Stay here.
355 00:27:37 普琳莎Prinsa?
356 00:27:38 普琳莎Prinsa!
357 00:27:42 -普琳莎没在这儿 -没在吗- Prinsa's not here. - Not here?
358 00:27:44 外面也没有And she's not outside.
359 00:27:45 -小莎 -小莎- Sa?- Sa?
360 00:27:46 小莎Sa?
361 00:27:48 -普琳莎 -我再找一遍- Prinsa? - I'll check one more time.
362 00:27:51 -小莎 -小莎- Sa?- Sa?
363 00:27:52 普琳莎Prinsa?
364 00:27:56 她没在She's not here.
365 00:27:58 小莎Sa?
366 00:27:59 -没找到吗 -没有- Can't find her? - No.
367 00:28:03 普琳莎Prinsa?
368 00:28:05 这是监控录像It's from the surveillance camera.
369 00:28:29 喂Hello.
370 00:28:31 你好 我是梦幻工作室管理部的弗拉斯 Hello. I'm Fras from Dreamland studio management.
371 00:28:33 请问是普琳莎·曼达吉的联系人小白吗 Is this Bayu
372 00:28:37 今早有安排她过来摄影 She is scheduled to do a photoshoot this morning?
373 00:28:40 对 是我Right
374 00:28:43 今早九点 是吧Is it today
375 00:28:46 不过不好意思 我们不得不取消了But
376 00:28:51 -因为… -听着- Because… - Listen.
377 00:28:53 昨晚出了点事 Something happened last night.
378 00:28:55 你最好马上来趟工作室 You better come to the studio right now.
379 00:28:57 是关于普琳莎的 It's about Prinsa.
380 00:28:58 我们等你 尽快过来 We'll be waiting. Come here asap.
381 00:29:00 谢谢 Thanks.
382 00:29:01 小白Bay?
383 00:29:03 好了Here.
384 00:29:04 普琳莎Prinsa?
385 00:29:08 普…Pri…
386 00:29:09 -她的衣服 -天啊 普琳莎- Her clothes. - Oh
387 00:29:11 等下 先别过来Hang on. Don't come here. Wait!
388 00:29:13 普琳莎 我的天Prinsa. Oh
389 00:29:15 天啊Oh
390 00:29:19 坐这儿Sit here.
391 00:29:25 小莎Sa…
392 00:29:28 我这是在哪儿Where am I?
393 00:29:29 小白 我到底怎么了Bayu
394 00:29:35 我怎么会在这儿Why am I here?
395 00:29:50 就是这个Here it is.
396 00:30:07 只有我看过这个视频吗Am I the only one who has seen this video?
397 00:30:10 我们纪录片团队的人We
398 00:30:11 都不忍心把这个视频给小白看didn't have the heart to show this video to Bayu.
399 00:30:15 这是昨晚的录像This is from last night.
400 00:30:22 你怎么看What do you think?
401 00:30:24 她是被萨提拉婆婆还是被萨米克附身了Is she possessed by Grandma Satirah or Samex?
402 00:30:45 乌瓦·萨提拉是我们家的远亲Uwa Satirah was a distant relative of our family.
403 00:30:49 她是我们奶奶生前最好的朋友She was our late grandma's best friend.
404 00:30:52 我和安加那时还是孩子 Angga and I were kids back then.
405 00:30:57 她过着远离宗教的生活 She lived a life far away from religion.
406 00:31:00 我们奶奶生前给过她一件祈祷服 Our late grandma once gave her a prayer clothing.
407 00:31:03 但她不要 She rejected it.
408 00:31:06 没过多久…Not long after that…
409 00:31:09 她就去世了she passed away.
410 00:31:12 从那以后 她的鬼魂就一直纠缠我们家Since then
411 00:31:17 我们的爸爸和爷爷 Our father and our grandpa tried to tie her
412 00:31:21 在她村里人的帮助下将她困住 with the help of someone from her village.
413 00:31:25 从那时起Since then…
414 00:31:28 她的名字就改成了萨米克her name was changed to Samex.
415 00:31:31 普琳莎在拍摄时提到了她的名字Prinsa mentioned her name during the shooting.
416 00:31:36 孩子 小心点Son
417 00:31:40 跟大多数人一样Just like most people
418 00:31:43 普琳莎对灵体充满好奇Prinsa must have been curious about that entity.
419 00:31:46 但她不知道自己的行为会有什么后果But she didn't know what the consequences of her actions.
420 00:31:50 你都到家了 看妈妈You're already home? That's Mom.
421 00:31:58 怎么了What's going on?
422 00:32:02 没事Nothing.
423 00:32:07 别再讨论这个了Let's not discuss this anymore.
424 00:32:28 你拍这些干嘛Why are you recording like that?
425 00:32:31 纪录片团队让我拍的 以防万一The documentary team asked me to do this
426 00:32:35 今天下午怎么回事What happened this afternoon?
427 00:32:39 我感觉大事不妙I think something wrong is happening.
428 00:32:41 嘿 你的手怎么了 为什么一直挠Hey. What's wrong with your hand? Why do you keep on scratching it?
429 00:32:45 没事 睡觉吧Forget it. Let's just sleep.
430 00:32:47 好吧Okay.
431 00:32:48 阿里 乖乖Ri
432 00:32:50 等等Wait.
433 00:32:52 -阿里 他人呢 -他刚还在这儿- Ari? Where is he? - He was just there.
434 00:32:54 阿里Ri?
435 00:32:56 -阿里 -阿里- Ari?- Ari?
436 00:32:57 我去看看他Let me check on him.
437 00:32:58 阿里Ri?
438 00:33:00 阿里在他房间里睡觉呢Ari is sleeping in his room.
439 00:33:02 等下Wait.
440 00:33:04 我们去看看他 阿里Let's check on him. Ari?
441 00:33:17 阿里Ari?
442 00:33:18 他怎么会在这儿 刚不是在我们屋里吗How is he here? Wasn't he in our room?
443 00:33:22 无所谓了Nevermind.
444 00:33:24 他最好去我们屋里睡It's better if he sleeps in our room.
445 00:33:26 他发烧了He has a fever.
446 00:33:28 来吧Come on.
447 00:33:33 嘿Hey.
448 00:33:35 阿里的情况好多了Ari's condition is better.
449 00:33:38 烧已经退了His fever has gone down.
450 00:33:39 医生说他没事The doctor said he's fine.
451 00:33:41 好吗 别难过了Okay? Don't be sad.
452 00:33:44 冷静点Calm down.
453 00:33:46 我去陪他I'm going to be with him.
454 00:33:49 好了Okay.
455 00:33:55 我们得找爸爸 我们得和他谈谈We need to meet Dad. We have to talk to him.
456 00:33:57 好的Okay.
457 00:33:58 冷静点Calm down.
458 00:34:00 这事交给我们Let us take care of this.
459 00:34:02 你只管照顾好阿里You just focus on Ari.
460 00:34:10 她不小心在油管上说出了乌瓦的名字She accidentally mentioned Uwa's name on YouTube.
461 00:34:16 她怎么能这么不小心How could she be so careless?
462 00:34:21 你们都知道后果You all know the consequences.
463 00:34:44 小莎 普琳莎Sa. Prinsa.
464 00:34:48 -做祷告吧 -好 等会儿- Go say your prayers. - Yeah
465 00:34:51 晚点再做Later.
466 00:34:57 这样你才能得到安宁So that you get some peace
467 00:34:59 不再被侵扰and you're not disturbed anymore.
468 00:35:02 好吗Okay?
469 00:35:04 我之后也会做祷告I will say my prayers too after this.
470 00:35:25 谢谢你给我这个Thank you for giving me this.
471 00:35:32 但我不会穿的But I will not wear it.
472 00:35:36 你上你的天堂You can go to heaven by yourself.
473 00:35:42 我要留在我的鱼米之乡I'll stay in a huge rice field.
474 00:35:54 他们继续给普琳莎做驱邪仪式 整个过程被监控和记录下来
475 00:36:20 这是第三天This is day three.
476 00:36:23 我真的好累好累And I'm really exhausted.
477 00:36:27 反复进行驱邪Going through the cleansing ritual repeatedly.
478 00:36:33 不断进入失魂状态I kept on going through situations
479 00:36:36 不知道自己发生了什么where I wasn't aware of what was happening.
480 00:36:40 所以 今晚我要采取预防措施So
481 00:37:14 -英迪 -什么事- Indy. - Yes?
482 00:37:17 每天过这种生活Aren't you scared
483 00:37:21 你不害怕吗having to live this every day?
484 00:37:22 有时候挺怕的Sometimes
485 00:37:24 但我们还有其他人But we have the others here.
486 00:37:27 所以我们很安全So
487 00:37:33 我只有小白I only have Bayu.
488 00:37:40 以前…Earlier…
489 00:37:42 我都是孤单一人I was only by myself.
490 00:37:54 我有个问题I have a question.
491 00:38:00 你有最好的朋友吗Do you have a best friend?
492 00:38:03 尼科是我哥哥 也是我最好的朋友Nicko is my big brother and my best friend.
493 00:38:08 丽莎日记团队的每个人都是我的朋友Everyone in the Jurnal Risa team are also my friends.
494 00:38:11 你呢What about you?
495 00:38:16 以前我也有个朋友Earlier
496 00:38:18 那是很久之前了A long time ago.
497 00:38:21 我们关系很好We were best friends.
498 00:38:24 一共有四个人There were four of us.
499 00:38:27 其中两个随父母去了城里Two of them went to the city with their parents.
500 00:38:31 还剩下两个人There were two left.
501 00:38:35 但她们已经不再相聚了But they're not together anymore now.
502 00:38:41 一个自杀了One killed herself.
503 00:38:46 一个死了 而且从没做过祷告One died and never once said her prayers.
504 00:39:03 你为什么叫她阿姨 而不是萨米克Why are you calling her Aunty
505 00:40:53 英迪Di.
506 00:40:55 普琳莎呢Where's Prinsa?
507 00:40:56 她不是普琳莎It's not Prinsa.
508 00:40:58 乌瓦在这里 当心点Uwa is here. Be careful.
509 00:41:02 普琳莎Prinsa?
510 00:41:06 一百具尸体 两百具尸体 三百具尸体100 bodies
511 00:41:12 小心点 小白Slowly
512 00:41:14 普琳莎Prinsa.
513 00:41:18 普琳莎Prinsa.
514 00:41:20 普琳莎 快醒醒Prinsa
515 00:41:50 -小白 -嗯- Bay. - Yes?
516 00:41:53 这是谁Who is it?
517 00:41:57 让她坐在这里Have her sit over here.
518 00:42:02 阿成Aceng…
519 00:42:06 你为什么要缠着普琳莎Why are you disturbing Prinsa?
520 00:42:10 你有什么目的What do you want?
521 00:42:12 我没缠着她I'm not disturbing her.
522 00:42:16 我是被召唤的I was called upon.
523 00:42:18 出来 回家去吧Come on
524 00:42:23 回家Go home.
525 00:42:26 按住她 小白Hold her
526 00:42:28 没门No way.
527 00:42:30 我不想再被困住I don't want to be tied again.
528 00:42:32 以真主之名In the name of God.
529 00:42:36 所有敬拜归于真主 他是永生的 有福的"There's no god worthy of worship except Him
530 00:42:40 好烫It's hot!
531 00:42:52 醒醒 小莎Wake up
532 00:42:54 小白Bay.
533 00:42:56 不要I can't!
534 00:43:04 当心 小白Be careful
535 00:43:07 当心 尼科Watch out
536 00:43:13 我的天Oh
537 00:43:17 别站在那儿Don't stand there.
538 00:43:57 按住她Hold her!
539 00:44:04 乌瓦Uwa.
540 00:44:06 收手吧 乌瓦 上我的身吧Stop it
541 00:44:09 不No!
542 00:44:12 让开Move.
543 00:44:29 她清醒了吗Is she awake?
544 00:44:30 带她去椅子上Move her to a chair.
545 00:44:37 普琳莎Prinsa.
546 00:44:54 我觉得不是乌瓦I don't think it's Uwa.
547 00:44:59 我认为是伪装成乌瓦的I think it's something supernatural
548 00:45:01 另一个超自然生物in the form of Uwa.
549 00:45:06 赶紧Hurry.
550 00:45:07 回到它来的那个村子Go back to the village where it came from.
551 00:45:10 只有他们能制服她Only they can bind her.
552 00:45:12 当年就是他们帮忙制服了乌瓦They're the ones who helped bind Uwa back then.
553 00:45:16 也是他们They're also the ones
554 00:45:18 给她起了萨米克这个名字who gave her the name Samex.
555 00:45:23 对普琳莎来说越来越危险了 It's getting dangerous for Prinsa.
556 00:45:26 根据爸爸的说法 唯一的解决办法 According to Dad
557 00:45:29 就是带普琳莎去乌瓦的老家 is by taking Prinsa to Uwa's home village.
558 00:45:35 那里什么都可能发生 Anything can happen there.
559 00:45:37 但他们必须面对 But they have to be able to face it.
560 00:45:41 否则 Or else
561 00:45:42 普琳莎… Prinsa…
562 00:45:47 可能永远都回不来了may never come back
563 00:45:58 你们要带我去哪儿Where are you taking me?
564 00:46:06 如果你们认为If you think
565 00:46:10 带我回我的出生地 我就会害怕I'll be scared to be taken back to the place where I was born…
566 00:46:17 那你们就错了You're wrong.
567 00:46:47 来吧 小莎Come on
568 00:46:52 慢点Slowly.
569 00:47:42 那是…Is that…
570 00:47:44 空的吗empty?
571 00:48:30 他们是谁Who are they?
572 00:48:32 从城里来的They're from the city.
573 00:48:33 他们来干嘛What are they doing here?
574 00:48:34 他怎么了What's wrong with him?
575 00:48:41 咋回事What's the matter?
576 00:48:44 快滚 滚出去Leave. Get out of here.
577 00:48:46 全都给我回去Just go home
578 00:48:47 回去Go back!
579 00:48:49 全都回去Go home! All of you!
580 00:48:51 大哥 这是怎么回事Brother
581 00:48:53 各位大哥大姐Sir
582 00:48:56 我们是来找村长的We're here to meet the village head.
583 00:49:19 你们是他的客人吗Are you his guest?
584 00:49:23 是的Yes.
585 00:49:26 跟我来Come with me.
586 00:50:08 不好意思Excuse me
587 00:50:10 为了土地 为了水源For the earth
588 00:50:14 一百具尸体100 bodies
589 00:50:17 两百具尸体200 bodies.
590 00:50:23 为了土地 为了水源For the earth
591 00:50:27 一百具尸体100 bodies
592 00:50:29 两百具尸体200 bodies.
593 00:50:32 这血和席子是干什么用的What is this blood and mat for?
594 00:50:36 这席子是…The mat is…
595 00:50:39 做仪式用的for the ritual.
596 00:50:43 这样就不会再死人了So no one will die anymore.
597 00:50:45 死人?People died?
598 00:50:53 已经好几天了It's been a few days.
599 00:50:57 出现很多不明所以的迹象There have been lots of signs that don't make sense.
600 00:51:03 有怪事要发生了Something strange is going to happen.
601 00:51:34 我们现在能见村长吗Can we meet the village head now?
602 00:51:37 来吧Come on.
603 00:51:39 走吧 小白Come on
604 00:51:57 村里的人Nobody from the village
605 00:51:59 没一个敢呆在这儿dares to stay here.
606 00:52:10 他们全都怕得要死They're all afraid.
607 00:52:13 这是萨提拉的房子This is Satirah's house.
608 00:52:18 我们到了We have arrived.
609 00:52:20 小心点Be careful.
610 00:52:29 我们到了We're here.
611 00:52:37 你们先别进去All of you
612 00:52:41 我先去打扫一下I'm going to clean it first.
613 00:52:44 快来 阿加Come on
614 00:52:57 她回来了She has come back.
615 00:52:58 -不好意思 -请进- Excuse me. - Please come in.
616 00:53:02 我是这儿的长老I am the eldest here.
617 00:53:07 你们都是阿成的孙儿吗Are you all Aceng's grandkids?
618 00:53:09 是的Yes.
619 00:53:21 已经第五天了 对吧It's the fifth night
620 00:53:26 给我把椅子Get me a chair.
621 00:53:29 放这儿Put it here.
622 00:53:36 让她坐下Let her sit.
623 00:53:39 且慢 你要对我表妹做什么Excuse me. What are you doing to my cousin?
624 00:53:42 小白 记住丽莎的话 听他安排Bay
625 00:53:45 -这是普琳莎 -这是为了她好- It's Prinsa. - It's for her own good.
626 00:53:47 -照他说的做 他们懂的 -对- Do what he says. They know. - Yes.
627 00:53:48 来吧Come on.
628 00:53:49 帮我按住Please help.
629 00:53:57 一百具尸体 两百具尸体 三百具尸体100 bodies
630 00:54:06 一百具尸体 两百具尸体100 bodies
631 00:54:11 三百具尸体300 bodies.
632 00:54:16 你终于现身了You've finally revealed yourself.
633 00:54:19 萨提拉Satirah.
634 00:54:21 阿吉Aki.
635 00:54:22 -萨提拉 -阿吉- Satirah. - Aki.
636 00:54:24 爸爸说她不是乌瓦·萨提拉Father said it's not Uwa Satirah.
637 00:54:27 那是谁呢Who is this
638 00:54:40 在这个村里 不只是萨提拉被叫做萨米克It's not only Satirah who is called Samex in this village.
639 00:54:45 还有超自然生物 以非自然方式死亡的人Supernatural creatures
640 00:54:52 -伊托 -我在- Ito. - Yes
641 00:55:07 不是所有人都能进来Not everyone can come in.
642 00:55:09 我们就在这等吧 小白Let's just stay here
643 00:55:12 待在这儿Stay here.
644 00:55:13 冷静点 在这等着Calm down and stay here.
645 00:55:15 相信他们 他们更懂Trust them. They know better.
646 00:55:17 好吗Okay?
647 00:55:42 这是乌瓦·萨提拉This is Uwa Satirah.
648 00:55:45 这是伊诺克 我们的奶奶This is Enok
649 00:55:49 这是麦埃亚 奶奶的姐姐This is Mak Eya
650 00:55:52 这是乌瓦·伊玛斯And this is Uwa Imas.
651 00:55:56 我要再问一次I'm going to ask again.
652 00:56:00 你们在这干什么What are you doing here?
653 00:56:04 你们以为我会害怕被带回自己的村子吗Did you think I'd be scared to be brought to my own village?
654 00:56:21 仪式进行期间 超自然之门将会打开 During the ritual
655 00:56:26 萨米克从这个女人体内出来时 When Samex comes out of this woman's body
656 00:56:30 可能不止她想逃出来she might not be the only one who is going to get out.
657 00:56:33 有很多灵体Lots of supernatural entities
658 00:56:35 正在寻找人类作为他们的宿主are looking for humans as their dwelling place.
659 00:56:42 这个村子已经被诅咒四年了 This village has been cursed for four years.
660 00:56:47 影响了很多村民 And it has impacted a lot of the villagers.
661 00:56:50 他们以非自然的方式死去 And they died in unnatural ways.
662 00:56:53 作物歉收Agricultural failure.
663 00:56:57 长期干旱Prolonged drought.
664 00:56:59 其中一些不断困扰村民的灵异生物Some of them who consistently haunt the villagers…
665 00:57:04 就被称为萨米克are called Samex.
666 00:57:11 也就是普琳莎遇到的东西That's what happened to Prinsa.
667 00:57:14 大哥 我们该怎么办Brother
668 00:57:17 先呆在这里吧Let's just stay here
669 00:57:18 等他们做好准备while waiting for their preparation.
670 00:57:21 好Okay.
671 00:57:22 让普琳莎和小白为今晚的仪式休息一下Let Prinsa and Bayu rest for tonight's ritual.
672 00:57:27 好的Okay.
673 00:57:30 桥…Bridge…
674 00:57:33 瑞安 走吧Ryan
675 00:57:35 小白 我和瑞安先出去了Bayu
676 00:57:37 我们要去看看仪式的准备情况We're going to see the ritual preparations.
677 00:57:40 -行吗 -行- Okay? - Sure.
678 00:57:44 祭品Offering.
679 00:57:46 桥Bridge.
680 00:57:48 -小莎 -河流- Sa… - River.
681 00:57:50 好热Hot.
682 00:57:53 我帮你Let me help you.
683 00:57:54 好热Hot.
684 00:57:58 桥Bridge.
685 00:57:59 -小莎 -祭品- Sa… - Offering.
686 00:58:03 土地Earth.
687 00:58:06 桥Bridge.
688 00:58:08 别骚扰我表妹Don't disturb my cousin.
689 00:58:11 别骚扰我表妹Don't disturb my cousin.
690 00:58:14 小白 是我啊 普琳莎Bayu
691 00:58:18 我好累啊I'm exhausted.
692 00:58:21 我想回家I want to go home.
693 00:58:25 -小莎 -我想回家- Sa… - I want to go home.
694 00:58:28 普琳莎Prinsa.
695 00:58:34 我答应你 等你好了 我们就回家I promise you
696 00:58:39 你想要什么What do you want?
697 00:58:40 我会满足你的任何要求I'm going to fulfill whatever you ask for.
698 00:58:44 我想尝尝新生儿的胎盘I want to taste the placenta of a newborn baby.
699 00:58:50 我会慢慢撕碎它I'll split it slowly.
700 00:58:55 它的心脏Its heart…
701 00:58:57 它的五脏六腑Or its organs.
702 00:59:01 小莎Sa.
703 00:59:03 我会永远记得它的美味I'll always remember how good it tastes.
704 00:59:18 小莎Sa…
705 00:59:19 快开灯Turn on the lights.
706 00:59:23 她去哪儿了Where is she?
707 00:59:25 普琳莎呢Where's Prinsa?
708 00:59:29 普琳莎Prinsa?
709 00:59:30 去那边找找Try looking for her over there.
710 00:59:32 小莎Sa?
711 00:59:34 她不在这儿She's not here.
712 00:59:35 普琳莎Prinsa!
713 00:59:42 -咋啦 -有东西…- What? - There's something…
714 00:59:45 普琳莎不在这里 去那边看看Prinsa's not here. Let's look over there.
715 00:59:48 妈的Shit.
716 00:59:50 普琳莎Prinsa.
717 00:59:55 小莎Sa?
718 01:00:02 小莎Sa?
719 01:00:08 小莎Sa?
720 01:00:10 普琳莎Prinsa?
721 01:00:15 普琳莎Prinsa?
722 01:00:20 普琳莎Prinsa?
723 01:00:26 这是哪里Where are we?
724 01:00:28 这是什么地方Where are we?
725 01:00:31 瑞克 我们回去吧Rik
726 01:00:37 小白Bayu.
727 01:00:38 锁住了It's locked.
728 01:00:48 是普琳莎的声音It's Prinsa's voice.
729 01:00:50 小莎Sa?
730 01:00:53 普琳莎Prinsa?
731 01:01:07 小白Bay?
732 01:01:09 小白Bayu?
733 01:01:12 小白 小白Bay? Bayu?
734 01:01:32 小白Bay?
735 01:01:33 小白Bayu?
736 01:02:13 小白 小白Bay? Bayu?
737 01:02:15 小白Bayu?
738 01:02:49 小白Bay.
739 01:02:51 我们回到这个屋子了We're back at this house.
740 01:03:01 小白Bay.
741 01:03:03 别进那个房间Don't go into that room.
742 01:03:11 我们试试从前门出去Let's try to go out the front door.
743 01:03:27 门开了The door's open!
744 01:03:31 往外扯Pull it!
745 01:03:32 不行I can't!
746 01:03:33 小白 用力扯Bay
747 01:03:35 我不行I can't!
748 01:03:37 门刚开了The door opened!
749 01:03:44 阿吉Ki! Aki!
750 01:03:52 她拐走了我的孩子She took my child!
751 01:03:54 我的孩子不见了My child is missing!
752 01:03:55 救命啊 阿吉 我的孩子被绑架了Help
753 01:03:58 先别急 帮下他们Calm down. Help them.
754 01:04:01 帮帮我们Help us.
755 01:04:07 -小白 -小白- Bayu?- Bayu!
756 01:04:10 救命Help!
757 01:04:12 英迪Indy!
758 01:04:13 不 你继续拍No
759 01:04:19 -冷静 -普琳莎- Calm down. - Prinsa!
760 01:04:21 慢点 坐下Be careful. Sit down.
761 01:04:25 你没事吧Are you okay?
762 01:04:27 小白Bayu…
763 01:04:30 小白出什么事了What happened to Bayu?
764 01:04:32 普琳莎不见了Prinsa's missing.
765 01:04:35 -帮帮我们 -普琳莎不见了- Help us! - Prinsa's missing.
766 01:04:37 她在哪儿不见的Where did she go missing?
767 01:04:39 我不知道I don't know.
768 01:04:42 -在这等着 -我拍到了萨米克- Wait here. - I recorded Samex.
769 01:04:45 -萨米克 -对- Samex? - Yes.
770 01:04:46 -冷静点 -是萨米克- Calm down. - It was Samex.
771 01:04:48 萨米克Samex.
772 01:04:50 萨米克Samex.
773 01:04:53 好痛啊It hurts!
774 01:04:55 快点Hurry.
775 01:05:01 趁她还没跑到稻田Before she gets to the rice field.
776 01:05:04 我们沿路去找她Let's look for her along the way.
777 01:05:07 说不定她就在那里Maybe she's there.
778 01:05:10 跟我来Come with me.
779 01:05:14 普琳莎Prinsa!
780 01:05:19 普琳莎Prinsa!
781 01:05:22 小莎Sa!
782 01:05:24 普琳莎Prinsa!
783 01:05:26 小莎Sa!
784 01:05:27 普琳莎Prinsa!
785 01:05:30 -普琳莎 -普琳莎- Prinsa!- Prinsa!
786 01:05:34 -普琳莎 -普琳莎- Prinsa!- Prinsa!
787 01:05:37 -普琳莎 -普琳莎- Prinsa!- Prinsa!
788 01:05:44 有动静I heard something.
789 01:05:49 她在那儿 普琳莎There she is. Prinsa!
790 01:05:51 小莎Sa…
791 01:05:53 普琳莎Prinsa.
792 01:06:05 普琳莎Prinsa…
793 01:06:11 普琳莎Prinsa…
794 01:06:16 捆住她的手Tie her hands!
795 01:06:20 快点Quickly!
796 01:06:28 抓住她了We have her.
797 01:06:30 快点 我们走Quickly
798 01:06:33 普琳莎的驱邪仪式开始了Quickly
799 01:06:41 扶她起来Stand her up.
800 01:06:43 好的 麦婆Okay
801 01:06:50 普琳莎Prinsa!
802 01:06:51 别动 普琳莎Stop it
803 01:06:53 麦婆Mak!
804 01:06:57 用席子包住她Tie her with the mat.
805 01:06:59 裹起来 用席子把她包好Wrap her
806 01:07:03 快点Hurry up!
807 01:07:05 包住她Wrap her.
808 01:07:07 用席子包住她Wrap her with the mat.
809 01:07:10 进去Go inside.
810 01:07:12 别出来Don't go out.
811 01:07:15 走吧Go there.
812 01:07:17 他说 无论发生什么 我们都不要出来He said
813 01:07:29 小白 我先走了Bay
814 01:08:16 这个仪式This ritual
815 01:08:18 无法将超自然生物就这样捆住can't tie the supernatural just like that.
816 01:08:21 单纯将它从这个女孩的躯体Just moving it from the girl's body
817 01:08:24 移到另一个躯体to another body…
818 01:08:29 不是我们所希望的isn't what we hoped for.
819 01:08:33 为了以防万一 我们准备了一只动物尸体Just in case
820 01:08:39 但决定权还是在灵体手中But it's the entity that will decide.
821 01:08:43 死的要么是人If it's the human who will die
822 01:08:45 要么是动物or the animal.
823 01:08:50 我们请求许可和宽恕We ask for permission and forgiveness.
824 01:08:52 敬我们的祖先To our ancestor
825 01:08:54 海洋的统治者who rules the sea.
826 01:08:57 来自东南西北的祖先The ancestors from the north
827 01:09:03 他们充满尊贵和智慧The exalted and the wise ones.
828 01:09:06 统治地球的黑暗变形者The dark shapeshifter that rules the earth.
829 01:09:13 马上要开始仪式了Now we shall start the ritual.
830 01:09:16 开工Let's start.
831 01:09:32 出去Get out!
832 01:09:34 凭啥Why?
833 01:09:37 你占据了别人的身体 罪孽深重You're inside someone else's body
834 01:09:40 为啥Why?
835 01:09:42 你占据了别人的身体 罪孽深重You're inside someone else's body
836 01:09:44 你的嘴臭死了Your mouth stinks!
837 01:09:46 你才臭不可闻You're the one who stinks!
838 01:09:50 快回家去Now
839 01:09:53 回到你的世界Go back to your world!
840 01:09:55 平静的世界The world of calm.
841 01:09:57 没门No way!
842 01:10:00 你到底想干嘛What do you want?
843 01:10:04 我想让你看看I want you to see.
844 01:10:07 一个美丽的地方A very beautiful place.
845 01:10:11 充满火焰Full of fire!
846 01:10:13 出去Get out!
847 01:10:16 你的心黑暗无比You have a dark heart.
848 01:10:23 我的心黑暗无比I have a dark heart.
849 01:10:29 我的心黑暗无比I have a dark heart.
850 01:11:10 出去Get out!
851 01:11:13 休想No way!
852 01:11:17 出去Get out!
853 01:11:19 休想No way!
854 01:11:24 出去Get out!
855 01:11:48 大哥 我们该怎么办Brother
856 01:11:51 耐心点Be patient.
857 01:11:53 我们静观其变Let's just wait and see.
858 01:12:04 继续拍Keep recording!
859 01:12:06 带她过来Bring her here.
860 01:12:08 快点 带她过来Hurry
861 01:12:10 让她站在这儿Make her stand here.
862 01:12:16 赶快 让她站着Come on. Make her stand.
863 01:12:20 停下Stop.
864 01:12:22 绑住她的手Now
865 01:12:24 绑住她的手Tie her hands.
866 01:12:36 很久以前 你在这里出生A long time ago
867 01:12:42 但这里不再是你的地盘了But now it's not your place anymore.
868 01:12:46 滚Go.
869 01:12:48 滚回你该去的地方Go back to where you belong.
870 01:12:54 阿加Arja
871 01:12:56 下刀slaughter it.
872 01:12:59 取它的血Take its blood.
873 01:13:08 尝尝这个血Taste that blood.
874 01:13:11 尝尝Taste it!
875 01:13:26 这…This…
876 01:13:27 这样不对啊This is not right.
877 01:13:30 如果情况不对劲 我们要去阻止他们If it's getting worse
878 01:13:41 我这是在哪儿Where am I?
879 01:13:43 -小白 -通常不会持续太久- Bayu! - It usually doesn't last long.
880 01:13:46 救救我 我想回家Help! I want to go home.
881 01:13:51 我想回家I want to go home.
882 01:14:04 伊托Ito!
883 01:14:08 快点Hurry.
884 01:14:14 用席子裹住她Tie her with the mat.
885 01:14:20 恶灵 快给我出来Quick
886 01:14:23 用席子裹住她Tie her with the mat.
887 01:14:26 恶灵 快出来Quick
888 01:14:37 我去过那里I have been there.
889 01:14:43 热的要死It's scorching!
890 01:14:46 但很美丽So beautiful!
891 01:14:51 等我到了那里When I get there
892 01:14:55 我会回来找你们的I'll come get you!
893 01:14:57 走吧Let's go.
894 01:15:03 你们过来干什么What are you doing here?
895 01:15:16 妹妹Sister?
896 01:15:18 -回屋 -快回去- Get in. - Get back in!
897 01:15:20 -可是… -快回去- But… - Get back in!
898 01:15:29 我想吃东西I want to eat.
899 01:15:36 我想吃东西I want to eat.
900 01:15:46 你有新生儿吗Do you have a newborn baby?
901 01:15:52 你有新生儿吗Do you have a newborn baby?
902 01:15:59 你有新生儿吗Do you have a newborn baby?
903 01:16:05 我可以吃吗May I eat it?
904 01:16:32 我的天Oh
905 01:16:42 阿吉 内蒂被选中了Ki
906 01:16:48 快过来看看 阿吉Come here
907 01:16:50 阿吉 内蒂被选中了Ki
908 01:16:51 内蒂Neti!
909 01:16:53 抬她起来Get her up.
910 01:17:00 慢点 先抓住她的手Be careful. Take her hands first.
911 01:17:07 宇宙长老已经做出了选择The elders of the universe have chosen.
912 01:17:10 宇宙长老已经做出了选择The elders of the universe have chosen.
913 01:17:14 快把内蒂搬过来Move Neti from there quickly.
914 01:17:18 搬过来Move her!
915 01:17:21 把她的尸体搬过来Move her dead body here.
916 01:17:34 这副身体不属于你 你属于坟墓This body is not yours
917 01:17:39 灭了 灯灭了It went out. The light went out.
918 01:17:43 不仅是灯Not only the light.
919 01:17:45 火也灭了The fire too.
920 01:17:48 所有的火把都灭了All the torches also went out.
921 01:17:51 这里怎么这么安静Why is it so quiet here?
922 01:17:55 有点不对劲Something's off.
923 01:17:57 小杨 把摄像机灯打开 拿着摄像机Yan
924 01:18:00 好Okay.
925 01:18:01 米克Mic!
926 01:18:04 英迪 牵着伊科Indy
927 01:18:06 -安加 怎么回事 -别走散了- Ga
928 01:18:25 安加 你能解释一下吗Ga
929 01:18:29 阿吉说 仪式进行期间 有道大门会打开Aki said
930 01:18:35 那道门现在肯定打开了The gate must be opened now.
931 01:18:37 大哥 普琳莎不见了Brother
932 01:18:39 别丢下她一个人Don't let her be alone.
933 01:18:40 -别丢下她一个人 -小白 冷静点- Don't let her be alone. - Bay
934 01:18:44 小白Bayu!
935 01:18:46 我不会丢下她一个人的I will not let her be alone.
936 01:18:48 我们会找到她的 大家分头找We'll find her. Let's split.
937 01:18:50 -安加 英迪 小白 你们和瑞安一起 -好- Angga
938 01:18:54 -尼科和我一队 -好的- Nicko and I
939 01:18:58 分头找 安加 你们去那边 我们去这边Let's split. Angga
940 01:19:01 -我们去那边 -好- We will go there. - Okay.
941 01:19:02 抓紧我的手Keep holding my hand.
942 01:19:05 先走Go first.
943 01:19:10 普琳莎Prinsa?
944 01:19:11 普琳莎Prinsa?
945 01:19:14 去那儿看看Check over there.
946 01:19:16 小莎Sa?
947 01:19:18 普琳莎Prinsa?
948 01:19:24 普琳莎Prinsa?
949 01:19:29 你们在这等着You wait over here.
950 01:19:36 普琳莎Prinsa?
951 01:19:45 小莎Sa?
952 01:19:48 她没在这儿She's not here.
953 01:19:51 普琳莎Prinsa.
954 01:19:53 -去那边看看 -走吧- Let's look over there. - Let's go.
955 01:19:56 小莎Sa?
956 01:19:59 继续找吧Let's continue our search.
957 01:20:07 还要去哪里找Where else should we look?
958 01:20:09 不知道I don't know.
959 01:20:13 丹Dan?
960 01:20:15 我还以为…I thought…
961 01:20:19 继续找吧Let's continue our search.
962 01:20:30 好像是村民的声音That sounds like the villagers.
963 01:20:32 我们去问问他们Let's just ask them.
964 01:20:34 不行No.
965 01:20:35 别去 他们不是人类No
966 01:20:39 别管他们 把灯关掉Let's just let them pass. Turn off the light.
967 01:20:42 快躲起来Let's hide.
968 01:20:52 尼克Nick.
969 01:20:54 怎么了What?
970 01:20:58 别看Don't look.
971 01:21:08 咱们走Let's move.
972 01:21:19 普琳莎Prinsa?
973 01:21:21 -小白 是普琳莎 -普琳莎- Bay
974 01:21:25 -小莎 -普琳莎- Sa! - Prinsa!
975 01:21:29 -小莎 -小莎- Sa?- Sa?
976 01:21:30 普琳莎Prinsa?
977 01:21:33 -小莎 -普琳莎- Sa? - Prinsa?
978 01:21:38 -小莎 -普琳莎- Sa? - Prinsa?
979 01:21:39 小莎Sa?
980 01:21:46 英迪 别去Dy. No.
981 01:21:57 安加Angga!
982 01:22:02 -那边 小白 -哪里- There
983 01:22:06 该死 普琳莎Shit! Prinsa!
984 01:22:08 普琳莎Prinsa!
985 01:22:16 你听Listen.
986 01:22:17 仔细听Listen to that.
987 01:22:41 普琳莎坐的那把祭祀椅在这里The coffin Prinsa was in is here.
988 01:22:47 我们去救她Let's try saving Prinsa.
989 01:22:51 湖泊 森林 海洋 Lake
990 01:23:02 来自北方的命令 The words of the north
991 01:23:04 需要服从 needs to be obeyed.
992 01:23:07 湖泊 森林 海洋 Lake
993 01:23:17 它来了 它来了It comes. It has come.
994 01:23:22 更加苦涩It's bitter.
995 01:23:32 它来了It has come!
996 01:23:34 我们该怎么做What should we do?
997 01:23:35 更加苦涩Bitter
998 01:23:52 我们怎么办What should we do?
999 01:23:55 -大哥 -大哥- Brother.- Brother.
1000 01:23:58 我们快走Let's leave.
1001 01:24:09 他们没追来了They're not chasing us anymore.
1002 01:24:11 我们继续慢慢走But let's walk slowly.
1003 01:24:12 瑞安 快跟上Ryan
1004 01:24:16 妹妹 小白Sister. Bay.
1005 01:24:18 小莎Sa!
1006 01:24:20 普琳莎Prinsa!
1007 01:24:22 她眼睛很正常 她清醒了Her eyes are normal. She's conscious.
1008 01:24:24 谢天谢地Thank God.
1009 01:24:26 我在哪里Where am I?
1010 01:24:28 我们得赶紧离开We need to get out now.
1011 01:24:31 大哥 他们怎么会在这儿Brother
1012 01:24:35 安加 这到底怎么回事Angga
1013 01:24:39 他们怎么会这样Why are they like this?
1014 01:24:42 我们回到现实世界了吗Are we back to our realm?
1015 01:24:45 是不是啊Right?
1016 01:24:46 把普琳莎送回祭祀椅Return Prinsa to the coffin.
1017 01:24:48 来吧 小莎Come on
1018 01:24:50 不行No.
1019 01:25:04 你不属于这里You don't belong here!
1020 01:25:07 快滚Go.
1021 01:25:09 滚回你的世界Go back to where you belong.
1022 01:25:13 你不属于这里You don't belong here!
1023 01:25:15 妹妹Sister!
1024 01:25:17 你没事吧Are you okay?
1025 01:25:19 你不属于这里You don't belong here!
1026 01:25:30 萨米克 萨米克出来了Samex! Samex is out!
1027 01:25:50 大哥 他痊愈了Brother
1028 01:25:52 我们村不再有萨米克了Our village is free from Samex.
1029 01:26:04 带普琳莎回去Take Prinsa back.
1030 01:26:06 结束了吗Is it finished?
1031 01:26:07 结束了It's done.
1032 01:26:08 赶紧 带普琳莎回去Hurry
1033 01:26:10 尼科Nicko.
1034 01:26:34 他们成功驱除了普琳莎体内的恶灵 They succeeded in casting the spirit out of Prinsa's body.
1035 01:26:38 普琳莎和纪录片团队被准许回家 Prinsa and the team were allowed to go home.
1036 01:26:40 但仪式还在继续 But the ritual went on.
1037 01:26:44 他们不准我们报道此事 We were not allowed to cover it.
1038 01:26:46 我不知道这个村子是否成功摆脱了超自然生物 I don't know if the village succeeded in cutting its ties with the supernatural.
1039 01:26:52 我很后悔不小心说出了它的名字 I felt guilty for saying its name carelessly
1040 01:26:57 让别人好奇它的存在 and making people curious about its existence.
1041 01:27:02 这件事实在是可怕 The incident was the most terrifying
1042 01:27:05 且悲伤至极 让我们难以分享 and the saddest
1043 01:27:09 此事过后 And after the incident
1044 01:27:12 我决定停更几周 I decided not to make content for a few weeks.
1045 01:27:20 不管你在这部影片里看到或听到了什么 Whichever name of the supernatural creature
1046 01:27:23 超自然生物的名字 that you see and hear in this movie
1047 01:27:25 千万别说出来 甚至想都不要想 don't ever call out its name
1048 01:27:30 因为他们真的可以来夺走你的生活Because they can really come and take over your life.
1049 01:27:35 让你猝不及防It can come when you're not ready.
1050 01:27:41 那个村里发生的一切都超出了我们的控制,我们很难相信,但我们知道吃一堑长一智,别再说它的名字了
1051 01:27:55 嗨 我叫普琳莎 Hi
1052 01:27:57 普琳莎·曼达吉 顾问 Hi
1053 01:27:59 我想跟丽莎 安加 英迪 I want to apologize to Risa
1054 01:28:06 以及丽莎探灵日记的所有成员道歉and all of Jurnal Risa's team.
1055 01:28:11 我也想对你们说声谢谢And I also want to say thank you very much
1056 01:28:13 谢谢你们帮我和小白度过了难关for helping me and Bayu throughout the incident.
1057 01:28:23 我吸取了教训I've learnt my lesson that
1058 01:28:27 如果失去了自己there's no point in me existing
1059 01:28:34 我的存在就毫无意义without being myself.
1060 01:28:43 微博@佛系杰杰刘 关注了解最新原创字幕发布without being myself.
1061 01:28:41 这是个很大的教训This is a big lesson for me.
1062 01:28:47 祝你平安 欢迎来到丽莎探灵日记 Peace be upon you. Welcome to Jurnal Risa.
1063 01:28:50 也许丽莎团队去墓地 Maybe it feels weird
1064 01:28:52 会让人感觉怪怪的 when Jurnal Risa came to the cemetery.
1065 01:28:55 我们现在要回老家了We are now going back to our hometown.
1066 01:28:58 这里是So
1067 01:29:00 我们奶奶的老家our Grandma's hometown.
1068 01:29:03 我不会透露地点I will not reveal the place.
1069 01:29:07 丽莎探灵日记 Jurnal Risa
1070 01:29:09 在我家的探灵 第二集中the searching at my house
1071 01:29:14 有那么一刻a moment
1072 01:29:16 我蹲着被鬼上身了when I was possessed in the squat position.
1073 01:29:19 她请求他们为她祷告 She asked for their praying.
1074 01:29:23 所以我们找到了她的坟墓So
1075 01:29:30 别过来 这里够了Don't come. Here is enough.
1076 01:29:38 我什么都没带I don't have anything with you.
1077 01:29:40 快回答 安迪Answer it
1078 01:30:15 -你怎么看 -我在这儿看到了一个“脏脏包”- What do you think? - I saw a pocong here.
1079 01:30:18 像树一样高As tall as a tree.
1080 01:30:20 那么高吗That tall?
1081 01:30:48 惊慌失措 像只无头苍蝇一样乱转Panicking. Just going around with nowhere to go.
1082 01:30:53 你很渴 但这里没有食物和水You're thirsty. There's no food and drink here.
1083 01:31:17 别这样 法鲁尔 嘿 法鲁尔 起来Don't do that
1084 01:31:26 他通常会说些什么He usually says something?
1085 01:31:46 -丽莎 -嗯- Risa? - Yes?
1086 01:31:48 救命Help!
1087 01:31:51 -还有一只 -我滴乖乖- There's another one. - My goodness.