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- 字幕预览
拉斯提亚斯 Las Tías(2024)中英字幕预览
1 00:00:19 玛丽安娜现在没空。Mariana is not available at the moment.
2 00:00:22 请留言,她会给你回电话。Please leave your message and she will return your call.
3 00:00:28 马里亚纳群岛。Mariana.
4 00:00:31 你在吗?Are you there?
5 00:00:35 捡起。Pick up.
6 00:00:39 拿起电话。Pick up the phone.
7 00:00:44 马里亚纳群岛。Mariana.
8 00:00:46 请。Please.
9 00:00:47 玛丽安娜,能听到我说话吗?Mariana, can you hear me?
10 00:00:55 别丢下我们一个人。Don't leave us alone.
11 00:01:00 请玛丽安娜。Please, Mariana.
12 00:01:50 马里亚纳群岛。捡起。Mariana. Pick up.
13 00:01:55 你在吗?Are you there?
14 00:01:57 的阿姨THE AUNTS
15 00:02:14 你喜欢我们的新房子吗?Do you like our new house?
16 00:02:16 很漂亮,不是吗?Beautiful, isn't it?
17 00:02:22 你渴吗?Are you thirsty?
18 00:02:24 来吧。Come on.
19 00:02:31 坐在这里。Sit here.
20 00:02:41 在这里,亲爱的。Here, honey.
21 00:02:50 看。Look.
22 00:02:51 这就是现在要发生的,好吗?This is what will happen now, okay?
23 00:02:53 你就待在这儿。You will stay here.
24 00:02:55 妈妈会和搬家的人说话。Mommy will talk to the moving people.
25 00:02:57 会有一些噪音和动静,但没关系,别担心。There will be some noise and movement, but it's okay, don't worry.
26 00:03:03 你觉得怎么样?So what do you say?
27 00:03:05 你能帮我吗?Will you help me?
28 00:03:08 那边腾点地方。Make some room over there.
29 00:03:09 好吧。Alright.
30 00:03:11 把它们放在那些盒子上面。Put them over those boxes.
31 00:03:13 -你好,夫人。- - - - - -你好。进来。- Hello, madam. - Hello. Come in.
32 00:03:16 那个盒子放在后面。That box goes in the back.
33 00:03:20 请尽量不要大声喧哗,那会使我女儿不安。Please try not to make loud noises that may upset my daughter.
34 00:03:23 那些植物放在那边的角落里。Those plants go in the corner over there.
35 00:03:27 ——在这里吗?-是的,它们在那张桌子上很好。- Here? - Yes, they're fine on that table.
36 00:03:32 我们去拿床垫吧,它们挡道了。Let's get the mattresses, they're in the way.
37 00:03:34 萝拉的刺激包STIMULATION KIT FOR LOLA
38 00:03:38 床垫呢?What about the mattress?
39 00:03:39 床垫放在卧室里。就是左边的那扇门。The mattress goes in the bedroom. It's that door on the left.
40 00:03:43 当然可以,夫人。Sure thing, madam.
41 00:03:45 坐那些椅子Take those chairs
42 00:03:47 请到后面的同一个房间。to the same room in the back, please.
43 00:03:49 你说对了。You got it.
44 00:03:51 你想把这些植物放在这里吗?You want these plants over here?
45 00:03:54 是的,在右边。Yes, on the right.
46 00:03:56 伴侣。Mate.
47 00:03:59 帮我拿一下这些。Give me a hand with these.
48 00:04:01 嘿,小心点。Hey, be careful.
49 00:04:03 弄坏了就得赔。You break it, you pay for it.
50 00:04:08 所以呢?So?
51 00:04:11 你准备好看剩下的了吗?Are you ready to see the rest?
53 00:04:27 洛拉,开门。Lola, open up.
54 00:05:30 蜂蜜。你几乎不吃东西。Honey. You're barely eating.
55 00:05:33 吃得好是治疗的一部分。Eating well is part of your treatment.
56 00:05:36 如果曼纽尔发现你不吃东西,他会怎么说?What will Manuel say if he finds out you're not eating?
57 00:05:39 继续,再来一点。Go on, a little more.
58 00:05:49 我知道这一切对你来说都很陌生。I know all of this is new to you.
59 00:05:52 你想念老房子。You miss the old house.
60 00:05:56 但看。But look.
61 00:05:57 这里有树和花。There are trees and flowers here.
62 00:06:00 你不必整天听到车辆的噪音。You don't have to hear the noise of traffic all day long.
63 00:06:05 你能听到蟋蟀的叫声吗?Can you hear the crickets?
64 00:06:09 如果我不确定你会喜欢我是不会带你来的。I wouldn't have brought you here if I weren't sure you'd like it.
65 00:06:14 还记得我小时候在这房子里待过很久吗?Remember I spent a lot of time in this house when I was a little girl?
66 00:06:19 我很高兴。I was very happy.
67 00:06:21 我相信你也会开心的。I'm sure you'll be happy too.
68 00:06:35 现在不是谈这个的时候。This isn't the right time to talk about that.
69 00:06:38 我们在这里。一切都很好,别担心。We're here. Everything's fine, so don't worry.
70 00:06:45 不,我以前不能告诉你。我一直没看手机。No, I couldn't tell you before. I haven't been checking my cellphone.
71 00:06:49 我告诉过你。从现在起,萝拉只能用这个电话。I told you. From now on, Lola will only use this phone.
72 00:06:53 我让她接电话。I'll put her on.
73 00:06:59 洛拉,是你爸爸。Lola, it's your dad.
74 00:07:01 她现在能听到你说话了。She can hear you now.
75 00:07:03 嗨,蜂蜜。这是爸爸。Hi, honey. It's Dad.
76 00:07:06 我很想你。I miss you so much.
77 00:09:46 欢迎来到你应得的生活。我们明天再谈。Welcome to the life you deserve. We'll talk tomorrow.
78 00:09:51 好吧。Okay.
79 00:09:53 在那里。There.
80 00:09:58 过来,亲爱的。Come here, honey.
81 00:10:08 你能告诉我你今天感觉怎么样吗?Would you like to tell me how you are feeling today?
82 00:10:14 我们应该一起解决吗?Should we figure it out together?
83 00:10:18 好吧。Okay.
84 00:10:27 紧张。Nervous.
85 00:10:30 惊讶。Surprised.
86 00:10:34 快乐吗?Happy?
87 00:10:39 伤心。Sad.
88 00:10:43 您要选一张卡吗?Would you like to choose a card?
89 00:10:49 让我们看看这个。Let's see this one.
90 00:10:51 你感到快乐吗?Are you feeling happy?
91 00:10:56 快乐吗?Happy?
92 00:11:00 不开心。Not happy then.
93 00:11:03 好的,让我看看。悲伤?Okay, let's see. Sad?
94 00:11:07 悲伤?Sad?
95 00:11:09 你难过吗,亲爱的?Are you feeling sad, honey?
96 00:11:11 这是个新地方,洛拉。This is a new place, Lola.
97 00:11:13 但这些练习都是一样的。But these exercises are the same.
98 00:11:15 我们来做一个和声,好吗?Let's do a harmonization, okay?
99 00:12:39 最近怎么样?How's it going?
100 00:12:40 ——太棒了。——真的吗?- Great. - Really?
101 00:12:42 -我们正在适应这个地方。——正确的。- We're adapting to the place. - Right.
102 00:12:45 时隔这么久又回到这里,你一定很激动吧。It must be so emotional to be back here after so long.
103 00:12:48 -对我来说是。——正确的。- It is for me. - Right.
104 00:12:51 我已经看到你的风格了。I already see your touch in the place.
105 00:12:55 我们还有很长的路要走。We still have a long way to go.
106 00:12:57 我最喜欢的病人呢?So where is my favorite patient?
107 00:13:00 她来了。There she is.
108 00:13:06 你好。萝拉?Hello. Lola?
109 00:13:11 你好吗?做的好吗?How are you? Doing okay?
110 00:13:16 你妈妈还好吗?How is your mom doing?
111 00:13:19 她给你布置了很多工作吗?Is she giving you a lot of work?
112 00:13:22 看来头痛已经好了。It looks like the headache is gone.
113 00:13:27 我能感觉到她的呼吸好多了。I can tell her breathing's better.
114 00:13:30 我已经能看出她的变化了。I can already see the change in her.
115 00:13:32 练习进行得怎么样了?How are the exercises going?
116 00:13:33 很好。Very well.
117 00:13:35 在这里更容易遵循日程安排,随时关注她。It's easier to follow the schedule here, being focused on her at all times.
118 00:13:39 我以为音叉,嗯…I thought that the tuning forks, well…
119 00:13:43 我相信她可以I'm sure she could actually
120 00:13:45 保持一个音符的时间更长,也更清晰。hold a note for a lot longer and much more clearly.
121 00:13:49 你在她身上感觉到什么?What did you sense in her?
122 00:13:52 放松。Relaxation.
123 00:13:54 -还有联系。——正确的。- And connection. - Right.
124 00:13:58 我敢说我的女儿们做得很好。I can tell my girls are doing great work.
125 00:14:00 我知道来这里是一个很大的承诺,I know coming here was a big commitment,
126 00:14:03 但我已经看到了回报but I can already see the rewards.
127 00:14:05 -这是值得的。——没有。- It was worth the trouble. - No.
128 00:14:07 不是麻烦。幸福是值得的。Not the trouble. It is worth the happiness.
129 00:14:13 她爸爸呢?What about her dad?
130 00:14:15 他过来了吗?Has he come over?
131 00:14:18 他说他太忙了。He says he's too busy.
132 00:14:22 有人给他提供了一个新职位。He's been offered a new position.
133 00:14:25 这次是在巴黎。In Paris this time.
134 00:14:27 更多的钱。A lot more money.
135 00:14:30 所以呢?So?
136 00:14:34 他说……He says…
137 00:14:36 他只会接受………he will only accept…
138 00:14:38 如果我们三个一起去…if the three of us go.
139 00:14:43 正确的。Right.
140 00:14:44 所以你还没告诉他。So you haven't told him.
141 00:14:48 不要紧。Never mind.
142 00:14:49 什么是最重要的What's important
143 00:14:51 是让你不再考虑他的需求吗is for you to stop thinking about his needs
144 00:14:54 专注于你的,好吗?and focus on yours, okay?
145 00:14:57 你的生活不是只有萝拉和欧内斯托。Your life isn't all about Lola and Ernesto.
146 00:15:00 你的工作室成立了吗?Did you set up your workshop?
147 00:15:03 -想看吗?——确定。- Want to see it? - Sure.
148 00:15:08 我几乎把所有东西都拿出来了。I got almost everything out.
149 00:15:13 -你觉得呢?好,嗯?-是啊。- What do you think? Good, huh? - Yeah, it is.
150 00:15:16 -再多几个细节就好了。——正确的。- A few more details and it's done. - Right.
151 00:15:19 我可以坐下来画画。我有段时间没这么做了。I can sit down and draw. I haven't done that in a while.
152 00:15:24 我喜欢看到你开心。I like to see that you're happy.
153 00:15:27 我喜欢你在这里。I like that you're here.
154 00:15:41 虽然路途遥远,但这些麻烦都是值得的,我是说,幸福是值得的。It's a long trip, but it was worth the trouble, I mean, the happiness.
155 00:15:46 我现在可以走了I can go now
156 00:15:48 看到你们都很好,你会感到安慰。and find comfort in seeing that you're both okay.
157 00:15:51 尤其是你,洛丽塔。Specially you, Lolita.
158 00:15:53 你什么时候回来?When will you be back?
159 00:15:55 很快。我会尽量经常来的,好吗?Soon. I'll try to come often, okay?
160 00:16:00 再见。See you soon.
161 00:16:15 我有个主意。I've had an idea.
162 00:16:22 我像你这么大的时候,还没有手机。When I was your age, there were no cellphones.
163 00:16:25 我们以前有座机,就像这里的座机一样。We used to have a land line like the one in this house.
164 00:16:28 但我不能用它。But I wasn't allowed to use it.
165 00:16:29 所以我和我隔壁的邻居,泰瑞,我们做了这个。So me and Tere, my next door neighbor, we made this.
166 00:16:35 我们的专用有线对讲机。Our special wired intercom.
167 00:16:39 我们把电线从一扇窗户安到另一扇窗户We set up the wire from window to window
168 00:16:42 聊了好几个小时。有时我甚至不知道在说什么。and talked for hours. Sometimes I don't even know what about.
169 00:16:45 但我们仍在交谈。But we were still talking.
170 00:16:47 想试试吗?Want to try?
171 00:16:50 坐在这里。Sit here.
172 00:17:03 妈妈打电话给洛拉。Mom calling Lola.
173 00:17:07 你读书吗?Do you read?
174 00:17:15 你想试试吗?在这里。Would you like to try? Here.
175 00:17:18 让我们来看看。Let's see.
176 00:17:26 如果我们就差这么一点,那就没意义了。There's really no point if we're this close.
177 00:17:29 但是…But…
178 00:17:32 …如果…what if
179 00:17:34 我是你的隔壁邻居?…I were your next door neighbor?
180 00:17:47 喂?Hello?
181 00:17:51 想听个笑话吗?Want to hear a joke?
182 00:17:54 你怎么做摇茶?How do you make a tea shake?
183 00:17:59 你可以用搅拌器搅拌。You brew it in a blender.
184 00:18:05 马里亚纳群岛。Mariana.
185 00:18:06 你在吗?Are you there?
186 00:18:11 萝拉?Lola?
187 00:18:13 萝拉?Lola?
188 00:18:15 你说什么了吗?Did you say anything?
189 00:18:23 你说话了吗,亲爱的?Did you speak, honey?
190 00:18:42 看。Look.
191 00:18:44 这是我姨妈莉莉安娜的石头收藏。This is my aunt Liliana's stone collection.
192 00:18:48 我的阿姨们有点奇怪。My aunts were a little weird.
193 00:18:52 她们其实是我妈妈的表亲,不过我管她们叫阿姨。They were actually my mom's cousins but I called them aunts.
194 00:18:55 “阿姨”。"The aunts."
195 00:18:58 当我第一次见到他们时,我有点害怕,但后来我们成了朋友。When I first met them, I was a bit scared, but then we became friends.
196 00:19:02 我喜欢和他们在一起的原因The reason why I loved visiting with them
197 00:19:05 他们让我玩这个盒子好几个小时。was that they let me play with this box for hours.
198 00:19:09 看到它们多漂亮了吗?See how beautiful they are?
199 00:19:12 那是我的最爱。That was my favorite.
200 00:19:14 我姑姑说那很神奇。My aunt said it was magical.
201 00:19:15 她称它为“纯净的心石”。She called it "the pure heart stone."
202 00:19:19 她说,当我们的心真正纯洁和真实时,这块石头就会发光。She said this stone glows bright when our heart is truly pure and true.
203 00:19:25 想看吗?Want to see?
204 00:19:34 所以呢?它不会发光,对吧?So? It doesn't glow, does it?
205 00:19:39 只有石头的主人才能看到它。Only the owner of the stone can see it.
206 00:19:41 莉莉安娜以前也是这么说的。That's what Liliana used to say.
207 00:19:45 我曾经让她拿着它。I once asked her to have it.
208 00:19:48 她说等我长大了就把它给我,She said she would give it to me when I grew older,
209 00:19:52 如果我一直来看他们,永远不要忘记他们。if I kept coming to visit them and never forget them.
210 00:19:58 但事实是,随着时间的流逝,But the truth is that as time went by,
211 00:20:00 我来的越来越少。I would come less and less.
212 00:20:04 所以我们不知道她是不是那个意思。So we won't get to know if she really meant that.
213 00:20:15 你想和他们一起玩吗?Would you like to play with them?
214 00:21:19 萝拉?Lola?
215 00:21:22 你还好吗?你要上厕所吗?Are you okay? You need to use the bathroom?
216 00:21:31 洛拉,你还好吗?Lola, are you okay?
217 00:21:32 洛拉,你睡着了吗?Lola, are you asleep?
218 00:21:41 我带你回床上去吧,亲爱的。Let's get you back to bed, honey.
219 00:22:08 ——你好吗?-一切都好吗?- Hello? - So how is everything going?
220 00:22:11 我们做得很好。We're doing fine.
221 00:22:13 听。我今天不能去看萝拉了。Listen. I won't be able to see Lola today.
222 00:22:17 我在工作上出了点问题。I'm having some issues here at work.
223 00:22:19 那就改天吧。Some other time then.
224 00:22:22 我们不能FaceTime吗?Can't we FaceTime?
225 00:22:24 -欧内斯托-就一会儿- Ernesto… - Just for a second.
226 00:22:26 我想见见她。请。I'd like to see her. Please.
227 00:22:28 曼纽尔特别说过她不应该接触手机。Manuel specifically said she shouldn't be exposed to cellphones.
228 00:22:32 我只是想看看我女儿。All I'm asking is to see my daughter.
229 00:22:35 我至少应该得到这个。I should get at least that.
230 00:22:42 你说你今天会来的。You said you'd be coming today.
231 00:22:44 但你的工作永远是第一位的,不是吗?But your job always comes first, doesn't it?
232 00:22:50 我说过我能搞定的。I told you I had that covered.
233 00:22:52 你说你不会付钱的。You said you wouldn't pay for that.
234 00:22:56 如果你信任我,会更有帮助。It would help a lot more if you trusted me.
235 00:23:03 别跟我胡扯。Don't give me that.
236 00:23:06 是你错了。You're the one who's wrong about this.
237 00:23:09 如果你不能尽一切努力帮助你女儿,If you can't do whatever it takes to help your daughter,
238 00:23:11 那是你的问题。that's your fucking problem.
239 00:23:13 但如果有一点机会But if there's a slight chance
240 00:23:15 洛拉会好起来的,不管有多遥远that Lola will get better, however remote it is,
241 00:23:18 她会有更幸福的生活,and that she will have a happier life,
242 00:23:20 我很抱歉,但我会不惜一切代价实现这一目标。I'm sorry, but I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
243 00:23:24 我不会放弃她的,好吗?I'm not giving up on her, okay?
244 00:23:32 你没在听,是吗?You're not listening, are you?
245 00:23:39 埃内斯托,我…Ernesto, I…
246 00:23:44 我想离婚。I want a divorce.
247 00:23:54 我得走了。是萝拉练习的时间了。I have to go. It's time for Lola's exercises.
248 00:24:19 好吧,萝拉。Okay, Lola.
249 00:24:21 张开你的嘴。Open your mouth.
250 00:24:24 萝拉。Lola.
251 00:24:27 请洛拉。Lola, please.
252 00:24:33 该死。Goddammit.
253 00:24:44 妈妈,你为什么哭?Mom, why are you crying?
254 00:24:51 萝拉?Lola?
255 00:24:56 你说什么?What did you say?
256 00:25:01 萝拉?Lola?
257 00:25:12 你生我的气了吗?Are you mad at me?
258 00:25:26 曼纽尔,你不会相信的。Manuel, you won't believe this.
259 00:25:29 萝拉。It's Lola.
260 00:25:30 她说话!She spoke!
261 00:25:32 治疗正在起作用。我女儿在讲话!The treatment is working. My daughter is speaking!
262 00:25:38 只是现在。Just now.
263 00:25:41 我只是告诉你。我刚和她谈过!I'm just telling you. I've just had a conversation with her!
264 00:25:48 嗯…Um…
265 00:25:50 不,我是第一个打给你的。No, you're the first one I called.
266 00:25:52 我马上给他打电话。我再打给你,好吗?I'll call him right away. Let me call you back, okay?
267 00:26:02 嗨,埃内斯托。Hi, Ernesto.
268 00:26:04 你得马上过来。You need to come over right now.
269 00:26:10 萝拉?Lola?
270 00:26:14 萝拉。Lola.
271 00:26:19 喂?萝拉。Hello? Lola calling.
272 00:26:22 喂?萝拉。Hello? Lola calling.
273 00:26:25 我听不见你说什么。请大声说。I can't hear you. Speak up, please.
274 00:26:39 亲爱的,你在干什么?What are you doing, honey?
275 00:26:43 你在玩吗?Are you playing?
276 00:26:47 我在和我的邻居说话。I'm talking to my neighbor.
277 00:26:51 它在那里吗?Is it Tere?
278 00:26:52 她还没有告诉我她的名字。She hasn't told me her name yet.
279 00:27:02 你还好吗?Are you okay?
280 00:27:04 是的,当然。Yes, of course.
281 00:27:08 我只是很高兴听到你的声音。I'm just so happy to hear your voice.
282 00:27:15 你跟我爸谈过了吗?Have you talked to my dad?
283 00:27:18 是的,他要来看你。Yes, he's coming over to see you.
284 00:27:21 你要打电话给他吗?Would you like to call him?
285 00:27:26 这是什么?What is it?
286 00:27:28 你不想见他?You don't want to see him?
287 00:27:31 我不喜欢你们老是吵架。I don't like it when you're fighting all the time.
288 00:27:43 你是对的。You're right.
289 00:27:46 大人……Grown-ups…
290 00:27:49 试着把事情做好,但我们并不总能做到。…try to do things right, but we're not always able to.
291 00:27:53 你爸爸和我…Your dad and I…
292 00:27:57 我只想把最好的给你。…only want the best for you.
293 00:27:59 但我们并不总是意见一致。But we don't always agree.
294 00:28:06 我保证从现在起我们不再争吵,好吗?I promise from now on we will stop arguing, okay?
295 00:28:10 做不到的承诺就别做,妈妈。Don't make promises you can't keep, Mom.
296 00:28:20 -她在哪儿?-这边走。- Where is she? - This way.
297 00:28:23 她还在睡觉。She's still taking her nap.
298 00:28:30 你准备好了吗?Are you ready?
299 00:28:33 蜂蜜。萝拉。Honey. Lola.
300 00:28:36 嘿。Hey.
301 00:28:38 婴儿。Baby.
302 00:28:40 我的公主。My princess.
303 00:28:43 嘿。Hey.
304 00:28:45 爸爸来了。Daddy is here.
305 00:28:50 你想我了吗?Did you miss me?
306 00:28:54 我的公主吗?My princess?
307 00:29:00 萝拉?——洛拉。- Lola? - Lola.
308 00:29:02 你好吗?How are you?
309 00:29:04 你休息了吗?Did you get some rest?
310 00:29:08 还记得我们之前怎么说的吗?Remember how we were talking before?
311 00:29:14 萝拉?Lola?
312 00:29:17 你爸爸要见你。Your dad is here to see you.
313 00:29:20 -你不想和他谈谈吗?-马里亚纳。- Don't you want to talk to him too? - Mariana.
314 00:29:25 别逼她了,好吗?Let's not push her, okay?
315 00:29:28 她想什么时候说就什么时候说。Let her speak whenever she wants.
316 00:29:31 -但她-不我们不该逼她- But she… - No, we shouldn't push her.
317 00:29:35 别担心。我可以等。Don't worry. I can wait.
318 00:29:38 我问你的时候你应该让她接电话。You should've put her on the phone when I asked.
319 00:29:41 我不会给我女儿手机的。I'm not giving my daughter a cellphone.
320 00:29:43 你不觉得这次你可以违反规定吗?Don't you think you could've broken the rule this time?
321 00:29:46 没有屏幕,没有设备……No screens, no devices…
322 00:29:49 -不-我看她还是老样子- No… - She looks the same to me.
323 00:29:53 我发誓我们搬进来之后她好多了。I swear she's doing a lot better since we moved in here.
324 00:29:56 好吧,玛丽安娜,我…Okay, Mariana, I…
325 00:29:59 我只想知道萝拉有没有开口。I only need to know if Lola spoke.
326 00:30:01 或者只是你的想象。Or if it was your imagination.
327 00:30:04 你是什么意思?What do you mean?
328 00:30:06 -也许是你想象出来的或者是夸大其词的-我没疯- Maybe you imagined it or overstated it… - I'm not crazy.
329 00:30:10 我可没那么说。I didn't say that.
330 00:30:15 是谁?Who is it?
331 00:30:16 曼努埃尔。Manuel.
332 00:30:27 嗨。Hi.
333 00:30:29 -嘿,我在…亲我一下-欧内斯托来了。- Hey, I was… Give me kiss. - Ernesto is here.
334 00:30:47 让我先跟我的病人打个招呼。Let me say hello to my patient first.
335 00:30:50 你好吗,美女?How are you, beautiful?
336 00:30:53 嘿。Hey.
337 00:30:55 你妈妈告诉我你以前话太多了。Your mom told me you have been talking a lot before.
338 00:31:07 这是非常好的消息。That is very good news.
339 00:31:13 好了,现在。你好吗?Okay, now. How are you?
340 00:31:15 ——好。-好久不见了- Fine. - It's been a while.
341 00:31:22 好吧……Okay…
342 00:31:25 我们为什么不抓住这个机会呢,既然大家都来了,Why don't we take this chance, now that we're all here,
343 00:31:29 来谈谈我们是如何联系在一起的。to talk about how we're all connected.
344 00:31:32 治愈总是各种因素的结合。Healing is always a combination of factors.
345 00:31:34 好吧?过去几天,某种精神上的钥匙被打开了。Okay? Some spiritual key was unlocked these past days.
346 00:31:39 我们完全知道萝拉可以毫无困难地说话和交流。We are fully aware that Lola can speak and communicate without difficulty.
347 00:31:44 我们不知道。We don't know that.
348 00:31:46 我们所做的。我听到了。We do. I heard her.
349 00:31:49 我女儿没有眼神交流。My daughter doesn't make eye contact.
350 00:31:52 不是对我,也不是对任何人。Not with me or anyone else.
351 00:31:54 所有的进步都可能后退一步。没有人会走直线。All progress may take a step back. No one moves in straight lines.
352 00:31:58 完全正确。Exactly.
353 00:31:59 对,你对所有问题都有答案。Right, you have an answer for everything.
354 00:32:02 我理解你的不耐烦。I understand your impatience.
355 00:32:05 我也知道我不是萝拉的父亲I also know I'm not Lola's father
356 00:32:09 但我能理解你的想法but I can understand your perspective.
357 00:32:11 这种不耐烦,And this impatience,
358 00:32:13 我觉得这对玛丽安娜没有帮助,I don't think it's helping Mariana,
359 00:32:16 或者我,或者你。or me or you.
360 00:32:18 当然,这也帮不了萝拉。It won't help Lola either, of course.
361 00:32:21 是的,我没有耐心。Yes, I'm impatient.
362 00:32:24 我都等不及想知道玛丽安娜编的这些疯狂故事到底有什么意义了。I can't wait to know if there is a point to all this madness Mariana has made up.
363 00:32:29 我女儿离我有两个小时的路程,交通拥挤时是三个小时,My daughter is two hours away from me, three when there's heavy traffic,
364 00:32:32 我甚至不能和她通电话and I can't even talk to her on the phone.
365 00:32:34 埃内斯托。Ernesto.
366 00:32:36 萝拉说。Lola spoke.
367 00:32:37 你知道有多少父母愿意付出一切来体验这一切吗?Do you know how many parents would give anything to experience this?
368 00:32:42 我没听见。I didn't hear her.
369 00:32:45 你是在暗示我撒谎吗?Are you implying I lied?
370 00:32:48 然后呢?Then what?
371 00:32:50 你觉得这一切都是为了拿你的钱而精心策划的吗?Do you think this is all an elaborate act to take your money or what?
372 00:32:55 不,我知道你没撒谎。No, I know you're not lying.
373 00:32:58 至少是萝拉的事。At least about Lola.
374 00:33:01 好吧。嗯…Okay. Um…
375 00:33:04 我去找洛拉,你们俩好好谈谈。I'll go back to Lola so you two can have a good talk.
376 00:33:13 那个家伙?That guy?
377 00:33:15 严重吗?Seriously?
378 00:33:17 Manuel……Manuel…
379 00:33:19 支持我,相信我…supports me and believes in me.
380 00:33:21 他是个庸医。He's a quack.
381 00:33:23 他说的没有一句是真的。你看不出来吗?Not a thing he says is true. Can't you see that?
382 00:33:26 多亏了曼纽尔,我妈又多活了一年。Thanks to Manuel, my mom had another whole year to live.
383 00:33:29 -她见到了她的孙女。-不是这样的。- She was able to meet her granddaughter. - That's not true.
384 00:33:32 癌症患者在临终前好转并非没有听说过。It's not unheard of for cancer patients to get better right before the end.
385 00:33:37 我的医生朋友告诉我。我本不想告诉你的。My doctor friends told me that. I didn't want to tell you.
386 00:33:42 发生在你妈妈身上的事不是奇迹。What happened to your mom was no miracle.
387 00:33:45 我们最好不要说话And let's better not talk
388 00:33:47 你的姑姑们在曼纽尔照顾她们之后发生了什么about what happened to your aunts after Manuel took care of them.
389 00:33:53 我要跟我女儿道别了。I'll say goodbye to my daughter.
390 00:34:00 蜂蜜。Honey.
391 00:34:02 宝贝,爸爸要走了,好吗?Baby, Daddy is leaving, okay?
392 00:34:06 我爱你。I love you.
393 00:34:08 我很爱你。I love you so much.
394 00:34:11 这么多。So much.
395 00:34:18 晚安,亲爱的。Good night, honey.
396 00:34:21 我喜欢听到你的声音。I loved to hear your voice.
397 00:34:24 你想什么时候谈我们就什么时候谈。We can talk again whenever you want.
398 00:34:27 如果你觉得我们在逼迫你,我很抱歉。I'm sorry if you felt we were pushing you.
399 00:35:07 欧内斯托怎么了?What happened with Ernesto?
400 00:35:10 我现在不想谈这个。I don't want to talk about that now.
401 00:35:14 我度过了紧张的一天。I had a really intense day.
402 00:35:16 正确的。Right.
403 00:35:22 这不是奇迹,玛丽安娜。It wasn't a miracle, Mariana.
404 00:35:26 萝拉还会说话的。Lola will speak again.
405 00:35:28 我向你保证。You have my word.
406 00:35:30 谢谢你!Thank you.
407 00:37:21 萝拉!Lola!
408 00:37:27 嘿!Hey!
409 00:37:29 发生了什么事?妈妈在这里。我就在这儿。What happened? Mommy's here. I'm right here.
410 00:37:33 嘿,我来了。Hey, I'm here.
411 00:37:35 嘿。Hey.
412 00:37:37 到这里来。发生了什么事?Come here. What happened?
413 00:37:43 你在想什么?What are you thinking?
414 00:37:45 告诉我。Tell me.
415 00:37:49 萝拉从来没有梦游过。Lola had never sleepwalked.
416 00:37:52 我们来之后已经发生过两次了。And it already happened twice since we arrived.
417 00:37:54 两次都是在浴室。Both times in the bathroom.
418 00:37:56 她经历了很多变化,仅此而已。She's going through a lot of changes, that's all.
419 00:37:59 如果她总是这样,我会担心的。I'd be worried if she acted always the same way.
420 00:38:04 如果萝拉再开口Now, if Lola speaks again,
421 00:38:06 如果能把它记录下来就好了。it would be good to make a record of it somehow.
422 00:38:09 我想了想,但我不想用手机。I thought about it, but I didn't want to use my phone.
423 00:38:13 开几分钟飞行模式应该没问题,好吗?A few minutes in airplane mode should be fine, okay?
424 00:38:18 这是……It's…
425 00:38:19 重要的是我们要证明这种疗法是有效的。it's important that we prove this treatment is working.
426 00:38:26 如果你需要什么就给我打电话。Call me if you need anything.
427 00:38:28 ——好的。——承诺?- Okay. - Promise?
428 00:38:30 -我保证。——好的。- I promise. - Okay.
429 00:38:50 再等一分钟,我们就给你洗头,好吗?One more minute and we'll rinse your hair, okay?
430 00:38:54 把头往后仰。Tilt your head back.
431 00:38:55 就是这样。很好。That's it. Very good.
432 00:38:57 好了,我们快做完了。It's alright, we're almost done.
433 00:39:00 在那里。全部完成。你是好的。There. All done. You're alright.
434 00:39:10 所以呢?So?
435 00:39:11 你今天什么都不说吗?Won't you say anything today?
436 00:39:15 我知道你能听到我说话,亲爱的。I know you can hear me, honey.
437 00:39:17 我知道你会说话,会表达你的情绪。I know that you can talk and show your emotions.
438 00:39:20 但出于某种原因,你没有这么做。But for some reason, you're not doing it.
439 00:39:24 是因为你爸爸吗?Is it because of your dad?
440 00:39:27 因为你不喜欢我们吵架吗?Because you don't like it when we argue?
441 00:39:32 是因为曼纽尔吗?Is it because of Manuel?
442 00:39:36 我想你一定注意到了I guess you must've noticed,
443 00:39:40 但是曼纽尔和我…but Manuel and I…
444 00:39:42 我们没有在一起,但我们之间有些东西。…we're not together, but there's something between us.
445 00:39:45 我不想再瞒着你了。And I'd like to stop hiding it from you.
446 00:39:47 我跟你爸爸说了,他理解了。I told your dad and he understood.
447 00:39:53 好吧。Alright.
448 00:39:54 我把你弄出来。我们有很多事要做。Let's get you out of there. We have much to do.
449 00:40:00 害怕。Scared.
450 00:40:01 困惑。Confused.
451 00:40:05 生气。Angry.
452 00:40:07 你想挑一个吗?Would you like to pick one?
453 00:40:11 来吧,萝拉。Come on, Lola.
454 00:40:12 再努力一点。Try a little harder.
455 00:40:14 你什么都没做。You haven't done anything.
456 00:40:17 我们得做这些练习,亲爱的。We need to do these exercises, honey.
457 00:40:20 他们的工作。They work.
458 00:40:22 我们不要放弃,好吗?Let's not give up, okay?
459 00:40:25 我们再试一次。So let's try again.
460 00:41:31 不,亲爱的。No, honey.
461 00:41:32 你知道这对你不好。You know this isn't good for you.
462 00:41:36 来吧。Come on.
463 00:41:46 这会给你带来很长时间的乐趣。This should give you some long hours of fun.
464 00:42:02 你能一个人在这儿待一会儿,好让我工作吗?Can you be here by yourself for a while so I can work?
465 00:43:30 萝拉?Lola?
466 00:43:33 你怎么这么快就完成了拼图?How did you finish the puzzle so quickly?
467 00:43:36 我还没看完呢,妈妈。I didn't finish it, Mom.
468 00:43:38 那不是我。It wasn't me.
469 00:43:40 你又说话了!You're talking again!
470 00:43:42 你会把他们吓跑的。You'll scare them away.
471 00:43:45 谁?Who?
472 00:43:47 我的朋友。My friends.
473 00:43:53 这里一个人也没有,宝贝。There's no one here, baby.
474 00:44:03 他们现在走了。They're gone now.
475 00:44:05 我说过你会把他们吓跑的。I told you you'd scare them away.
476 00:44:07 他们不喜欢你。They don't like you.
477 00:44:11 这些朋友是谁?你能告诉我吗?Who are these friends? Can you tell me?
478 00:44:16 阿姨。The aunts.
479 00:44:20 什么阿姨?What aunts?
480 00:44:25 和我们住在一起的人。The ones living here with us.
481 00:44:32 蜂蜜。Honey.
482 00:44:35 这里除了你和我没人住。There's no one living here but you and me.
483 00:44:43 其中一个身体扭曲了。One of them has a twisted body.
484 00:44:45 她坐在轮椅上。She's in a wheelchair.
485 00:44:48 她的头全受了伤。Her head is all banged up.
486 00:44:51 另一个真的很瘦The other one is really skinny
487 00:44:54 双手沾满鲜血。and has blood in her hands.
488 00:44:57 她看起来很刻薄。She looks mean.
489 00:44:59 但她伤心只是因为她失去了孩子。But she's only sad because she lost her baby.
490 00:45:14 嗨。Hi.
491 00:45:15 是…是萝拉。It's… it's Lola.
492 00:45:21 这是什么?What is it?
493 00:45:23 在我看来,The way I see it,
494 00:45:25 这一切并不神秘。一点也没有。there's no mystery to all of this. None at all.
495 00:45:28 看。Look.
496 00:45:30 洛拉解谜的速度很快。Lola is really fast with puzzles.
497 00:45:32 她的专注力令人印象深刻。She has impressive focus.
498 00:45:35 是的,但不是这样的。这是一个她从未见过的新难题。Yes, but not like this. This was a new puzzle she had never seen.
499 00:45:38 看看她。Look at her.
500 00:45:40 在我们看来,From our point of view,
501 00:45:42 她似乎在一个不同的世界,数百万光年之外。she seems to be in a different world, millions of light-years away.
502 00:45:46 但事实是她更关注眼前的事。But the truth is she's much more focused on the here and now.
503 00:45:51 比我们俩更亲密。A lot more than the two of us.
504 00:45:53 我不明白。I don't understand.
505 00:45:56 我想说的是……What I mean to say is…
506 00:45:59 萝拉的一切…everything that Lola
507 00:46:02 好像不知道从哪里冒出来的seems to know out of nowhere
508 00:46:04 实际上是are actually
509 00:46:06 她看到的,听到的,弄明白的事情things that she saw or heard and figured out
510 00:46:10 基于她周围发生的一切。based on everything that's going on around her.
511 00:46:14 曼努埃尔。Manuel.
512 00:46:15 我从没告诉萝拉我姑姑们是怎么死的。I never told Lola how my aunts died.
513 00:46:19 她无从知晓。She had no way of knowing.
514 00:46:20 是的,但我们已经谈过很多次了,不是吗?Yes, but you and I have talked about this many times, haven't we?
515 00:46:25 她可能听到了我们的声音。She may have heard us.
516 00:46:28 今晚和我们在一起。Stay with us tonight.
517 00:46:31 她什么时候可能会再说话。She might speak again some time.
518 00:46:35 是的,当然。Yes, of course.
519 00:46:48 我很抱歉。I'm sorry.
520 00:46:50 我没心情。I'm not in the mood.
521 00:46:53 确定。别担心。Sure. Don't worry.
522 00:46:58 你知道吗?You know?
523 00:47:02 我觉得我们应该离开这房子。I feel like we should leave this house.
524 00:47:06 我不知道该怎么解释,但我觉得有点不对劲。I don't know how to explain it, but I feel there's something off here.
525 00:47:17 -你女儿说话了。-是的,但代价是什么?- Your daughter's talking. - Yes, but at what cost?
526 00:47:25 有件事我从没告诉过你。There's something I never told you.
527 00:47:29 怎么啦?What?
528 00:47:32 告诉我。Tell me.
529 00:47:33 在莉莉安娜杀尤金妮亚之前Before Liliana killed Eugenia,
530 00:47:36 然后自杀了and then killed herself,
531 00:47:40 尤金尼亚在西班牙给我打了电话。Eugenia called me in Spain.
532 00:47:43 有两三个电话。There were two or three calls.
533 00:47:45 我没有回答,我太忙了。I didn't answer, I was too busy.
534 00:47:50 不是在你打电话告诉我之后It wasn't after you phoned to tell me about it
535 00:47:54 我在我的语音信箱里发现了她的留言that I found her message in my voicemail.
536 00:48:00 尤金尼娅听起来……Eugenia sounded…
537 00:48:03 ……担心。…worried.
538 00:48:06 好像她知道有什么不好的事要发生似的。As if she knew something bad was about to happen.
539 00:48:13 你什么也做不了。There was nothing you could've done.
540 00:48:17 你来这房子是找东西的,对吧?You came to this house looking for something, didn't you?
541 00:48:20 一些看似不可能的事情。但现在它正在发生。Something that seemed impossible. But now it's happening.
542 00:48:25 这地方没什么不好的。There's nothing bad about this place.
543 00:48:29 这是你…It's you…
544 00:48:32 那个需要停止抗拒变化的人,好吗?…the one who needs to stop resisting these changes, okay?
545 00:49:22 所以呢?她说什么了吗?So? Did she say anything?
546 00:49:25 没有,什么都没有。No, nothing.
547 00:49:27 但在我看来她很好。But she looks fine to me.
548 00:49:31 我要利用这段时间来做一个和声。I'll take this time to do a harmonization.
549 00:49:37 我们开始吧,洛拉。Let's start, Lola.
550 00:51:10 曼纽尔说他爱我。他爱我。Manuel said he loved me. He loved me.
551 00:51:12 我们做爱了。We made love.
552 00:51:15 我怀了他的孩子。I'm pregnant with his child.
553 00:51:25 怎么啦?What?
554 00:51:27 你是说你相信这些废话吗?Are you telling me you believe this nonsense?
555 00:51:31 好的,玛丽安娜。Okay, Mariana.
556 00:51:33 莉莉安娜患有精神分裂症。Liliana had schizophrenia.
557 00:51:36 -一种精神疾病-你从没这么说过- A mental illness that… - You never said that.
558 00:51:38 我不知道。I didn't know.
559 00:51:39 你是说,在这段时间里,她从未对你动心吗?Are you telling me, during all that time, she never came on to you?
560 00:51:43 你姨妈错觉的根源The root of your aunt's delusion
561 00:51:46 显然不只是我,而是地球上的每个人was that not only me, apparently, but every man on the planet
562 00:51:50 他爱上了她,而尤金妮亚却密谋反对她。was in love with her, and Eugenia conspired against her.
563 00:51:53 她怀孕了怎么办?What about her pregnancy?
564 00:51:56 怎么了?What about it?
565 00:51:58 她写信说她怀孕了。她失去了她的孩子。She wrote that she was pregnant. That she lost her baby.
566 00:52:02 萝拉就是这么跟我说的。And that's exactly what Lola told me.
567 00:52:08 所以你现在告诉我你女儿在和鬼魂说话。So now you're telling me that your daughter is talking to ghosts.
568 00:52:13 没有,但是……No, but…
569 00:52:15 你在哪里找到的?Where did you find this?
570 00:52:17 它在石头箱里。It was in the stones box.
571 00:52:19 它的底部是假的。It had a false bottom.
572 00:52:21 好吧。Okay.
573 00:52:23 这就解释了。So that explains it.
574 00:52:24 萝拉一直在玩那个盒子。Lola has been playing with that box all this time.
575 00:52:28 我肯定她之前找到并看过日记。I'm sure she found the journal before and read it.
576 00:52:33 当然了。Of course she did.
577 00:52:35 当你搬到西班牙时,When you moved to Spain,
578 00:52:37 没有人照顾你的姨妈们。there was no one to look after your aunts.
579 00:52:40 你求我去看他们。不是吗?You begged me to come visit them. Didn't you?
580 00:52:44 现在,And now,
581 00:52:45 一切后after everything
582 00:52:47 我为你所做的一切that I've done for you,
583 00:52:49 为了你的母亲,for your mother,
584 00:52:50 你是想说我让你的精神分裂阿姨怀孕了you are trying to say I got your schizophrenic aunt pregnant
585 00:52:53 然后让她去堕胎?and then made her get an abortion?
586 00:52:57 我为什么要那么做?Why would I ever do that?
587 00:53:01 饶了我吧,玛丽安娜。Give me a break, Mariana.
588 00:53:04 -对不起-不,没关系我得走了。- I'm sorry… - No, it's okay. I have to go.
589 00:53:23 你是因为和曼纽尔吵架而难过吗?Are you sad because you argued with Manuel?
590 00:53:30 你还好吗,妈妈?Are you okay, Mom?
591 00:53:33 是的,只是……Yes, it's just that…
592 00:53:38 你为什么不跟曼纽尔谈谈,亲爱的?Why didn't you talk to Manuel, honey?
593 00:53:43 还是你爸爸?Or your dad?
594 00:53:46 你为什么也不跟他谈谈?Why didn't you talk to him either?
595 00:53:49 阿姨们只想让我跟你说话。The aunts only want me to talk to you.
596 00:53:53 阿姨吗?The aunts?
597 00:53:55 你在说什么?What are you talking about?
598 00:53:58 他们说曼纽尔是个坏人。They say Manuel is a bad man.
599 00:54:01 他们不喜欢他是你的男朋友。They don't like that he's your boyfriend.
600 00:54:07 我已经告诉过你…I already told you that…
601 00:54:19 蜂蜜。Honey.
602 00:54:21 你找到这个了吗?Did you find this?
603 00:54:27 是你读了之后告诉我的吗?Did you read it and then told me all those things?
604 00:54:43 不,妈妈。No, Mom.
605 00:54:45 我什么也没读。I didn't read anything.
606 00:55:02 来吧,萝拉。Come on, Lola.
607 00:55:04 继续,亲爱的,说点什么吧。Go on, honey, say something, please.
608 00:55:09 洛拉,怎么了?Lola, what's wrong?
609 00:55:12 你总是说那对我不好。You always say that's not good for me.
610 00:55:15 好吧,但现在忘了那件事吧。只是说话。Okay, but forget that now. Just talk.
611 00:55:26 我告诉过你。姨妈们只让我跟…I told you. The aunts only want me to talk to…
612 00:55:29 够了!Enough!
613 00:55:31 停止它!Stop it!
614 00:55:32 根本就没有姨妈,好吗?There are no aunts, okay?
615 00:55:35 不要再谈论他们了。你看不出来你快把我逼疯了吗?Stop talking about them. Can't you see you're driving me crazy?
616 00:55:39 我不明白。I don't understand.
617 00:55:41 几秒钟前你还想让我说话。You wanted me to talk just seconds ago.
618 00:55:43 现在我在说话And now that I'm talking,
619 00:55:45 你不喜欢它。you don't like it.
620 00:56:26 萝拉,我很抱歉,好吗?Lola, I'm sorry about everything, okay?
621 00:56:29 我知道这对你来说很难,妈妈。I know this is hard on you, Mom.
622 00:56:35 好吧,我有个主意。Okay, here's an idea.
623 00:56:39 让我们把这一切都抛在脑后,好吗?Let's put all of this behind us, okay?
624 00:56:50 看。Look.
625 00:56:55 你喜欢吗?Do you like it?
626 00:56:59 能给我吗?Can I have it?
627 00:57:03 除非你明天和曼纽尔谈谈Only if you talk to Manuel tomorrow
628 00:57:05 还有你爸爸。and your dad.
629 00:57:08 承诺吗?Promise?
630 00:57:10 当然,我保证。Of course I promise.
631 00:57:18 这是什么?What is it?
632 00:57:20 没有,妈妈。Nothing, Mom.
633 00:57:22 晚安,各位。Good night.
634 00:59:52 婴儿。Baby.
635 00:59:54 我们得走了。现在。We have to go. Now.
636 01:00:04 把这个穿上。Put this on.
637 01:00:10 哦。Oh.
638 01:00:22 来吧。我们走吧。Come on. Let's go.
639 01:00:36 来吧,萝拉,我们走。Come, Lola, let's go.
640 01:00:43 收割。Get in.
641 01:01:10 宝贝,我把手机落在家里了。Baby, I left my phone in the house.
642 01:01:12 你不要离开这里。Don't you move from here.
643 01:02:05 萝拉?Lola?
644 01:02:15 萝拉!Lola!
645 01:02:17 萝拉!Lola!
646 01:02:19 你在哪里?Where are you?
647 01:02:22 萝拉!Lola!
648 01:02:25 萝拉!Lola!
649 01:02:34 萝拉?Lola?
650 01:02:41 萝拉?Lola?
651 01:02:47 萝拉?Lola?
652 01:02:51 不,萝拉!No, Lola!
653 01:02:54 萝拉!Lola!
654 01:02:56 萝拉!Lola!
655 01:02:59 萝拉!Lola!
656 01:03:02 萝拉!Lola!
657 01:03:12 不幸的是,我们用警犬搜寻后什么也没找到。Unfortunately, we found nothing after the search with the dogs.
658 01:03:17 在这些情况下,雨水没有帮助,Rain doesn't help in these cases,
659 01:03:20 但她不太可能离开这房子。but it's unlikely she ever got farther from this house.
660 01:03:24 无论如何,我们会继续在这片区域搜索,好吗?In any case, we will keep searching around the area, okay?
661 01:03:29 任何消息?Any news?
662 01:03:31 晚上好。Good evening.
663 01:03:32 是的,我只是在告诉你…Yes, I was just telling your…
664 01:03:34 我们什么也没找到,但我们会继续找。We've found nothing yet, but we will keep searching.
665 01:03:38 我就是想不明白是怎么回事。I just can't wrap my head around it.
666 01:03:40 她是怎么消失的?How did she disappear?
667 01:03:42 好吧……Okay…
668 01:03:43 目前我们只知道她把女儿留在车里了What we know so far is she left her daughter in the car
669 01:03:46 在她拿手机的时候。当她回来的时候,她的女儿不见了。while she was getting her cellphone. When she came back, her daughter was gone.
670 01:03:50 你不是这么跟我说的。That's not what you told me.
671 01:03:53 我不知道我说了什么,我很困惑。I don't know what I said, I was so confused.
672 01:03:56 你从洗手间打来的You called from the bathroom
673 01:03:57 说萝拉消失在浴缸里了。saying that Lola had disappeared into the tub.
674 01:04:01 我从没这么说过。I never said that.
675 01:04:04 我就是这么听说的。That's what I heard.
676 01:04:05 不。萝拉正在洗澡,忘了关水龙头。No. Lola was taking a bath and left the water running.
677 01:04:10 这就是为什么地板是湿的。That's why the floor is wet.
678 01:04:13 然后我们上了车Then we got in the car
679 01:04:16 然后她就消失了。and she vanished.
680 01:04:17 你要去哪里?Where were you going?
681 01:04:19 我已经解释过了。I already explained this.
682 01:04:21 我们打算在城里呆几天。We were going to spend some days in town.
683 01:04:24 大半夜的,玛丽安娜?In the middle of the night, Mariana?
684 01:04:28 请跟我来,先生。我们走吧。Please come with me, sir. Let's go.
685 01:04:31 请。Please.
686 01:04:32 我是侦探Ramírez。我有几个问题要问你。I'm Detective Ramírez. I have a few questions for you.
687 01:04:40 好吧。Okay.
688 01:04:41 我们知道你女儿搬进来了。We know your daughter moved into this house.
689 01:04:44 你不同意。You disagreed.
690 01:04:46 告诉我发生了什么,好吗?Tell me everything what happened, okay?
691 01:04:48 先生。Sir.
692 01:04:50 -先生-你对她做了什么- Sir. - What did you do to her?
693 01:04:52 -你做了什么?我女儿在哪里?-请冷静。- What did you do? Where is my daughter? - Calm down, please.
694 01:04:56 你在指控我?You're accusing me?
695 01:04:57 你在指控我什么?What are you accusing me of?
696 01:05:01 你的女儿必须消失,所以你有面子来看她?Your daughter had to disappear so you have the decency to come see her?
697 01:05:05 停止说谎。Stop lying.
698 01:05:07 你打电话给我,说萝拉没命了。You called me and said Lola went down the drain.
699 01:05:13 玛丽安娜,你对她做了什么?Mariana, what did you do to her?
700 01:05:15 你把她淹死了吗?Did you drown her?
701 01:05:16 我什么都没做,混蛋!I didn't do anything, son of a bitch!
702 01:05:19 冷静下来!Calm down!
703 01:05:20 请跟我来。Please come with me.
704 01:05:30 我明白了。I understand.
705 01:05:32 我在等消息。I'm waiting for news.
706 01:05:35 谢谢你!Thank you.
707 01:05:38 所以我需要你告诉我如果你…That's why I need you to tell me if you…
708 01:05:41 我没有指责任何人。I'm not accusing anyone.
709 01:05:43 但我女儿仍然下落不明而且…But my daughter's still missing and…
710 01:05:46 等一等。Hold on.
711 01:05:48 我马上给你回电话。I'll call you right back.
712 01:05:55 我刚和曼纽尔谈过。他让你给他打电话。I've just talked to Manuel. He asked for you to call him.
713 01:05:59 -现在你信任他了?-不,我不知道。- So now you trust him? - No, I don't.
714 01:06:02 马里亚纳,Mariana,
715 01:06:04 我只想找到萝拉。I just want to find Lola.
716 01:06:06 我也是。Me too.
717 01:06:08 我知道。我知道萝拉对你有多重要。I know. I know how important Lola is to you.
718 01:06:12 你是她妈妈。You're her mother.
719 01:06:13 你是个好妈妈。You're a great mother.
720 01:06:15 但你最近表现得很奇怪,玛丽安娜。But you've been acting very strangely, Mariana.
721 01:06:19 曼纽尔同意我的看法。Manuel agrees with me.
722 01:06:22 我需要你告诉我你知道的一切。我需要你的帮助。I need you to tell me everything you know. I need you to help us.
723 01:06:26 该说的我都告诉你了。I already told you everything that was to be told.
724 01:06:28 我知道你没有告诉我你知道的一切。I know you're not telling me everything you know.
725 01:06:32 我知道。I know it.
726 01:06:35 我需要一个人静一静。I need to be alone.
727 01:06:37 你不告诉我所有细节我是不会走的I'm not leaving until you tell me every detail…
728 01:06:40 我需要一个人静一静,这是我的房子,欧内斯托。I need to be alone and this is my house, Ernesto.
729 01:06:46 我要去警察局。I'm going to the police station.
730 01:06:48 有任何消息我会通知你的。I'll let you know if there's any news.
731 01:07:26 妈妈?Mom?
732 01:07:31 妈妈?Mom?
733 01:07:33 萝拉。Lola.
734 01:07:36 洛拉,你在吗?Lola, are you there?
735 01:07:39 妈妈。Mom.
736 01:07:40 萝拉?Lola?
737 01:07:48 妈妈?Mom?
738 01:08:22 喂?妈妈打电话给洛拉。Hello? Mom calling Lola.
739 01:08:27 喂?妈妈打电话给洛拉。你能听到我说话吗?Hello? Mom calling Lola. Can you hear me?
740 01:08:34 妈妈叫洛拉!Mom calling Lola!
741 01:08:42 萝拉。Lola.
742 01:08:43 你在吗?Are you there?
743 01:08:46 妈妈?Mom?
744 01:08:49 萝拉!宝贝,你在哪里?Lola! Baby, where are you?
745 01:08:52 他们不会让我走的,妈妈。They won't let me go, Mom.
746 01:08:55 他们是孤独的。They're lonely.
747 01:08:56 -他们需要我。——没有。- They need me. - No.
748 01:08:59 萝拉。Lola.
749 01:09:00 你得找到回去的路。You need to find your way back.
750 01:09:03 你应该和我在一起,不是他们。You belong here with me, not them.
751 01:09:07 他们生气。They're angry.
752 01:09:08 他们想要凶手的命。They want the life of the one who is to blame.
753 01:09:12 ——没有。-以牙还牙。- No. - A life for a life.
754 01:09:14 不。No.
755 01:09:15 萝拉,我不明白。萝拉。Lola, I don't understand. Lola.
756 01:09:19 萝拉?Lola?
757 01:09:22 萝拉!不。萝拉,宝贝,回答我。Lola! No. Lola, baby, answer me.
758 01:09:28 不。No.
759 01:09:31 萝拉!Lola!
761 01:10:53 马里亚纳群岛。Mariana.
762 01:10:57 欧内斯托都告诉我了。我真不敢相信。Ernesto told me everything. I can't believe it.
763 01:11:03 但我现在来了,好吗?But I'm here now, okay?
764 01:11:11 谢谢你!Thank you.
765 01:11:20 欧内斯托在哪里?So where is Ernesto?
766 01:11:23 在警察局。At the police station.
767 01:11:25 为了所有的文书工作。For all the paperwork.
768 01:11:27 他一会儿就回来。He'll be back later.
769 01:11:33 你知道你有任何需要都可以指望我。You know you can count on me for anything you need.
770 01:11:48 我想跟你谈谈昨天的事。I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.
771 01:11:51 不,那现在不重要了。No, that's not important now.
772 01:11:54 确实如此。It actually is.
773 01:11:59 我要是早点明白就好了。I wish I had understood sooner.
774 01:12:06 你在说什么?What are you talking about?
775 01:12:09 我姑姑的日记。My aunt's journal.
776 01:12:13 她写的东西。What she wrote.
777 01:12:17 莉莉安娜可能是疯了。Liliana may have been insane.
778 01:12:18 但这一切都是真的。But it was all true.
779 01:12:20 好吧,我知道你很生气。Okay, I know you're upset.
780 01:12:23 -但我不会再重复一遍了-你来过这房子- But I won't go over this again… - You came into this house.
781 01:12:29 你赢得了我姑姑们的信任。You earned my aunts' trust.
782 01:12:33 某个时候你发现他们在银行有存款。At some point you found out they had money in the bank.
783 01:12:37 他们从父母那里继承的财产。Properties they had inherited from their parents.
784 01:12:41 我不在。I was away.
785 01:12:44 你看到了机会You saw a chance
786 01:12:46 你决定接受它。and you decided to take it.
787 01:12:47 你真的认为我…?Do you really think I…?
788 01:12:49 你想让他们签一份文件。You tried to have them sign a document.
789 01:12:52 这样你就可以夺走他们的一切。So you could take everything from them.
790 01:12:56 莉莉安娜很随和。Liliana was easy.
791 01:12:58 但尤金尼亚…But Eugenia…
792 01:13:02 她一点也不相信你爱上了她妹妹。She didn't believe for a second that you were in love with her sister.
793 01:13:06 够了,玛丽安娜,我…That's enough, Mariana, I…
794 01:13:08 我不知道I don't know
795 01:13:09 如果你真的让她怀孕了。if you did get her pregnant.
796 01:13:12 但我知道你在事情变得复杂时离开了她。But I know you left her when things got complicated.
797 01:13:16 莉莉安娜像往常一样责怪她妹妹。Liliana blamed her sister as usual.
798 01:13:20 因为她不想签字。Because she didn't want to sign.
799 01:13:24 尤金妮亚试图警告我。Eugenia tried to warn me.
800 01:13:27 她打电话给我,She called me,
801 01:13:29 但我没有回答。but I didn't answer.
802 01:13:30 你疯了,玛丽安娜。You're losing your mind, Mariana.
803 01:13:33 你是怎么编出这些故事的?How can you make up all that story?
804 01:13:36 打开它。Open it.
805 01:13:42 怎么啦?What?
806 01:13:45 打开它,告诉我这是个谎言。Open it and tell me it's a lie.
807 01:13:56 继续,读吧。Go on, read it.
808 01:14:04 -玛丽安娜这是-这是你想让他们签的- Mariana, this is… - That's what you tried to have them sign.
809 01:14:08 你会得到一切。You would get everything.
810 01:14:10 这所房子里。钱,所有的财产。This house. The money, all the properties.
811 01:14:14 莉莉安娜签了字。Liliana did sign.
812 01:14:16 只剩下尤金妮娅了。Only Eugenia was left.
813 01:14:17 -不,我绝不会…-什么?- No, I would never… - What?
814 01:14:23 这是我想象出来的吗?Am I imagining this?
815 01:14:24 他们一个人也没有!They didn't have anyone!
816 01:14:26 你在世界的另一边!You were on the other side of the world!
817 01:14:29 他们需要有人帮他们整理东西。They needed someone to organize things for them.
818 01:14:32 他们需要支付治疗费用,雇佣护士。They needed to pay for treatments, hire nurses.
819 01:14:35 一切都是我自己付的!I paid for everything myself!
820 01:14:44 你从来不接他们的电话。You never answered their calls.
821 01:14:47 我从没勾引过你姨妈I never seduced your aunt
822 01:14:50 我也没让她怀孕and I never got her pregnant.
823 01:14:54 这吗?And this?
824 01:14:56 这证明不了什么。This proves nothing.
825 01:15:04 我不需要证据。I don't need proof.
826 01:15:08 只有惩罚。Only retribution.
827 01:15:16 玛丽安娜,听我说。Mariana, listen to me.
828 01:15:23 马里亚纳,我…Mariana, I…
829 01:15:29 玛丽安娜,帮帮我。Mariana, help me.
830 01:15:31 帮助我。Help me.
831 01:16:01 萝拉?洛拉,你在吗?Lola? Lola, are you there?
832 01:16:05 你在哪里?Where are you?
833 01:16:11 放了我女儿,你们这些该死的女巫!Let my daughter go, you fucking witches!
834 01:16:15 你得到了你想要的。You've got what you wanted.
835 01:16:18 回答我,混蛋!Answer me, fuckers!
836 01:16:21 我做了我该做的!I did my part!
837 01:16:27 你还想从我这里得到什么?What else do you want from me?
838 01:16:31 你还想要什么?What else do you want?
839 01:16:50 姨妈家的电话Aunts' home number
840 01:17:06 ——你好吗?-马里亚纳。- Hello? - Mariana.
841 01:17:08 -玛丽安娜,你能听到吗?-你是谁?- Mariana, can you hear me? - Who is this?
842 01:17:10 玛丽安妮塔,你怎么这么久才回答?Marianita, why did you take so long to answer?
843 01:17:15 ——阿姨?-我打了很多次电话。我们需要你。- Aunt? - I called many times. We need you.
844 01:17:19 阿姨!Aunt!
845 01:17:21 你对萝拉做了什么?What have you done with Lola?
846 01:17:25 莉莉阿姨身体不好。Aunt Lili is not well.
847 01:17:27 我很害怕,玛丽安妮塔。我很害怕。I'm scared, Marianita. I'm scared.
848 01:17:30 我照你说的做了!我只想见到萝拉!I did what you asked for! I only want to see Lola!
849 01:17:35 你答应过要照顾我们的。You promised to look after us.
850 01:17:38 你走得太远了。You went so far away.
851 01:17:40 -你没在听吗?-你抛弃了我们。- Aren't you listening? - You abandoned us.
852 01:17:43 洛拉在哪里?她在哪里?我只想见到她!Where is Lola? Where is she? All I want is to see her!
853 01:17:49 我们需要你和我们在一起。We need you here with us.
854 01:20:01 马里亚纳!Mariana!
855 01:20:12 马里亚纳?Mariana?
856 01:20:27 马里亚纳!Mariana!
857 01:20:32 马里亚纳!Mariana!
858 01:20:39 马里亚纳?Mariana?
859 01:20:42 你到底在哪儿?Where the hell are you?
860 01:20:47 马里亚纳?Mariana?
861 01:21:11 马里亚纳?Mariana?
862 01:21:24 马里亚纳?Mariana?
863 01:21:26 马里亚纳群岛。Mariana.
864 01:21:34 嘿。Hey.
865 01:21:48 你做了什么,玛丽安娜?你做了什么?What did you do, Mariana? What did you do?
866 01:22:01 蜂蜜。Honey.
867 01:22:08 蜂蜜。Honey.
868 01:22:17 六个月后SIX MONTHS LATER
869 01:22:21 如果我们意见一致,只要签个契约就行了。If we are in agreement, we only have to sign the deed.
870 01:22:28 祝贺你。房子是你的了。Congratulations. The house is yours.
871 01:22:31 谢谢你!是我们的荣幸。Thank you. It's been our pleasure.
872 01:22:34 这是一栋老房子,但很有潜力。It's an old house, but it has a lot of potential.
873 01:22:38 我的意思是,你可以重新装修和重做一切。I mean, you can remodel and redo everything.
874 01:22:42 洛拉,亲爱的,我们走吧。Lola, honey, let's go.
875 01:22:44 这是……And this is…
876 01:22:47 嗯,这是……Well, this is…
877 01:22:49 你知道的。我是说,这个露台太棒了……You know. I mean, this patio is wonderfully…
878 01:22:52 这正是我们要找的。It's exactly what we were looking for.
879 01:22:54 它就在中间,所有的房间都围绕着它,所有的开放空间……It's right in the middle, all rooms around it, all this open space…
880 01:23:03 这个空间太棒了。我认为你可以用……This space is wonderful. I think you could do great things with…
881 01:23:46 ♬你总是问♬♪ You always ask ♪
882 01:23:49 如果你在我的梦里♪ If you are in my dreams ♪
883 01:23:53 如果我在你熟睡时想起你♪ If I think of you While you're sleeping ♪
884 01:24:01 ♬你一定知道♪ You must know ♪
885 01:24:04 ♬我永远不会忘记♪ That I will never forget ♪
886 01:24:08 ♬你的手如何紧紧地握在我的手里♪ How your hand fits into mine ♪
887 01:24:15 ♬我不知道现在让你明白是否太早了♪ I don't know if it's too soon For you to understand ♪
888 01:24:23 也许你马上就会忘记♪ Maybe you'll forget right away ♪
889 01:24:30 ♬什么都没有♪ There is nothing ♪
890 01:24:34 ♬我不会为你付出♪ I wouldn't give for you ♪
891 01:24:38 ♬我爱你胜过这世界上的一切♪ I love you more Than anything in the world ♪
892 01:25:34 ♬当我看到你出现在我的梦里♪ When I see you appear in my dreams ♪
893 01:25:42 ♬遨游到太空深处♪ Traveling into deep space ♪
894 01:25:49 ♬你会记得,在群星之间♪ You will remember, among the stars ♪
895 01:25:57 ♬我爱你胜过这世界上的一切♪ That I love you More than anything in the world ♪